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Rhetoric has claimed Chapman's Coatesville address as its own, but the hermeneutic tradition adds to our understanding of it. As a speech act it was intentionally a non‐event, a memorial for its own failure. This was its strange rhetorical purpose and its claim on a posthumous textual life. In a strange way, it is more a hermeneutic than a rhetorical act, an anticipation of its own future life after death. The open‐ended strategy of the speech is a self‐reflexive enactment. Chapman's Coatesville address is a textual model, illustrating the passage from autobiography to rhetorical engagement, from self to community. Because its community is the nation that as yet has not dealt with its darkest problem, the narrative identity of the speech's audience is an identity in process. Caught up in the reception of the speech, we are still being invited to respond to that lynching at Coatesville.  相似文献   

On July 8, 2003, at Goree Island, Senegal, George W. Bush delivered the most important speech on American slavery since Abraham Lincoln. As an example of rhetorical artistry, the speech is a masterpiece, putting the brutality of slavery into historical, political, and theological perspective. Although the speech had deliberative effects—it grew out of, and contributed to, the Millennium Challenge as well as the administration's African AIDS initiative—it was primarily an epideictic speech that envisioned Providential history as its audience. By adopting the God of history as audience, Bush was able to confess the nation's original sin and to begin to make amends by directing billions of dollars to African development as well as treatment of AIDS and malaria. While largely successful with Africans, the speech left many African Americans both puzzled and angry. The Bush administration could have built on the initial success of the Goree Island speech by extending the internal logic of the address to the material conditions of African Americans, but it did not.  相似文献   

On May 31, 1897, William James, one of America's most influential philosophers and psychologists, delivered the first civic oration of his career. The principal orator at the dedication of the Robert Gould Shaw memorial in Boston, James did what commemorative speakers are not supposed to do. He chose to be confrontational and divisive in a situation that called for exactly the opposite. Nevertheless, upon conclusion of his speech the audience erupted in applause, hailing his remarks as both unconventional and fitting. In this essay, I explore how James's speech could be both unconventional and fitting. I argue that his Shaw memorial oration demonstrates a style of commemorative discourse that is conflictual, even disruptive, yet capable of serving the ends of the epideictic tradition. As I show, James used his intellectual ethos as the nation's leading psychologist to construct a kind of communal therapy session, at the heart of which was the notion of “lonely courage.” With this strangely individualistic civic virtue, James turned his audience from spectators gazing upon the Shaw memorial to active participants in the memorial's meaning. Ultimately, his individualistic notion of civic virtue stands as an alternative to other forms of civic virtue and to the patterns of epideictic discourse that authorize them.  相似文献   

Irony is frequently used in our daily life.Traditionally,Irony is only considered as a figure of speech.Because of its importance and prevalence,irony has gotten a lot of attention over the last few years.In this paper,I concentrate on the pragmatic perspective of irony and try to find out the characteristics and functions of irony.In addition,the reasons of people choose to use irony in dairy life.At the beginning,I will introduce the basic definition and types of irony.Then I try to analyze the irony according to cooperative principles,politeness principle,irony principle,speech act theory of communication to explore the generation and comprehension of irony.Moreover,I illustrate the pragmatic functions of irony with appropriate examples.Finally,the paper emphasizes the importance of irony and predicts future development of irony.  相似文献   

Free speech jurisprudence is caught between crediting the First Amendment rights of students when they resemble adults or restricting such rights when students seemingly act as children. In Morse v. Frederick (2007), the Supreme Court ruled against Joseph Frederick and his “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” banner because Frederick's speech seemed valueless as an adult act, as it lacked any discernible political value. In this essay, Neil Dhingra uses Hannah Arendt's thought to argue that schools should not be interpreted as political spaces but as social spaces where educational authorities should exercise forbearance as students such as Frederick learn to exercise their free speech rights. In particular, students will practice their First Amendment rights by exposing and exploring the discrepancy between appearance and reality, through dark forms of humor, and in forming different types of friendship, all of which schools are unlikely to be able to manage or interpret. Recognizing these unruly and quasi‐humorous forms of First Amendment practice helps make sense of Frederick's banner. Dhingra argues that in order to create space for students to develop freely — that is, without being subject to excessive scrutiny or succumbing to the danger of conformity, or both — schools should show a wide but not unlimited tolerance to speech like that of Frederick, which may otherwise be dismissed as childish and valueless “gibberish.”  相似文献   

Speaking during the platform debate at the 1896 Democratic convention, Nebraska's famous orator William Jennings Bryan delivered his impassioned speech, “A Cross of Gold.” This speech employed the radical's rhetorical technique of polarization. The currency question became a flag issue that symbolized the gulfs between the rich and the poor and between the East and the West. Although many authorities believe, perhaps correctly, that this speech gained him the nomination for President of the United States, Bryan did not adapt to the greater diversity of interests and viewpoints of the national audience.  相似文献   

This article answers critical and theoretical calls for the study of ordinary talk by analyzing a transcribed speech in which Alvertis Simmons, a member of the Denver, Colorado, African American community, engaged a panel of school board officials on the topic of racial stereotypes in an elementary school science experiment. Simmons's discourse can be shown symbolically to reorganize features of integrationist and nationalist ways of speaking-two dominant strands of mid- to late-twentieth century African American public address. Building a theory of "oratorical influence" from these intertextual relationships, this essay concludes that the force of public discourse may reside less in a speaker's ability to persuade an audience than in an audience's willingness to recycle and revise figural aspects of a speaker's discourse in their everyday talk. An interpretive stance such as this can encourage rhetorical critics to expand their objects of critique, to include more ordinary ways of speaking that follow after highly styled public texts.  相似文献   

The First Crusade speech of Urban II has been acclaimed one of the most effective orations in history. The far‐reaching impact of the speech can be attributed to a number of factors, such as the Eleventh‐Century events and issues which preceded the Pope's call to arms. But probably the major reason for the intense reaction to the address can be traced to Urban's unique shaping of a new image of redemption for members of his audience who had been burdened by guilt. The address also appears to fit a discernible pattern of war rhetoric which has been instrumental in motivating men to take up arms.  相似文献   

This tropological analysis of “On the Equality of the Sexes” (1790) argues that Judith Sargent Murray deployed a series of ironic reversals, including an example of Kenneth Burke's “dialectical” irony, to make her famous case for women's capacity to reason. As such, the article elucidates this trope's peculiar rhetorical potential within the context of eighteenth-century debates on female education and investigates how it can function in conjunction with romantic irony. Significantly, Murray deployed romantic irony in order to question her era's commonplace ideas about women's intellectual capacities and conventional female education. She then employed dialectical irony in order to sidestep relativism, playing off and departing from the expanded field of possibilities that romantic irony opened up. In so doing, she cast doubt upon commonly held doubts themselves, questioning the subversiveness normally associated with learned ladies. Through this series of ironic turns, readers were invited to change their previous beliefs and then presented with a clear means of moving forward—thereby opening a path for elite European American girls to be educated in traditionally masculine domains.  相似文献   

This paper examines women's voice and silence in the academy. It begins with a discussion of the theoretical underpinnings of feminine voice and silence, and then analyses the gendered production of girls'/women's voices throughout their schooling careers from the primary to university classroom. This is followed by a discussion of the contradictory politics of voice when differences clash among women (students) of colour. I argue here that ‘granting’ spaces for women's speech may be pedagogically desirable but has potentially silencing effects. In closing, I consider some pedagogical strategies that can potentially enable women to better partake in the management of their own academic, social, and political interests.  相似文献   

演讲发表演讲,就是要说服,鼓动和影响听众,要达到这一目的,首先要了解听众心理,本试从定势选择,审视评价,从众应和三方面分析了听众心理,并探讨了如何顺应以上心理特点,提高演讲的针对性,实效性,感染力。  相似文献   

For generations, critics have dismissed James Forman's “Black Manifesto” as a rhetorical failure. Such judgments tend to focus on the prophetic and retributive registers of the speech and fail to account for the full range of its ironic structuration. By examining the complex interchange of prophetic, retributive, and tragic registers through which the “Manifesto” is constructed, we can more fully appreciate how Forman created a space for his auditors to reflect and redirect the vengeful and violent sociohistorical drama seemingly otherwise implied. At the same time, it helps to explain why some black auditors embraced the leadership role Forman directed them to assume, while many whites reviled the supporting role to which they were consigned. Interpreting the speech in terms of the interplay of its multiple ironic registers invites us to focus attention on the ways in which ironic protest rhetoric operates in dialogue, holding both the ironist and the audience accountable for the productivity of their encounter.  相似文献   

受众在演讲活动中起着举足轻重的作用,然而中国学生的演讲缺失"以受众为中心"这一关键环节,要解决这一问题,可以从如下三方面入手:演讲的内容应让"受众"了解较多的新信息;"受众"需要解决实际问题是演讲的最终目的;"受众"来评价演讲是演讲的评价渠道。  相似文献   

影片《肖申克的救赎》与《圣经》互文指涉,影片的故事情节架构与《旧约·出埃及记》的神话模式相似,而且,影片运用了圣经u型叙事结构来刻画人物命运并实现主题寓意;不仅如此,影片还采用了不可靠叙述及反讽叙事策略,使观众在观看影片的时候需要进行双重解码。后现代派叙事策略的运用增强了影片的艺术性,深化了影片的主题意义。  相似文献   

反讽是中国现代诗歌的重要表现技巧。反讽不仅是一种语言修辞,也是一种观照世界的生命态度和方式。论文主要以第三代诗歌文本为例,分析阐述反讽在诗歌中的具体表现:言语反讽、戏仿式反讽、存在式反讽等。  相似文献   

Building communicative competence in textual and multimodal literacies has become a linchpin of learning, of engagement with the world, and of participation in online and blended spaces. Young creators now compose online and with digital tools, often in what we call “user‐generated content affinity spaces” – interest‐based spaces that focus on creating and sharing self‐made content. Such spaces focus on processes of developing users' creations and sharing the products with an audience. These spaces have been inspirations for teachers to reinvigorate classroom practices and expose students to learning opportunities for creation and critique. But questions remain about models of participation in such spaces, especially those that idealise youth who are the most highly engaged while ignoring those whose participation is less visible. Here, we share three experiences of bringing user‐generated content affinity spaces into more formal learning environments and reflect on the tensions emerging from these efforts. We end by outlining steps to develop theory and interventions to navigate tensions and propel the field forward.  相似文献   

张天翼的讽刺艺术辛辣、犀利、冷隽,融道德讽刺、政治讽刺、人性讽刺于一体。他在短篇小说《砥柱》中通过一次轮船旅行对20世纪二三十年代社会众生像进行了一次浓缩和速写,灵活交叉运用第三人称限知式视角和自由间接引语,从而使文本生成了浓烈的喜剧效果和个性化的讽刺艺术。  相似文献   

在《裘力斯·凯撒》一剧中,勃鲁托斯和安东尼在凯撒的葬礼上各自发表演说。正是依靠这场论辩,安东尼成功鼓动罗马民众发动暴乱,粉碎了勃鲁托斯对罗马共和之路的幢憬。借助西方修辞学受众视角,本文将对两位演说者的修辞策略进行对比分析,包括演说篇幅、互动程度、修辞资源与修辞韬晦等四个方面。最后,既然安东尼的成功是由于他遵循“以受众为中心”这一修辞的基本原则,可见西方修辞学受众视角对中国对外宣传的修辞实践具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

反讽的语用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从合作原则、礼貌原则、言语行为理论等语用的角度探讨反讽问题。反讽是说话人出于礼貌故意违反质量准则而产生的,通过表面上对合作原则的违反,反讽原则使说话人能够给自己不礼貌的言语披上一层礼貌的面纱,从而既从根本上遵循了合作原则和礼貌原则,又表达了自己的真实意图。反讽是一种间接言语行为,一种“戴了面纱的”威胁面子的言语行为。  相似文献   

Audre Lorde's speech, “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action, “sheds light on the margins of rhetoric in the sense of the public speech because she examines factors that may cause some people to remain silent while enabling others to speak and act. “Margins” refers both to the parameters employed for defining a practice and the relative place or value of varied activities exemplifying the practice. Lorde interweaves her commentary on the silence surrounding breast cancer with insights about silence drawn from her experiences as a member of several subordinated communities, especially as they relate to the misuse of power to silence those who are different. Her speech comments on silencing and power, sexism, verbal abuse, violence and sexualized aggression, shame, the taboo, and hostile social environments. Paradoxically, Lorde's speech is as much about the possibilities of rhetoric as its limits.  相似文献   

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