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本文主要对网络语言的语言学价值进行了探讨,从而进一步指出,只有充分重视对语言交际的各个窗口进行考察,才能有效积累起语言学知识,让网络语言的语言学价值得以充分体现,最终促使语言生活能朝着健康和谐的方向发展。  相似文献   

批评话语分析(cDA)作为一门新的语言分析手段,其最重要的理论基础和最主要的方法论来源于Halliday的系统功能语言学,旨在通过分析大众语篇揭示权利、意识形态与语篇的关系。运用CDA理论和Halliday的系统功能语言学理论,以奥巴马总统2013年发表的连任就职演讲为例,对其中的语言转换进行分析和解读,试图揭示自由、平等、民主等价值观是如何传播给大众并获得支持。  相似文献   

This article addresses validity and fairness in the testing of English language learners (ELLs)—students in the United States who are developing English as a second language. It discusses limitations of current approaches to examining the linguistic features of items and their effect on the performance of ELL students. The article submits that these limitations stem from the fact that current ELL testing practices are not effective in addressing three basic notions on the nature of language and the linguistic features of test items: (a) language is a probabilistic phenomenon, (b) the linguistic features of test items are multidimensional and interconnected, and (c) each test item has a unique set of linguistic affordances and constraints. Along with the limitations of current testing practices, for each notion, the article discusses evidence of the effectiveness of several probabilistic approaches to examining the linguistic features of test items in ELL testing.  相似文献   

现代外语教学流派众多,各有利弊,而认知语言学理论作为穿引线与.其他语言学理论取长补短,融入外语教学中,即“行为—认知”初级阶段、“认知-语法”中级阶段、“认知-功能”高级阶段,不仅是对以前语言学理论不足的补充,也是对认知语言学自身的不断完善。不断完善语言学理论,综合运用不同教法,有利于外语教学改革。  相似文献   

近年来,提高高等教育本科教学质量已成为全球较为关注的问题之一。但就高校中文专业本科生的语言教育来看,汉语教育和语言理论教育的质量并不十分理想。笔者认为,充分利用本土语言资源优势,通过高校中文专业语言类课程,实施本科生语言研究素质培养模式,是提高汉语教育和语言理论教育质量的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

While a substantial body of research exists on First- and Second-Language Acquisition (SLA), research on the language acquisition process that a language minority student goes through when they are acquiring a second language has been largely unexplored. Pedagogical practices that espouse language learning theories facilitate both the language development and integration of the language minority child into the classroom. This paper will look at various linguistic variables within the field of SLA which are of particular relevance to the language acquisition process of such students in an Irish context. By embedding these linguistic factors into pedagogical practices, educators can engage with a transformative framework which will not only aid their linguistic and cognitive development, but will also empower the students by developing their critical language skills and facilitate their ability to access the mainstream curriculum.  相似文献   

"萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说"包括两个基本观点,即语言决定论和语言相对论。其中语言决定论,也就是语言决定思维,由于其过分强调了语言对思维的决定作用,已经渐渐地淡出了语言学家的研究视野,主要是由于其决定作用过于强势。语言相对论即语言反映思维、信念、态度等。跨文化交际学是一门新兴的学科,语言与思维的关系,以及语言与文化的关系一直以来都是跨文化交际学中不可回避的问题,提及语言与思维,与文化的关系,就离不开对萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说的讨论。作者从该假说的语言相对论角度入手,把该假说放入跨文化交际当中,让读者可以更好地体会为什么在交际过程中,语言不同的人,在思维方式和文化形态上的表现也有所不同,希望从此角度给能给读者以启发,以便更好地进行交际。  相似文献   

变异语言体现人文精神,它是合目的性的特殊言语形式。规范语言体现科学精神,它是合规律性的普通言语形式。变异语言的人文精神与规范语言的科学精神是人类精神的内在组成部分,也是人类实践不可或缺的精神动力,人文精神与科学精神的融通互渗,统一构建了语言的自然形态。变异语言与规范语言的矛盾统一性具体表现为:艺术性与科学性、感性与理性、临时性与稳定性、个别性与一般性的矛盾统一,这种矛盾统一反映了两种言语形式存在的现实性和丰富性、必要性和必然性,反映了语言现象的本质。  相似文献   

高职院校开展思想政治教育工作,教育者应讲究语言艺术,使语言具有亲和力、鼓动力、感染力,能动之以情、晓之以理、导之以德,从而达到教化的目的.  相似文献   

区别于非规则型的以语言活动为学习手段的外语学习途径,外语教学途径基于规则并以语言活动为教学目的.外语教学法是以某种语言学理论对于语言本质的认识为基础,在特定的语法框架内,对语言项目和语言技能构成的外语教学活动有条理的程序权重规划.交际语言教学抛弃语法知识框架,以运用规则为框架组织语言活动,不可能产生"交际法".外语教学研究在交际语言教学的外语教学法缺席之后回归方法论、回归外语教学法,其实质是回归语法途径.  相似文献   

从斯大林《马克思主义和语言学问题》探究语言的特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语言是一种内部结构复杂且组织严密、功能强大的符号系统和特殊的社会现象,不同领域的人们对于语言特性的理解也是各种各样的。通过对斯大林《马克思主义和语言学问题》的研读,从中分析出了11种语言的特性,其中语言的渐变性、非上层建筑性、非阶级性和直接的工具性具有非常独特的价值。这4种特性加到语言的定义巾,语言的定义才更加准确。我们应该从不同的角度去思考语言,这样做对我们深刻理解语言和语言理论是大有裨益的。  相似文献   

This article addresses the issue of language-related construct-irrelevant variance on content area tests from the perspective of systemic functional linguistics. We propose that the construct relevance of language used in content area assessments, and consequent claims of construct-irrelevant variance and bias, should be determined according to the degree of correspondence between language use in the assessment and language use in the educational contexts in which the content is learned and used. This can be accomplished by matching the linguistic features of an assessment and the linguistic features of the domain in which the assessment is measuring achievement. This represents a departure from previous work on the assessment of English language learners’ content knowledge that has assumed complex linguistic features are a source of construct irrelevant variance by virtue of their complexity.  相似文献   

娄丽雯 《海外英语》2014,(15):232-234
Memetics is originally a theory for interpreting cultural evolution. Memes, coined to disclose a strong analogy with genes, are ideas that spread through human cultures and across the generation. As cultural replicators, memes are propagated and transmitted through imitation; language, as part of culture, produces under the influence of memes. This paper discusses the relationship between language and culture and that between language and memes. In addition, the classification of linguistic memes and the survival law residing in the memes are also expounded. The next research will focus on the impact of linguistic memes on translation and language teaching.  相似文献   

目前教育界对外语教学的主要目标是培养学生的跨文化交际能力这一点已达成共识,但是对于语言能力在跨文化交际能力中所起的作用仍然存在分歧,且相关的实证研究较少.本文是对语言能力和跨文化交际能力相关性的实证初探,研究工具为自测问卷,一共有264名在校大学生参加了测评,测评结果表明语言能力强的学生比语言能力弱的学生在跨文化交际能力总体及其子能力上表现优异.  相似文献   

哈尼语属汉藏语系藏缅语族彝语支,是SOV语言,在语法上与汉语有着较大的相异点。除了语序的不同,其他句法结构也与汉语有许多差异。与汉语相比,哈尼语数量结构的句法特征非常鲜明:数量补语空缺、数量修饰语语序独特。从形式语言学和语言类型学两个角度都可以找出哈尼语和汉语的数量结构的共性和个性,可以归纳出语法的某些类型学特征,为语言应用研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

翻译作为一种跨文化交际,不仅是语言的转换过程,同时也是文化的移植过程。在语际翻译的过程中,由于英汉语言与文化的差异,形成了翻译的局限性这一问题。文章以大量的例证从英汉语言和文化差异的不同层面进行了具体的分析,并提出具备扎实的语言功底和跨文化的意识才能真正做到语言意义和文化意义的对等。  相似文献   

语篇(Discourse)指的是实际使用的语言单位,是交流过程中的一系列连续的语段或句子所构成的语言整体。总的说来,语篇由一个以上的语段或句子组成,其中各成分之间,在形式上是衔接(Cohension)的,在语义上是连贯(Coherence)的。文章从语言结构和篇章语言学理论的角度,探讨英语阅读课教学中如何处理某些语言障碍。在选择限制原理的指导下猜词、做完形填空以及将顺序打乱的段落重新组段;利用语言链正确理解文章上下文中的代词和逻辑关系。  相似文献   

本文从维果茨基的社会文化理论的视角探讨外语教师的语言知识的建构,认为外语教师的语言知识,不论是关于语言的知识、运用语言的知识,还是教学的语言知识都应被视为是从社会环境的经验中产生的。外语教师的教学的语言知识至少应该涉及关于语言的知识,对外语学习过程的理解,以及批判的语言意识等几个方面。这几个方面的知识都与教师原有的生活经历和知识基础相关。外语教师的学习和教学经验决定了其教学的语言知识基础,这就意味着教师的自传应置于外语教师发展中的重要的地位。  相似文献   

语言通过不断的变化来适应不断变化的语言生态环境。语言的变异与变化是一个动态的过程。语言与语言生态环境相互依存,相互作用,相互影响。语言生态环境中的多样化因素导致了语言变异的产生。在语言变异与语言生态环境的互动中,语言变异不仅能维护语言生态,保持语言的活力,同时也能促进语言生态环境的生态化。但是某些语言变体的广泛传播也会造成语言生态环境的污染,影响语言生态环境的健康。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to examine the language characteristics of a few states' large-scale assessments of mathematics and science and investigate whether the language demands of the items are associated with the degree of differential item functioning (DIF) for English language learner (ELL) students. A total of 542 items from 11 assessments at Grades 4, 5, 7, and 8 from three states were rated for the linguistic complexity based on a developed linguistic coding scheme. The linguistic ratings were compared to each item's DIF statistics. The results yielded a stronger association between the linguistic rating and DIF statistics for ELL students in the “relatively easy” items than in the “not easy” items. Particularly, general academic vocabulary and the amount of language in an item were found to have the strongest association with the degrees of DIF, particularly for ELL students with low English language proficiency. Furthermore, the items were grouped into four bundles to closely look at the relationship between the varying degrees of language demands and ELL students' performance. Differential bundling functioning (DBF) results indicated that the exhibited DBF was more substantial as the language demands increased. By disentangling linguistic difficulty from content difficulty, the results of the study provide strong evidence of the impact of linguistic complexity on ELL students' performance on tests. The study discusses the implications for the validation of the tests and instructions for ELL students.  相似文献   

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