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Teachers as researchers and researchers as teachers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This paper aims to start a conversation about a common yet under-examined emotion experienced by academic writers worldwide: frustration. What is frustration, exactly? What are its causes and effects, its symptoms and its cures? Is frustration an impediment to writing or a motivational impetus? Can academic writers vanquish frustration, or must we merely learn to live with it? Mirroring rather than mastering the complexities of this multifaceted emotion, we have structured our inquiry as a multiple-entry maze where frustration unfolds beyond each threshold as uncharted terrain: a place of neurological explanations, playful etymological twists and metaphorical metamorphoses. The paper re-enacts our own collaborative journey through the maze, meditating on and modelling some of the frustration-easing strategies that we developed along the way.  相似文献   

“九一八事交”后,救亡抗日成了当时文艺的主旋律,东北作家是最活跃的群体。萧军、白朗、萧红、端木蕻良、高兰、罗烽、舒群等一批东北作家,以第一手材料写出的救亡抗日题材的作品,对当时文坛产生了冲击与震荡,在中国新文学史上谱写了光辉的篇章,他们对中国文学的贡献是不可磨灭的。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore whether college normally achieving writers (n = 35), writers with learning disabilities (n = 35), and underprepared writers (n = 35) demonstrated any differences in their ability to utilize the semantic roles and syntactic rules needed to apply cohesive referencing in written text. Cohesive referencing (the ability to assign roles to the speaker and addressee in written communication) is a critical aspect of written language. In addition, the study explored the relation between referential cohesion and the quality and coherence of a written text.  相似文献   

安恬 《高中生》2012,(10):48-49
记得本人看过一篇文章。说当今的大学生都很功利、很现实,老学一些能“赚钱”的专业,比如金融学、会计学等。此话不假。会计学确实是一个“钱途”很广的专业,该专业人才需求量大,工作机会多,工作稳定,工资上升较快。相对于其他经济管理类专业,它的实际应用性更强。说白了,会计人员就是跟“钱”打交道的。既然“钱途”很广,自然也就很热门。具有毅力和细心、对数字敏感的人,不妨选择报考会计学专业。  相似文献   

贺州处于湘、粤、桂三省(区)交汇处,是一个山水美丽的地方,也是一个多民族聚居的地区,少数民族风情浓郁。中原文化、百越文化、湘楚文化等多种文化在这里交汇,特殊的历史文化造就了贺州众多的人文景观,也使得古道余韵积淀了浓厚的地域文化色彩。而贺州瑶族作家又是生活在多民族杂居、民族文化频繁交流的环境中和世界文化交流更为错综复杂的大背景下,他们创作作品的内涵呈现多元的态势。  相似文献   

讴歌母爱、塑造母亲形象是文学的一个母题。近代的女作家们在传统角色被冲破后,她们借"母亲"的名义,张扬新女性与新女性观,在历史与文学中创造别样的她。  相似文献   

分析了TMS教材的特点和改革思路,对大学数学教材的改革提出了自己的看法和建议。  相似文献   

家庭是社会的有机组成部分,在构建社会主体和谐社会实践中,需要以社会主义婚姻家庭观为基础实现家庭和谐。本文以马克思主义经典作家诠释的社会主义婚姻家庭观为研究视角,针对爱情观、道德观、义务观展开分析讨论,旨在为人民群众形成正确家庭婚姻观提供参考与借鉴,期待为马克思主义伦理学认知贡献绵薄之力。  相似文献   

教材是服务于教学的工具和材料,是课程资源的重要组成部分,但教材只能作为课堂教学的依据,因此在英语教学中教师需要结合实际,对教材进行增、减、改、删,并根据学生实情、教学难度、教学时间来整合教材;而且还要有机整合各学科知识,有效延伸超越教材,不断地开发新的课程资源,以生成丰富、多样的教学内容.  相似文献   

Deaf high school students at different schools shared second drafts of their own narratives via an electronic bulletin board after conferencing with their repective teachers. This article characterizes the kinds of questions teachers asked during the conferences and the kinds of revisions the students made between first and second drafts. Results indicate that teachers most often ask questions that require student to provide more information; yet these questions do not affect revision as much as questions which require students to rephrase specific language. Students typically either added or substituted words or phrases that showed both similarities to and differences from the revision patterns of inexperienced writers with normal hearing. In the majority of cases, trained readers rated the deaf students' revised drafts better than their first attempts, signifying the central role revision plays in the composition process.  相似文献   

Hugh Crago is co-author (with Maureen Crago) ofPrelude to Literacy (1983). His new book,A Family in Time, will be published in 1994 by McPhee-Gribble/Penguin (Melbourne). Why Readers Read What Writers Write is an edited version of Chapter 1 of a forthcoming book entitledStories Make Us Make Stories.  相似文献   

This paper reports upon the insights gained through working with teachers as writers at their own level. As part of a two‐year research project into the development of children's voice and verve in writing, a group of fourteen teachers' reflective journeys as writers were documented. Two other groups of teachers and one group of student teachers also took part in writers' workshops across the same period. The data encompassed: questionnaires, observations and teacher commentaries on their own writing, as well as interviews. A number of issues emerged, including: the tension between public and private writing and the security of the writing environment; authenticity in modelling writing; the importance of re‐reading writing at the point of composition; the significance of choice and autonomy in writing and the potency of drama as an ideational and reflective tool. The consequences for classroom practice are also considered. It is argued that in order to enhance the teaching of writing, teachers and student teachers need real opportunities to write at their own level and reflect upon the process.  相似文献   

More and more researchers realized that what happened in classrooms was deeply influenced by the social and cultural contexts outside and various articles and researches have been written or done to ad...  相似文献   

《文心雕龙》在评议作家时,能够兼顾思想和艺术两个方面,和前人相比,更具文学眼光,刘勰注意研究作家的全部作品,善于发现作家优点,评议尽量避免偏颇,刘勰不一味推崇著名作家,对其做出的评价更严格,魏晋时代是文学的自觉时代,传统的文人概念发生了变化,这对刘勰能够全面地评价作家有一定的影响。  相似文献   

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