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Audre Lorde's speech, “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action, “sheds light on the margins of rhetoric in the sense of the public speech because she examines factors that may cause some people to remain silent while enabling others to speak and act. “Margins” refers both to the parameters employed for defining a practice and the relative place or value of varied activities exemplifying the practice. Lorde interweaves her commentary on the silence surrounding breast cancer with insights about silence drawn from her experiences as a member of several subordinated communities, especially as they relate to the misuse of power to silence those who are different. Her speech comments on silencing and power, sexism, verbal abuse, violence and sexualized aggression, shame, the taboo, and hostile social environments. Paradoxically, Lorde's speech is as much about the possibilities of rhetoric as its limits.  相似文献   

Underlying much twentieth century rhetorical theorizing has been the intuition that functionally and instrumentally, rhetoric requires a complement, for instance, dialectic or “dialogic.” While the work of Maurice Natanson, Richard Weaver, and recent rhetoricians of inquiry provides a dialectical complement to instrumental rhetoric, another tradition in rhetoric represented by the work of Wayne Brockriede and Allen Clark explores dialogue as a complement to instrumental rhetoric. This essay postulates that the philosophy of dialogue developed by Martin Buber provides a coherent grounding for a dialogical/ontological rhetoric. It contrasts, respectively, instrumental and dialogical conceptions of the rhetorical situation and instrumental and dialogical characterizations of the rhetor, the rhetor's purposes and modes of influence. It concludes with a discussion of research issues confronting those interested in further development of a dialogic rhetoric.  相似文献   

宗廷虎先生的修辞学理论和修辞学史研究中贯穿着深刻的辩证理念.这既体现在其对陈望道修辞学思想的概括提炼中,也体现在对修辞学理论体系建构的各个方面.在注重言语交际全过程研究、多边缘学科理论融合及修辞学研究的态度方法等方面,多角度、多层次地体现出辩证理念,为修辞学理论体系建构做出了重大贡献.  相似文献   

This essay maintains that a major shift has occurred in how Kenneth Burke explains symbol‐using. While previously viewing rhetoric as predominantly epistemic, since 1968 Burke has examined human communication as both ontological and epistemic. It is further posited that Burke's conception of symbol‐using is now dialectical, with both ontological and epistemic perspectives simultaneously cast as governing the symbol‐using process. Implications of this epistemic‐ontological view of symbol‐using are outlined for the functions of rhetoric, understanding of Burke's theory of communication, the long‐term effectiveness of Burke's concepts and methods, the literal functions of symbol‐using, the study of mediated communication, reconceiving the definition of a symbol, and for ideological and postmodern criticism.  相似文献   

This essay draws from Edwin Black's Rhetorical Questions to illuminate the role of mutability in rhetoric, consciousness, and social idioms as it is displayed in Haydar ‘Abd al‐Shafi's speech delivered at the Madrid conference on October 31, 1991. Shaft's speech represents a significant mutation in Palestinian discourse. In this speech, the symbolic mold and the hereditarian social idioms that had controlled the Palestinian narrative until the intifada yielded to a mixed idiom that retained the hereditarian values essential for Palestinian identity but opened up space for the convictional values necessary for negotiation and rapprochement with Israel. This essay demonstrates that rhetorical critical theory could benefit from a close reading and application of the themes in Rhetorical Questions.  相似文献   

A special mode of resistance, insolence, forced the Southern gentry to acknowledge a unique power among slaves: their speech. This essay (1) explains the lasting significance of the gentry's efforts to suppress slave speech, (2) recounts the elements of insolence according to ancient and modern authorities on rhetoric, and (3) illustrates how slaves suffered for using this discursive tactic effectively. The nature and limits of slave insolence illuminate several troubled dimensions of plantation society.  相似文献   

语境指一系列影响着人们的言语行为、言语方式及其效果的种种主客观因素所构成的特定的交际环境。在很多学科中语境都是一个非常重要的因素。就修辞学而言,修辞的表达固然重要,但修辞的接受也同样不可或缺。而修辞的接受如果脱离语境,修辞表达再优美,也会造成理解的错误。因此,修辞的接受离不开语境。  相似文献   

王易是我国现代著名的修辞学家,他对中国现代修辞学的贡献主要表现在:构建了中国现代修辞学史上第一个完整而独立的修辞学系统;最早明确了修辞学的研究对象;对语体、风格的研究较具特色;对汉语辞格进行了较深入地研究;运用辩证法研究修辞。正确认识和评价王易的修辞观具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文从交际修辞观的视角着眼,建立了新的旨在描写和解释言语交际活动的调控修辞理论,认为修辞是言语交际活动中的话语效果调控行为,即发话人有效调控言语交际的进程和交际的参与因素,运用针对性的话语策略,最大限度地促使发话人所期望的话语效果的成功实现,并对修辞的本质与性质、修辞调控的过程、修辞策略的构成等进行了新的探索.  相似文献   

Booker T. Washington has long been considered a great compromiser—but not in a way that reflects positively on him. In his infamous Atlanta Exposition Address, he supposedly compromised with the segregationist South in a push for mere economic opportunity for African Americans. This essay, however, reconsiders Washington’s rhetoric, including his speech in Atlanta, by exploring the ways he spoke about human hands, deploying a language that positioned his listeners as agents of resistance capable of pushing back against systems of oppression. Beyond offering a reinterpretation, however, I argue that Washington adeptly navigated the tensions of race, geography, and body of his era and thereby expanded the constituency of civil-rights participants beyond those clustered in Northern urban communities. Ultimately, Washington’s rhetoric of hands prompts us to reconsider his place in the American and African American rhetorical traditions, and it demonstrates the importance of geography in rhetorical criticism.  相似文献   

通过对《镜花缘》一书中的谦敬语进行搜索整理考察,发现人们的言语行为中主要出现的谦敬修辞有比喻、借代、用典、仿拟、夸张五种修辞格,使用谦敬修辞可以贴切地表意,使语言生动形象。  相似文献   

根据谭永祥先生1983年首创的序换辞格论述,结合近期的语言材料,用吴士文辞格结构理论,对序换格进行了分析研究。以语法单位为标准划分出序换格的类别,并归纳出序换格的修辞作用,从而进一步认识这个比较常见常用的修辞手段。  相似文献   

故意利用顿读、顿说而改变词语和句子表达意趣的修辞现象,称作"趣顿"。它属于别解辞格的一个特殊分支。"趣顿"的最显著特点是改变原有词语的内部结构,有些词性也会做相应变更。有的"趣顿",不仅利用了词语内部结构的变化,而且与其他辞格搭配,比如双关辞格兼格,从而增加了妙趣。由于电脑上百度搜索或其他搜索利用"快照"点击时,会出现一些阴差阳错的"标红"笑话,反而有利于趣顿的发现或构成。  相似文献   

互文,在中学语文教材中有较多的类型,如:本句互文见义,对句互文见义,多句互文见义等;使用得当,可达到意义全面而行文简练的效果。  相似文献   

修辞方法的根本属性是言语性,依据其结构和功能特征可分为两类:典型修辞方法和普通修辞方法.普通修辞方法相比典型修辞方法,结构、功能等方面的特点不够典型不够固定,不具习用性.辞格和辞规都应该归属典型修辞方法,辞趣则应区别对待.辞格在整个修辞方法体系中以及在普通修辞方法、辞规的研究中占据着特殊地位.  相似文献   

20世纪国内英汉对比修辞研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从六个方面综述了 2 0世纪国内英汉对比修辞研究的概况 ,它们是英汉修辞理论和方法对比 ,英汉辞格对比 ,英汉语音、词汇、语句、语篇修辞对比 ,英汉习语修辞对比 ,英汉语体、风格对比以及英汉对比修辞研究对教学的启示。文章指出了英汉对比修辞研究存在的一些问题 ,提出该领域尚待加强的地方  相似文献   

在《裘力斯·凯撒》一剧中,勃鲁托斯和安东尼在凯撒的葬礼上各自发表演说。正是依靠这场论辩,安东尼成功鼓动罗马民众发动暴乱,粉碎了勃鲁托斯对罗马共和之路的幢憬。借助西方修辞学受众视角,本文将对两位演说者的修辞策略进行对比分析,包括演说篇幅、互动程度、修辞资源与修辞韬晦等四个方面。最后,既然安东尼的成功是由于他遵循“以受众为中心”这一修辞的基本原则,可见西方修辞学受众视角对中国对外宣传的修辞实践具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

修辞学研究:走向大视野   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
修辞格或修辞技巧,是修辞学研究的一个重要方面.但是,如果研究者的目光锁定在技巧层面,那么,修辞学作为"学"的价值,必然降格为"术",并导致两个结果:加深圈外评判的价值低估,加深圈内学术操作的自我封闭.这两个结果形成的合力,进一步加剧学科重建的疲弱.本文倡扬走向大视野的修辞学研究,拿出让人重新认识修辞学科的研究成果,这里可以开发的学术空间十分广阔.  相似文献   

以修辞学为角度,从辞趣和辞格这两种修辞手段的运用上对QQ个性签名进行探讨。分析其中蕴含的特色鲜明的辞趣:音趣和图符趣;探析其对辞格的应用,着重解析QQ个性签名中仿拟、同异、衬跌、设歧、曲解、析词、双关、矛盾、婉曲、呼告等辞格的运用。  相似文献   

Chicano activist Reies Tijerina's speech known as “The Land Grant Question” provides a point of analysis in this article for assessing contradictory understandings of Tijerina and his movement, La Alianza Federal de Mercedes. The author explores how in both its rhetorical content and form, Tijerina's speech navigated and negotiated identity and agency for the Alianza and Mexican Americans. The speech represents border rhetoric, a type of vernacular discourse that migrates across borders, sustains contradictions, and crafts a middle space. Reclaiming Tijerina's rhetoric extends Chicano movement studies, illuminates notions of rhetorical agency, and highlights a rhetorically-inflected notion of the border.  相似文献   

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