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Look at the titles for the following films. What do you think they are about?  相似文献   

小说类 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》。马克·吐温著故事讲的是一个与周围环境格格不入的青少年,他发现自己在和一个逃亡的奴隶吉姆乘着木筏沿密西西比河漂流而下。哈克和吉姆历经艰险、危难,遭遇各色人等。深藏在吐温出色的幽默之下的是南北战争之前一股残酷与不公正的黑色潜流,这使得这部小说在妙趣横生的同时又带有严肃的寓意:[第一段]  相似文献   

传播技术平台作为电影播放的物质基础,它的物理特性直接影响到了电影艺术形态的表达。特别是作为最主要播放形态的影院模式,使电影特别擅长于奇现性场景的展现,继而影响到了主流商业电影中类型题材和形式元素的选择。但这一经典模式,近年来受到了来自于数字电子技术传播平台的冲击。以计算机、手机为代表的数字电子技术传播平台以个人化、便携化为应用发展方向。过小的屏幕极大影响到了奇观美学的表达。但数字投影仪的出现,使我们又重新看到了奇观美学依旧会是电影美学主流的希望。  相似文献   

The Teaching of Controversial Issues   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT The article criticizes certain subjectivist and isolationist stances on controversial issues, and construes the teaching of controversial issues as an interpersonal task. On this view the teacher (1) encourages students to enter into the perspectives of others; (2) establishes points of contact which make reasoned discourse possible; and (3) inducts students into a wider domain where they are provided with knowledge about controversies as well as the skills for handling those controversies. All of this requires considerable intervention on the part of the teacher. Current doubts about such intervention are unjustified.  相似文献   

How should we teach controversial issues? And which issues should we teach as controversies? In this paper, I argue that educators should heed what I call a ‘psychological condition’ in their practical efforts to address these questions. In defending this claim, I engage with the various decision criteria that have been advanced in the controversial issues literature: the epistemic criterion, behavioral criterion, political criterion and politically authentic criterion. My argument is that the supporters of these various criteria have focused too closely on the socio‐political and epistemic qualities of controversial issues in deriving their controversial issues pedagogies and have thereby overlooked the necessary subjective conditions for teaching controversial issues. If our pedagogical efforts to cultivate students’ reason by means of controversial issues are to be successful, then we must understand controversy as fundamentally a psychological phenomenon consisting in an intellectual tension in the minds of students. In the final pages, I conclude by recommending several forms of directive teaching that promise to be instrumental for creating such intellectual tension.  相似文献   

片面共犯是刑法中值得研究的问题。理论上尽管存在较多的争论,但是,争论却掩饰不住其客观的存在。肯定片面共犯的存在,对其存在的范围及刑事责任的承担等问题阐明了观点。  相似文献   

光合作用这一章节知识不仅是高中生物《必修1·分子与细胞》教材中的重要知识点,同样也是整个高中生物学教学中的非常重要一环,在历年高考全国卷中都是必考内容。1992年,瓦希德和卢卡斯指出:光合作用阐述了有机环境和无机环境之间是如何联系在一起。学习光合作用可以帮助高中生对生物圈是生态系统这一概念进行初步的理解。因此,光合作用这一章内容不但在整个高中生物教学中处于核心地位,而且学好光合作用对于掌握理解整个生物界的物质循环和能量流动的内容有很大帮助。  相似文献   

Recent articles on teaching controversial topics in schools have employed Michael Hand's distinction between “directive teaching,” in which teachers attempt to persuade students of correct positions on topics that are not rationally controversial, and “nondirective teaching,” in which teachers avoid persuading students on topics that are rationally controversial. However, the four methods of directive teaching discussed in the literature — explicit directive teaching, “steering,” “soft‐directive teaching,” and “school ethos endorsement” — make rational persuasion problematic, if not self‐defeating. In this essay, Maughn Rollins Gregory argues that “procedurally directive teaching” offers an alternative to such approaches because it derives from the intention to guide inquiry rather than to persuade. He demonstrates that the conceptual frameworks of perfectionism and antiperfectionism, which have been proposed for directive teaching on same‐sex marriage, can instead be used to generate open questions for student inquiry, as can a third, civil rights framework. Given these considerations, Gregory maintains that pedagogical guidance on this topic should be procedurally directive rather than substantively directive. Further, the fact that legal, political, and ethics scholars disagree about which framework is more appropriate to the issue of same‐sex marriage indicates that such arguments cannot be dispositive of the pedagogical issue of how to frame classroom discussions about it. Rather, students should inquire into this meta‐level framing dispute for themselves.  相似文献   

尽管德勒兹的电影著作未及处理1980年代以来、欧美经典脉络之外的丰富而多样的电影形态,但是他所贡献的一些概念和思考仍具有进一步拓展"时间—影像"之后的电影研究的理论潜力。本文围绕"少数电影"的论题,梳理了从德勒兹的理论原点到后来不同学者的批评应用。这些批评应用包括弗雷德里克.詹姆逊对好莱坞美学体系下"对抗性的现实主义"的讨论,达德利.安德鲁挪用"游牧"这一德勒兹术语对西非电影的考察,以及张英进为理解新时期中国电影而从不同的理论来源引入的"少数"话语,它们与德勒兹的问题意识之间建立起一种富于启发性的对话关系。这些批评实践反过来对德勒兹的理论术语和思想框架也构成了某种协商或修订。  相似文献   

新世纪之初优秀的中国电影深入时代,深入民族,深入社会,从人性之美的深度表现生命;以多样化的叙事结构、富有中国文化特色的影像风格铸就艺术之美;进而多元地展现中国特有的民族风格与民族气派,立足本土,放眼世界,广征博取,开创中国电影民族化之路.  相似文献   

数字化课程这一概念的使用日渐频繁,但数字化的主要却是技术而非课程本身。人们普遍认为技术的运用是为了服务于人,但却不自觉地主张人的发展要追随技术的脚步,从而演变成了技术制约人,甚至还出现了技术取代人的声音。自主、建构等理念往往被视作数字化课程得以发展的内在基础,但将这些理念作为数字化课程的一种外部形象可能更加合适。总的来说,数字化课程作为课程未来发展的趋势之一,至今仍显得问题颇多,这需要我们在发展的过程中不断探寻解决之策。  相似文献   

【影片简介】《美国队长2》是一个关于爱国的故事。代表正义的美国队长(Captain America)被迫卷入了一场威胁国家安危的阴谋。他与黑寡妇(Black Widow)携手出击,一边与"复活"好友——冬日战士(Winter Soldier)等大反派战斗,一边努力揭露反派们的巨大阴谋。在经历种种磨难之后,美国队长和他的战友们终于粉碎了敌人的邪恶计划,拯救了国家。  相似文献   

导演:乔·庄斯顿主演:克里斯·埃文斯/海莉·阿特维尔发行公司:派拉蒙影业公司上映日期:2011年7月22日一身星条旗装扮,手拿盾牌的美国队长是不亚于超人的超级英雄,影片讲述二战时期的穷小子因面黄肌瘦参军被拒,却意外参加"超级士兵"计划,变成了拥有完美身体的超级英推——"美国队长",与纳粹红骷髅展开战斗。在这之前,惊奇漫画已经将旗下的绿巨人、钢铁侠和墿神先后搬上银幕,《美国队长》作为压轴也将与世人见面,而后,各路漫画英雄将云集2012年超级大片《复仇者)。  相似文献   

The authors discuss the use of motion pictures to provide learning experiences for students in counselor education programs. A review of the counseling literature revealed many references to teaching with films; only 2 articles, however, recommended using film in counselor education. This article includes activities for teaching diagnosis, counseling theories, interventions, and ethics. Positive feedback was received from 182 graduate students who responded to a 5‐item qualitative and quantitative follow‐up questionnaire after they completed such a course.  相似文献   

袁犀的长篇小说《贝壳》在1943年获“大东亚文学奖”时曾引发争议,被认为是“一种无意义的小说”,也引发了买办与名士之间的内讧传闻.其实,《贝壳》是一部以大学生恋爱与婚姻为题材,讨论什么是爱情以及女人的位置是什么的长篇小说,但由于作者对于上述问题的思索并不清楚,导致了文本主题含混、浅白,人物思想苍白、矛盾,人物性格模糊、颓废,故事情节淡化、无味,致使小说思想艺术平庸.之所以获奖,是作品中所透露的反英美的倾向,暗合了“大东亚文学奖”的宗旨.而这,恰恰是日本文学报国会所希望看到的.它说明了袁犀的投机与日本文学报国会的灵敏,与买办与名士无关.对此,我们也可从袁犀的笔名中得以补证.  相似文献   

依法治国方略的实现,需要有一个强大的法律职业共同体,而我国法律职业教育却未能培养出大批的高层次应用型法律人才。美国JD教育,作为美国最为重要的法律教育模式,是以培养法律家为目标的本科后职业教育。本就我国法律教育的现状及其存在的问题进行了剖析,认为借鉴美国JD教育的成功经验,完善我国法律硕士专业教育即JM教育,是我国法律教育改革的正确方向。  相似文献   

Diego 《初中生》2018,(6):41-44
美国,这个世界上国土面积第三大的国家,去年(2017年7月4日)刚刚度过它的第241个生日.与有着5000年历史文化的中国和一个建筑动辄有几百上千年历史的欧洲国家相比,美国是一个年轻的国家. 也许因为年轻,以及它在如此短的时间内变得非常强大,且一直处于富足状态,所以,在美国长大的人,总带着一些“不谙世事”的天真和浪漫,像蜜罐里长大而不知忧愁的维尼熊.也正是因为年轻,美国人特别勤奋,似乎有着用不完的精力和无穷的创造力.  相似文献   

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