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The aim of this article is to demonstrate the key role of public relations in increasing the competitive advantages of higher education institutions. It identifies and describes the mechanism of the shift in interest from advertising to public relations that results from the increasing complexity of the environment of a private higher education institution. Moreover, the authors conduct an analysis of the main target groups of public relations activities, referring to the conceptual model of the “two markets” according to which a private higher education institution “sells” access to education to potential candidates and then “sells” its graduates on the labour market. The practical example of the marketing and public relations activities undertaken by the authors at the School of Banking in Poznan´ since 1994 are presented and elucidated.  相似文献   

在相当长一段时间内,校友组织由于被担心涉入“帮圈文化”而成为限制发展的对象,其功能也大都局限在个人联谊、为学校筹集办学资金层面。结合2020年新冠疫情期间武汉大学校友组织的应急救援行动案例,可以从中发现,校友组织能在确定的角色下应社会需要变化适时调整自身的行动诉求,以同一校友身份为情感基点快速累积起大规模校友召集所需的信任,并在校友能人的拉动下快速响应、协同行动,从而在生产出多样公共产品的过程中完成了自身公共性的建构。而这种由“自在”走向“自为”的建构所带来的公共性增长又同时促进了其组织的成长,即在组织架构上从“校友的校友会”“大学的校友会”走向“社会的校友会”,在组织功能上从“联谊”“互谊”走向“公益”。案例表明校友组织在提供社会公共产品方面具有其他社会组织所没有的潜力和优势,为此应重新审视大学校友会的作用,那就是它们不仅是高校在拓展社会影响力、传承大学文化、筹集办学资金等方面的重要组织力量,也能成为政府应急管理体系中可以倚重的合作伙伴,成为国家治理体系和治理能力现代化进程中的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

As the notion of “information warfare” has gained public currency, some forms of communication have been redefined as acts of violence, war, and terrorism. This essay tracks the metaphor of the “information bomb” in theoretical understandings as well as public discourses of terrorism, journalism, and information leaks. The essay then analyzes the 2010 Supreme Court case of Holder vs. Humanitarian Law Project, which redefined speech as having the ability to constitute “material support” for terrorism. The essay argues that trends in the “weaponization of speech” pose important challenges to the status of the First Amendment.  相似文献   

《现代教育技术》公共课肩负着培养师范生教育技术能力的重任,针对目前《现代教育技术》公共课实践教学存在的问题,尝试把翻转课堂应用于公共课实践教学中,构建对应的教学模式并进行实证分析,以此检验翻转课堂对公共课实践教学产生的教学效果,进而分析翻转课堂在公共课实践教学的优势及局限性。  相似文献   

现实生活中存在并不完全重叠的“两大舆论场”:一是以主流媒体为主导并着力营造的“官方舆论场”;二是人民群众议论纷纷以网络舆论为当下代表的“民间舆论场”。和谐社会视阈下“民间舆论场”研究具有厚重的理论价值:一是为人民群众的话语诉求提供了广阔的场域和空间;二是为社会主义和谐社会建设提供一个新的切入点;三是为新时期提升党的执政能力提供新的战略路向。在和谐社会建设进程中,“民间舆论场”虽然存在自身的缺陷与不足,但其建设性还是值得肯定的,具有鲜明的实践价值,一是社会矛盾的“排气阀”,二是社会舆论的“引发剂”,三是社会文化的“影响源”,四是传统媒体的“解构器”。新媒体时代,必须加强对“民间舆论场”的科学引导,努力打通两大舆论场,形成舆论同向合力的有序发展格局,为和谐社会建设和中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦提供强有力的思想基础、精神力量和舆论支撑。  相似文献   

This essay begins with the observation that the term “voice” is frequently used in rhetorical studies literature. Interestingly, rhetorical “voice” means different things to different scholars. This essay seeks to accomplish two tasks related to “voice.” First, it clarifies the conceptual confusion regarding “voice” found in the literature by relating it to a tension between “speaking” and “language.” Second, to avoid this tension, this essay presents a case study in which a notion of “voice” is posited that is constitutive of the public acknowledgment of the ethical and emotional dimensions of public discourse.  相似文献   

Hannah Arendt's essays about the 1957 crisis over efforts of a group of youth, the “Little Rock Nine,” to desegregate a high school in Little Rock, Arkansas, reveal a tension in her vision of the “public.” In this article Aaron Schutz and Marie Sandy look closely at the experiences of the youth desegregating the school, especially those of Elizabeth Eckford, drawing upon them to trace a continuum of forms of public engagement in Arendt's work. This ranges from arenas of “deliberative friendship,” where unique individuals collaborate on common efforts, to a more conflictual “public stage,” where groups act in solidarity to change aspects of the public world. While Arendt famously asserted in her essay “The Crisis in Education” that political capacities should not be taught in schools, it makes more sense to see this argument as focused on what she sometimes called the conflictual “public stage,” reflecting the experience of the Little Rock Nine. In contrast, Schutz and Sandy argue that Arendt's own work implies that “deliberative friendship,” as described in her essay “Philosophy and Politics” and elsewhere, should be part of everyday practices in classrooms and schools.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ideological construction of educational discourses embedded within the South Korean print media. Significantly, these discourses have recently promoted the resurrection of a sweeping national testing and test results release policy. Through careful examination of the “test plus release” policy, the authors show how the government has achieved hegemonic power by shaping public opinion through the national testing contexts. Drawing on a critical discourse analysis of educational policy texts from the government and top 10 print media sources, this paper analyses how discourses on “accountability”, “the right to know” and “the fairness of the tests” have been produced, reproduced and recontextualized to favour particular perspectives. The authors also examine how government and influential print media discourses interact with political and cultural factors such as “acclaiming the evaluative state”, “education fever” and “meritocratic beliefs” to achieve public consent for the new “test plus release” policy.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2000,13(4):361-377
Over the past few decades, the process of globalization had unquestionably caused a paradigm shift in the philosophy of governance. The shift from the welfare state to competitive state has enabled the government to rollback as a service provider and to control the services rendered by various service providers by “steering at a distance”. With the emphasis given to accountability, effectiveness, efficiency and economy, the core elements of “New Public Management” or “corporate managerialism”, the public sector is now managed in line with such notions. Higher education, similar to other major public policies, is now governed by market ideologies and the corporate discourse of efficiency and effectiveness. This paper discusses the theme of “globalization or re-colonization” by examining how three major areas of higher education reforms in Hong Kong, namely, teaching, research and management, have been affected by the global tide of managerialism. It is argued that instead of being “hollowed out”, states will continue to respond to globalization in different ways that ensure their ability to govern the public service sectors like higher education. The authors believe that if we solely follow the global practices and ideologies without developing our own unique systems, we would be entering an era of “re-colonization”.  相似文献   

从我国疫情发生的频率和此次新冠肺炎疫情造成的严重后果来看,后疫情时代"食育"已不是个人"私事",而成为牵涉到公共利益与安全的"公事"。长期以来,国人存在不良的饮食习惯和饮食文化,缺少对大自然生态平衡的维护。基于教育制度学独特视角,有必要去思考中国现有的"食育"制度是否真正贯彻落实到国民的教育过程中,在这个提倡"五育融合"的教育新时代,更有必要将"食育"与德智体美劳教育贯通起来,培养有高度生命意识和尊重自然规律的时代新人。  相似文献   

乡村文明建设是乡村振兴战略的重要内容,乡村教师作为"新乡贤"群体的重要组成部分,其公共精神对乡村文明建设具有重大价值.乡村教师公共精神经历了明清时期的逐渐彰显、清末至民国时期的减弱到复苏、新中国成立到"文革"前的升温、改革开放初期至20世纪90年代再次回温的历程.当前,由于乡村城镇化、教师专业化等各种因素的影响,乡村教师与乡土社会逐渐疏离、乡村教师公共角色逐渐退场成为其公共精神面临的主要现实挑战.乡村教师要在育人实践中提升自身公共精神,在乡村社会中萃取公共精神的养料,秉持"走出去、引进来"理念培植公共精神,从而为打造符合乡村振兴需要的"新乡贤"力量注入活力.  相似文献   

This article discusses what David Berliner (2005) has called the perverse “spectacle of fear” (208) surrounding issues of teacher quality and accountability in contemporary school reform. Drawing principally on the critical semiotics of Roland Barthes' essay, “The World of Wrestling” (1957), it examines the way that this spectacle works to undermine public education and explicates the powerful mythology behind it. The article then concludes with some suggestions on how this destructive “spectacle of fear” might potentially be disrupted using the agencies of Deweyan “strong democracy”.  相似文献   

新生代农民工权益受侵正由“显”到“隐”,维权形象和能力不容乐观,其维权方式的失效同城乡移动所带来的“权益共同体”的中断密切相关。乡民在乡村受到乡村“权益共同体”的保护,走入城市意味着乡村“权益共同体”的失效,而城市又没有为其提供相应的维权方式对接,从而造成维权效果低下。以互联网为平台,以地方性权益空间建设为基础,以国家法律法规等体制为依据,以新生代农民工人大代表和权益领袖为主体,通过“事件化”社会舆论监督机制建设社会诚信空间,最终构建新生代农民工权益公共空间。  相似文献   

校企合作由松散的协议型合作向紧密的法人型公司合作发展。校企合作法人公司董事会的设立、目的、职权及其成员组成分别具有一定的特性。"法人治理组织"特性是基于公司法的规定,"公益特性"是基于高职院校的事业单位属性;基于校企合作人才培养范式衍生出:治理目的"双重与长效"特性、"决定产学研投资方案"特性、"决定实习实训方案"特性、"多元化吸纳董事会成员"特性。  相似文献   

多源流理论是公共政策领域用以解释政策议程建立的理论模型。运用多源流理论对“双减”政策议程设置进行分析发现:有关作业负担与校外培训负担等方面的数据指标、焦点事件以及政策反馈构成了“问题源流”,政府官员、人大代表、政协委员和专家学者对作业负担和校外培训负担问题的讨论与探究形成“双减”政策议程建立的“政策源流”,中央领导集体的换届和决策者对于公众情绪变动的觉察构成了“政治源流”。新一届中央领导集体对于作业负担与校外培训负担的关注是三条源流得以聚合的政策之窗,在此时间段内,经过政策企业家的积极努力“双减”政策议程得以建立。  相似文献   

In the post-pillarized society of the Netherlands, formal religious education still is structured according to religious dividing lines. “Religion” in confessional schools is a compulsory subject; in public schools, taking a so-called neutral position with regard to religious traditions, “Religion” is an optional subject (Protestant, Roman Catholic, or Islamic religious education or Humanistic World View Education), taught to pupils on parents’ request. Nowadays, due to processes of modernization, globalization, and individualization, the position of religion in society has changed and subsequently the position of “Religion” as a subject in classes has changed. These days for principals and teachers in public schools it is urgent to reflect on their positionality regarding (religious and secular) worldview education. In this contribution we present our findings from document analysis and from (focus group) interviews with principals, and from observations in public schools, resulting in a plea for “Life Orientation for all” as a compulsory subject in all schools for all pupils.  相似文献   

The current dominant discourse in the research literature postulates that informal payments in public education will be negatively associated with satisfaction with public education. In contrast, we theorize that informal payments can be classified into three different groups based on the motivations of the people who make such payments, namely, “sand-the-wheels”, “cultural norm”, and “grease-the-wheels” motivations. We further hypothesize that each of these motivations will have distinctly different patterns of association with satisfaction with public education. We test our hypotheses on a diverse sample of 27 post-communist countries in Eastern and Central Europe, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. Our main findings confirm our hypotheses. The “sand-the-wheels” motivation is indeed associated with lower satisfaction. However, the “cultural norm” motivation is associated with higher satisfaction. As well, the “grease-the-wheels” motivation does not have a significant association with satisfaction. These findings are true for education at the primary/secondary and vocational levels. These findings are also true for fixed effect and for random effect multilevel models. Overall, 12 % of users made informal payments in public primary/secondary education and 14 % did so in public vocational education. Most informal payments were made because users had been directly asked to do so by educational personnel or when users felt that such payments were required by educational personnel.  相似文献   

普惠性概念的提出其实质是在“入园难,入园贵”背景下,公共权力机关对公众学前教育权益诉求的积极回应,表达了政府在制定学前教育政策时追求的目的与价值.而要实现学前教育的普惠性,必须明确政府和市场作用的边界,政府的主要责任在于制定学前教育规划、政策和标准,提供公共财政支持,加强监管这三方面.  相似文献   

The introduced policy of “synchronized enrollment of public and private schools” has once again triggered the debate on the effectiveness of public and private schools. Based on the data of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 from four Chinese provinces and municipalities, this paper explores whether private schools gain a relative advantage in student academic performance through student “screening” or academic “meritocracy,” through a hierarchical linear model (HLM) and an empirical test of the propensity score matching (PSM). It has been found that the academic performance of students in private schools is significantly better than that in public schools. But with background, metacognitive ability, and learning hours of students in private schools controlled for, such academic performance is not significantly superior, suggesting that private schools rely heavily on student “screening” to achieve a relative advantage in student academic performance. This finding has also verified the scientific nature of the above policy.  相似文献   

《中国星跳跃》和《星跳水立方》的开播使明星体育竞技成为电视真人秀节目的一种新类型。这种节目类型在“魅惑”、“表演”、“规则”等方面与其他类型的真人秀节目不同,具有其独特的类型特征。但在其狂欢化生存的背后,也存在着较为明显的问题与缺陷,并引发了受众的质疑和舆论诟病,集中表现为因盲目追求收视率而导致的低级文化品位和内涵。  相似文献   

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