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孙频作品中呈现的生命图景及生死态度与佛教生命观相暗合。其对因性别、欲望、人性的恶及社会的压迫共同造成生命苦难的叙述,带有浓郁的罪感文化。为消解生命的痛,孙频尝试借助爱、肉体受难、发泄性欲、皈依宗教进行自我救赎。继四种救赎方式失效后,孙频转而崇尚人性力量主导下的“活着宗教”,并主张回归生命的本质。  相似文献   

《边城》呈现出“成长小说”的特质。翠翠所面临的心理困境展现出她逐渐成熟的过程。在与茶峒的关系上,翠翠面对寂静、平凡的生活产生了“离开”的愿望,但出于照顾祖父的责任感而压制了欲望;在与祖父的关系上,翠翠的内心充满着丧失亲情的焦虑与恐惧,但失去祖父后她又不得不面对现实而走向独立;在情爱关系上,自卑心理下的翠翠既渴望爱情又逃避爱情,但在具有爱的能力后,最终决定守候爱人归来。借助“成长小说”这一阅读视角,聚焦于翠翠这个人物本身,使读者更好地从其生命哀乐中领悟沈从文所谓的“人生形式”。  相似文献   

Walt Whitman’s poetry challenges how rhetorical scholars are accustomed to studying democracy. Adopting an ontology similar to, and a vocabulary inspired by, the Bhagavad Gita, Whitman roots democracy squarely in concerns of soteriology, metaphysics, spiritual practice, and the care of the self. By recovering what I call Whitman’s “kosmic rhetoric,” my goal in this essay is to inspire rhetorical scholars to discuss, debate, and reconsider several of our most deeply held assumptions about democratic politics, including anti-foundationalism and the mechanics of dissent.  相似文献   

人类在对待生与死的问题上 ,求生是最本质的。但对于一个濒临死亡求助无望的人而言 ,人类应当尊重他对自己生命权的选择。  相似文献   

The term “democracy” is ambivalent—in the history of the United States, it has played both god term and devil term, and inspired both sacrifice and trembling. Robert L. Ivie has mapped the discourse by which American policy elites have said “no” to democracy—the rhetoric of “demophobia.” This essay complements his analysis by mapping the discourse by which Americans began to say “yes” to democracy during President Thomas Jefferson's administration—the rhetoric of “demophilia.” Understood as a discursive formation, demophilia creates space for rhetoric and deliberation that is closed by demophobia. In the process, demophilia disciplines democracy by producing deliberative subjects properly attuned to civil speech.  相似文献   

王丽  李涛 《教育学报》2020,(1):120-128
“童心说”融道家的“真心”、佛家的“本心”和儒家的“最初一念之心”于一体。真心即绝假纯真之心,自然个体人的原初之心。本心是清净的精神实体,即内心的清净无杂。最初一念之心就是天赋予人的自然之心,允许人的自利。“童心”与“婴儿之心”、明心见性、良知具有内在联系。李贽认为,做人、做文、生活都要遵循“真”字;文人应以个性创作抒发情感、欲望;也应正视“人必有私”。他倡导文艺创作的自由精神,反对道德说教,主张多听“迩言”。“童心说”的现代教育价值体现为回归人的本真、解放人的思想和倡导人的独立;从而回归教育的本真,使教育打通人性,帮助人成为自身;使学生学会思考存在性问题,促进学生自主性的充分发展。“童心说”所体现的求真原则、个体性原则、自然人性的追求等蕴藏着现代性的精神特质,如:理性、个体性、自由性等,预示着中国传统文化现代性的萌芽。  相似文献   

Sergey Brin’s February 2013 TED Talk, “Why Google Glass?,” is an example of technoliberal rhetoric that offers a constricted vision of civic attention. Technoliberalism, the intensification of neoliberalism through computational technology, funds Brin’s emphasis on the primacy of action-oriented leisure, the power of connection, and the possibility of sensation without mediation. I interpret “Why Google Glass?” as indicative of how technoliberalism privatizes, marketizes, and digitizes sensation, frustrating the efforts of strangers to make common, democratic worlds. The essay concludes by underlining the continued importance of sensing-in-common, identifying specific vectors for rhetoricians to pursue in preserving the foundations of democratic community: advocating for shared public life instead of corporatized, privatized experiences; employing glass metaphors to understand how ubiquitous glassed devices shape sensation; and designing interventions with and without the aid of digital technologies to spark civic desire.  相似文献   

In this essay, Nancy Vansieleghem starts from the observation that parents nowadays are addressed as individuals in need of parental expertise and advice. She maintains that the notion that we are living in a permanently changing society has created a context in which parents feel that they no longer “know” what is good or bad for their children. On this view, parents need to learn how to manage their parenthood. Vansieleghem questions the need for expertise and advice that is characteristic of our new mode of understanding parenting. In developing her argument, she borrows from Michel Foucault the notion “figure”—in this case, the type of parents who understand themselves as in need of expertise in order to respond to their children—and she draws further on Giorgio Agamben's analysis of the state of exception. Vansieleghem concludes by detailing the figure of the residual self as one that understands parental care as something that can and should be managed beyond concepts such as “disciplinary power” and “normalization.”  相似文献   

We are still coming to terms with the legacy of Randolph Bourne. Although he died at the age of 32 just as the United States was cheerfully entering the First World War under the banner of “democracy,” the words he penned in an unfinished essay still resonate in the American social conscience: “War is the Health of the State.” This maxim, once thought the exclusive property of leftist radicals, now can be heard echoing from every political corner of the blogosphere as progressives and libertarians alike find cause to question the motives of governmental power. Yet despite his reappearance as a symbol, Bourne in many ways remains as forgotten as ever—perhaps even more so as his once provocative claim has been transformed into a talking point. This essay endeavors to recapture the voice of Bourne in all its complexity, seeking to place him at the forefront of the contemporary American intellectual tradition as one of its most piercing critics, most visionary poets, and most eloquent rhetors. Specifically, we show how Bourne's critique of the “State” foresaw the rise of the technological society organized by ideological propaganda, how his vision of the Beloved Community anticipated our modern ideals of global transnationalism, and how his literary essays practiced a form of aesthetic rhetoric which employed dramatistic methods to bring about a new state of expanded social consciousness.  相似文献   


Heeding Karma Chavez’s (2015) call to imagine rhetoric as “something entirely different,” I introduce what I call an Afrafuturist Feminist (AFF) rhetorical approach with the aim of offering one means by which rhetorical studies can move beyond normative white constructions of citizenship. In this piece, I flesh out a theoretical framework that explores the ways Black women’s truthtelling engineers rival conceptions of Blackness, creating spaces for us to reimagine what citizenship can look like in the lived experiences of Black Americans. I invoke the phrase, “in and out of frame,” to preliminarily consider how Black women like Assata Shakur and Cardi B employ rhetoric as threat to negotiate citizenship in the 20th and 21st centuries.  相似文献   

This paper opens with two stories—about the “joking relationship” discovered by anthropologist Radcliffe-Brown Structure and function in primitive society. New York: The Free Press (1965), and an incident in the life of Rousseau—which illustrate that sometimes a story needs to be true, and that the opinion of an outsider can be preferable to that of the insider whose story it is. Recent papers by Carter and Polkinghorne Educational Researcher, 22(1), 5–12 (1993) and International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 8(1), 5–23 (1995) are analysed; it is argued that a clear and enticing plot is no indicator of a story's truth, furthermore the need to be true can hold both of “analysis of narratives” and “narrative analysis”.  相似文献   


This article employs the topographical metaphors of terrain and territory to examine how, upon the 2015 death of Cecil the lion at the hands of the dentist Walter Palmer, outrage was channeled into and captured by digital topoi. Digital rhetoric is organized into a topical system that is topographical, composed of not just “places” but “levels” that organize and orient rhetorical expressions into particular topoi. Users “navigate” and “move” through the channels of the digital topical system, and in the process arrive at or pass by topoi. I further argue that the digital topical system is composed of the terrain of digital spaces and the territory of global capitalism. The terrain of digital spaces shapes digital rhetoric through material affordances, cultural conventions, and the power of institutional logics. Digital rhetoric is further shaped by the macro-level territorial accretions of political and economic power in Empire. By mapping the topoi present in the case of Cecil the lion’s death, I show how scholars can better understand and articulate the ways that power ossifies into a digital topical system that shapes contemporary discourses.  相似文献   

Sean Steel 《Interchange》2018,49(4):417-431
This article concerns the relationship between classroom assessments that are aligned with “competencies-based” teaching in Teacher Education programs on the one hand, and on the other hand, the challenge of offering authentic “philosophy of education,” “education theory,” or “education foundations” courses for student–teachers who are enrolled in a professional degree and on the way towards certification. Briefly, administrative and accreditation concerns with developing and demonstrating core “competencies” when teaching is considered strictly as a “profession” do not align with more ancient understandings of teaching as a “way of life”—especially when that life is led in some relation to philosophy, or “the pursuit of wisdom.” This article examines the disjunction between these two conceptualizations of teaching; it encourages readers to think about how this disjunction problematizes their pedagogy as “philosophers of education.”  相似文献   

长期以来,沈从文笔下的《萧萧》被评论者片面地解读为底层人民对生命意识的毫无自觉。但作为作家小说创作成熟后的第一部短篇小说,《萧萧》成熟地表现了其所竭力追求的"优美、健康、自然而又不悖乎人性的人生形式"。沈从文试图借助萧萧这一自由、快乐的童养媳形象表达对自由生命的赞扬。这个敢于冲破陈规旧俗的童养媳在实现个体生命欲望的同时,展示了旧中国妇女缺乏的坚韧美,这种美蕴藏着浓厚的风俗民情,让人感慨和向往。  相似文献   

明清通俗小说的思想教化功能与娱乐消闲功能同时存在,两者互为犄角、辩证统一,被小说教统摄、调和,达成均势。以“三言”为例,小说教在其中既倡导友情至上、轻财重义等符合群际利益的行为准则与道德范式,又彰显变泰发迹的种种可能,借以满足市民阶层对获得地位、财富的渴望。整体上,小说教借助对因果循环、节制欲望的生动宣讲,将本质上冲突的名利观与财富观导入遵循天理人心、服从宿命安排的教化轨道,为自身开辟通畅无阻的传播路径。  相似文献   

Boy Trouble: Rhetorical framing of boys' underachievement   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This article examines discourse in the United States used to socially construct an “underachieving boys” moral panic. Employing discourse analysis I examine the adversarial rhetoric of claims-makers and the frames they deploy to undermine alternative and conflicting accounts (of females as disadvantaged) and to forestall any challenges to the scientific authority of their own (biological essentialist) account of crisis. I illustrate how this discourse adapts the rhetorical frame of gender equity from the discourse it politically opposes, and uses it to legitimate its own goals. I find that the framing of innocent victimized boys as scientific “truth” is aligned with a broader masculinity politics that blames certain “folk devils”, and a synchronic moral panic about fearsome (black) male youth. I conclude by considering the success of this moral panic as evidenced by changes in educational policies and practices in the United States.  相似文献   

Recently, multiple studies have focused on the phenomenon of “undermatching”—when students attend a college for which they are overqualified, as measured by test scores and grades. The extant literature suggests that students who undermatch fail to maximize their potential. However, gaps remain in our knowledge about how student preferences—such as a desire to attend college close to home—influence differential rates of undermatching. Moreover, previous research has not directly tested whether and to what extent students who undermatch experience more negative post-college outcomes than otherwise similar students who attend “match” colleges. Using ELS:2002, we find that student preferences for low-cost, nearby colleges, particularly among low-income students, are associated with higher rates of undermatching even among students who are qualified to attend a “very selective” institution. However, this relationship is weakened when students live within 50 miles of a match college, demonstrating that proximity matters. Our results show that attending a selective postsecondary institution does influence post-college employment and earnings, with less positive results for students who undermatch as compared with peers who do not. Our findings demonstrate the importance of non-academic factors in shaping college decisions and post-college outcomes, particularly for low-income students.  相似文献   

The importance of patient-centered decisions is embedded throughout clinical practice. The principle that the patient is at the center of all decisions has helped form the contemporary approach to death and dying. The concept of a “good death” will naturally mean different things to different individuals, but is based on the foundation of being pain free, comfortable, and able to make informed decisions. Potential donors are faced with many personal, ethical, and often spiritual considerations when they come to think about their wishes after death. One consideration is that of a “good death.” This article explores how the concept of a “good death” may be applied to anatomy. Where first-person consent is in place, the motivating factors frequently include the wish for others to learn from the donation, and this notion may form part of the “good death” for the donor. Such motivations may impact positively on how students feel about dissecting and may provide comfort, assuaging feelings of discomfort, and allowing students to focus on anatomical learning. For donors where second-person consent is in place, the concept of a “good death” must depend on whether the individual wanted to donate their body in the first instance. The notion of a “bad death” may also be considered with body donation where no consent for donation is in place. This article proposes that there is ultimately a place for the concept that a “good death” may involve an individual donating their body to medical education.  相似文献   

This article examines how mirror neuron research from the neurosciences is incorporated by the field of group analysis and made to fit within the history and practices of the field. The approach taken is from science and technology studies’ discussion of “translation” across actor-networks. The article ends with the suggestion that a translation analysis indicates good reason for rhetoric and writing scholars to consider “multiple ontologies” and to understand neurodisciplinary work as invention.  相似文献   

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