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Audre Lorde's speech, “The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action, “sheds light on the margins of rhetoric in the sense of the public speech because she examines factors that may cause some people to remain silent while enabling others to speak and act. “Margins” refers both to the parameters employed for defining a practice and the relative place or value of varied activities exemplifying the practice. Lorde interweaves her commentary on the silence surrounding breast cancer with insights about silence drawn from her experiences as a member of several subordinated communities, especially as they relate to the misuse of power to silence those who are different. Her speech comments on silencing and power, sexism, verbal abuse, violence and sexualized aggression, shame, the taboo, and hostile social environments. Paradoxically, Lorde's speech is as much about the possibilities of rhetoric as its limits.  相似文献   

把庄子"忘己以体道"的思想同伽达默尔"一个人只有失去自身才能发现自身"的思想加以比较.伽达默尔发展了海德格尔的一个观点:与一件艺术作品遭遇,就是接受一次"冲击".运用伽达默尔的思想走近庄子,可以得到一种道家诠释学."冲击"的哲学意蕴何在?柏拉图认为哲学始于惊讶,亚里士多德进而认为,哲学始于惊讶,但"并不终止于惊讶的对立面",即惊讶的消失.庄子与伽达默尔把我们带到了哲学思想的开端.我们发现自己处在哲学的源头处:一种惊讶的状态.在惊讶的状态中,我们陷入未知领域之中,失去了置身于熟悉领域之时的确定感.无论是在庄子的认识论,还是在他的伦理学与美学思想中,忘己都是体道的核心.  相似文献   

小说叙事作品中存在着种种叙事修辞技巧,这些技巧并非中立,而是与作者的意识形态立场密切相关。本文通过对镜像修辞、叙事因果关系等叙事修辞手段的具体分析,表明叙事修辞总是千方百计地维护着作品的意识形态取向。不过,某一叙事修辞再完美,也可能与文本中另一部分的叙事相龃龉,从而影响修辞可靠性,进而导致意识形态幻象的崩溃。  相似文献   

In 1786, backcountry Massachusetts farmers, fed up with government policies favoring aristocratic elites, marched on courts to bar the entry of judges and juries. Enacting a long-standing tradition known to colonists as a “Regulation,” the farmers’ movement became known as Shays's Rebellion. Erupting in the turbulent days following the War for Independence, yet predating the formation of the national Constitution, Shays's Rebellion was understood as a crucial post-war attempt to deploy state violence to manage popular dissent; thus, Shays's Rebellion produced deeply problematic yet lasting rhetorical conventions for justifying the compromised forms of republicanism that mark the early republic.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, scientific editors have attempted to correct “mistaken” assumptions about scientific images and to curb unethical image-manipulation practices. Reactions to the advent and abuse of image-adjustment software (such as Adobe Photoshop) reveal the complex relations among visual representations, scientific credibility, and epistemic rhetoric. Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca's model of argumentation provides a flexible system for understanding these relations and for teaching students to use scientific images ethically and effectively.  相似文献   

严歌苓的雌性叙事,既指以雌性的视角展开叙事,也指严氏以雌性气质为生命本性存在情态。由此,严氏在正史书写的历史缝隙之中,消解时代意识形态的本质力量,勾勒严氏视域中的历史本相:自在、自然、原初态的生命活出的生活构成着更鲜活的历史。  相似文献   

篇际语境分析具有语境化、修辞性和文本性等主要特征,它强调对科学文本自身及其相关的篇际语境进行探讨,能够从文本之间关系角度加深对科学文本的理解,较为全面地把握科学文本所处的篇际语境以及系统地分析其修辞的使用,对科学文本的解读会更清晰。  相似文献   

We examine 81 rhetoric and technical communication studies of “scientific controversy.” Our praxiographic analysis reveals that “scientific controversy” is not one thing but three, each staged according to a radically different ontology; yet the literature continues to handle these ontologies the same and to privilege scientists’ demarcation claims in their analysis. We conclude the modifier scientific should be abandoned entirely in controversy studies and recommend an antilogical rather than dialectical approach to controversy.  相似文献   

This article is a case-based theoretical exercise designed to investigate the role that ethics, culture, and artistry play in scientific illustration. In this article, the author theorizes a visual model of cultural interplay and scientific illustration in the creation of scientific knowledge and argues that scientific illustrations work as epistemological devices because they are culturally mediated constructions imbued with personal, organizational, and disciplinary trust, and shaped by the embedded cultural worldviews.  相似文献   

革命的想象:战争与爱情的叙事修辞   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以"十七年"文艺作品中关于战争与爱情的叙事修辞作为个案,探讨在叙事的建构过程中,当时的文艺作品中是如何以"神魔斗法"叙事模式来修辞战争,又是如何在反复修辞革命者爱情生活"克制"的同时最终"控制"爱情发展的走向,从而展示文艺的叙事修辞方式与特定时代的意识形态之间的密切关系.  相似文献   

This article traces the reception of a “science comic book” by various audiences including readers and reviewers after publication as well as grant application review committees vetting the proposed project in its conceptual stage. Specifically, the work is a biology textbook containing comics-style visual explanations couched in the form of an imaginative story interwoven with and supplementing traditional text-based explanations of the same ideas. The analysis uses Genette’s concept of “paratexts” (i.e., a class of speech genres comprising those supplementary texts that contextualize and inform readers’ interpretations of the primary text that they accompany) to examine the rhetoric of the visual in the discourse of science education. This analysis observes that the stigmatization of comics as a medium played some role in how readers, critics, and reviewers responded to the text. The implications of this stigma for cultural conceptions of science and their relationships to other knowledge domains, including the arts and humanities, raise a concern for the mediation of public impressions of science as an institution.  相似文献   

通过对叙事可以作为修辞的论述,展开对文本《雪山飞狐》的解析,从文本的角度来对"叙事作为修辞"进行支持,包括叙事的角度、叙事的结构、读者效果以及叙事的意识形态等基本范畴,从而认为该文本是"叙事作为修辞"最好的文本体现。将叙事作为修辞对我们进行文本解读有重要的启示。  相似文献   

Crowdfunding is a novel mechanism for garnering monetary support from the online public, and increasingly it is being used to fund science. This article reports a small-scale study examining science-focused crowdfunding proposals from Kickstarter.com. By exploring the rhetoric of these proposals with respect to traditional grant funding proposals in the sciences, this study aims to understand how the language of science may be imported into this popular genre.  相似文献   

《查特莱夫人的情人》是一首爱欲的颂歌,康妮在性爱场景的不断演变中逐步走向了爱欲的新生之路;古华的小说《贞女》体现了重复的修辞术,呈现为一种突出的美学特征。  相似文献   

In a scientific dispute over the effects of atrazine on amphibians, chemical industry–funded and publically funded scientists present stunningly contrasting constructions of atrazine's environmental concentrations, persistence, and potential to harm. Considerable scientific uncertainties and variable ranges allow authors to construct preferred versions of the story of atrazine. These incommensurate rhetorical constructions, more the result of competing economic and environmental interests than of any paradigmatic misalignments, have prolonged the dispute not only over atrazine's effects but also over whether its sales should be banned.  相似文献   

书法是中国独特的艺术门类,已经有两千多年的历史了。其间书法大家辈出,书法作品美妙美伦,它们是中国艺术的骄傲,也是世界艺术宝库的一大组成部分。中国书学博大精深,富有民族特色,深入研究书学对建设有中国特色的艺术理论有重大意义。本从创作心理的角度,总结了唐代书学“意在笔前”和“忘机兴发”两种创作心理,分析了唐代书学情感表现与笔法的关系,从而探讨了书法作为艺术,情感表现与笔法的深层结构,对在艺术理论的语境中进一步研究书法做了尝试。  相似文献   

This study of ozone-hole controversy demonstrates an approach to translation that captures material-discursive elements of environmental risk. By adapting actor–network theory’s notion of translation with Goodnight’s spheres of argument model, the author’s results reveal how uncertainties created sites for scientists and their images to perform in ways that visualized risk in public forums. Citizens then responded to these risks through amplified uncertainties and counterimages that envisioned a hole in the skin of the body public.  相似文献   


Relying on the case of a mixed-methods study centered on patients’ strategies for establishing their credibility in clinical conversations, this essay argues that the more intentional and effective the participant recruitment and the more specific the inquiry, the more likely technical communication and rhetoric of science researchers are to encounter potentially powerful partners through which they might get and analyze compelling data and, thus, gain engaged audiences outside of their disciplines.  相似文献   

Graduate programs in the sciences offer minimal support for writing, yet there is an increasing need for scientists to engage with the public and policy makers. To address this need, the authors describe an innovative, cross-disciplinary, National Science Foundation (NSF)–funded training program in rhetoric and writing for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) graduate students and faculty at the University of Rhode Island. The program offers a theory-driven, flexible, scalable model that could be adopted in a variety of institutional contexts.  相似文献   


This article offers a revision to an existing social science methodology, Q methodology, through “Q-Rhetoric.” After detailing Q methodology’s theoretical underpinnings and practical method, and persistent critiques of the methodology, the article employs perspectives from rhetorical theory and Amerindian anthropology to suggest a methodological correction. It concludes by detailing the use of Q-Rhetoric to intervene in a Wisconsin stream management controversy, proposing Q-Rhetoric as a pragmatic and theoretically sound methodology for working across disciplinary divides.  相似文献   

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