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SELECTED PAPERS OF EMIL FROESCHELS 1940–1964. Introduction by H. Beebe. Amsterdam: North‐Holland, 1964; pp. x+232. Paper $5.60.

CHILDHOOD APHASIA AND BRAIN DAMAGE: A DEFINITION. Edited by Sheldon R. Rappaport. Narberth, Pa.: Livingston, 1965; pp. 128. Paper $3.00.

CHILDHOOD APHASIA AND BRAIN DAMAGE: DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS. Edited by Sheldon R. Rappaport. Narberth, Pa.: Livingston, 1965; pp. 164. Paper $3.00.

THE EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF MEANING. By Marjorie B. Creelman. New York: Springer, 1966; pp. xi+219+unpaged Indexes. $6.75.

HUMAN MOTIVATION: A SYMPOSIUM. 1965. Edited by Marshall R. Jones. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1965; pp. vii+87. $4.25.

NEBRASKA SYMPOSIUM ON MOTIVATION: 1965. Edited by David Levine. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1965; pp. xi+344. S5.50; paper $2.50.

THE PRONUNCIATION OF ENGLISH. By Daniel Jones. (Fourth edition, revised and enlarged.) New York: Cambridge University Press, 1966; pp. xxiv+223. Paper $1.95.

RULES OF PRONUNCIATION FOR THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. By Axel Wijk. New York: Oxford University Press, 1966; pp. 160. Paper 8/6.

THE COLLOQUIAL STYLE IN AMERICA. By Richard Bridgman. New York: Oxford University Press, 1966; pp. vii+254. $6.50.

CRITICAL DIMENSIONS: THE ART OF PUBLIC ADDRESS CRITICISM. By Anthony Hillbruner. Random House, 1966; pp. 180. Paper $1.95.

WILLIAM PENN, THE POLITICIAN: HIS RELATIONS WITH THE ENGLISH GOVERNMENT. By Joseph E. Illick. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1965; pp. x+267. $5.75.

ADAMS AND JEFFERSON: THE STORY OF A FRIENDSHIP. By John Murray Allison. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1966; pp. xii+349. $4.95.

PROHIBITION AND POLITICS: TURBULENT DECADES IN TENNESSEE, 1885–1920. By Paul E. Isaac. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1965; pp. xi+301. $6.00.

GEORGE W. NORRIS: GENTLE KNIGHT OF AMERICAN DEMOCRACY. By Norman L. Zucker. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1966; pp. x+186. $5.00.

THE IRISH AND IRISH POLITICIANS. By Edward M. Levine. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1966; pp. xi+241. $6.00.

THE PAPERS OF WOODROW WILSON, Vol. I: 1856–1880. Edited by Arthur S. Link. Foreword by Raymond B. Fosdick. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1966; pp. xxviii+715. $15.00.

THE POLITICAL THOUGHT OF WOOD‐ROW WILSON. Edited by E. David Cronon. Indianapolis: Bobbs‐Merrill, 1965; pp. xcv+ 559. Paper $3.45.

DIONYSUS: MYTH AND CULT. By Walter F. Otto. Translated with an Introduction by Robert B. Palmer. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1965; pp. xxi+243. $6.50.

SOCRATES AND ARISTOPHANES. By Leo Strauss. New York: Basic Books, 1966; pp. 320+Index. $8.50.

TO CRITICIZE THE CRITIC. By T. S. Eliot. New York: Farrar, Straus &; Giroux, 1965; pp. 189. $4.95.

THE CHOICES OF CRITICISM. By William Chace Greene. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1965; pp. vi+207. $7.50.

THE DYSKOLOS OF MENANDER. Edited by E. W. Handley. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1965; pp. x+323. $10.00.

THE PLAY CALLED CORPUS CHRISTI. By V. A. Kolve. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1966; pp. viii+337. $8.50.

THE SHAKESPEARE INSET: WORD AND PICTURE. By Francis Berry. New York: Theatre Arts Books, 1965; pp. x+173. $5.75.

ESSAYS ON SHAKESPEARE. Edited by Gerald W. Chapman. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1966; pp. viii+176. $5.00.

ESSAYS ON SHAKESPEARE. Edited by Gordon Ross Smith. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1965; pp. 249. $6.00.

DUALITIES IN SHAKESPEARE. By Marion Bodwell Smith. University of Toronto Press, 1966; pp. vi+252. $6.50.

SHAKESPEARE: TIME AND CONSCIENCE. By Grigori Kozinstev. Translated by Joyce Vining. New York: Hill &; Wang, 1966; pp. 276. $5.95.

KING LEAR IN OUR TIME. By Maynard Mack. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1965; pp. viii+117+unpaged Index. $3.75.

METHOD AND MEANING IN JONSON'S MASQUES. By John C. Meagher. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1966; pp. vii+214. $6.50.

THE IRISH STAGE IN THE COUNTY TOWNS, 1720–1800. By William Smith Clark. New York: Oxford University Press, 1965; pp. xii+405. $11.20.

JAMES BRIDIE: CLOWN AND PHILOSOPHER. By Helen L. Luyben. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1965; pp. 180. $5.00.

BEHIND SPANISH AMERICAN FOOTLIGHTS. By Willis Knapp Jones. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1966; pp. xvi+609. $9–50.

FOLK THEATRE OF INDIA. By Balwant Gargi. Foreword by Millard B. Rogers. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1966; pp. x+217. $8.95.

JODISCHES THEATER IN NAZIDEUTSCH‐LAND. By Herbert Freeden. Tubingen, Germany: J. C. B. Mohr, 1964; pp. x+184. $6.25.

MODERN TRAGICOMEDY: AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE NATURE OF THE GENRE. By Karl S. Guthke. New York: Random House, 1966; pp. xv+205. Paper $1.95.

MODERN TRAGEDY. By Raymond Williams. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1966; pp. 208. $5.50.

THE SERPENT'S EYE: SHAW AND THE CINEMA. By Donald P. Costello. Foreword by Cecil Lewis. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 1965; pp. xxi+2og. $6.50.

THE JAPANESE MOVIE: AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORY. By Donald Richie. Preface by Teinosuke Kinugasa. Rutland, Vt.: Japan Publications Trading Co., 1956; pp. 200. $11.00.

PERFORMING ARTS—THE ECONOMIC DILEMMA. By William J. Baumol and William G. Bowen. New York: The Twentieth Century Fund, 1966; pp. xvi+582. $7.50.  相似文献   

LANDMARKS OF CONTEMPORARY DRAMA. By Joseph Chiari. New York: Hillary House, 1966; pp. 223. $5.00.

MODERN DRAMA: ESSAYS IN CRITICISM. Edited by Travis Bogard and William I. Oliver. New York: Oxford University Press, 1965; pp. iv+393. $2.25.

SEASONS OF DISCONTENT: DRAMATIC OPINIONS 1959–1965. By Robert Brustein. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1965; pp. 322. $5.95.

CREATING HISTORICAL DRAMA: A GUIDE FOR THE COMMUNITY AND THE INTERESTED INDIVIDUAL. By George McCalmon and Christian Moe. Foreword by Louis C. Jones. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1965; pp. xvi+ 393. $12.50.

ELEONORA DUSE: THE MYSTIC IN THE THEATRE. By Eva Le Gallienne. New York: Farrar, Straus &; Giroux, 1966; pp. iv+185. $4.50.

YANKEE THEATRE: THE IMAGE OF AMERICA ON THE STAGE, 1825–1850. By Francis Hodge. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1964; pp. xii+320. $6.00.


MR. GOODMAN THE PLAYER. By John Harold Wilson. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1964; pp. ix+153. $4.00.

BALLAD OPERA. By Edmond M. Gagey. New York: Benjamin Blom, 1964; pp. ix+259. $10.00.

BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER ON THE RESTORATION STAGE. By Arthur Colby Sprague. New York: Benjamin Blom, 1965; pp. xx+229. $8.50.

COLLEY CIBBER. By Leonard R. N. Ashley. (Twayne's English Authors, No. 17.) New York: Twayne, 1965; pp. 224. $3.50.


ROMAN DRAMA. Edited by T. A. Dorey and Donald R. Dudley. (Studies in Latin Literature and Its Influence.) New York: Basic Books, 1965; pp. x+299. $4.95.

ARISTOTLE'S POETICS AND ENGLISH LITERATURE: A COLLECTION OF CRITICAL ESSAYS. Edited with an Introduction by Elder Olson. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965; pp. xxviii+236. $6.50; paper $2.45.

THE RHETORICAL WORLD OF AUGUSTAN HUMANISM: ETHICS AND IMAGERY FROM SWIFT TO BURKE. By Paul Fussell. New York: Oxford University Press, 1965; pp. xiii+314. $8.80.

FISHER AMES: FEDERALIST AND STATESMAN, 1758–1808. By Winfred E. A. Bernhard. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1965; pp. xiii+372. $8.75.

THE ANTIFEDERALIST PAPERS. Edited with an Introduction by Morton Borden. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1965; pp. xiv+258. $6.50.

NOTES OF DEBATES IN THE FEDERAL CONVENTION OF 1787 REPORTED BY JAMES MADISON. Introduction by Adrienne Koch. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1966; pp. xxiii+659. $10.00.

THE PAPERS OF ALEXANDER HAMILTON. Edited by Harold C. Syrett, et al. New York: Columbia University Press, 1965; Volume VIII, February 1791—July 1791, pp. xiv+ 626; Volume IX, August 1791—December 1791, pp. xiii+599. $12.50 each volume.

THE LAW PRACTICE OF ALEXANDER HAMILTON: DOCUMENTS AND COMMENTARY. Edited by Julius Goebel, Jr., et al. New York: published under the auspices of the William Nelson Cromwell Foundation by Columbia University Press, 1964; Volume I, pp. xxiv+898. $18.50.


JOHN BRIGHT, VICTORIAN REFORMER. By Herman Ausubel. New York: John Wiley &; Sons, 1966; pp. xvi+250. $5.95. paper $2.95.

JOHN WESLEY NORTH AND THE REFORM FRONTIER. By Merlin Stonehouse. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1965; pp. xiii+272. $6.00.

THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE: INAUGURAL ADDRESSES OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES, FROM GEORGE WASHINGTON TO LYNDON B. JOHNSON. Introduction by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. Commentary by Fred L. Israel. New York: Crown, 1965; pp. viii+312. $4.95.

APOSTLES OF THE SELF‐MADE MAN. By John G. Cawelti. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965; pp. xiv+279. $6.95.

THE AMERICAN GOSPEL OF SUCCESS: INDIVIDUALISM AND BEYOND. Edited with an Introduction by Moses Rischin. Chicago: Quadrangle, 1965; pp. 429+unpaged Preface and Selected Bibliography. $7.95.

THE NOBLEST CRY: A HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION. By Charles Lam Markmann. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1965; pp. xiii+464. $7.95.

FREEDOM AND COMMUNICATIONS. By Dan Lacy. Foreword by Robert B. Downs. (Second Edition.) Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1965; pp. viii+108. Paper $0.95.

FREEDOM OF SPEECH: THE SUPREME COURT AND JUDICIAL REVIEW. By Martin Shapiro. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice‐Hall, 1966; pp. viii+182. S4.95; paper $2.45.

THE CASE FOR LIBERTY. By Helen Hill Miller. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1965; pp. xvi+254. $5.95.

THE STEVENSON WIT. Edited by Bill Adler. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday, 1966; pp. 96. $3.95.

THE STEVENSON WIT AND WISDOM. Edited by Paul Steiner. New York: Pyramid, 1965; pp. 126. $0.60.

THE WIT AND WISDOM OF ADLAI STEVENSON. Compiled by Edward Hanna, Henry Hicks, and Ted Koppel. New York: Hawthorn, 1965; pp. 96. $2.95.

ADLAI STEVENSON'S PUBLIC YEARS. Edited by Jill Kneerim. Photographs by Cornell Capa, John Fell Stevenson, and Inge Morath. Preface by Walter Lippmann. New York: Grossman, 1966; pp. 160. $8.95.

MAN OF HONOR—MAN OF PEACE: THE LIFE AND WORDS OF ADLAI STEVENSON. By the Editors of Country Beautiful. Preface by Lyndon B. Johnson. Introduction by Stewart L. Udall. Afterword by Hubert H. Humphrey. New York: Putnam's, 1965; pp. 98. $5.95.

ADLAI STEVENSON. By Lillian Ross. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1966; pp. 60. $2.95.

ADLAI STEVENSON—CITIZEN OF THE WORLD. By Bill Severn. New York: McKay, 1966; pp. 184. $3.95.

ADLAI E. STEVENSON—THE CONSCIENCE OF THE COUNTRY. By Stuart Gerry Brown. Woodbury, N. Y.: Barron's, 1965; pp. 216. $3.25, paper $0.95.

PORTRAIT—ADLAI E. STEVENSON: POLITICIAN, DIPLOMAT, FRIEND. By Alden Whitman and The New York Times. New York: Harper &; Row, 1965; pp. ix+289. $5.95.

AS WE KNEW ADLAI—THE STEVENSON STORY BY TWENTY‐TWO FRIENDS. Edited by Edward P. Doyle. Foreword by Adlai E. Stevenson III. New York: Harper &; Row, 1966; xii+288. $6.95.

THE SOWER'S SEED—A TRIBUTE TO ADLAI STEVENSON. By Richard N. Goodwin. Eulogy by Lyndon B. Johnson. New York: New American Library, 1965; pp. 16. $3.00.

ADLAI E. STEVENSON—THE MAN, THE CANDIDATE, THE STATESMAN. Narrated by Bill Scott. Macmillan, AS‐101–61447. $5.79.

THE STEVENSON WIT. Commentary by David Brinkley. RCA Victor Red Seal, VDM 107. $4.79.

CANDIDATES, ISSUES AND STRATEGIES: A COMPUTER SIMULATION OF THE 1960 AND 1964 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS. By Ithiel de Sola Pool, Robert P. Abelson, and Samuel Popkin. (Revised Edition.) Cambridge, Mass.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1965; pp. xii+ 193. Paper $2.45.

TELEVISION: A WORLD VIEW. By Wilson P. Dizard. Syracuse, N. Y.: Syracuse University Press, 1966; pp. x+349. $7.95.

FACTUAL TELEVISION. By Norman Swallow. New York: Hastings House, 1966; pp. 228. $7.50.

FILM: A MONTAGE OF THEORIES. Edited with an Introduction by Richard Dyer MacCann. New York: Dutton, 1966; pp. 384. Paper $2.45.

THE ILL‐SPOKEN WORD. By Leonard A. Stevens. Introduction by Ralph G. Nichols. New York: McGraw‐Hill, 1966; pp. xvii+233. $5.95.

SPEECH AND MAN. By Charles T. Brown and Charles Van Riper. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice‐Hall, 1966; pp. 147+unpaged Preface. Paper $2.25.  相似文献   

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BERKELEY: THE NEW STUDENT REVOLT. By Hal Draper. Introduction by Mario Savio. New York: Grove Press Evergreen Book, 1965; pp. ix+246. Paper 95c.

THE BERKELEY STUDENT REVOLT. Edited with an Introduction by Seymour Martin Lipset and Sheldon S. Wolin. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday Anchor Book, 1965; pp. xiv+585. Paper $1.95.

CRISIS AT COLUMBIA: THE COX COMMISSION REPORT. By Archibald Cox, et al. New York: Vintage Books, 1968; pp. 222. Paper $1.95.

THE FRENCH STUDENT REVOLT. Edited by Hervé Bourges. Translated by R. R. Brewster. New York: Hill and Wang, 1968; pp. 112. $3.95; paper $1.50.

THE NEW RADICALS. Edited with an Introduction by Paul Jacobs and Saul Landau. New York: Vintage Books, 1966; pp. 333. Paper $1.95.

THE NEW STUDENT LEFT. Edited by Mitchell Cohen and Dennis Hale. Introduction by Carey McWilliams. Revised edition. Boston: Beacon Press, 1967; pp. xxxiii+339. Paper $1.95.

UP AGAINST THE IVY WALL: A HISTORY OF THE COLUMBIA CRISIS. By Jerry L. Avorn, et. al. Introduction by Robert Friedman. New York: Atheneum, 1968; pp. vi+304. Paper $3.25.  相似文献   

PHILOSOPHY, RHETORIC, AND ARGUMENTATION. Edited by Maurice Natanson and Henry W. Johnstone, Jr. Foreword by Robert T. Oliver. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1965; pp. xiii+ 176. $5.00.

HISTORY OF PUBLIC SPEAKING IN AMERICA. By Robert T. Oliver. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1965; pp. xviii+566. $8.95.

SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. By Roger Brown. New York: Free Press, 1965; xxiv+785. $8.95.

SYMBOLIC LEADERS: PUBLIC DRAMAS AND PUBLIC MEN. By Orrin E. Klapp. Chicago: Aldine, 1964; pp. 272. $5.95.

PAMPHLETS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, 1750–1776. Volume I, 1750–1765. Edited with an Introduction by Bernard Bailyn. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1965; pp. xxxii+771. $12.50.

THE NAZI SEIZURE OF POWER. By William Sheridan Allen. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1965; pp. xi+345. $6.95.

GOEBBELS AND NATIONAL SOCIALIST PROPAGANDA, 1925–1945. By Ernest D. Bramsted. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1965; pp. xxxvii+488, $12.50.

ESSAYS ON RHETORIC. Edited by Dudley Bailey. New York: Oxford, 1965; pp. viii+ 309. Paper $2.95.

READINGS IN RHETORIC. Edited by Lionel Crocker and Paul A. Carmack. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, 1964; pp. xiii+599. $16.50.

THE PROVINCE OF RHETORIC. Edited by Joseph Schwartz and John A. Rycenga. New York: Ronald, 1965; pp. x+558. $6.00.

READINGS IN SPEECH. Edited by Haig A. Bosmajian. New York: Harper &; Row, 1965; pp. xi+384. Paper $3.95.

CLASSIC SPEECHES: WORDS THAT SHOOK THE WORLD. Edited by Richard Crosscup. New York: Philosophical Library, 1965; pp. xiii+496. $10.00.

SPEECHES FOR ILLUSTRATION AND EXAMPLE. Edited by Goodwin F. Berquist, Jr. Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1965; pp. iv+219. Paper $2.00.

ITALIAN TRAGEDY IN THE RENAISSANCE. By Marvin T. Herrick. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1965; pp. vi+315. $6.75.

THE ART OF THORNTON WILDER. By Malcolm Goldstein. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1965; pp. x+176. $5.00; paper $1.80.

THE BROKEN WORLD OF TENNESSEE WILLIAMS. By Esther Merle Jackson. Madison and Milwaukee: University of Wisconsin Press, 1965; pp. xxiii+179. $5.75.

THE STORM OVER THE DEPUTY: ESSAYS AND ARTICLES ABOUT HOCHHUTH'S EXPLOSIVE DRAMA. Edited by Eric Bentley. New York: Grove, 1964; pp. 254. Paper $0.95.

USING AMERICAN ENGLISH. By Leonard Newmark, Jerome R. Mintz, and Jan Lawson Hinely. New York: Harper 8: Row, 1964; pp. vi+251. Paper $3.65.

FOREIGN ACCENT. By Fred M. Chreist. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice‐Hall, 1964; pp. xliv+114. $4.95.  相似文献   

GREAT DEBATES IN AMERICAN HISTORY: [From the Debates in the British Parliament on the Colonial Stamp Act (1764–1765) to the Debates in Congress at the close of the Taft Administration (1912–1913)]. Edited with Preface by Marion Mills Miller. Metuchen, N.J.: Mini‐Print Corporation, 1970; three volumes: Volume 1, pp. viii+440; Volume 2, pp. 487; Volume 3, pp. 501. $115.00.

SOW THE WIND, REAP THE WHIRLWIND: HEADS OF STATE ADDRESS THE UNITED NATIONS. Edited with introduction and commentary by Michael H. Prosser. Deluxe, slipcased, numbered edition limited to 1500 sets, bound in buckram with genuine gold gilding and stamping. New York: William Morrow, 1970; 2 vols. pp. 1450. $100.00 the set.

SPEECH CRITICISM. By Lester Thonssen, A. Craig Baird, and Waldo W. Braden. (Second edition.) New York: Ronald Press, 1970; pp. x+580. $9.50.

USES OF RHETORIC. By Jim W. Corder. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1971; pp. xi+ 230. $5.95.

THE HOUSE OF COMMONS IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. By Peter D. G. Thomas. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1971; pp. ix+382. $11.25.

20 PLAYS OF THE NÕ THEATRE. Edited by Donald Keene with the assistance of Royall Tyler. New York: Columbia University Press, 1970; pp. xvi+336. $15.00; paper $4.95.

KATHAKALI: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE DANCE‐DRAMA OF KERALA. By Clifford R. Jones and Betty True Jones. Photo/ Design by Jan Steward. San Francisco: American Society for Eastern Arts; and New York: Theatre Arts Books, 1970; pp. ii+115. $3.95 paperbound.

THE DRAMA'S PATRONS: A STUDY OF THE EIGHTEENTH‐CENTURY LONDON AUDIENCE. By Leo Hughes. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1971; pp. ix+209. $7.50.

DRAMATIC CHARACTER IN THE ENGLISH ROMANTIC AGE. By Joseph W. Donohue, Jr. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1970; pp. xiii+402. $14.50.

SAMUEL PHELPS AND SADLER'S WELLS THEATRE. By Shirley S. Allen. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1971; pp. xvi+354. $15.00.

BLACK IMAGE ON THE AMERICAN STAGE: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PLAYS AND MUSICALS, 1770–1970. By James V. Hatch. New York: DBS Publications, Inc./ Drama Book Specialists, 1970; pp. xiii+162. $8.00.

MYTHIC PATTERNS IN IBSEN'S LAST PLAYS. By Orley I. Holtan. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1970; pp. 213. $7.95.

THE PEOPLED WOUND: THE WORK OF HAROLD PINTER. By Martin Esslin. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1970; pp. vii+270. $5.95; paper $1.45.

SHAW: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY, 1898–1950. Selected from his writings by Stanley Weintraub. New York: Weybright and Talley, 1970; pp. ix+335. $10.00.

BRIGHT PARTICULAR STAR: THE LIFE &; TIMES OF CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN. By Joseph Leach. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1970; pp. xvi+453. $12.50.

DRAWINGS FOR THE THEATRE. By Robert Edmond Jones. Introduction to the Second Edition by Donald Oenslager. New York: Theatre Arts Books, 1970; pp. 24+35 black and white plates. $13.50.

STAGE LIGHTING. By Richard Pilbrow. London: Studio Vista, 1970; pp. 151+24 illus. £3.15 (U.K.)

ESSAYS IN HONOR OF C. M. WISE. Edited by Arthur J. Bronstein, Claude L. Shaver, and Cj Stevens. (Limited edition.) Hannibal, Mo.: Standard Printing Company, 1970; pp. x+235. $7.50.

INTERPERSONAL DYNAMICS IN THE SMALL GROUP. By Gerald M. Phillips and Eugene C. Erickson. New York: Random House, 1970; pp. v+242. $4.95.

STRATEGIC INTERACTION. By Erving Goffman. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1969; pp. x+145. 38.50; paper $3.45.

REDUCING SOCIAL TENSION AND CONFLICT THROUGH THE GROUP CONVERSATION METHOD. By Rachel Davis Du‐Bois and Mew‐Soong Li. Foreword by Ira Progoff. New York: Association Press, 1971; pp. 159. Paper $3.95.

KINESICS AND CONTEXT: ESSAYS ON BODY MOTION COMMUNICATION. By Ray L. Birdwhistell. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1970; pp. xlv+338. Paper $3.95.

COMMUNICATION: CONCEPTS AND PROCESSES. Edited by Joseph A. DeVito. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice‐Hall, 1971; pp. vii+ 232. $8.50; paper 54.95.

THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SPEECH AND LANGUAGE: AN INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLINGUISTICS. By Joseph DeVito. New York: Random House, 1970; pp. xi+308. $7.95.  相似文献   

In memoriam     
RHETORIC AND CRITICISM. By Marie Hochmuth Nichols. Introduction by Waldo W. Braden. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1963; pp. viii+151. $5.00.

THE IDEA OF JUSTICE AND THE PROBLEM OF ARGUMENT. By Ch. Perelman. Translated from the French by John Petrie. New York: Humanities Press, 1963; pp. xi+ 212. $5.50.

LITERATURE, PHILOSOPHY AND THE SOCIAL SCIENCES: ESSAYS IN EXISTENTIALISM AND PHENOMENOLOGY. By Maurice Natanson. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1962; pp. xii+220. 18 guilders.

BOUNDARIES OF DIONYSUS: ATHENIAN FOUNDATIONS FOR THE THEORY OF TRAGEDY. By Alfred Cary Schlesinger. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1963; pp. x+145. $3.50.

THE MASKS OF TRAGEDY: ESSAYS ON SIX GREEK DRAMAS. By Thomas G. Rosenmeyer. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1963; pp. xiii+248. $5.00.

THE LANGUAGE OF THE LAW. By David Mellinkoff. Boston: Little, Brown, 1963; pp. xiv+526. $12.50.

CONTRARY MUSIC: THE PROSE STYLE OF JOHN DONNE. By Joan Webber. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1963; pp. ix+227. $5.50.

THE LONDON STAGE, 1660–1800: A CALENDAR OF PLAYS, ENTERTAINMENTS &; AFTERPIECES TOGETHER WITH CASTS, BOX‐RECEIPTS AND CONTEMPORARY COMMENT COMPILED FROM THE PLAYBILLS, NEWSPAPERS AND THEATRICAL DIARIES OF THE PERIOD. PART 4: 1747–1776. Edited with a Critical Introduction by George Winchester Stone, Jr. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1962; Volume I, pp. cclxxviii+492; Volume II, pp. Ixvi+493–1266; Volume III, pp. Ixv+1267–1993. $75.00.

AMERICAN DRAMA: CONTEMPORARY ALLEGORY FROM EUGENE O'NEILL TO TENNESSEE WILLIAMS. By Louis Broussard. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1962; pp. vii+145. $3.75.

THE THEATRE OF DON JUAN: A COLLECTION OF PLAYS AND VIEWS, 1630–1963. Edited with a Commentary by Oscar Mandel. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1963; pp. x+731. $10.00.

JOHN DONNE: PREACHER. By William R. Mueller. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1962; pp. xi+264. $6.00.

A LINGUISTIC INTRODUCTION TO THE HISTORY OF ENGLISH. By Morton W. Bloomfield and Leonard Newmark. New York: Knopf, 1963; pp. xvi+375+xx. $6.85.


ARISTOTLE AND THE PROBLEM OF VALUE. By Whitney J. Oates. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1963; pp. x+387. $8.50.

ON COPIA OF WORDS AND IDEAS (De utraque Verborum ac Rerum Copia). By Erasmus. Translated with an Introduction by Donald B. King and H. David Rix. Milwaukee, Wis.: Marquette University Press, 1963; pp. viii+112. Paper $3.00.

ELEMENTS OF RHETORIC. By Richard Whately. Edited with a critical Introduction by Douglas Ehninger. Foreword by David Potter. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1963; pp. xxx+15+479. $7.00.

KENNETH BURKE AND THE DRAMA OF HUMAN RELATIONS. By William H. Rueckert. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1963; pp. xvi+253. $6.00.

TECHNIQUES OF PERSUASION: FROM PROPAGANDA TO BRAINWASHING. By James A. C. Brown. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin, 1963; pp. 325. Paper $1.25.

NEBRASKA SYMPOSIUM ON MOTIVATION: 1963. Edited by Marshall R. Jones. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1963; pp. x+202. $5.50; paper $2.50.

FRANCIS BACON: THE TEMPER OF A MAN. By Catherine Drinker Bowen. Boston: Little, Brown, 1963; pp. 245. $6.00.

THOMAS WENTWORTH, FIRST EARL OF STRAFFORD, 1593–1641. By C. V. Wedgwood. New York: Macmillan, 1962; pp. 415. $6.00.

THE LANGUAGE OF POLITICS IN THE AGE OF WILKES AND BURKE. “Studies in Political History.” By James T. Boulton. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1963; pp. xiii+282. 16.75.

BURKE, PAINE, AND THE RIGHTS OF MAN: A DIFFERENCE OF POLITICAL OPINION. By R. R. Fennessy. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1963, pp. xiii+274. 37 guilders.

ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATE: TECHNIQUES OF A FREE SOCIETY. By James H. McBurney and Glen E. Mills. (Second edition.) New York: Macmillan, 1964; pp. vi+474. $5.50.

REASON IN CONTROVERSY: AN INTRODUCTION TO GENERAL ARGUMENTATION. By Glen E. Mills. With a chapter on reasoning processes by Arthur Hastings. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1964; pp. x+386. $6.50.

A GUIDE TO DEBATE. By Russel R. Windes and Robert M. O'Neil. Portland, Maine: J. Weston Walch, 1964; pp. iii+270. $4.00; paper $3.00.

GROUP DISCUSSION: THEORY AND TECHNIQUE. By R. Victor Harnack and Thorrel B. Fest. New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts, 1964; pp. xiv+456. $5.00.

GROUP THINKING AND CONFERENCE LEADERSHIP. By William E. Utterback. (Revised edition.) New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963; pp. ix+244. $4.50.

THE SOUND, SENSE, AND PERFORMANCE OF LITERATURE. By Don Geiger. Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1963; pp. 115. Paper $1.60.

THE ORAL INTERPRETATION OF LITERATURE. By Chloe Armstrong and Paul D. Brandes. New York: McGraw‐Hill, 1963; pp. viii+330. $5.95.

COMMUNICATIVE READING. By Otis J. Aggertt and Elbert R. Bowen. (Second edition.) New York: Macmillan, 1963; pp. xiii+ 482. $6.00.  相似文献   

FRONTIERS OF COMMUNICATION: THE AMERICAS IN SEARCH OF POLITICAL CULTURE. By Karin Dovring. Boston: Christopher Publishing House, 1975; pp. 172. $6.95.

ZEN AND THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE: AN INQUIRY INTO VALUES. By Robert M. Pirsig. New York: Bantam Books, 1975; pp. vi+406. Paper $2.25. (Also New York: William Morrow &; Co., 1974; $7.95.)

THE MESSAGE IN THE BOTTLE. By Walker Percy. New York: Farrar, Straus &; Giroux, 1975: pp. 335. $8.95.

A PRIMER OF MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS By Richard J. Harris. New York: Academic Press, 1975; pp. 332. $13.95.  相似文献   

DRAMATIC SOUNDINGS: EVALUATIONS AND RETRACTIONS CULLED FROM 30 YEARS OF DRAMATIC CRITICISM. By John Gassner. Introduction and editing by Glenn Loney. New York: Crown Publishers, 1968; pp. xx+716. $7.50.

BEN JONSON'S ‘DOTAGES’: A RECONSIDERATION OF THE LATE PLAYS. By Larry S. Champion. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1967; pp. viii+156. $6.50.

LOPE DE VEGA. By Francis C. Hayes. (Twayne's World Authors Series, no. 28.) New York: Twayne Publishers, 1967; pp. 160. $4.50.

THE FORMAL FRENCH. By W. L. Wiley. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1967; pp. xii+317. $6.75.

THE BAROQUE THEATRE: A CULTURAL HISTORY OF THE 17th AND 18th CENTURIES. By Margarete Baur‐Heinhold. Photographs by Helga Schmidt‐Glassner. Translated by Mary Whittall. New York: McGraw‐Hill, 1967; pp. 292. $32.00.

THEATER DES BAROCK: KULTURGESCHICHTE IN EINZELDARSTELLUNGEN. By Margarete Baur‐Heinhold. München: Verlag Georg D. W. Callwey, 1966; pp. 296. DM 88,00.

RUSSIAN COMEDY, 1765–1823. By David J. Welsh. (Slavistic Printings and Reprintings, LXV.) New York: Humanities Press, 1966; pp. 133. $6.50.

THE RISE AND FALL OF THE WELL‐MADE PLAY. By John Russell Taylor. New York: Hill and Wang, 1967; pp. 175. $5.75.

IONESCO AND GENET: PLAYWRIGHTS OF SILENCE. By Josephine Jacobsen and William R. Mueller. New York: Hill and Wang, 1968; pp. xii+242. $5.95; paper $1.95.

THE PLAYWRIGHTS SPEAK. Edited by Walter Wager. Introduction by Harold Clurman. New York: Delacorte Press, 1967; pp. xxx+290. $6.00.

OCCUPATIONAL COSTUME IN ENGLAND FROM THE 11th CENTURY TO 1914. By Phillis Cunnington and Catherine Lucas, with chapters by Alan Mansfield. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1967; pp. 427. $10.00.

THE PRIMAL CURSE: THE MYTH OF CAIN AND ABEL IN THE THEATRE. By Honor Matthews. New York: Schocken Books, 1967; pp. 221. $5.95.

THE POETIC TRADITION: ESSAYS ON GREEK, LATIN, AND ENGLISH POETRY. Edited by Don Cameron Allen and Henry T. Rowell. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1968; pp. ix+142. $5.95.

LATIN POETRY: THE AGE OF RHETORIC AND SATIRE. By Clarence W. Mendell. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1967; pp. viii+223. $6.000.

THE FICTIONS OF SATIRE. By Ronald Paulson. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1967; pp. viii+228. $7.00.

CONCEPTIONS OF REALITY IN MODERN AMERICAN POETRY. By L. S. Dembo. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966; pp. ix+248. $6.00.

WHY LITERARY CRITICISM IS NOT AN EXACT SCIENCE. By Harry Levin. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1967; pp. 27. Paper $1.00.

DEMOSTHENES’ ON THE CROWN: A CRITICAL CASE STUDY OF A MASTERPIECE OF ANCIENT ORATORY. Edited by James J. Murphy with a new translation by John J. Keaney. (Studies in Speech, No. 7.) New York: Random House, 1967; pp. ix+208. Paper $2.25.

THE RHETORIC OF PASCAL: A STUDY OF HIS ART OF PERSUASION IN THE ‘PROVINCIALES’ AND THE ‘PENSÉES.’ By Patricia Topliss. New York: Humanities Press, 1966; pp. 342. $8.50.

A CRITIQUE OF THE NEW COMMONPLACES. By Jacques Ellul. Translated by Helen Weaver. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1968; pp. vii+306. $6.95.

TRADITION AND DISSENT: A RHETORIC‐READER. By Florence Bonzer Greenberg and Anne P. Heffley. Indianapolis: Bobbs‐Merrill, 1967; pp. xviii+426. Paper $3.95.

THE CORRESPONDENCE OF EDMUND BURKE: VOLUME VI, JULY 1789‐DECEMBER 1791. Edited by Alfred Cobban and Robert A. Smith. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1967; pp. xxvi+495. $13.50.

GEORGE WASHINGTON IN THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, 1775–1783. By James Thomas Flexner. Boston: Little, Brown, 1968; pp. xvii+599. $10.00

THE DIARY OF JAMES A. GARFIELD. Vols. I and II, 1848–1874. Edited by Harry James Brown and Frederick D. Williams. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1967; pp. lxx+496 and 450. $30.00.

WASHINGTON GLADDEN: PROPHET OF THE SOCIAL GOSPEL. By Jacob Henry Dorn. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1968; pp. x+489. $8.00.

FDR: ARCHITECT OF AN ERA. By Rexford G. Tugwell. New York: Macmillan, 1967; pp. xviii+270. $4.95.

CRISIS IN CREDIBILITY. By Bruce Ladd. New York: New American Library, 1968; pp. vi+247. $5.50.

ANYTHING BUT THE TRUTH: THE CREDIBILITY GAP—HOW THE NEWS IS MANAGED IN WASHINGTON. By William McGaffin and Erwin Knoll. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1968; pp. 250. $7.95.

THE GREAT SOCIETY READER: THE FAILURE OF AMERICAN LIBERALISM. Edited by Marvin Gettleman and David Mermelstein. New York: Random House, 1967; pp. xiv+551. $8.95; paper $2.45.

THE SPEECHES OF MALCOLM X AT HARVARD. Edited with an introduction by Archie Epps. New York: William Morrow, 1968; pp. 191. $4.95.

SOUNDS OF THE STRUGGLE: PERSONS AND PERSPECTIVES IN CIVIL RIGHTS. By C. Eric Lincoln. New York: William Morrow, 1967; pp. 252. $5.00.

THE COMPUTER AND INVASION OF PRIVACY. U. S. House of Representatives, Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, 89th Congress, Second Session, 1966. New York: Arno Press, 1967; pp. iv+311. $4.95.

THE PRESENCE OF THE WORD: SOME PROLEGOMENA FOR CULTURAL AND RELIGIOUS HISTORY. By Walter J. Ong, S.J. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1967; pp. xiv+360. $6.95.

RADIO PROGRAMMING IN ACTION: REALITIES AND OPPORTUNITIES. Edited by Sherril W. Taylor. New York: Hastings House, 1967; pp. 183. $6.50.

RADIO BROADCASTING: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE SOUND MEDIUM. Edited by Robert L. Hilliard. New York: Hastings House, 1967; pp. 190. $6.95; paper $4.40.

VERBAL BEHAVIOR AND GENERAL BEHAVIOR THEORY. Edited by David L. Horton and Theodore R. Dixon. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice‐Hall, 1968; pp. ix+396. $9.95.

EXPERIMENTS IN PERSUASION. Edited by Ralph L. Rosnow and Edward J. Robinson. New York: Academic Press, 1967; pp. xix+519. $8.95.

THE LONDON SCHOOL OF LINGUISTICS: A STUDY OF THE LINGUISTIC THEORIES OF B. MALINOWSKI AND J. R. FIRTH. By D. Terence Langendoen. (Research Monograph, No. 46.) Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1968; pp. xii+123. $5.95.

THE MODIFICATION OF STUTTERING. By Eugene J. Brutten and Donald J. Shoemaker. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice‐Hall, 1967; pp. xii+148. $5.50.

PRE‐GLOTTALIZATION IN ENGLISH STANDARD PRONUNCIATION. By Bjørn Stâlhane Andrésen. (Norwegian Studies in English, No. 13.) New York: Humanities Press, 1968; pp. 187. $6.75.

FORMS OF ENGLISH: ACCENT, MORPHEME, ORDER. By Dwight L. Bolinger. Edited by Isamu Abe and Tetsuya Kanekiyo. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1965: pp. ix+334. $7.95.  相似文献   

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THE SUBCONSCIOUS LANGUAGE. By Theodore Thass‐Thienemann. New York: Washington Square Press, 1967; pp. viii+437. $6.95.

QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH IN PUBLIC ADDRESS AND COMMUNICATION. By Wayne N. Thompson. New York: Random House, 1967; pp. xii+239. Paper $2.95.

LANGUAGE TODAY: A SURVEY OF CURRENT LINGUISTIC THOUGHT. Edited by Mario Pei. New York: Funk &; Wagnalls, 1967; pp. ix+150. $5.95.

THE MANY HUES OF ENGLISH. By Mario Pei. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967; pp. viii+214. $4.95.

INSTRUMENTS OF COMMUNICATION: AN ESSAY ON SCIENTIFIC WRITING. By Patrick Meredith. New York: Pergamon, 1966; pp. xx+645. $21.50.

EDMUND BURKE: THE PRACTICAL IMAGINATION. By Gerald W. Chapman. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1967; pp. x+350. $5.95.

THE MONROE DOCTRINE AND AMERICAN EXPANSIONISM, 1843–1849. By Frederick Merk. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1966; pp. xii+289+ix. $6.95.

JACKSONIAN ARISTOCRACY: CLASS AND DEMOCRACY IN NEW YORK, 1830–1860. By Douglas T. Miller. New York: Oxford University Press, 1967; pp. xi+228. $6.00.

LINCOLN VS. DOUGLAS: THE GREAT DEBATES CAMPAIGN. By Richard Allen Heckman. Washington: Public Affairs Press, 1967; PP. v+192. $5.00.

THE PAPERS OF ANDREW JOHNSON: VOLUME I, 1822–1851. Edited by LeRoy P. Graf and Ralph W. Haskins. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1967; pp. xliv+700. $15.00.

1867: DISRAELI, GLADSTONE AND REVOLUTION: THE PASSING OF THE SECOND REFORM BILL. By Maurice Cowling. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1967; pp. ix+447. $13.50.

WOODROW WILSON: THE ACADEMIC YEARS. By Henry Wilkinson Bragdon. Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1967; pp. xiii+519.

THE POLITICS OF HONOR: A BIOGRAPHY OF ADLAI E. STEVENSON. By Kenneth S. Davis. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1967; pp. 543. $10.00.

ADLAI STEVENSON—A STUDY IN VALUES. By Herbert J. Muller. New York: Harper &; Row, 1967; pp. xiii+338. $6.95.

THE NUREMBERG PARTY RALLIES, 1923–39. By Hamilton T. Burden. Foreword by Adolf A. Berle. New York: Praeger, 1967; pp. xv+206. $5.95.

IN SEARCH OF LIGHT: THE BROADCASTS OF EDWARD R. MURROW, 1938–1961. Edited with an introduction by Edward Bliss, Jr. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967; pp. xv+364. $6.95.

THE FARTHER VISION: EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION TODAY. Edited by Allen E. Koenig and Ruane B. Hill. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1967; pp. xvi+371. $7.50.

JOSEPH CONRAD: A PSYCHOANALYTIC BIOGRAPHY. By Bernard C. Meyer. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1967; pp. viii+396. $8.50.

A CONTINUING JOURNEY. By Archibald MacLeish. Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin, 1968; pp. x+374. $5.95.

SURVEYS AND SOUNDINGS IN EUROPEAN LITERATURE. By Hermann J. Weigand. Edited by A. Leslie Willson. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1966; pp. viii+ 360. $10.00.

THE READER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SHAKESPEARE. Edited by Oscar James Campbell and Edward G. Quinn. New York: Crowell, 1966; pp. xv+1,01. $15.00.

SHAKESPEARE'S STAGECRAFT. By J. L. Styan. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1967; pp. viii+244. $7.95; paper $2.45.

THE ELIZABETHAN WORLD. By Lacey Baldwin Smith. Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin, 1967; pp. 286. $6.50.

DRYDEN'S MAJOR PLAYS. By Bruce King. New York: Barnes &; Noble, 1966; pp. x+215. $6.75.

RACINE, OR, THE TRIUMPH OF RELEVANCE, By Odette de Mourgues. London, England: Cambridge University Press, 1967; pp. iv+170. $5.50; paper $2.25.

THEATER IN THE ANTE BELLUM SOUTH, 1815–1861. By James H. Dormon, Jr. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1967; pp. xii+322. $8.00.

THE FOREIGNER IN EARLY AMERICAN DRAMA: A STUDY IN ATTITUDES. By Kent G. Gallagher. The Hague, The Netherlands: Mouton, 1966; pp. 206. $8.00.

AFTER THE IRISH RENAISSANCE: A CRITICAL HISTORY OF THE IRISH DRAMA SINCE “THE PLOUGH AND THE STARS.” By Robert Hogan. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1967; pp. x+282. $6.95.

THE INFLUENCE OF D. H. LAWRENCE ON TENNESSEE WILLIAMS. By Norman J. Fedder. New York: Humanities, 1966; pp. 131 $5.75.

D. H. LAWRENCE AS A LITERARY CRITIC. By David J. Gordon. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1966; pp. viii+178. $4.75.

THE THEATRE OF COMMITMENT AND OTHER ESSAYS ON DRAMA IN OUR SOCIETY. By Eric Bentley. New York: Atheneum, 1967; pp. xi+241. $5.00.

TYNAN RIGHT AND LEFT: PLAYS, FILMS, PEOPLE, PLACES, AND EVENTS. By Kenneth Tynan. New York: Atheneum, 1967; pp. ix+479. $8.95.

WRITERS AT WORK: THE PARIS REVIEW INTERVIEWS. Third series. Introduced by Alfred Kazin. New York: Viking, 1967; pp. xv+368. $7.95.

THE PLAYS OF THORNTON WILDER: A CRITICAL STUDY. By Donald Haberman. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1967; pp. xii+162. $7.00.  相似文献   

CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH: HIS LIFE AND LEGEND. By Bradford Smith. Philadelphia: The J. B. Lippincott Company, 1953; pp. 375. $5.00.

PETER E. DIETZ: LABOR PRIEST. By Mary Harrita Fox. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1953; pp. ix+285. $4.75.

THE LEGISLATIVE PROCESS IN CONGRESS. By George G. Galloway. New York: The Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1953; pp. xii+689. $6.00.

THE YALTA BETRAYAL. By Felix Wittmer. Caldwell, Idaho: The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1953; pp. 135. $1.25.

A GUIDE TO HELP THE SEVERELY HARD‐OF‐HEARING CHILD. By Helen Hulick Beebe. Basel, Switzerland: S. Karger, 1953.

SPEECH COMPOSITION. By William Norwood Brigance. (Second Edition). New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts, Inc., 1953; pp. vii+385. $3.00.

YOU'RE THE SPEAKER. By Vera Gough. New York: William Morrow &; Company, 1954; pp. 158. $2.50.

INTERPRETATIVE READING. By Sara Lowrey and Gertrude E. Johnson. (Revised Edition). New York: Appleton‐Century‐Crofts, Inc., 1953; pp. xvii+595. $3.75.

HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAYS AND PROGRAMS. By Aileen Fisher. Boston: Plays, Inc., 1953; pp. viii+267. $3.50.

PARKER'S TELEVISION PLAYS. By Kenneth T. Parker. Minneapolis: The Northwestern Press, 1954; pp. 245. $2.75.

WEIRD TALES OF OLD JAPAN. By Eisaburo Kusano. Tokyo: Tokyo News Service, Ltd., 1953; pp. iii+127. $2.50.

GUIDE TO AMERICAN LITERATURE AND ITS BACKGROUNDS SINCE 1890. By Howard Mumford Jones. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1953; pp. 151. $1.50.

TOWARD A DEMOCRATIC WORK PROCESS. By Fred H. Blum. New York: Harper &; Brothers, 1953; pp. xxi+229. $3.50.

HOW TO BE A BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEMBER. By Roy Sorenson. New York: Association Press, 1953; pp. 64. $1.00.

PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE MADE EASY: A VISUAL AID BASED ON ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER. By Rheva Ott Shryock. Ellenton, Florida: College Offset Press, 1953; pp. 16. $2.50.

TEACHING SPEECH IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL. By Karl Robinson. (Second Edition). New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1954; pp. vii+438. $4.25.

PSYCHOLOGY IN THE NURSERY SCHOOL. By Nelly Wolffheim. Translated by Charles L. Hannam. New York: The Philosophical Library, Inc., 1953; pp. 144. $3.75.  相似文献   

THE AMERICAN FILM INSTITUTE GUIDE TO COLLEGE COURSES IN FILM AND TELEVISION. Edited by Michele Herling. Foreword on Film by Arthur Knight. Foreword on Television by George C. Stoney. Washington, D.C.: Acropolis Books Ltd., 1973; pp. xv+309. $5.95.

THE DIVINE AVERAGE: A VIEW OF COMEDY. By William G. McCollum. Cleveland: Case Western Reserve University Press, 1971; pp. viii+236. $7.50.

THE MASKS OF KING LEAR. By Marvin Rosenberg. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972; pp. 431. $13.75.

SHAKESPEARE WITHOUT WORDS AND OTHER ESSAYS. By Alfred Harbage. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972; pp. viii+229. $9.50.

CREATING THEATRE: THE ART OF THEATRICAL DIRECTING. By August W. Staub. New York: Harper &; Row, Publishers, 1973; pp. x+368. $8.95.

THE NEWS TWISTERS. By Edith Efron. Los Angeles: Nash Publishing, 1971; pp. xii+356. $7.95.

POLITICAL POWER AND THE PRESS. By William J. Small. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1972; pp. 423. $7.95.

THE UNIVERSAL EYE: THE WORLD OF TELEVISION. By Timothy Green. New York: Stein and Day, 1972; pp. 276. $10.00.

NEWS FROM NOWHERE: TELEVISION AND THE NEWS. By Edward J. Epstein. New York: Random House, 1973; pp. xix+321. $7.95.

WORKING THROUGH: A TEACHER'S JOURNEY IN THE URBAN UNIVERSITY. By Leonard Kriegel. New York: Saturday Review Press, 1972; pp. viii+210. $6.95.

CONFESSIONS OF AN AMERICAN SCHOLAR. By Simon O'Toole. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1970; pp. vii+111. $5.95; paper $1.95.

SPEECH COMMUNICATION INSTRUCTION. Edited by Deems M. Brooks. New York: David McKay Company, Inc., 1972; pp. xiv+ 367. Paper $4.95.

FUNCTIONS OF LANGUAGE IN THE CLASSROOM. Edited by Courtney B. Cazden, Vera P. John, and Dell Hymes. Foreword by Solon T. Kimball. New York: Teachers College Press, 1972; pp. lx+394. Paper $5.95.

COMMUNICATIVE DISORDERS: AN APPRAISAL. Edited by Alan J. Weston. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 1972; pp v+417. $14.75.

PRINCIPLES OF CHILDHOOD LANGUAGE DISABILITIES. Edited by John V. Irwin and Michael Marge. New York: Appleton, Century, Crofts, Meredith Corporation, 1972; pp. xii+391. $13.95.

HELPING THE TRAINABLE MENTALLY RETARDED CHILD DEVELOP SPEECH AND LANGUAGE. By Michael L. Fordon, David H. Ryan, and Tamar Shelo. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 1972; pp. v+68. $4.95.

SPEECH COMMUNICATION HANDBOOK. By Donald Clint Streeter, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1972; pp. iv+177. Paper $4.95.

SPEECH ORGANIZATION: A PROGRAMMED APPROACH. By James W. Gibson. San Francisco, Calif.: Rinehart Press, 1971; pp. vii+114. Paper $3.25.

A PROGRAM ON SUPPORTING MATERIAL. By Patricia H. Crochet and Thomas R. King. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., 1972; pp. iii+59. Paper $1.25.

A PROGRAM ON SPEECH PREPARATION. By Marsha K. Markle and Thomas R. King. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., 1972; pp. v+62. Paper $1.25.

A PROGRAM ON THE PROCESS OF COMMUNICATION. By Thomas R. King. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., 1972; pp. v+59. Paper $1.25.

ARGUMENTATION AND RATIONAL DEBATING. By Robert C. Dick. Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown Company Publishers, 1972; pp. x+109. Paper $1.95.

THE CHALLENGE OF BLACKNESS. By Lerone Bennett, Jr. Chicago: Johnson Publishing Company, Inc., 1972; pp. 312. $6.95.

PROFILES IN BLACK POWER. By James Haskins. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday &; Co., Inc., 1972; pp. 259. $3.95.

THE BLACK PREACHER IN AMERICA. By Charles V. Hamilton. New York: William Morrow &; Company, Inc., 1972; pp. 246. $7.95.

WHITE HOUSE SERMONS. Edited by Ben Hibbs. Introduction by Richard Nixon. New York: Harper &; Row, Publishers, 1972; pp. xiv+216. $5.95.

PROPAGANDA DER FRIEDLOSIGKEIT, EINE STUDIE ZU HITLER'S RHETORICK, 1920–1933. By Detlef Grieswelle. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 1972; pp. 233. 29.70 DM.

COLLEGE LITERARY SOCIETIES: THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES, 1815–1876. By Thomas S. Harding. New York: Pageant Press, 1971; pp. xv+537. $18.95.

THOSE DAMNED REBELS: THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION AS SEEN THROUGH BRITISH EYES. By Michael Pearson. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1972; pp. 446. $8.95.

ESSAYS ON THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Edited by Stephen G. Kurtz and James H. Hutson. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1973; pp. xi+320. $12.50.

KING GEORGE III. By John Brooke. Foreword by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Company, 1972; pp. xviii+411. $12.50.

EXPLORATIONS IN RHETORICAL CRITICISM. Edited by Charles J. Stewart, Donovan J. Ochs, G. P. Mohrmann. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1973; pp. viii+245. $10.95.

CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN SPEECHES: A SOURCEBOOK OF SPEECH FORMS AND PRINCIPLES. Edited by Wil A. Linkugel, R. R. Allen, and Richard L. Johannesen. (Third edition.) Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing; Company, Inc., 1972; pp. 314. Paper $3.95.

REPRESENTATIVE AMERICAN SPEECHES: 1971–1972. Edited by Waldo W. Braden. New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1972; pp. 207. $4.50.

ARISTOTLE ON MEMORY. Translated by Richard Sorabji. Providence, R. I.: Brown University Press, 1972; pp. x+122. $6.50.

MEN OF ATHENS. By Rex Warner. New York: Viking Press, 1972; pp. 264. $16.95.

INTERCOMMUNICATION AMONG NATIONS AND PEOPLES. Edited by Michael H. Prosser. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1973; pp. xi+606. Paper $8.50.

FIRST THINGS, LAST THINGS. By Eric Hoffer. New York: Harper &; Row, Publishers, 1971; pp. 132. $4.95.

REFLECTIONS ON THE HUMAN CONDITION. By Eric Hoffer. New York: Harper &; Row, Publishers, 1973; pp. 97. $4.95.

VICTIMS OF GROUPTHINK. By Irving L. Janis. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1972; pp. 27. Paper $4.50.

SPEECH COMMUNICATION: AN INTERPERSONAL APPROACH. By Ernest G. Bormann and Nancy C. Bormann. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1972; pp. xvi+281. Paper $4.50.

HUMAN INTERACTION IN THE SMALL GROUP SETTING. By Lawrence B. Rosenfeld. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, 1973; pp. viii+248. $7.95.

BRIDGES NOT WALLS: A BOOK ABOUT INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION. Edited by John Stewart. Reading, Mass.: Addison‐Wesley Publishing Company, 1973; pp. xiv+303. Paper $4.50.

FINDING THE CENTER: NARRATIVE POETRY OF THE ZUNI INDIANS. Translated and with introduction by Dennis Tedlock. Foreword by Jerome Rothenberg. New York: The Dial Press, 1972. pp. xxxv+298. $8.50; paper $2.95.  相似文献   

POLITICS AND COMMUNICATION. By Richard R. Fagen. Boston: Little Brown, 1966. pp. x+162. Paper $2.50.

THE NEW POLITICS. By James M. Perry. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., 1968. pp. viii+230. $4.95.

THE LIFE OF POLITICS. By Henry Fairlie. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1968; pp. 271. $5.95.

THE GREAT SOCIETY. By Glenn R. Capp, Dickenson Publishing Company, Inc., Belmont, California, 1967, pp. 195.

POLITICS AND POWER: THE UNITED STATES SENATE, 1869–1901. By David J. Rothman. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1966. pp. 348. $6.95.

DIRTY POLITICS. By Bruce L. Felknor. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1966; pp. 295, $5.95.

QUOTEMANSHIP: THE USE AND ABUSE OF QUOTATIONS FOR POLEMICAL AND OTHER PURPOSES. By Paul F. Boiler, Jr. Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1967; pp. xiii+454. $7.95.

LANGUAGE AND POLITICS. By Thomas P. Brockway, ed. Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1965. pp. 97+ study aids. Paper $1.50.

THE WORD WAR. By Thomas C. Sorensen (Foreword by Robert F. Kennedy) New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1968; pp. xi+337.

BULLETIN FROM DALLAS: THE PRESIDENT IS DEAD. By John B. Mayo, Jr. New York: Exposition Press. 1967; pp. 157. $6.00.

POLITICAL TELEVISION. By Bernard Rubin. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Company. 1967; pp. 200. $4.50.

ETHICS OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION. By Thomas R. Nilsen. Indianapolis: Bobbs‐Merrill, 1966; pp. xii+98. Paper $1.25.

SENATOR FULBRIGHT: PORTRAIT OF A PUBLIC PHILOSOPHER. By Tristram Coffin. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, 1966; pp. 378. $6.95.

AN ANALYSIS OF LINCOLN AND DOUGLAS AS PUBLIC SPEAKERS AND DEBATERS. By Lionel Crocker. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1968, pp. 550. $16.50.  相似文献   

THE LEGACY OF MAX WEBER. By L. M. Lachmann. Berkeley, Calif.: The Glendessary Press, 1971; pp. ix+150. $5.50.

A CRITIQUE OF MAX WEBER'S PHILOSOPHY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE. By W. G. Runciman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972; pp. vi+106. $6.50.

DRAMATISM AND DEVELOPMENT. By Kenneth Burke. Barre, Mass.: Clark University Press, 1972; pp. 62. $5.95.

NON‐VERBAL COMMUNICATION. Edited by Robert A. Hinde. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1972; pp. xiv+plates+444; $17.50.

LANGUAGE AND MIND. By Noam Chomsky. (Enlarged Edition.) New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc., 1972; pp. xii+194. $6.95.


THE PRAGUE SCHOOL OF LINGUISTICS AND LANGUAGE TEACHING. Edited by Vilém Fried. London: Oxford University Press, 1972; pp. 242. Paper $4.75.


THE PSYCHOSOCIOLOGY OF LANGUAGE. Edited by Serge Moscovici. Chicago: Mark‐ham Publishing Company, 1972; pp. xx+462. $10.95.

PSYCHOLINGUISTICS. By Dan L. Slobin. Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1971; pp vii+148. Paper, $1.95.

SPEECH AND LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRESCHOOL CHILD: A SURVEY. By Colleen Wilkinson McElroy. Foreword by Thomas Billings. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 1972; xxi+211. $11.75.

LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT: STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION. By Philip S. Dale. Hinsdale, Ill.: The Dryden Press, Inc., 1972; pp. x+321. Paper, $5.95.

BEYOND WORDS: THE STORY OF SENSITIVITY TRAINING AND THE ENCOUNTER MOVEMENT. By Kurt W. Back. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1972; pp. xii+ 266. $7.95.

TRAINING IN DEPTH INTERVIEWING. By William H. Banaka. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1971; pp. vii+196. Paper $2.95.

E.S.T.: THE STEERSMAN HANDBOOK. By L. Clark Stevens. New York: Bantam Books, 1970; pp. 154. Paper $1.50.

THE LEARNING ENCOUNTER: THE CLASSROOM AS A COMMUNICATIONS WORKSHOP. By Margaret Clark, Ella Erway, and Lee Beltzer. New York: Random House, 1971; pp. vii 209. $5.95.

CONTENT ANALYSIS: A TECHNIQUE FOR SYSTEMATIC INFERENCE FROM COMMUNICATIONS. By T. F. Carney. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 1972; pp. xx+ 343. $11.00.

INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION: THEORY AND PRACTICE. By Kenneth E. Andersen. Menlo Park, Calif.: Cummings Publishing Company, 1972; pp. vii+309. $7.50.

UNDERSTANDING ORAL COMMUNICATION. By Remo P. Fausti and Edward L. McGlone. Menlo Park, Calif.: Cummings Publishing Company, 1972; pp. v+216. $6.50.

INTRODUCTORY READINGS IN ORAL COMMUNICATION: THEORIES, OPINIONS, EXAMPLES. By Edward L. McGlone and Remo P. Fausti. Menlo Park, Calif.: Cummings Publishing Company, 1972; pp. x+322. Paper $3.95.

COMMUNICATION AND CONSENSUS: AN INTRODUCTION TO RHETORICAL DISCOURSE. By Howard H Martin and C. William Colburn. New York: Harcourt, Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1972; pp. ix+293. $7.50.

SPEECH: A TEXTBOOK WITH ADAPTED READINGS. By Robert C. Jeffrey and Owen Peterson. New York: Harper &; Row, Publishers, 1971; pp. xii+505. $9.50.

THE RHETORICAL DIALOGUE: CONTEMPORARY CONCEPTS AND CASES. By John J. Makay and William R. Brown. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Company, Publishers, 1972; pp. xv+537. Paper $6.95.

PRESENTATIONAL SPEAKING FOR BUSINESS AND THE PROFESSIONS. By William S. Howell and Ernest G. Bormann. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1971; pp. x+ 307. $7.95.

PRINT, IMAGE AND SOUND: ESSAYS ON MEDIA. Edited by John Gordon Burke, Chicago: American Library Association, 1972; pp. x+181. $6.95.

RUN‐THROUGH: A MEMOIR. By John Houseman. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1972; pp. 507. $9.95.

D. W. GRIFFITH: HIS LIFE AND WORK. By Robert M. Henderson. New York: Oxford University Press, 1972; pp. ix+326. $10.95.

KING VIDOR ON FILM MAKING. By King Vidor. New York: David McKay Company, Inc., 1972; pp. vii+239. $6.95.

MOVIES AND SOCIETY. By Ian C. Jarvie. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1970; pp. xix+ 394. $10.00.

UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZUM SPAETEN CICERO. By Klaus Bringmann. Göttingen: Vandenhocck &; Ruprecht (Hypomnemata: Untersuchungen zur Antike und zu ihrem Nachle‐ben, Heft 29), 1971; pp. 287. 42.00 DM.

THREE MEDIEVAL RHETORICAL ARTS. Edited by James J. Murphy. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971; pp. xxiii+ 235. $750.

THE PRESERVATION GAME. By Don Geiger. Preface by Lee Anderson. Chicago: Windfall Press, 1972; pp. 58. Paper $3.95.

MUSIC FOR A KING: GEORGE HERBERT'S STYLE AND THE METRICAL PSALMS. By Coburn Freer. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972; pp. xiv+252. $10.00.

THE CAREER OF MRS. ANNE BRUNTON MERRY IN THE AMERICAN THEATRE. By Gresdna Ann Doty. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1972; pp. xiii+170. $7.95.

VINTAGE YEARS OF THE THEATRE GUILD: 1928–1939. By Roy S. Waldau. Preface by Fred B. Millett. Cleveland, Ohio: The Press of Case Western Reserve University, 1972; pp. xiv+519. $12.95.

MODERN WORLD DRAMA: AN ENCYCLOPEDIA. By Myron Matlaw. New York: E. P. Dutton &; Co., Inc., 1972; pp. xxi+960. $25.00.

GROUP THEATRE. By Brian Clark. New York: Theatre Arts Books, 1972; pp. 120. $7.50.

LANGUAGE IN SOCIETY. Edited by Dell Hymes. Vol. 1, No. 1 (April 1972). Published semiannually by Cambridge University Press. $12.00 per year.

THE UNDERLYING REALITY OF LANGUAGE AND ITS PHILOSOPHICAL IMPORT. By Jerrold J. Katz. New York: Harper &; Row, Publishers, 1971; pp. viii+189. $6.00; paper $2.45.

THE SECOND AND THIRD LINCOLNLAND CONFERENCES ON DIALECTOLOGY. Edited by Jerry Griffith and L. E. Miner. University: The University of Alabama Press, 1972; pp. xii+388. $12.75.

STUDIES IN DYADIC COMMUNICATION. Edited by Aron Wolfe Siegman and Benjamin Pope. New York: Pergamon Press, 1972; pp. 336. $13.50.

READING BETWEEN THE LINES: DOCTOR‐PATIENT COMMUNICATION. By Lucille Hollander Blum. New York: International Universities Press, Inc., 1972; pp. ix+183. $7.50.

POWER AND INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS. By Wally D. Jacobson. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Co., Inc., 1972; pp. 194. Paper $3.50.

THE CHANGE AGENT. By Lyle E. Schaller. Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon Press, 1972; pp. 207. Paper $2.95.

REACHING OUT: INTERPERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS AND SELF‐ACTUALIZATION. By David W. Johnson. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1972; pp. ix+267. $8.95; paper $4.95.

ORGANIZATIONS: STRUCTURE AND PROCESS. By Richard H. Hall. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice‐Hall Inc., 1972; pp. xiii+354. $8.95.

ORGANIZATIONAL DIAGNOSIS. By Harry R. Levinson, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972; pp. xviii+557. $20.00.

MANAGERIAL PSYCHOLOGY. By Harold J. Leavitt. (Third Edition.) Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1972; pp. viii+366. $10.00; paper $3.25.

BASIC BOOKS IN THE MASS MEDIA. By Eleanor Blum. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1972; pp. ix+252. $8.00.

PRIVACY AND THE PRESS: THE LAW, THE MASS MEDIA, AND THE FIRST AMENDMENT. By Don R. Pember. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1972; pp. xi+298. $8.95.

THE PAPER REVOLUTIONARIES: THE RISE OF THE UNDERGROUND PRESS. By Laurence Leamer. New York: Simon &; Schuster, Inc., 1972; pp. 220. $8.95; paper $2.95.

THE LAW OF DISSENT AND RIOTS. Edited by M. Cherif Bassiouni. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 1971; pp. xii+ 498. $24.75.

FREEDOMS, COURTS, POLITICS: STUDIES IN CIVIL LIBERTIES. By Lucius J. Barker and Twiley W. Barker, Jr. (Revised.) Engle‐wood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1972; pp. xiv+320. Paper $4.95.

HUMAN LISTENING: PROCESSES AND BEHAVIOR. By Carl H. Weaver. Foreword by Russel R. Windes. Indianapolis: The Bobbs‐Merrill Company, Inc., 1972; pp. xviii+170. Paper $1.95.  相似文献   

TRAGEDY AND THE THEORY OF DRAMA. By Elder Olson. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1961; pp. 276. $6.50.

THE LONDON STAGE, 1660–1800: A CALENDAR OF PLAYS, ENTERTAINMENTS &; AFTERPIECES TOGETHER WITH CASTS, BOX‐RECEIPTS AND CONTEMPORARY COMMENT COMPILED FROM THE PLAYBILLS, NEWSPAPERS AND THEATRICAL DIARIES OF THE PERIOD. PART 3: 1729–1747. Edited with a Critical Introduction by Arthur H. Scouten. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois University Press, 1961; Volume I, pp. ccxxxiii+596; Volume II, pp. lii+597–1315. $50.00.

NEW WORLD WRITING. Numbers 19 and 20. New York: Lippincott, 1961, 1962. $3.50; paper $1.65.

BURKE, DISRAELI, AND CHURCHILL: THE POLITICS OF PERSEVERANCE. By Stephen R. Graubard. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1961; pp. 262. $5.00.

PRESIDENT JAMES BUCHANAN: A BIOGRAPHY. By Philip Shriver Klein. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1962; pp. xviii+506. $7.50.

THREE PROPHETS OF RELIGIOUS LIBERALISM: CHANNING—EMERSON—PARKER. Introduced by Conrad Wright. Boston: Beacon Press, 1961; pp. 152. Paper $1.25.


MARK TWAIN'S HUMOR: THE IMAGE OF A WORLD. By Pascal Covici, Jr. Dallas, Texas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1962; pp. xiv+266. $4.50.

GRADUATE EDUCATION: A CRITIQUE AND A PROGRAM. By Oliver C. Carmichael. New York: Harper, 1961; pp. ix+213. $4.50.

DECISION BY DEBATE. By Douglas Ehninger and Wayne Brockriede. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1962; pp. 412. $6.00.

NEBRASKA SYMPOSIUM ON MOTIVATION, 1961. Edited by Marshall R. Jones. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1961; pp. x+210. $4.25; paper $3.25.

MY LANGUAGE IS ME: PSYCHOTHERAPY WITH A DISTURBED ADOLESCENT. By Beulah Parker. Foreword by Theodore Lidz. New York: Basic Books, 1962; pp. viii+397. $8.50.

TELEVISION IN THE LIVES OF OUR CHILDREN. By Wilbur Schramm, Jack Lyle, and Edwin B. Parker. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1961; pp. xii+324. $6.00.

TELEVISION AND RADIO. Edited by Poyntz Tyler. (The Reference Shelf, Vol. 33, No. 6.) New York: H. W. Wilson, 1961; pp. 192. $2.50.  相似文献   

HANNAH ARENDT: FOR LOVE OF THE WORLD. By Elisabeth Young‐Bruehl. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982; pp. xxv + 563. $25.00.

THE ORIGINS OF TOTALITARIANISM. By Hannah Arendt. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973; pp. xl + 527. $4.95.

THE HUMAN CONDITION. By Hannah Arendt. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1958; pp. 333. $3.95.

RAHEL VARNHAGEN: THE LIFE OF A JEWISH WOMAN. By Hannah Arendt. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1974; pp. xx + 236. $3.95.

BETWEEN PAST AND FUTURE. By Hannah Arendt. New York: Viking Press, 1968; pp. 306. $2.45.

EICHMANN IN JERUSALEM: A REPORT ON THE BANALITY OF EVIL. By Hannah Arendt. New York: Viking Press, 1965; pp. 312. $2.75.

ON REVOLUTION. By Hannah Arendt. New York: Viking Press, 1965; pp. 344. $1.65.

MEN IN DARK TIMES. By Hannah Arendt. New York: Harcourt Brace &; World, 1968; pp. x + 272. $2.45.

ILLUMINATIONS. Edited and with an introduction by Hannah Arendt. New York: Schocken, 1969; pp. 278. $5.50.

CRISES OF THE REPUBLIC. By Hannah Arendt. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1972; pp. 240. $2.95.

THE LIFE OF THE MIND, 2 volumes. By Hannah Arendt (Mary McCarthy, ed.). New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978; pp. 535. $25.00.

THE JEW AS PARIAH. By Hannah Arendt. R. H. Feldman, ed. New York: Grove Press, 1978; pp. 288. $6.95.

THE POLITICAL THOUGHT OF HANNAH ARENDT. By Margaret Canovan. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1974; pp. 136. $6.50.

HANNAH ARENDT: THE RECOVERY OF THE PUBLIC WORLD. Edited by M. A. Hill. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979; pp. xiii + 363. $14.95.

HANNAH ARENDT: LECTURES ON KANT'S POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY. Edited and with an interpretive essay by Ronald Beiner. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1982; pp. 174.  相似文献   

THE LANGUAGE OF CHANGE: ELEMENTS OF THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION. By Paul Watzlawick. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1978; pp. xi + 172. $11.00.

OF SPEECH AND TIME. Edited by Aron W. Siegman and Stanley Feldstein. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1979; pp. x + 230.

LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION IN THE ELDERLY. Edited by Loraine K. Obler and Martin L. Albert. Forward by Carl Eisdorfer. Lexington Books, 1980; pp. xi + 220. $22.95.

CHILDREN'S ORAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS. Edited by W. Patrick Dickson. New York: Academic Press, 1981; pp. xviii + 394. $29.95.

DEVELOPING AN INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE OF ORGANIZATIONS. By Karlene Roberts, Charles Hulin and Denise Rousseau. San Francisco: Jossey‐Bass, 1978; pp. xiii + 171. $13.95.

POWER AND POLITICS IN ORGANIZATIONS. By Samuel Bacharach and Edward Lawler. San Francisco: Jossey‐Bass, 1980; pp. xiii + 249. $15.95.

POLITICS AS COMMUNICATION. By Robert G. Meadow. Norwood, N.J.: Alex Publishing Co., 1980; pp. xvi + 269. $24.95.

POLITICS, CULTURES AND COMMUNICATION. By Roland S. Homet, Jr. Forward by Joseph E. Slater. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1979; pp. xvi + 109. $19.95.

THE GREAT DEBATES: CARTER VS. FORD, 1976. Edited by Sidney Kraus Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1979; pp. xi + 553. Paper $19.50, cloth $29.95.

THE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES: MEDIA, ELECTORAL, AND POLICY PERSPECTIVES. Edited by George F. Bishop, Robert G. Meadow, and Marilyn Jackson‐Beeck. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1980; pp. xxii + 324. $25.00.

CARTER VS. FORD: THE COUNTERFEIT DEBATES OF 1976. By Lloyd Bitzer and Theodore Rueter. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1980; pp. xii + 428. Paper $9.95, cloth $27.50.

SUBLIMINAL POLITICS: MYTHS AND MYTHMAKERS IN AMERICA. By Dan Nimmo and James E. Combs. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1980; pp. xiii + 256. Paper $4.95.

PLAYING TO WIN: AN INSIDER'S GUIDE TO POLITICS. By Jeff Greenfield. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1980; pp. 286. $11.95.

THE VOICES OF HISTORY: MOMENTS FROM THE GREAT SPEECHES OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Selected and Introduced by Lord George‐Brown. New York: Stein &; Day, 1980; pp. xxiv + 262. $12.95.

PLATO: TRUE AND SOPHISTIC RHETORIC. Edited by Keith V. Erickson. Studies in Classical Antiquity: Band 3. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1979; pp. 427. Paper $68.50.

JUSTICE, LAW, AND ARGUMENT: ESSAYS ON MORAL AND LEGAL REASONING. By Chaim Perelman. Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1980; xiii + 181. Paper $10.50, cloth $28.50.

THE ACT OF BEING. By Charles Marowitz. New York: Taplinger, 1978; pp. x + 196. Paper $4.95, cloth $9.95.

METAPHORS WE LIVE BY. By George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980; pp. xiii + 242. $13.50.

MASS COMMUNICATION AND EVERYDAY LIFE: A PERSPECTIVE ON THEORY AND EFFECTS. Dennis K. Davis and Stanley J. Baran. Belmont, Cal.: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1981; pp. v + 217. $7.95.

DISENCHANTMENT: MEANING AND MORALITY IN THE MEDIA. By John M. Phelan. Foreward by George N. Gordon. New York: Hastings House, 1980; pp. 191. Cloth $12.95, paper $8.95.

REVOLUTIONS AND RECONSTRUCTIONS IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE. By Mary Hesse. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1980; pp. xxvi + 271. $22.50.

THE NEW RHETORIC AND THE HUMANITIES: ESSAYS ON RHETORIC AND ITS APPLICATIONS. By Chaim Perelman. Introduction by Harold Zyskind. Dordrecht, Boston, and London: D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1979; pp. xxiii + 167. Cloth $28.95; Paper $10.55.

WILLIAM PITT, EARL OF CHATHAM: THE GREAT COMMONER. By Peter Douglas Brown. London: George Allen &; Unwin, 1978; pp. 448, $32.50.

THOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY. By Margaret Cruikshank. Boston, Massachusetts: Twayne Publishers/G. K. Hall, 1978; pp. 175. $9.95.

PATRIOT‐HEROES IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA: POLITICAL SYMBOLISM AND CHANGING VALUE OVER THREE CENTURIES. By Peter Karsten. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1978; pp. ix + 257. Illus. $25.00.

THE JEFFERSONIAN PERSUASION: EVOLUTION OF A PARTY IDEOLOGY. By Lance Banning. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1978; pp. 307. $15.00; paper $5.95.

HITLER: A STUDY IN PERSONALITY AND POLITICS. By William Carr. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979; x + 200. $12.95.

PRESIDENTIAL POWER: THE POLITICS OF LEADERSHIP FROM FDR TO CARTER. By Richard E. Neustadt. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2nd ed., 1980. pp. 286. $8.20.

JUSTICE DOUGLAS AND FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Compiled and with an Introduction by Haig Bosmajian. Metuchen, New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1980. pp. xli + 377. $17.50.

COMMUNICATION UNDER LAW Volume I: Free Speech. By Joseph J. Hemmer, Jr. Metuchen, New Jersey: The Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1979; pp. ix+307. $15.00.  相似文献   

DISCUSSION: THE PROCESS OF GROUP DECISION‐MAKING. By Dennis S. Gouran. New York: Harper &; Row, Publishers, 1974; pp. ix+199. $8.00.

PROBLEM‐SOLVING GROUP INTERACTION. By Bobby R. Patton and Kim Giflin. New York: Harper &; Row, Publishers, 1973; pp. xii+264. $4.95

SMALL GROUP DECISION‐MAKING: COMMUNICATION AND THE GROUP PROCESS By B. Aubrey Fisher. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Company, 1974; pp. xi+264. $8.95.

CHOOSING OUR KING: POWERFUL SYMBOLS IN PRESIDENTIAL POLITICS. By Michael Novak. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1974; pp. xvii+324. 57.95.

THE GREAT MAN: A PORTRAIT OF WINSTON CHURCHILL. By Robert Payne. New York: Coward, McCann &; Geoghegan, Inc., 1974; pp. 416. $10.95.

THE PAPERS OF WOODROW WILSON: Volume 17, 1907–1908. Edited by Arthur S. Link. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1974; pp. xxii+647. $2250.

POLITICAL PARTIES IN AMERICAN HISTORY: Volume 1, 1789–1828. Edited by Win‐fred E. A. Bernhard. New York: G. P. Put‐ram's Sons, 1973; pp. xi+479. $8.95.

POLITICAL PARTIES IN AMERICAN HISTORY: Volume 2, 1828–1890. Edited by Felice A. Bonadio. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1974; pp. xxvi+462. $8.95.

POLITICAL PARTIES IN AMERICAN HISTORY: Volume 3, 1890‐present. Edited by Paul L. Murphy. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1974; pp. xliv+379. $8.95.

CRITICISM OF ORAL RHETORIC. By Carroll C. Arnold. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, 1974; pp. x+401. $10.95.

SPEECHES OF THUCYDIDES. Edited by H. F. Harding, Lawrence, Kans.: Coronado Press, 1973; pp. xii+373. $12.50; paper $6.00.

CHIROLOGIA . . . CHIRONOMIA by John Bulwer. Edited with an Introduction by James W. Cleary. Foreword by David Potter. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1974; pp. cxxx+250. $19.50.

COMMUNICATION, LANGUAGE, AND MEANING: PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES. Edited by George A. Miller. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1973; pp. xvi+304. $8.95.

FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS IN HUMAN COMMUNICATION. By Ronald Applbaum, Karl Anatol, Ellis Hays, Owen Jenson, Richard Porter, and Jerry Mandel. New York: Harper &; Row, Publishers, Inc., 1973; pp. x+240. $6.50.

PERSUASION: COMMUNICATION AND INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS. By Raymond S. Ross. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1974; pp. iii+277. $8.50.

PERSUASION: RECEPTION AND RESPONSIBILITY. By Charles U. Larson. Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1973; pp. vi+253. $8.50.

THE PERSONAL COMMUNICATION PROCESS. By John R. Wenburg and William W. Wilmot. New York: John Wiley &; Sons, Inc., 1973; pp. vii+236. $7.95.

GUIDEBOOK FOR SPEECH COMMUNICATION. By Milton Dickens and James H. McBath. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovano‐vich, Inc. 1973; pp. vii+183. Paper $3.95.

EXPLORATION IN SPEECH COMMUNICATION. Edited by John J. Makay. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., 1973; pp. xi+387; Paper $4.95.

SPEECH COMMUNICATION NOW! AN INTRODUCTION TO RHETORICAL INFLUENCES. By John J. Makay and Thomas C. Sawyer. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co., 1973; pp. vii+325. $7.95.

PUBLIC POLICY DECISION‐MAKING: SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS DEBATE. By Bernard L. Brock, James W. Chesebro, John F. Cragan, and James F. Klumpp. New York: Harper &; Row, Publishers, 1973; pp. x+176. Paper $3.50.

SIGHT, SOUND, MOTION: APPLIED MEDIA AESTHETICS. By Herbert Zettl. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc., 1973; pp. 401. $15.00.

ARMSTRONG'S FIGHT FOR FM BROADCASTING: ONE MAN VS. BIG BUSINESS AND BUREAUCRACY. By Don H. V. Erick‐son. University: The University of Alabama Press, 1973; pp. xi+226. $7.75.

CABLE TELEVISION AND THE FCC: A CRISIS IN MEDIA CONTROL. By Don R. Le Duc, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1973; pp. 289. $10.00.

THE SHADOW IN THE CAVE: THE BROADCASTER, HIS AUDIENCE, AND THE STATE. By Anthony Smith. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1974; pp. 351. $8.95.

THE POWER TO INFORM: MEDIA: THE INFORMATION BUSINESS By Jean‐Louis Servan‐Schreiber. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Company, 1974; pp. xii+297. $9.95.

MEDIA AND THE FIRST AMENDMENT IN A FREE SOCIETY. The Georgetown Law Journal. Foreword by Osmond K. Fraenkel; introductions by Walter Cronkite, Senator Sam Ervin, and Reuven Frank. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1973; pp. xiv+228. $12.00.

MODERN POETRY AND THE IDEA OF LANGUAGE: A CRITICAL AND HISTORICAL STUDY. By Gerald L. Bruns. New‐Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1974; pp. xii+300. $12.50.

SYMBOLS: PUBLIC AND PRIVATE. By Raymond Firth. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1973; pp. 469. $16.50.

CINEMA IN REVOLUTION: THE HEROIC ERA OF THE SOVIET FILM. Edited by Luda and Jean Schnitzer and Marcel Martin. Translated by David Robinson. New York: Hill and Wang, 1973; pp. 208. $8.95; paper $3.95.

THE STAGING OF PLAYS BEFORE SHAKESPEARE. By Richard Southern. New York: Theatre Arts Books, 1973; pp. 603. $27.50.  相似文献   

Books reviewed


ORIGIN AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL: A MARXIST PERSPECTIVE. By Phil Slater. London: Routledge &; Kegan Paul, 1977; pp. xvii+185. $13.75.


CRITICAL THEORY: SELECTED ESSAYS. By Max Horkheimer. Trans. Matthew J. O'Connell, et al. New York: Seabury Press, 1972; pp. xxi+290. Paper $4.95.

THE ORIGIN OF GERMAN TRAGIC DRAMA. By Walter Benjamin. Trans. John Osborne. New York: Schocken Books, 1977; pp. 1+256. $17.25.

ILLUMINATIONS. By Walter Benjamin. Trans. Harry Zohn. New York: Schocken Books, 1969; pp. 1+278. Paper $4.75.

UNDERSTANDING BRECHT. By Walter Benjamin. Trans. Anna Bostock. New York: Schocken Books, 1973; pp. xix+124. $7.95.

REFLECTIONS. By Walter Benjamin. Trans. Edmund Jephcott. New York and London: Harcourt Brace Jovariovich, 1978; pp. xliii+ 348. $12.95.

DIALECTIC OF ENLIGHTENMENT. By Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno. Trans. John Cumming. New York: Seabury Press, 1972; pp. xvii+258. Paper $4.95.

DAWN &; DECLINE: NOTES 1926–1931 &; 1950–1969. By Max Horkheimer. Trans. Michael Shaw. New York: Seabury Press, 1978; pp. 1+252. $12.95.

MINIMA MORALIA: REFLECTIONS FROM DAMAGED LIFE. By Theodor W. Adorno. Trans. E. F. N. Jephcott. New York: Schocken Books, 1978; pp. 1+250. $11.95.

THE AESTHETIC DIMENSION. By Herbert Marcuse. Boston: Beacon Press, 1977; pp. xiii+ 88. $6.95.  相似文献   

SPEECH CRITICISM. The Development of Standards for Rhetorical Appraisal. By Lester Thonssen and A. Craig Baird. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1948; pp. xvi+542. $5.00.

ENGLISH LITERARY CRITICISM: THE RENASCENCE. By J. W. H. Atkins. London: Methuen and Company, 1947; pp. xi+371. 16s.

THE AMERICAN COLLEGE DICTIONARY. Edited by Clarence L. Barnhart. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1948; pp. lx+1432. $6.00.

PUBLIC OPINION AND PROPAGANDA. By Leonard W. Doob. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1948; pp. vii+600. $5.00. Text edition, $3.75.

TONE LANGUAGES: A Technique for Determining the Number and Type of Pitch Contrasts in a Language, with studies in Tonemic Substitution and Fusion. By Kenneth L. Pike. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1948; pp. xii+187. Paper, $2.25. Cloth, $3.00.

TREASURY OF RELIGIOUS PLAYS. Edited by Thelma Sharman Brown. New York: Association Press, 1947; pp. 345. $3.00.

ENCORES ON MAIN STREET. By Talbot Pearson. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Institute of Technology Press, 1948; pp. 175, $3.00.

EFFECTIVE TALKING IN CONFERENCE. By John Mantle Clapp. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1948; pp. v+140. $2.50.

THOUGHT PICTURES IN READING AND WRITING. By Roland Barker. New York: Published for Metropolitan School Study Council by Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1948; pp. ix+ 114. $2.00.

THE LANGUAGE AND MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN. By A. F. Watts. Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1947; pp. v+354. $3.25.

PAPERS GIVEN AT A CONFERENCE ON COLLEGE COURSES IN COMMUNICATION. Edited by Clyde W. Dow. East Lansing: Michigan State College, 1947; pp. 79. $2.00.

SING WELL, SPEAK WELL. By J. Albert Fracht and Emmett Robinson. Brooklyn: Remsen Press, 1948; pp. vii+178. $3.75.

THE PATTERN OF SPOKEN ENGLISH. By Barbara Storey. The Speech Fellowship Booklet No. 1. Oxford: University Press, 1948; pp. 28. $.50.

TWENTIETH CENTURY SPEECH AND VOICE CORRECTION. Edited by Emil Froeschels. New York: Philosophical Library, 1948; pp. 321. $6.00.

PRONUNCIATION EXERCISES IN ENGLISH FOR THE FOREIGN‐BORN. By M. Elizabeth Clarey and Robert J. Dixson. New York: Regents Publishing Company, 1947; pp. 119. $1.25.

SPEECH CORRECTION IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. By Mabel F. Gifford. Bulletin of the California State Department of Education. Vol. 17, No. 1. Sacramento: California State Department of Education, 1948; pp. vi+33.

THE VIRGINIA PLAN FOR AUDIO‐VISUAL EDUCATION. Prepared by James W. Brown. Chicago: The Center for the Study of Audio‐Visual Instructional Materials, Department of Education, University of Chicago, 1947; pp. vi+31.

LOOK, LISTEN, AND LEARN. A Manual on the Use of Audio‐Visual Materials in Informal Education. By L. Harry Strauss and J. R. Kidd. New York: Association Press, 1948; pp. x+234. $3.50.

AUDIO‐VISUAL AIDS IN THE ARMED SERVICES. By John R. Miles and Charles R. Spain for the Commission on Implications of Armed Services Educational Programs. Washington, D. C.: American Council on Education, 1947; pp. xi+96. $1.25.

AUDIO‐VISUAL AIDS TO INSTRUCTION. By William Exton, Jr., Captain, USNR, Inactive. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Company, Inc., 1947; pp. xiii+344. $4.00.

RADIO'S BEST PLAYS. Edited by Joseph Liss. New York: Greenberg, Publisher, 1947; pp. xiv+383. $3.00.

THEATRE GUILD ON THE AIR. Edited by H. William Fitelson. New York: Rinehart and Company, 1947; pp. xiii+430. $4.00.

FM FOR EDUCATION. By Franklin Dunham, assisted by Ronald R. Lowdermilk and Gertrude G. Broderick. (Revised). Washington, D. C.: Federal Security Agency. U. S. Office o£ Education. Misc. No. 7, 1948; pp. vi+30. $.20.  相似文献   

THE LEGISLATIVE STRUGGLE. By Bertram M. Gross. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Co., 1953; pp. xviii+472. $6.50.

MASON'S MANUAL OF LEGISLATIVE PROCEDURE. By Paul Mason. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Co., 1953; pp. 640. $6.50.

I AM HAPPY TO PRESENT. By Guy R. Lyle and Kevin Guinagh. New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1953; pp. 265. $3.00.

THE MIRACLE OF LANGUAGE. By Charlton Laird. New York: The World Publishing Co., 1953; pp. xii+308. $4.00.

PHONETICS IN ANCIENT INDIA. By W. S. Allen. London Oriental Series, Volume 1. London: Oxford University Press, 1953; pp. x+96. $3.00.

SUPERVISING PEOPLE. By George D. Halsey. (Revised edition). New York: Harper &; Brothers, 1953; pp. 238. $3.00.

COMMUNICATION IN MANAGEMENT. By Charles E. Redfield. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1953; pp. xvi+290. $3.75.

ADULT EDUCATION, THE COMMUNITY APPROACH. By Paul H. Sheats, Clarence D. Jayne, and Ralph B. Spence. New York: Dryden Press; pp. xiii+530. $5.75.

THE ART OF EFFECTIVE TEACHING. By C. B. Eavey. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, pp. 298. $3.75.

HOW TO BECOME A BETTER READER. By Paul Witty. Chicago: Science Research Associates, Inc., 1953; pp. viii+304. $5.00.

READING ALOUD. By Wayland Maxfield Parrish. (Third Edition). New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1953; pp. iv+572. $4.25.

TIME FOR TRUE TALES AND ALMOST TRUE. By May Hill Arbuthnot. New York: Scott, Foresman and Co., 1953; pp. 396. $3.50.

THE COLLECTED PLAYS OF W. B. YEATS. By W. B. Yeats. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1953; pp. 446. $5.00.

THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1953; pp. 344. $5.00.

TILBURY TOWN: SELECTED POEMS OF EDWIN ARLINGTON ROBINSON. By Lawrence Thompson. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1953; pp. xvi+144. $3.50.

THESE THAT I HAVE LOVED. AN ANTHOLOGY OF LIVING POETRY AND PROSE. By Mildred Welker Hufstater. New York: Pageant Press, 1953; pp. xiv+112. $3.00.

LITERARY MASTERPIECES OF THE WESTERN WORLD. Edited by Francis H. Horn. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1953: pp. xix+255. $3.50.  相似文献   

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