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During the German Occupation from 1940 to 1944, members of the French Resistance sang folk songs to legitimize their movement in the face of widespread support for collaboration and brutal police attacks. Reprising a performative tradition of French political singing, Resistance fighters deployed national narratives and parody to define themselves as transhistorical French heroes while also practicing democratic forms they sought to safeguard. In this way, the songs represented resisters as the guardians of true “Frenchness,” an identity that excluded collaborators from the national community and robbed them of political legitimacy.  相似文献   

Despite unfolding as it did during the sexual revolution of the 1920s, Leopold and Loeb's “trial of the century” elicited a deluge of constitutive discourse that struggled against overt articulation and circulation of the boys’ queerness. In this essay, I argue that those discourses—dominant reportage, in camera courtroom conferences, and Clarence Darrow's famous summation—manifested what I label “passing by proxy,” a collusive and convulsive act of straight closeting that speaks queer sexuality despite concerted effort to silence it.  相似文献   

一种独特的地方文化对一个城市具有生存生长的意义。地方文化历史地、内在地造就了城市的特色和魅力。宜宾山水交错,城市靠山得形、依水得势;宜宾汉戎交汇,形成文化多元、坚守井举的传统。宜宾的这种文化和地理的特殊性。使宜宾城自古就是商业重镇。而在这种进程中,其城市的扩张也就在有序和混乱的矛盾张力中发展前行。  相似文献   

鲁迅的《伤逝》和张爱玲的《五四遗事》都是描写"五四"知识青年婚恋题材的短篇小说,两位作家从不同角度消解了"五四"时代人们理想中的爱情婚姻。鲁迅较多从社会、外在环境这些方面来消解,张爱玲则从人的世俗性进行消解。通过两部作品的比较,可见出张爱玲与鲁迅的文化关系,两人在思想深层的共通之处。同时,两部作品的不同,又体现了中国现代文学发展过程中以鲁迅为代表的"国家大事"和以张爱玲为代表的"日常生活"这两种不同的叙事法则。  相似文献   

目的:是为提高运动成绩,探讨刀、棍项目运动员血型与运动成绩之间的关系。方法:采用分析调查法,分别对110名运动员进行问卷调查,回收102份。结果:武术刀、棍项目中以O型血占多数,为41.2%,体操以B型血居多,为32%,跨栏跑以A型血居多,为38.5%,AB型血在人群中人数比例少,没有统计学意义。结论:血型可作为竞技武术运动员的辅助条件之一。  相似文献   

生肖文化由古老的“图腾”发展而来,成为世界范围内的民俗文化。中国的生肖文化源远流长,在隋唐时期传入朝鲜半岛,并很快融入于当地的民俗中,也成为今天韩国民俗文化的一个重要组成部分。站在文化传承大同的前提下,从文化词汇学的角度对中韩两国生肖文化的传承以及发展略作分析。可以发现:韩国稀少甚至没有的动物形象,其喻意基本传承于中国,词汇比较贫乏,或是完全来源于汉语;中韩两国各有能代表其文化和民族精神的动物形象;中韩共有的动物形象,其喻意比较接近,词汇比较丰富。  相似文献   

范公偁是范仲淹的玄孙、范纯仁的曾孙,所著《过庭录》是一部颇有学术价值的笔记小说。书中有关宋代士人的轶闻遗事、文坛掌故,可补《宋史》之阙。更重要的是,该书中有关范仲淹及其子孙的记载,是作者从其父正思处得来。范氏几代人心忧天下,忠贞为国的品质,在本书中得到了充分阐释。它是研究范氏家族弥足珍贵的资料。  相似文献   

中国形象的建构贯穿于整个二十世纪中国现代性的自我建构。抗战文学负载着完成民族国家想象的文学表达和话语实践的重任。其文本的符号表意系统呈示中国形象的可能性形态及精神表征:重"群体"的集体主义情怀、崇尚生命"强力"的革命意志。抗战文学参与了现代民族国家地理的绘制和新的中国形象的想象与构建,确立了自身现代民族"主体性"工程的现代性意义。  相似文献   

This essay explores the case of twenty-three American POWs who refused to return to the United States at the end of the Korean War. It first highlights the role of resistance in liberal rhetorical theory and then uses resistance as a lens to analyze public discourse about the incident. Looking closely at the three most common explanations for the soldiers' turning (youth, impairment, and brainwashing), the essay shows how the debate over the nonrepatriates was fundamentally a controversy over the limits of persuasion.  相似文献   

《新华日报》是中国共产党在国统区公开发行的第一张大型机关报,是党取得政权前出版时间最长的、公开战斗在国民党心脏地区唯一的报纸。虽然新华日报在武汉仅仅发行了九个多月,但广大的“新华军”却克服了报纸初创时期的诸多困难,在武汉九个多月时间里,高举团结救国、持久抗战的旗帜,宣传了中国共产党的抗日民族统一战线政策和持久抗战的战略方针,积极报道了我军在正面战场和敌后战场奋勇抗敌的光辉业绩,成为党和人民的喉舌,宣传抗日的号角,成为抗战初期先进文化的集中代表,在我国和我党的新闻事业史上写下了光辉的篇章!  相似文献   

《身份》是昆德拉著名的“遗忘三部曲”中的一部。他在作品中致力于对人的“存在”的思索。在《身份》中,他以简洁的文笔表现出深刻的主题。由于对人与人之间的边界的遗忘,由于事件发展的不确定性、可能性,有时人们善意的“越界”却会引发背离初衷的结局。本文从边界、遗忘、可能性之树三方面探析《身份》的主题。  相似文献   

过去10年来,人们一直在呼吁高考制度要进行深入改革,应从学生素质发展出发,建立高考多元录取标准,引导基础教育重视学生人格塑造和个性发展,鼓励学生多元发展;但由于一些论者的质疑与反对,从1977年恢复高考至今,基本上维持着以高考分数为唯一标准的集中录取制度,高考改革的步伐在这种质疑与议论中十分缓慢。之所以如此,是因为进行多元改革一直以来遇到两方面的阻力:一是来自社会的分数公平阻力;二是来自政府的配置效率阻力。要加快高考改革的步伐,就必须克服这两方面的阻力。  相似文献   

The Voice in Speech. By Clara Kathleen Rogers. Boston: Published by the Author, 1915. Cloth, pp. 123. $1.25.

Correct Pronunciation. By Julian W. Abernethy, Ph.D. New York: Charles E. Merrill Co., 1912. Pp. 173.

The Technic of the Speaking Voice. By John R. Scott. Published by the Author, Columbia, Mo.: Cloth, pp. 534.

The Structure of an Effective Public Speech. By Harry B. Bradbury. Greenfield, Mass.: T. Morey &; Son, 1915. Pp. 85, cloth, 60 cents.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships of teacher misbehaviors and credibility with student resistance in U.S. and Chinese college classrooms. Findings indicate that Chinese college students report a higher level of resistance than U.S. college students. Teacher misbehaviors and credibility have differing associations with student resistance in the U.S. and Chinese college classrooms. Specifically among the 3 dimensions of teacher misbehaviors, in the United States, teacher indolence and incompetence contribute the most to student resistance, explaining 27% of the variance in student resistance; but in China, teacher offensiveness is the only source of student resistance, accounting for 10% of the variance in student resistance. Among the 3 dimensions of teacher credibility, in the United States, teacher trustworthiness and competence are the effective predictors of student resistance, explaining 19% of the variance in student resistance; whereas in China, teacher trustworthiness is the only predictor of student resistance, accounting for 6% of the variance in student resistance.  相似文献   

This essay argues that a sustained form can be located in the complicated history of populist rhetoric. Despite its chameleonic qualities, the advancement of populism is constituted by alterations in the focus and content, not the structure, of populist activism. This structure, or what I term its argumentative frame, positions a virtuous people against a powerful enemy and expresses disdain toward traditional forms of democratic deliberation and republican representation. I trace these themes through the rhetoric of the People's Party, Huey Long, and George Wallace. I conclude by analyzing the link between populism's persistence in U.S. history and the nation's Founding.  相似文献   

抗日民族文化统一战线是日本全面侵略的文化应对,是抗日民族统一战线的重要组成部分。面对着民族危亡,在全国的抗日热潮的推动下,一切进步的爱国知识分子在中国共产党的领导下,组成了广泛的抗日民族文化统一战线,进行广泛的争取民族的解放与独立的文化活动。中国共产党通过建立广泛的抗日民族文化统一战线,团结了广大文化人士,有力地推动了抗战文化运动的开展,培养了大批抗日文化新生力量,改变了一些地方文化落后的面貌,为我党开辟了一条动员广大群众的最基本的和最重要的途径,有力地推动了大后方抗日文化的发展,促进抗战文化的繁荣。  相似文献   

美国研究型大学发展与捐赠密切相关.透过历史比较的视角,理清捐赠在美国研究型大学发展中的嬗变显得尤为必要.殖民地时期建立的捐赠传统,在美国研究型大学发展的各个时期都发挥着重要的作用.时至今日,捐赠在美国研究型大学发展中仍旧发挥着重要的作用.美国研究型大学捐赠传统,可归因于美国的文化、制度和大学自身的运作方式.当前美国大学发展对我国大学亦有可借鉴之处.为了更好地促进我国大学捐赠发展,政府需要建立健全法律法规,发挥税收和政策的激励作用;转变传统消费观念,培育捐赠文化;高校应主动采取全方位措施,增强自身募捐的能力.  相似文献   

在外交战略上,美国一直显得准备充分、目标明确。冷战结束后,美国仍在以螺旋式的需求继续着它在冷战中未完成的计划。将多重战略手段融合在一起,始终是美国让自己站在“前线”而非“后方”的选择。美国愈来愈自信“和平时代”拥有将高水平的进攻与防御性战略当做正常事情来开展,及造就一个目标、要求及野心空前的可行体系的能力。在对非战略中,美国以强制、交换、认同方式,既为战争的可能性,也为和平年代整合自己的全部政治、经济和军事目的,兑现战略的内在连贯性创建平台。强制、交换、认同,就像机械装置中各个独特的动力,使得当今的美国正在为难以预测的未来创建着“美利坚治下的和平”,正在缔造着蒙神恩、负天命的国家神话。  相似文献   

鲁迅的《铸剑》和余华的《鲜血梅花》是两个关于复仇的小说。复仇对眉间尺和阮海阔来说,是命运给他们开的一个尴尬玩笑,他们不可能完成复仇任务。两篇小说虽然最后都以复仇的完成作为结局,但复仇已经超越了复仇本身。眉间尺的复仇完成了对自我的重塑,阮海阔复仇的形式被美丽的漂泊消解,变成对复仇本质的嘲讽。眉间尺的复仇体现了鲁迅真正的启蒙叙事立场,而阮海阔的复仇则暴露了余华精神资源的缺乏带来的"伪先锋"纯情的痞性本质。  相似文献   

In this forum, we discuss the ways in which the culture of science has become conflated with categorical groupings of students according to race, class, and gender – so as to better understand how Black female students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds may become alienated from dominant school discourses that emphasize college and non-college bound trajectories. In addition, we examine the power and limitations of creating spaces inside and outside of science classrooms that value student discourses, goals, and ways of being. Specifically, we debate whether cogenerative dialogues can allow for (a) conscious critical conversations that cut across student, teacher and administration levels, (b) expanded possibilities for local action, and (c) the building of solidarity and respect amongst stakeholders.  相似文献   

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