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Representative American Speeches, 1941–1942. Selected by A. Craig Baird. New York: The H. W. Wilson Co., 1942; pp. 297. $1.25.

Principles of Effective Speaking. By William Phillips Sandford and Willard Hayes Yeager. Fourth edition. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1942; pp. xii + 580. $2.75.

Studies in Honor of Frederick W. Shipley (Washington University Studies: Language and Literature: No. 14). By His Colleagues. St. Louis: Washington University, 1942; xi + 314 pp.

The Story of the Eight‐Year Study. By Wilford M. Aikin. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1942; pp. 157. $1.75.

Here's How, a Guide to Economy in Stagecraft. By Herbert V. Hake. Illustrated by the author. Evanston: Row, Peterson &; Co.; pp. 108. $2.00.

Speech Abstracts, vol. II. Mimeographed. Compiled by Clyde W. Dow. $1.00.

The “Eight Points”; of Post‐War World Reorganization. Compiled by Julia E. Johnsen. New York: The H. W. Wilson Co., 1942; pp. 126. $.90.

The Practice of Speech Correction in the Medical Clinic. By Mary Wehe Huber. Together with Speech Correction from a Dental Viewpoint by A. E. Kopp. Boston: The Expression Company, 1942; pp. 72. $1.75.

Speech Training for the Deaf Child. By Sylvian M. Martin. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd.; New York: W. W. Norton and Company, Inc., Distributors, 1941; pp. 114. $1.00.

Training the Speaking Voice. By Virgil A. Anderson. New York: Oxford University Press, 1942; pp. xx, 387.

Terminology and Definitions of Speech Defects. By Mardel Ogilvie. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University Contributions to Education, No. 859, 1942; pp. 300. $3.25.

Wartime Censorship of Press and Radio. Compiled by Robert E. Summers. New York: H. W. Wilson Company, 1942; pp. 297. $1.25.

Permanent Price Control Policy. Compiled by Julia E. Johnsen. New York: H. W. Wilson Company, 1942; pp. 113. $1.25.

Plans for a Post‐War World. Compiled by Julia E. Johnsen. New York: H. W. Wilson Company, 1942; pp. 238. $1.25.

Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms. Springfield: G. &; C. Merriam Co., 1943; pp. 908. $3.50 (with thumb index, $4.00).

The Extempore Speech. By Earl W. Wells and Paul X. Knoll. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1942; pp. 362. $3.50.

Essentials of Parliamentary Procedure. By J. Jeffery Auer. New York: F. S. Crofts &; Co., 1942; pp. 41. $.45.

Poems of Fun and Fancy. By Edith Martha Deplitch. Boston: Expression Company, 1942; pp. 75. $1.25.

American Speech. By Wilhelmina G. Hedde and William Norwood Brigance. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1942; pp. xi + 596. $1.80.

Rehearsal. By Miriam A. Franklin. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1942; pp. 447. $4.00.

The Psychology of Persuasive Speech. By Robert T. Oliver. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1942; pp. 389. $2.75.

The Speech Teacher and Competition. By Roy Bedichek and F. L. Winship. Austin: The University of Texas Publication, 1941; pp. 131. 25 cents.

Poems for Playtime. By Carrie Rasmussen. Boston: Expression Company, 1942; pp. 93. $1,25.

University Debaters’ Annual, 1941–42. Edited by Edith M. Phelps. New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1942; pp. 459. $2.25.

Leadership Through Speech. By Joseph G. Brin. New York: Harbinger House, 1942; pp. 140. $2.00.  相似文献   

Modern Speech. By Gladys Borchers and Claude M. Wise. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1947; pp. 522. $3.25.

The Art of Play Production. Revised Edition. By John Dolman, Jr. New York: Harper Brothers, 1946; pp. 421. $3.50.

An Introduction to Linguistic Science. By E. H. Sturtevant. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1947; pp. ix + 173. $3.00.

Speaking in Public. By Wavland Maxfield Parrish. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1947; pp. ix + 455. $2.95.

Extemporaneous Speaking. By J. M. O'Neill. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1946; pp. 418. $2.75.

The New Training for Effective Speech. By Robert T. Oliver, Rupert L. Cortright, Cyril F. Hacer. New York: The Dryden Press, 1946; pp. 414. $2.75.

Fundamentals of Public Speaking. By Donald C. Bryant and Karl R. Wallace. New York: D. Appleton‐Century Company, 1947: pp. 580. $3.00.

Speech and Human Relations. By Joseph G. Brin. Boston: Bruce Humphries, Inc., 1946; pp. 136. $2.50.

Southern Oratory: A Study In Idealism. By Francis Pendleton Gaines. University, Albama: University of Alabama Press, 1946; pp. ii + 65. $1.75.

The Miser by Molière. A New Version with Songs in the Style of the Period. By George R. Kernodle. Iowa City: Campus Stores, State University of Iowa, 1946; pp. iv + 68 (mimeographed). $1.68.

General American Speech Sounds. By Grace Barnes. Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1946; pp. vi + 129. $1.80.

Modern Theatre Practice. Third Edition. By Hubert C. Heffner, Samuel Sfxden, and Hunton D. Sellman. New York: F. S. Crofts and Company, 1946; pp. 501. $3.75.

Speech Development of a Bilingual Child: Vol. II. Sound‐Learning in the First Two Years. By Werner F. Leopold. Northwestern University Studies in the Humanities, No. n. Evanston: Northwestern University, 1947; pp. xxi + 295.

Etiology of Articulatory Speech Defects: A Comparison of the Incidence of Six Selected Factors in Children Having Articulatory Speech Defects with the Incidence of the Same Factors in Children Not Having Speech Defects. By Darrel J. Mase. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, 1946; pp. viii + 85, $2.10.

First Steps in Acting. By Samuel Selden. New York: F. S. Crofts and Company, 1947; pp. xvi + 344. $2.50.  相似文献   

The Praise of Folly. By Desiderius Erasmus. Translated from the Latin, with an Essay and Commentary, by Hoyt Hopewell Hudson. Princeton University Press, 1941; pp. xi, 166.

Speech: Forms and Principles. By Andrew Thomas Weaver. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1942; pp. 437. $2.75.

Introduction to the English Language. By Albert H. Marckwardt. Toronto and New York: Oxford University Press, 1942; pp. xiii, 347.

Introductory Phonetics. By T. Earle Johnson. Mimeographed. Published by the author, University, Alabama. 59 pp. $1.25.

Good American Speech. By Margaret Prendergast McLean. Rev. Edition. New York: Dutton, 1941; pp. xii + $2.50.

The Gift of Tongues. By Margaret Schlauch. New York: Modern Age Books, Inc., 1942; pp. x + 342. $3.50.

Practice of Voice and Speech Therapy. By Emil Froschels and Auguste Jellinek. Boston: Expression Company, 1941; pp. 255. $3.50.

Writing and Laterality Characteristics of Stuttering Children. By E. j. Spadino, Teachers College, Columbia University, Contribution to Education, No. 837, New York, 1941.

The Writer's Radio Theatre, 1940–1941. By Normàn S. Weiser. New York: Harper &; Brothers, 1941; pp. 213. $2.00.

Debate and Discussion: A Syllabus and Workbook. By Carle B. Sports. Boston: Expression Company, 1941; pp. 250 + v. $1.60.

Stage Makeup. By Richard Carson. Foreword by Frederich H. Koch. New York: F. S. Crofts and Co., 1942, pp. xiv + 176, illustrated. Color chart.

Everyday Speech. By Harley Smith, Clara E. Krefting, and E. C. Lewis. Chicago: American Book Company, 1941; pp. 479. $1.68.

Creative Group Work on the Campus. By Louise Price. New York: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1941; pp. 437. $3.25.

Choral Speaking Technique. By Agnes Curren Hamm. Milwaukee: The Tower Press, 1941; pp. ix + 116.

Speech Improvement Through Choral Speaking. By Elizabeth E. Keppie, Conrad F. Wedberg and Miriam Keslar. Boston: Expression Company, 1942; pp. xvi + 278.

Choric Interludes. By Mildred Jones Keefe. Boston: Expression Company, 1942; pp. 352.

Our First Speech Book. By M. Pearl Lloyd. New York: Newson and Company, 1942; pp. 164. $1.00.

Knowing Your Language and Strength Through English, by Frederick Bair, E. Neal, and V. Sanders, New York: Macmillan Company, 1941; pp. 338; 365. $1.12; $1.00.

A Glossary of Literary Terms. By Dan S. Norton and Peters Rushton. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1941; pp. 8g. $.60.

Latin Literature in Translation. Edited by Kevin Guinagh and Alfred Paul Dor‐jahn. New York: Longmans, Green, and Company, 1942; pp. xviii + 822. Text Edition, $4.00; Trade Edition, $5.00.

Foundations of Speech. By Claude M. Wise, James H. McBurney, Louis A. Mallory, Charles R. Strother, William J. Temple; James M. O'Neill, Editor. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1941; pp. xi + 499.  相似文献   


Better‐Speech Tear: a Bulletin of Speech Education for Teachers in Secondary Schools. Glenn N. Merry, Editor. National Council of Teachers of English, 506 West 69th Street, Chicago. 1924. 67 pp.

Edward Everett, Orator and Statesman. By Paul Revere Frothingham. Boston and New York. Houghton Mifflin Company. 1925. pp. 495.

Edmund Burke; A Historical Study. By John Morley. New York. Alfred A. Knopf. 1924. 255 pages.

M. Fabii Quintiliani, Institutionis Oratoriae, Liber I, Edited with Introduction and Commentary. By P. H. Colson. Cambridge, 1924.

Lucian, with an English translation. By A. H. Harmon. Vol. IV. Loeb Classical Library. New York. Putnam's, 1925.

A Study in Alcidamas and his Relation to Contemporary Sophistic. By Marjorie J. Milne. Bryn Mawr, 1924.

St. Augustine, the Orator, a study of the rhetorical qualities of St. Augustine's Sermones ad Populum. By Sister M. Inviolata Barry. The Catholic University of America, 1924.

Euphon English in America. By M. E. DeWitt. E. P. Button and Go. Pp. xviii + 176.

American Pronunciation. A text‐book of phonetics for students in English. By John Samuel Kenyon. George Wahr, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1924. Pp. vii &; 200.

Public Speaking for Business Men. By Sidney F. Wicks. Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York. 1925. Printed in England.

Short Plays from American History and Literature. For Classroom Use. By Olive M. Price. New York. Samuel French. 1925.

The Public Life. By J. A. Spender. New York. Stokes. 1925.  相似文献   

Dialectic. By Mortimer J. Adler. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co. 1927. International Library of Psychology, Philosophy and Scientific Method. Pp. 265. $3.50.

An Outline of Contemporary Drama—By Thomas H. Dickinson, New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1927. 298 pp.

The Drama in Adult Education, A Report by the Adult Education Committee of the Board of Education. London: His Majesty's Stationery Office. 1927.

Persuasion and Delate. By George Rowland Collins and John Seybold Morris. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1927. Pp. 3d, 280.

The Teacher's Book of Phonetics, by Sarah T. Barrows and Anna D. Cordts. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1927. $1.40.

Successful Speaking. A Text for Secondary Schools. By William Phillips Sandford and Willard Hayes Yeager. New York: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1927. Pp. ix, 223, with appendix

Fifth National Oratorical Contest and Third International Oratorical Contest for Secondary Schools. Randolph Leigh, Director, 323 Star Building, Washington, D. C. Pp.51.

The Pronunciphone Course. A set of seven double‐faced phonograph records with a Manual of Instruction called good taste in speech. Prepared by a group of educators, writers and speakers under the direction of Professor Edward Hall Gardner, A. M., for 18 years a member of the faculty of the University of “Wisconsin, and E. Bay Skinner, Phonetician, Department of Speech, University of Wisconsin. The Pronunciphone Company, Chicago, Illinois.

Voice Beautiful. By Earnest G. White. London: J. M. Dent and Sons, New York; E. P. Dutton and Co., 1927. Pp. viii, 166. (First edition appeared as Science and Singing, 1909, enlarged as Voice Beautiful in 1918, again enlarged in 1922, and once more presented in 1927.)

Gray's Public Speaking Test. By J. Stanley‐ Gray. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio Book Company, 1928.

Speech Criticism Folder. By Arleigh B. Williamson and William J. Farma. New York: F. S. Crofts &; Co., 1928.  相似文献   

Speech Communication: A Brief Textbook. By William Norwood Brigance. New York: F. S. Crofts, 1947; pp. 220. $1.75.

Basic Training in Speech. By Lester Thonssen and Howard Gilkinson. Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1947; pp. viii+551. $3.25.

Basic Principles of Speech. Revised Edition. By Lew Sarett and William Trufant Foster. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1946; pp. 592. $3.25.

Notebook for Public Speaking: A College Course in Basic Principles. By Ray Ehrensberger and Elaine Pagel. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1946; pp. x + 166.

Four Who Spoke Out. By Robert T. Oliver. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1946; pp. x+196. $2.50.

Mass Persuasion: The Psychology of a War Bond Drive. By Robert E. Merton, assisted by Marjorie Fiske and Alberta Curtis. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1946; pp. 210. $2.50.

Handbook for Discussion Leaders. By J. Jeffery Auer and Henry Lee Ewbank. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1947; pp. 118. $1.75.

The Church Across the Street. By Reginald D. Manwell and Sophia Lyon Fahs. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1946; pp. 272. $2.50.

A Guide for Teachers Using The Church Across The Street. By Sophia Lyon Fahs and Reginald D. Manwell. Boston: The Beacon Press, 1946; pp. 21. 50c.

Oral Reading. By Lionel Crocker and Louis M. Eich. New York: Prentice‐Hall, 1947; pp. 507. $4.25.

Are You Telling Them? By Bess Sondel. New York: Prentice‐Hall, 1947; pp. 292. $2.95.

Speech for the Classroom Teacher. Revised Edition. By Dorothy I. Mulgrave. New York: Prentice‐Hall, 1946; pp. 423. $3.75.

American Speech. Revised edition. By Wilhelmina Hedde and W. Norwood Brigance. New York: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1946; pp. xi + 596. $1.96.

Manual of American Dialects: for Radio, Stage, Screen and Television. By Lewis Helmar Herman and Marguerite Shalett Herman. Chicago: Ziff‐Davis Publishing Company, 1947; pp. xvii + 326. $6.00.

Visible Speech. By Ralph K. Potter, George A. Kopp, and Harriet C. Green. New York: T. Van Nostrand Company, 1947; pp. 441. $4.75.

Speech Correction: Principles and Methods. Revised edition. By C. Van Riper. New York: Prentice‐Hall, 1947; pp. 470. $4.00.

Training the Singing Voice. By Victor Alexander Fields. New York: King's Crown Press, 1947; pp. x + 337. $4.00.

Your Voice and Your Speech: Self‐Training for Better Speaking. By Beatrice Desfousses. New York: Cattell and Company, Inc., 1946; pp. xiii + 224. $3.50.

Sleeping Beauty. By Agnes Curran Hamm. Milwaukee: The Tower Press, 1946; pp. 12. 50 cents.

Man Against Myth. By Barrows Dunham. Boston: Little, Brown, 1947; pp. 316.

How To Create Sound Effects for Home Recordings. By Ed Ludes and Hallock B. Hoffman. California: The Castle Press, 1946; pp. 90. $1.50.

Remembrance of Amherst. An Undergraduate's Diary 1846–1847 (William Gardiner Hammond). Edited by George F. Whicher. New York: Columbia University Press, 1946; pp. 307. $3.00.  相似文献   

The Nature of Literature: Its Relation to Science, Language and Human Experience. By Thomas Clark Pollock. Princeton: the Princeton University Press, 1942; pp. 218 + xxvi. $3.00.

Roosevelt's Foreign Policy, 1933–1941: Franklin D. Roosevelt's Unedited Speeches and Messages. Compiled and collated by Douglas Lurton. New York: Wilfred Funk, Inc., 1942; pp. xv + 634. $3.75.

Voices of History: Great Speeches and Papers of the Year 1941. Edited by Franklin Watts with an introduction by Charles Beard. New York: Franklin Watts, Inc., 1942; pp. xix + 669. $3.50.

Playwrights Present. By H. H. Giles and Robert J. Cadigan. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1943; pp. xiii + 290. $1.60.

A Theory of Meaning Analyzed. General Semantics Monographs, Number III. Chicago: Institute of General Semantics, 1942; pp. xvi and 46. $1.50.

Speech Correction on the Contract Plan. By Ruth Manser. Rev. ed. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1942; pp. xix + 381. $3.00.

Speech in a Democracy. By Herold T. Ross and Clarence C. Shoemaker. Boston: Expression Co., 1942; pp. 276. $2.50.  相似文献   

The American Language: Supplement One. By H. L. Mencken. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1945; pp. xv + 739 + xxxv. $5.00.

Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America. Edited by Charles R. Morris. New York and London: Harper and Brothers, 1945; pp. 194. $1.00.

Educating Liberally. By Hoyt H. Hudson. Stanford University, California: The Stanford University Press, 1945; pp. viii + 120. $2.00.

Television: Programming and Production, By Richard Hubbell. New York: Murray Hill Books, Inc., 1945; pp. 207. $3.00.

Representative American Speeches: 1944–1945. Selected by A. Craig Baird. New York: The H. W. Wilson Company, 1945; pp. 328. $1.25.

Planning and Equipping the Educational Theatre. By A. S. Gillette. Cincinnati: The National Thespian Society, 1945; pp. 30. $0.60.

Improving Your Vocabulary and Spelling. By Roland Ketchum and Jay B. Greene. New York: Noble and Noble, 1944; pp. viii + 118. $1.00.

A Stage Version of Shelley's Cenci. By Arthur C. Hicks and R. Milton Clarke. Caldwell, Idaho: Claxton Printers, 1945; pp. 156. $3.50.

Principles of Speech, Brief Edition. By Alan H. Monroe. Chicago: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1945; pp. viii + 303. $1.50.

College Handbook of Composition. By Edwin C. Woolley and Franklin W. Scott, with the collaboration of Evelyn Tripp Berdahl. Boston: D. C. Heath and Company, 1944; 4th edition, pp. 452. $1.50.

A Drill Manual for Improving Speech. By William Norwood Brigance and Florence M. Henderson. Chicago: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1945; pp. xxiii + 246. $8.25.  相似文献   

Four‐Star Scripts. By Lorraine Noble. New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1936; $1.50.

A History of the American Drama. By Arthur Hobson Quinn. New York: F. S. Crofts &; Co., 1936; pp. xxv + 432. $5.00.

Historic Costume. By Nevil Truman. New York: Pitman Publishing Corp., 1936; pp. 152; 300 illustrations. $3.00.

The Philosophy of Rhetoric. By I. A. Richards. New York: Oxford University Press, 1936; pp. 138. $1.75.

The Psycho‐Biology of Language. By George Kingsley Zipf. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1935; pp. ix + 336.

An Actor Prepares. By Constantin Stanislavski. Translated by Elizabeth Reynolds Hapgood. New York: Theater Arts, Inc., 1936; pp. 295. $2.50.

Modern Acting: A Manual. By Sophie Rosenstein, Larrae A. Haydon, and Wilbur Sparrow, New York: Samuel French, 1936; pp. 129. $1.50.

Reorganisation of the Supreme Court. The Reference Shelf, vol. xi, no. 4. Compiled by Julia E. Johnson. New York, The H. W. Wilson Co., 1937; pp. 326. $.90.

You, Too, Can Become a Public Speaker. By John Hewins Kern. New York: Governor Publishing Corp., 1937; pp. 72. $1.00.

Industrial vs. Craft Unionism, The Reference Shelf, vol. xi, no. 3. Compiled by Julia E. Johnson. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1937; pp. 320. $.90.

General Principles of Play Production. By Gilmor Brown and Alice Garwood. New York: Samuel French, 1937; pp. 177. $2.00.

The Art of Make‐Up. By Serge Strenkovsky. New York: E. P. Dutton Co., 1937; pp. 350. $3.75.

How To Teach Good Speech in the Elementary Schools, Letitia Raubicheck. New York: Noble and Noble, 1937; pp. 276. $2.00.

Twenty Short Plays on a Royalty Holiday: Edited by Margaret Mayorga. New York: Samuel French, 1937; pp. 435. $3.00.

The Flying Wasp. By Sean’ O'Casey. London: The Macmillan Co., Ltd., 1937; pp. xiii +201. $2.25

Ease in Speech. By Margaret Painter. Chicago: D. C. Heath and Co., 1937; pp. 420, $1.64.

Going To Make a Speech? By E. St. Elmo Lewis. New York: The Ronald Press, 1937; pp. x +350. $3.00.

A Contemporary of Shakespeare on Phonetics and on the Pronunciation of English and Latin. By H. G. Fiedler. New York: Oxford University Press, 1936; pp. 21. $1.00.

S.P.E. Tract No. XLVIII. New York: Oxford University Press, 1937; pp. 12. $.85.

Your Everyday Speech. By William Norwood Brigance. New York: Whittlesey House, 1937; pp. ix + 230. $2.50.

University Debaters’ Annual. Edited by Edith M. Phelps and Julia E. Johnson. New York: The H. W. Wilson Co., 1937; Vol. XXIII, pp. 533. $2.25.

The Speech Choir. With American Poetry and English Ballads for Choral Reading. By Marjorie Gullan. New York: Harper &; Brothers, 1937; pp. vii‐xix + 284. $1.75.

The Art of Choral Speaking. By Cécile de Banke. Boston: Baker's Plays, 1937; pp. 227. $1.75.

Reading, Writing and Speech Problems: A Presentation of Certain Types of Disorders in the Development of the Language Faculty. By Samuel Torrey Orton, M.D. New York: W. W. Norton and Co., 1937; pp. 215. $2.00.

Smith, Joseph E.: Better Speech Training Through Teaching Technique. (Papers from the Convention of the Western Association of Teachers of Speech). Ann Arbor: Edwards Brothers, Inc.; 1936; pp. 72. $1.60.

The New Better Speech (Revised Edition.) By A. T. Weaver, Gladys L. Borchers and C. H. Woolbert. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1937; pp. xii + 548. $1.60.

Handbook of Broadcasting: How to Broadcast Effectively. By Waldo Abbot. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Company, 1937; pp. xi + 424. $3.50.

Ways of Thinking and Writing. By Frank W. Cushwa and Robert N. Cunningham. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1936; pp. xviii + 542. $1.80.  相似文献   

Equipment for Stage Production. By Arthur Edwin Krows. New York and London: D. Appleton and Company, 1928. $1.50.

Acting. A Book for the Beginner. By Allen Crafton and Jessica Royer. New York: F. S. Crofts, 1928. $2.25.

The Development of Dramatic Art. By Donald Clive Stuart. New York and London: D. Appleton and Company, 1928. $6.00.

Fallodon Papers. By Viscount Grey of Fallodon, K. G., Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin Company, 1926; pp. vi, 167.

Teaching Speech in the Elementary School: A comparative study of speech education in the elementary schools of England and the United States. By Emma Grant Meader. New York: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1928, pp. 129.

Persuasive Speaking. By John A. Mcgee. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1929; pp. x, 300.

Essay Backgrounds for Writing and Speaking. Edited by Anthony P. Blanks. New York: Scribner's, 1929, pp. 378.

Thought and Its Expression. Edited by G. C. Clancy, New York: Harcourt, Brace; 1928, pp. 260.

Further Adventures in Essay Beading: Edited by Thomas Rankin Amos Morris, Melvin Solve, and Carleton “WELLS. New York: Harcourt? Brace; 1928, pp. 582.

Essays in Liberal Thought. Edited by W. H. Thomas and Stewart Morgan. New York: Harcourt, Brace; 1928, pp. 574.

Models and Values. Edited by “Walter Phillips, William Crane, and Frank R. Byeers. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 528.

The Little Library of Self‐Starters. By Robert R. Updegraff. Chicago: A. W. Shaw Company, 1929; six volumes, $4.

Practical Speech‐Making: the Extempore Method. By Edwin Du‐Bois Shurter and Charles Almer Marsh, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1929; pp. vi, 248; $1.60.  相似文献   

Speech and Voice. By G. Oscar Russell. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1931 ; pp. xvii, 250. $4.00.

Prose, Poetry and Drama for Oral Interpretation. By William J. Faema. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1930; pp. 526.

Voice and Speech. By M. R. Drennan. Capetown, South Africa: The Mercantile Press (A. W. Elford and Co., Ltd.), 1929; pp. 67, 5 shillings six‐pence, post free.

Projects in Speech for a Foundation Course. By Alan Houston Monroe and Paul Emerson Lull. New York: D. C. Heath and Co., 1931 ; pp. iii + 168.

The Art of Directing Plays, By D. C. Ashton. Franklin, Ohio and Denver, Colorado: Eldridge Entertainment House, Inc., 1931 ; pp. 119, $1.50.

Modern Speeches (Revised Edition). By Homer D. Lindgren. New York. F. S. Crofts Company, 1930; pp. xv, 514; $3.00.

Language Development of the Preschool Child. By Dorothea A. McCarthy. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1930. pp. 174.

Short Plays. By Edwin Van B. Knickerbocker. New York: Henry Holt, 1931; pp. 532.

Stammering. By Elsie Fogerty, New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., 1930; pp. 64, $.95.

Personality. By A. A. Roback. Cambridge, Mass.: Sci‐Art Publishers, 1931: pp. 144.  相似文献   

New books     
Spoken and Written English. By Henry Bradley. Oxford, at the Clarendon Press. 1919. Pp. 35.

Talking Business. By John Mantle Clapp, Lecturer on the Language of Business in New York University. The Ronald Press Company. New York, 1920. 526 pages.

The New World. College Readings in English. By Harold Bruce and Guy Montgomery. The Macmillan Company, New York, 1920. 464 pages.

Abraham Lincoln. A play. By John Drinkwater. New York: Houghton‐Mifflin Company. 1920. 112 pages.

Choosing a Play. Revised and enlarged. By Gertrude E. Johnson, Assistant Professor in the Department of Speech Education in the University of Wisconsin. New York: The Century Co. 1920.

The Greek Orators. By J. F. Dobson, M.A.. London: Methuen. New York: Dutton. 1919. Pp.314.  相似文献   

A History and Criticism of American Public Address. vols. Edited by William Norwood Brigance. New York: McGraw‐Hill Book Co., Inc., 1943; pp. xvii + 1030. $10.00.

Dictionary of World Literature: Criticism, Forms, Technique. Edited by Joseph T. Shipley. New York: The Philosophical Library, 1943; pp. xvi + 633. $7.50.

Speech in Education: A Guide for the Classroom Teacher. By Ollie L. Backus. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1943; pp. 358 + xv. $2.75.

Gesture and Environment. By David Efron. Sketches by Stuyvesant Van Veen. Foreword by Franz Boas. New York: King's Crown Press, 1941; pp. 184 + x.

The Film Sense. By Sergei Eisenstein. Translated and edited by Jay Leyda. Harcourt, Brace; pp. 288. $3.00.

Pioneering in Psychology. By Carl E. Seashore. University of Iowa Studies, No. 398. Iowa City, Iowa: University of Iowa Press, 1942; pp. 232.

A Federal Sales Tax. Compiled by E. R. Nichols. New York: The H. W. Wilson Co., 1942; pp. 259. $1.25. Wagesand Prices Complied by Robert E. Summers. New York :The H. W. Wilson Co., 1942; pp 219.$1.25.

The Defective in Speech. By Mildred Freberg Berry and Jon Eisenson. New York: F. S. Crofts &; Co., 1942; pp. 426. $3.00.

Interpretative Reading. By Sara Lowery and Gertrude E. Johnson. New York. D. Appleton‐Century, 1942; pp. xx + 607.

Inner Springs. By Frances Lester Warner. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1943; pp. 189.

The Penguin Hansard, Vols. 1–5. Taken verbatim from the House of Commons Official Report of Parliamentary Debates. Har‐mondsworth, Middlesex, England, and New York: Penguin Books, Ltd., 1940–1942; pp. app. 300 in each vol. $.25.

The General Basic English Dictionary. Edited by C. K. Ogden with the help of a committee of the Orthological Institute. New York: W. W. Norton &; Co., 1942; pp. x + 441. $2.50.

War Words: Recommended Pronunciations. By W. Cabell Greet. New York: Published for the Columbia Broadcasting System by Columbia University Press, 1943; pp. 137. $1.50.

English Usage. By Arthur G. Kennedy. New York: D. Appleton‐Century Company, 1942; pp. xi, 166. $1.25.

The Best One‐Act Plays of 1942. Edited by Margaret Mayorga. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1943; pp. 265. $2.50.

25 Non‐Royalty American Comedies. Compiled by William Kozlenko. New York: Greenberg, 1943; pp. 430. $2.50.

The Writer's Radio Theatre, 1941. Edited by Norman S. Weiser. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1943. $2.00.

Speeches and Documents in American History, Vol. IV: 1914–1939. (No. 491, The World's Classics.) Selected and edited by Robert Birley. London: Oxford University Press, 1942; pp. xix + 300. $.95.  相似文献   

Early Conceptions and Tests of Intelligence. By Joseph Peterson, Professor of Psychology at George Peabody College for Teachers. Yonkers‐on‐the‐Hudson, N. Y.: World Book Co., 1925. Price, $2.16.

Creative Youth. By Hughes Mearns. Garden City: Doubleday, Page &; Co., 1925. Pp. xv + 234. Price, $2.50.

James K. Polk, A Political Biography. By Eugene Irving McCormac (University of California). Berkeley: University of California Press, 1922. Pp. x + 746. Price, $6.

Scientific Method in Education. By William Clark Trow (University of Cincinnati). Cambridge: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1925. Pp. xii + 159. Price, $1.20.

America's Need for Education. By Calvin Coolidge. Boston: Houghton Miffiin Co., 1925. (Riverside Educational Monographs.) Pp. vii + 87. Price, $0.80.

History of America. By Carl Russell Fish (University of Wisconsin). Cincinnati: American Book Co., 1925. Pp. 570 + lix. Price, $1.92.

Roads to Social Peace. By Edward Alsworth Ross (University of Wisconsin). Chapel Hill, N. C: University of North Carolina Press, 1924. Pp. 133.

A School History of Tennessee. By S. E. Scates (West Tennessee State Normal School). Yonkers: World Book Co., 1925. Pp. xii + 395.

Frontier Law. By William J. McConnell and Howard R. Driggs (New York University). Yonkers, N. Y.: World Book Co., 1924. Pp. xii+ 233. Price, $1.20.

The Constitution of Our Country. By Frank A. Rexford and Clara L. Carson. Cincinnati: American Book Co., 1924. Pp. xx + 186. Price, $0.76.

Fiber and Finish. By E. E. Dodd. Boston: Ginn &; Co., 1925. Pp. x + 196.

Modern Mathematics. By Raleigh Schorling and John R. Clark. Yonkers: World Book Co., 1924. For seventh grade, pp. xv + 256; for eighth grade, xvii + 254.

History of Economic Progress in the United States. By Walter W. Jennings (University of Kentucky). New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1926. Pp. xvi + 819. Price, $4.50.

Out in the Kitchen. By James Woodward Sherman. Boston: Little, Brown &; Co., 1925. Pp. x + 133. Price, $0.70.

A History of Minnesota. By William Watts Folwell (University of Minnesota). St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society, 1921. Pp. xvii + 533.

The Junior‐College Movement. By Leonard V. Koos (University of Minnesota). Boston: Ginn &; Co., 1925. Pp. xii + 436. Price, $2.40.

Principles and Practices of Secondary Education. By John Addison Clement (University of Illinois). New York: The Century Co., 1925. Pp. xxi + 503. Price, $2.50.  相似文献   

The Role of Speech in the Secondary School. Prepared for The Bulletin of the National Association of Secondary School Principals by the National Association of Teachers of Speech with the assistance of the American Educational Theatre Association, the American Speech Correction Association, the Association for Education by Radio: Franklin H. Knower, Committee Chairman. Washington, D. C: National Association of Secondary School Principals of the National Education Association, November, 1945, pp. 9–160. $1.00.

Speech for All. By Lyman M. Fort. New York: Allyn and Bacon, 1945; pp. viii+336. $1.05.

The Use of Drama. By HartleV Granvilie‐Barker. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1945; pp. 91. $1.50.

Speech and the Teacher. By Seth A. Fessenden. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1946; pp. 1–290. $2.50.

Radio Research, 1942–43. Edited by Paul F. Lazarfield and Frank Stanton. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1944; pp. 1–599. $5.00.

Clinical Audiometry. By C. C. Bunch. St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Co., 1943; pp. 186.

Literary Study and The Scholarly Profession. By Hardin Craig. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1944; pp. xiii+150. $2.25.

Speech. By Andrew Thomas Weaver and Gladys Louise Borchers. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1946. pp. 1–5C6. $ 1.96  相似文献   

Modern Eloquence. Founded by Thomas B. Reed. New Edition by Ashley H. Thorndike. Modern Eloquence Corporation, New York, 1924. Twelve volumes.

The Psychology of Selling Life Insurance. By Edward K. Strong, Jr. Harper and Brothers, 1922. Pp. 489.

The Art of Talking, or Self‐Expression in Speech and Conversation. By W. Charles Loosmoore. London, John Murray. 1923.

A Complete Course in Public Speaking. By Joseph A. Mosher. Macmillan, New York, 1924. Pp. XXV + 174.

Writing By Types. By Albert C. Baugh, Paul C. Kitchen, and Matthew W. Black. The Century Co., New York, 1924.

The Dramatization of Bible Stories. By Elizabeth Erwin Miller. University of Chicago Press, 1918. Pp. 162.  相似文献   

German Psychological Warfare: Survey and Bibliography. Edited by Ladislas Farago and L. F. Gittler, Assistant Editor, with the cooperation of Gordon W. Allport, John G. Beebe‐Center, Edwin G. Boring, Floyd L. Ruch, and Stanley S. Stevens. 51 E. 42nd Street, New York: Committee for National Morale, 1941; pp. 155. $2.50.

Language Habits in Human Affairs. By Irving J. Lee. Foreword by Count Alfred Korzybski. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1941; pp. 278 + xxvii. $1.25.

Humanistic Studies in Honor of John Calvin Metcalf (University of Virginia Studies, Vol. I). By Various Contributors. Charlottesville (Va.): The University of Virginia, 1941. x + 338 pp.

Producing the Play. By John Gassner, and The New Scene Technician's Handbook. By Philip Barber. New York: The Dryden Press, 1941; pp. xxvii + 744, illustrated. $3.25.

The Jingle Book. By Alice L. Wood. New York: E. P. Dutton &; Co., Inc. 1940; pp. 208. $1.25.

Speech Improvement Cards, By Bryng Bryngelson and Esther Glaspey. New York: Scott, Foresman and Company, 1941. $3.60.

Practice Steps in English. By Frederick H. Blair, Elma A. Neal, Inez Foster, Ollie P. Storm. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1941. 29 cents each.

Debate Index Supplement. The Reference Shelf, Vol. 14, No. 9. Compiled by Julia E. Johnson. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1941; pp. 90; $.75.

Military Training: The Fifteenth Annual Debate Handbook. Edited by Bower Aly for the Committee on Debate Materials and Interstate Cooperation of the National University Extension Association. Columbia (Mo.): Lucas Brothers, 1941. vols.; Vol. I, 220 pp.; Vol. II (supplement), 220 pp. $1.00 each volume.

Universal Military Service. (The Reference Shelf, Vol. 15, No. 2). Edited by Robert E. Summers and Harrison B. Summers. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1941; 280 pp. $1.25.

Compulsory Military Training. (The Reference Shelf, Vol. 14, No. 6). Edited by Julia E. Johnsen. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1941; 266 pp. $1.25.

Compulsory Military Service. (Annual Debaters’ Help Book, Vol. 8). Edited by Ezra Christian Buehler. New York: Noble and Noble, 1941; vii + 422 pp. $2.50.

Representative American Speeches, 1940–1941. Selected by A. Craig Baird. New York: The H. W. Wilson Co., 1941; pp. 319. $1.25.

A Functional Program of Teacher Education. By The Curriculum Committee of the School of Education, Syracuse University. Washington, D.C.: American Council on Education, 1941. x + 260 pp. $1.25.

High School Forensics: An Integrated Program. By Arnold E. Meltzer. New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1940; pp. 156. $.90.  相似文献   

College Geography. By Roderick Peattie (Ohio State University). Boston: Ginn &; Co., 1926. Pp. xii + 495. Price, $3.

The Middle Country. By Olivia Price. Yonkers, N. Y.: World Book Co., 1926. Pp. 176. Price, $1.

A Treasury of Verse for School and Home. Selected by M. G. Edgar and Eric Chilman. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1926. Pp. xix + 523. Price, $2.50.

Eskimo Legends. By Roy J. Snell. Boston: Little, Brown &; Co., 1925. Pp. 203. Price, 80 cents.

Speech Correction. By R. C. Borden and A. C. Busse (New York University). New York: F. S. Crofts &; Co., 1925. Pp. 295.

Bemol and Kusum. By Herbert E. Wyman. Yonkers, N. Y.: World Book Co., 1925. Pp. 272. Price, $1.36.

Vocational Guidance and Counseling. By Alanson H. Edgerton (University of Wisconsin). New York: The Macmillan Co., 1926. Pp. xvii + 213.

Technical Education. By C. T. Millis. New York: Longmans, Green &; Co., 1925. Pp. vii + 183. Price, $2.25.

The Shop Teacher's Standard Class Record. By Walter R. Cannon. Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Co., 1925. Prices: 75 cents, cloth bound; 45 cents, paper bound.

Problems and Projects in Industrial Arts. By Kenneth R. La Voy. Peoria, III : The Manual Arts Press, 1924. Pp. 142. Price, $1.25.

Can You Solve It? By Arthur Hirschberg. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1926. Pp. 320. Price, $2.

The Enchanted Christmas Tree. By Perciyal Wilde. New York: D. Appleton &; Co., 1925. Pp. 51. Price, $1.

Junior‐High‐School Procedure. By F. C. Touton (University of Southern California) and Alice Ball Struthers. Boston: Ginn &; Co., 1926. Pp. xvii + 595. Price, $2.60.

Introduction to Advertising. By Arthur Judson Brewster (Syracuse University) and Herbert Hall Palmer (Syracuse University). Chicago: A. W. Shaw Co., 1925. Pp. xii + 373.

The Problems of Childhood. By Angelo Patri. New York: D. Appleton &; Co., 1926. Pp. xvi + 309.

Bookkeeping and Accounting Practice. By S. R. Hoover. Chicago: A. W. Shaw Co., 1923. Pp. xii + 309.

Vocational Self‐Guidance. By Douglas Fryer (New York University). Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1925. Pp. xvii + 385. Price, $3.

Personnel Problems of the Teaching Staff. By E. E. Lewis (Superintendent of Schools, Flint, Mich.). The Century Co., 1925. Pp. xvii + 460.

The Clapp Drill Book in Arithmetic. By Frank Leslie Clapp (University of Wisconsin). Newark, N. J.: Silver, Burdett &; Co., 1926. Book IV, pp. iii + 97; Book V, pp. iii + 108; Book VI, pp. iii + 119; Book VII, pp. iii + 117; Book VIII, pp. iii + 119; Teacher's Manual, pp. iv + 39. All paper‐bound.

Furniture Projects. By Frederick J. Bryant. Peoria, Ill.: The Manual Arts Press, 1926. Pp. 47. Price, 56 cents.

Job Sheets in Practical Woodwork. By Arthur G. Brown and F. E. Tustison (Stout Institute). Milwaukee: Bruce Publishing Co., 1925. Pp.31. Price per set, 56 cents.

Harper's Anthology: Prose and Harper's Anthology: Poetry. New York: Harper &; Brothers, 1926. Pp. 894 and 876.

The Smedley and Olsen New Primer. By Eva A. Smedley and Martha C. Olsen. Chicago: Hall and McCreary Co., 1926. Pp. 128. Price, 60 cents.

Work and Play With Words. By N. H. Hall and Matilda Breuer. Chicago: Hall &; McCreary Co., 1926.

Qualitative Analysis. By W. N. Masters (North Texas State Teachers College). Dallas: The Southern Publishing Co., 1926. Pp. viii + 107. Price, $1.40.

Jimmie and the Junior Safety Council. By Stella Boothe. Yonkers, N. Y.: World Book Co., 1926. Pp. ix + 246. Price, $1.20.

Philosophy. By Alexander Meiklejohn. Chicago: American Library Association, 1926. Pp. 51; Prices: cloth, $0.50; paper, $0.35.

Psychology and Its Use. By Everett Dean Maetin. Chicago: American Library Association, 1926. Pp. 47. Prices: cloth, $0.50; paper, $0.35.

Salesmanship Applied. By Paul W. Ivey (Northwestern University). Chicago: An enjoyable, stimulating book. The general reader can profitably peruse it for self‐protection or to enable him to appreciate really fine sales art when used on him.

Teaching Dull and Retarded Children. By Annie Dolman Inskeep. New York : The Macmillan Co., 1926. Pp. xix + 455.

Geometry Reader. By Julius J. H. Hayn. Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Co., 1925. Pp. 320. Price, $1.80.

Famous English Books. By Amy Cruse. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co. Pp. 284. Price, $2.

Trail Makers. By Zoe Meyer. Boston: Little, Brown &; Co., 1926. Pp. viii + 217.

Deadwood Gold. By George W. Stokes and Howard R. Driggs (New York University). Yonkers, N. Y.: World Book Co., 1926. Pp. xii + 163. Price, $1.

My Cut‐a‐Picture Book. By Anna Eliza Sample. Newark, N. J.: Silver, Burdett &; Co., 1926. Pp. v + 122.

The Indians and the Oki. By A. Templeton Mitchell. Chicago: Row, Peterson &; Co., 1925. Pp. vi + 282.

Poetry for Junior High Schools. Edited by Elias Lieberman. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1926. Pp.: Book One, xxv + 198; Book Two, xxviii + 164.  相似文献   

Discussion: Principles and Types. By A. Graig Baird. New York and London: McGraw‐Hill Book Company. 1943; pp. x + 348. $2.50.

The Anatomy of Drama. By Alan Reynolds Thompson. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1943; pp. xx + 414. $3.00.

Selected Writings and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln. Edited by T. Harry Williams. University Classics. Chicago: Packard and Company, 1943; pp. 269. $.95.

The Latin Key to Better English. By Archibald Hart and F. Arnold Lejeune. New York: E. P. Dutton &; Co., 1942; pp. 226. $2.00.

Speech for the Military. By Cole S. Brem‐beck and Albert A. Rights. Harrisburg, Pa.: Stackpole Sons, 1943; pp. 210. $1.20.

Speech for Military Service. By William Norwood Brigance and Ray Keeslar Immel. New York: F. S. Crofts &; Co., 1943; pp. x + 150. $1.00.

Essentials of Oral Communication. By Donald C. Bryant. St. Louis: John S. Swift Co., 1943; pp. 50. $.50.

Direct Communication. By Robert Gorham Davis, F. G. Fassett, Jr., William C. Greene, Frederick C. Packard, Jr., and Mark Schorer. New York: D. C. Heath, 1943; pp. 247. $1.25.

Speaking and Listening. By Bert Emsley, Frances E. Jones, and William M. Tim‐mons. New York: American Book Company, 1943; pp. v + 138.11.00.

Principles of Speech. Military edition. By Alan H. Monroe. Chicago: Scott, Fores‐man and Company, 1943; pp. v + 182. $1.00.

English, Communication. By Kendall B. Taft, John Francis McDermott, Dana O. Jensen, and W. Hayes Yeager. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1943; pp. x + 435. $1,40.

English for the Armed Forces. By A. D. G. Wiles, Arlin M. Cook, and Jack Trevithick. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1943: pp. xii + 262. $1.50.  相似文献   

Human Speech. (Some Observations, Experiments, and Conclusions as to the Nature, Origin, Purpose and Possible Improvement of Human Speech), By Sir Richard Paget, Bart., Fellow of the Physical Society of London, Fellow of the Institute of Physics; Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York, 1930: pp. 360, $6.00.

Speech and Hearing. By Harvey Fletcher. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1929; pp. $5.50.

Platform and Laboratory Projects for Speech I. A Manual for the Student. By Henry Lee Ewbank. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1929: pp. 98.

Prose and Verse for Speaking and Beading. Compiled and edited By William Palmer Smith, Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York, 1930: pp. 382.

The Art of Argument, By Harold F. Graves and Carle B. Spotts. New York: Prentice‐Hall, 1927: pp. xi, 298; $2.50.

Modern Debate Practice. By Waldo O. Willhoft. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1929; pp. xii, 339.

The School Drama in England. By T. H. Vail Motter. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1929; pp. xiii, 325; $3.50.

The New Public Speaker. By Richard C. Borden and Alvin C. Busse, New York: Harper and Brothers, 1930; pp. 155.  相似文献   

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