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A mere three months after the peaceful Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, and less than a year after his last imprisonment under the communist regime, playwright-turned-president Václav Havel stood before a joint session of U.S. Congress in February of 1990. In his address, Havel marked, for his American audience, the new freedoms being established at home. More than just a victory lap, however, Havel’s visit articulated the importance of the invention of post-communism, as the end of the Cold War had to be constructed for his global audience. Havel’s version of invention in the speech used temporality and embodiment as key rhetorical materials—as he emphasized the opportune moment of the end of the Cold War, he also embodied the higher moral sense of responsibility and democratic civic culture that he believed the moment called for. However, this inventive process was understood differently by his American, European, and Czech audiences, and his attempts to transcend Cold War frames were highly contested. Havel thus became a complex symbol of the transition between the Cold War and the post-Cold War, which showed the tensions around the implementation of a “new world order.”  相似文献   

Theodore Roosevelt was an important figure in the development of the presidency as a primary and authoritative source for definitions of national identity. Through an analysis of three specific rhetorical moves Roosevelt made in arguments over the “proper” interpretation of the Brownsville Raid, this essay examines how Roosevelt both justified his dismissal of the soldiers and increased the definitional power of his institution. Brownsville highlights the importance of the presidency's constitutive and rhetorical power, especially as that power pertains to ideologically based definitions of national identity and the role of minorities within that identity, and illuminates the argumentative forms that undergird that constitutive power.  相似文献   

Student assessment in the Czech Republic is still rather traditional, with classroom practice continuing to focus on summative assessment. The country has regularly participated in international surveys, but the findings from these only started to influence educational policy during the past decade, when Czech students’ performance fell markedly in all assessment domains. The principal response has been to introduce standardised school-leaving examinations at different points in the primary and secondary school systems. The examinations have several widely acknowledged shortcomings, however, and in the meantime assessment for learning remains a neglected area. The improvement of evaluation and assessment practices in the Czech Republic is hindered by low levels of expertise among teachers, principals and policy-makers, and the private sector testing agencies that have become very active in the country suffer from the same weaknesses.  相似文献   

The article presents results of the evaluation of the GLOBE program (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment) in the Czech Republic. The evaluation explores the implementation of the program in schools and its impact on research skills. Four hundred and sixty six pupils, aged 13, from 28 different schools participated in the evaluation. The evaluation revealed problems with the implementation of the program in schools. The majority of pupils usually collect data and work with worksheets in the program. The other activities, such as the analysis and comparison of collected data or planning GLOBE activities, are done only occasionally or never. Although one of the main goals of the program is to develop pupils' research skills, the program had no measurable effect on this outcome. According to these results, changes in the way the program is implemented are needed. Recommendations for further program development and evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   

捷克的教育发展状况及其若干改革趋向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着市场经济体制的建立,捷克在教育经费体制、办学体制和管理体制等方面实施了大面积改革,尤其是在私立教育、高等教育、教育国际合作等领域的改革趋向,对于当前我国的教育改革具有一定的借鉴和启示作用。  相似文献   

本研究以自行编制的调查问卷和访谈提纲作为研究工具,对捷克奥洛穆茨州的全纳教育支持系统现状进行了调查研究。结果发现:通过实施全纳导向的教育政策,为全纳教育提供必要的支持、规定参与全纳教育教师的任职资格和培训、转变特殊教育学校角色等方面的努力,一个相对系统和健全的全纳教育支持系统已经建立和运转起来了。但是,传统的社会观念、政府经费支持、普通教师的专业成长、对特殊儿童家庭的财政和培训支持以及特殊儿童家长在全纳教育中的参与等问题仍然是捷克奥洛穆茨州全纳教育发展过程中亟需解决的问题。  相似文献   

捷克高等职业教育经过近20年的发展,形成了良好的依法管理的氛围,其完备的教学条件、高质量的师资队伍、灵活多样的教学形式和独特的考试方式确保了高等职业学校教学质量的稳步提升。捷克高等职业教育的成功经验对我国高等职业教育改革具有多方面的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Laura B. Perry 《Compare》2005,35(3):265-283
This study analyses both foreign (primarily western European and North American) and Czech perspectives of Czech schooling in the post‐communist era. Qualitative content analysis is performed on documentary sources written by scholars about Czech schooling. The analysis examines which topics are highlighted, what are the main patterns and what is the overall perspective of the document. The analysis is guided by theory from intellectual history about the social construction of ‘Eastern Europe’. The study finds that Western perspectives of post‐communist Czech schooling are mostly negative and are typically based on common sense notions and casual observation rather than comprehensive knowledge and thorough research. It therefore concludes that Western perspectives of Czech schooling are influenced by the social construction of Eastern Europe. Ironically, many of the Western scholars use the concept of democracy to justify this distorted viewing of Czech schooling as an ‘Other’ to that in the West.  相似文献   

The integration of immigrant children into the education system is a process that is accompanied by serious debate, especially in advanced countries, which have large shares of immigrants and a long history of immigration. The poorer educational outcomes of foreign-born children are largely explained there through their socio-economically disadvantaged background compared to the native-born population. This article examines whether the observations for those countries also apply to the Czech Republic—a country with a relatively short immigration history and immigration flows from different source countries than those in Western Europe. Regression analyses conducted on PISA 2012 data focusing largely on the maths skills of 15-year-olds reveal that the performance of immigrant children in Czech schools roughly compares to that of their counterparts in Western Europe. While their PISA outcomes were lower than those of Czechs, this was because immigrant children have poorer conditions at home or in the classroom.  相似文献   

韩卫 《教学研究(河北)》2010,33(3):15-17,22
通过考察西波系米亚大学的改革与发展历史,分析捷克高等教育的现状,指出捷克高等教育未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

This scoping review presents the historical, social, and international influences that shaped the gradual move from segregated to inclusive education for all children in the Czech Republic. The introduction of the 2016 amendment to the Education Act marked a decisive paradigm shift in education policy, which formed the legal basis for services and support measures to be made available for all children with special needs in local mainstream schools. We analysed Czech language and English language peer-reviewed specialist literature to see how these changes have been reflected in current education research. The eighteen studies reviewed provide a complex picture of facilitators and barriers at the level of inclusive culture, policy and practice. Even though progress towards inclusive education in the Czech Republic has been notable, there are still systemic and attitudinal barriers to the education of all children.  相似文献   

In international education policy articulations by organisations such as the UNESCO, inclusive education is defined rather vaguely, usually in terms of human rights. Yet, national reception it is more or less taken for granted. Analyses of policy lending show that when national education traditions are not respected, the lack of clarity about the concrete form of inclusion is further augmented by resistance to a foreign import. Taking the example of the implementation of inclusive education in the Czech Republic, a secondary analysis of survey results on responses from teachers and parents is presented. This analysis contributes to a better understanding of the reactions of two groups of actors who have had only a marginal involvement in preparing the implementation of inclusion; specifically, teachers at ordinary schools and parents of pupils with special education needs. Teachers are critical of inclusion, which they regard as special care for individual pupils with special education needs. It is only in schools which have lengthy experience with integration that a transformation of the school culture and the teaching profession in the direction of greater teamwork has taken place. The imperative of inclusion coming from above is regarded more as interference with what is a spontaneous development. The view of parents to pupils with special education needs was that systemic support to inclusion was lacking. Parents are forced to be intermediaries between other actors, but often do not have enough information and are not respected by teachers as experts on their children.  相似文献   

Richard Pesik 《Compare》2011,41(6):735-750
This article analyzes recent policy proposals to reform Czech tertiary education. A brief overview of the evolution of Czech tertiary education presents the background against which emerging policy trends in education are examined. We relate the changes in tertiary education to the policy framework and recommendations of the OECD, underpinned by the ideology of neoliberal globalization. Finally, we discuss some issues that the Czech government is encountering while trying to implement its new policies in tertiary education and the consequences these policies may have on Czech tertiary education, academia and students.  相似文献   

章着重探讨了加强公民道德建设对西部大开发的重要意义,并对当前西部地区如何提高公民道德建设的实效性以使公民道德素质的提高与西部经济的腾飞处于良性互动状态提出了建设性的意见。  相似文献   

修辞是一种为了实现一定目的而构建言语的表达行为。修辞学是研究构建言语、实现交际目的的言语表达行为规律的科学。修辞学的研究对象,主要是修辞过程,其次有修辞作品和修辞功能。  相似文献   

构建服务型政府是目前我国政府改革的重要目标,而构建服务型政府必然要求公民参与。本文力图揭示服务型政府建设中公民参与的重要意义,着重论证加强公共行政中的公民参与,有助于政府“以人为本”行政理念的形成与实现,有助于公民意志的表达与传递,也有助于顺应世界潮流改进政府工作的运行机制和行为模式。  相似文献   

分析和阐释了斯关塔那与德沃夏克如何运用民族因素获得了作品的民族风格,进而深入探讨体现音乐创作的民族性的深层指导思想.  相似文献   

在人文修辞学的范畴内,英语修辞包括交际修辞、美学修辞。Diogenes and Alexander一文。无论从交际修辞。还是从美学修辞的角度,都有一定的欣赏价值。  相似文献   

王希杰先生的<模糊理论和修辞>最早倡立模糊修辞学.他深入阐述了准确和模糊的辩证统一关系,为模糊修辞学的建立提供了充分的理论依据;明确辨析了模糊修辞学中易混淆的两个重要概念及其关系,为模糊修辞学的学科形成奠定了学科术语的基础;初步构拟模糊修辞学的理论框架,积极有力地促成了模糊修辞学的建立.  相似文献   

The goal of this work is to better understand the institutional changes in the educational systems of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. We demonstrate that the educational reforms implemented during the transformation introduced very different institutional arrangements in the four countries, despite the fact that their systems shared many common characteristics at the beginning of the 1990s. Differences between the national approaches to educational reforms are particularly reflected in the modes of education decentralisation, the level of school autonomy, accountability and funding mechanisms. We believe that different institutional arrangements may have contributed to the divergent achievements of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland in the PISA programme.  相似文献   

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