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金民 《新高考》2008,(Z1):110-111
阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在图表中的空格处填上适当的单词,每空只填1个单词。A If being 16 seems a young age and 18 is the year you associate with university,17 is the happy balance of not wanting to  相似文献   

AThe undersea world is very beautiful.Now more and more people want to dive inthe water to find the secret there.Scuba divingis a new sport today.It can take you into awonderful undersea world.You will find many strange animals in thesea.Some are as large as a school bus.Manysea animals give out light in the dark and somehave sharp teeth.During the day,there is enough light.Here,under the sea,everything is blue andgreen.When fish swim nearby,you can catchthem with your hands.When you have b…  相似文献   

夏思敏 《新高考》2008,(1):59-59
请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后的表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。The government of China says much progress hasbeen made in efforts to control the spread of blue-earpig disease.Government officials said last week that47,000 pigs were infected in July.That was downmore than 50 percent from the number reported forJune.The name for the virus comes from the fact that  相似文献   

任务型阅读是阅读理解的拓展和延伸。它要求学生对阅读材料提供的信息进行分析、判断、推理,最后结合文章内容运用所学的知识去组织英语语言进行问题的回答。本文对任务型阅读的理解和存在的问题进行了分析,然后提出了对任务型教学法的三点思考。  相似文献   

任务型闭读是近年来出现的新题型,占二卷总分(35分)的近30%,如何让学生在考试中提高答题准确率,如何提高学生解答该题型的能力,是本文所要解决的问题。  相似文献   

马岳年 《新高考》2008,(Z2):92-94
2008年江苏省高考英语中的任务型阅读是新题型,给广大考生提出了新的挑战。任务型阅读,不仅考查阅读理解而且考查书面表达,其最大的挑战在于后者。《考试说明》提供了三个典型示例共四种形式的格  相似文献   

马骐 《中学生英语》2013,(Z4):39-43
A Gina Amaro Rudan is a genius.That is, she wrote a very well-received book called Practical Genius that was endorsed(认可) by Seth Godin.But Gina wasn’t always a genius. She wasn’t even considered smart. One day when Gina was in third grade at her Catholic grammar school,some children were pulled out of the classroom and taken to a much nicer room with beautiful windows and potted flowers.This new and improved room had been designed for the gifted students in the class,and Gina waited for her name to be called.It never was.  相似文献   

夏春来 《新高考》2008,(4):60-60

(A)以下是Joe与Tina对未来的描述,快来了解一下在他们眼中的未来是什么样的!他们的观点可是截然不同哦!  相似文献   

任务型阅读,分值10分,是一道主观题。任务型阅读的题型结构是:短文+图表(表格、摘要、履历表、树状结构等)。答题要求主要有三种:(1)每空1词;(2)每空1词,不得用文章中的单词(难度最大);(3)每空不得超过6个词。题目中的十个空格考查的角度各有侧重,占一半比例的基础题考查学生捕捉信息的能力,占  相似文献   

A( 阅读时间: 4 分钟)Surtsey was born in 1963. Scientists sawthe birth of this island. It began at 7:30 a.m. on14th November. A fishing boat was nearIceland. The boat moved under the captain’s( 船长) feet. He noticed a strange smell. Hesaw some black smoke. A volcano( 火山) wasbreaking out. Red-hot rocks, fire and smokewere rushing up from the bottom( 底部) of thesea. The island grew quickly. It was 10 metershigh the next day and 60 meters high on 18thNovember. Scientists flew there to watch.Smoke and fire were still ru...  相似文献   

任务型阅读是一种读写结合题,也是让许多考生望而生畏,失分较多的题型,所以师生们共同努力的目标就是准确地了解并掌握这一题型,在高考中拿高分。笔者主要谈论该题型的解题技巧,并提出了在平时课堂教学中的教学建议。  相似文献   

AThere is an E nglish saying:“Laughter is the best m edicine.”U ntilrecently,few people took the saying seriously.N ow how ever,doctorshave begun to look into laughter and the effects it has on the hum anbody.They have found that laughter really can im prove people s health.Tests w ere carried out to study the effects of laughter on the body.People watched funny film s w hile doctors checked their heart,bloodpressure,breathing and m uscles.It was found that laughter has sim ilareffects to …  相似文献   

ANomancanchangetheweather.Nobodycancontroltheweather.Butifwereadthesignscorrectlywecantellwhatthemoreimportantchangesintheweatherwillbe.Thiswayoftellingwhattheweatherwillbelikeonthefollowingdayortwoiscalledweatherforecast-ing.Peoplewhodothisarenotmakingtheweather.Theyaremerelyusingtheirknowledgeoftheweath-ertodaytotelluswhattheweathermaybeliketo-morrow.Peopleformanycenturiesandinallcountrieshavestudiedtheweatherandtriedtomakeweatherforecasts.Sometimesdistantobjectssuchashillsandtalltreesseem…  相似文献   

A A man once said how useless it was to put advertisem ents in thenewspaper.“Last week,”said he,“my umbrella was stolen from a Lon-don church. A s itw as a present, I spent twice its worth in advertising,butI didn t getit back.”“H ow did you write your advertisem ent?”asked one of the listeners,a businessm an.“H ere it is,”said the m an,taking out of his pocket a slip cut froma newspaper.The other m an took itand read,“Lost from the C ity Churchlast Sunday evening, a black silk um…  相似文献   

请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后的表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。Americans invest for the future in mutual funds.A mutual fund is a collection of different financial securi- ties.These include stocks and debt-based investments.Stock in a company gives the buyer a financial share in that business.The shareh01der may receive a small payment from time to time for each share owned.But the value of stocks can change greatIy in a short time.  相似文献   

阅读是学生获取知识和信息的主要途径,也是学生进行交流与娱乐的主要手段之一。任务型阅读作为一种新型的阅读题型,即将出现在2016年苏州市的中考试题中,其有助于培养学生综合运用语言的能力。本文主要探讨初中英语任务型阅读题的类型与特点、解题思路与技巧,以及在英语教学中对学生的培养策略。  相似文献   

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