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This paper will provide readers with a unique perspective on maximizing the benefits and overcoming the challenges inherent in the collaborative teaching process. This narrative reflection will explore collaborative teaching through the reflections of a music professor who has team-taught two different interdisciplinary courses over a period of 10 years. The lessons learned align with the findings of the existing literature, but they also uncover new implications that will provide other professors with a vision of how they might become effective in their own collaborative teaching. These experiences have helped the author come to understand that teaching in a collaborative setting requires educators who are creative, flexible, and both willing to compromise and to learn.  相似文献   

《教师教育课程标准》对在职教师教育课程设置加以规范是应当的,也是必要的。考虑到在职教师的学习特征,《教师教育课程标准》把在职与职前教师教育课程设置问题分开处理。鉴于在职教师教育形态多样、目的迥异,《教师教育课程标准》着眼于广大教师共同面对的若干专业发展任务,建构了一个涵盖加深专业理解、解决实际问题和提升自身经验三个维度,并列举相应主题或模块的在职教师教育课程设置框架,供教师教育机构和教师教育者开设课程选择使用。完善在职教师教育课程设置尚需突破发展教师什么素质不明以及面向特定教师群体的教育课程培育滞后两大难题。  相似文献   

教师是教育事业发展的第一资源。在一定意义上说,教师的质量就是教育的质量,教育的差距归根结底是教师的差距。这已经成为世界各国的共识。而教师队伍整体素质的提高很大程度上取决于那些己经成为教师或是意愿成为教师的人的教育水平的提高。新中国成立之后,我国在不断摸索中制定教师在职教育政策,旨在提高教师素质和专业发展水平,从而提升国家的教育水平。光复之后,韩国国内百废待兴,国家也开始重视对教师的教育,并制定了一系列政策促进、鼓励教师参加职后培训。本文将按照历史沿革,对1949年以后,中韩两国中小学教师在职教育政策制定的内容和实际效果、影响等展开比较,分析不同国家政策制定的价值取向和特点,并在比较中思考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Research Findings: Most infant teachers have been prepared to be early childhood educators with minimal theoretical or practical exposure to infancy. This study highlights the outcomes of a professional development program (PDP) designed to support a group of infant teachers who lacked specific infancy preparation to re-envision their roles. Data sources included videotapes, focus groups, conversational interviews, reflective journaling, and artifacts. A PDP, tailored to the needs of the teachers, was developed in process in response to the outcomes of each step of the study. Findings highlight how teachers’ existing beliefs inform current practice, teachers gain insight through new PDP strategies, and teachers’ reflections on routines contribute to effective practice. Practice or Policy: Our PDP provided opportunities for reflection and pedagogical challenges as a means of creating space for educators to build a more grounded infant teacher identity. Implications of these findings are discussed in relation to infant teacher preparation and in-service training.  相似文献   

从三个主要方面,试论了钢琴教学中教师的主导作用。  相似文献   

The traditional prejudice against Non-native English language teachers(NNETs)has been challenged recently.This essay examines features of NNETs and calls for acknowledging their integral position in global English teaching filed thanks to their established bilingual models for learners,mastery of professional knowledge,resourcefulness in teaching practice,and adaptability to local contexts.  相似文献   

This is a study of how a group of primary school teachers in Singapore dealt with the possibility of introducing informal educational innovations in their school settings. “Informal innovations” here refers to the voluntary adoption of new teaching methods, techniques and ideas acquired during an in-service teacher education programme, namely, the Further Professional Certificate in Education (FPCE) programme conducted by the Institute of Education, Singapore. Did these teachers attempt, when back in their schools, to experiment with the new ideas and methods of teaching they had been exposed to during the one year of the FPCE programme? What factors worked for, and against, attempts at innovations in their primary schools? Were there structural constraints and socio-psychological obstacles that they had to negotiate in order to adopt innovations in classroom and educational practices? If innovative ideas had remained dormant, was this because the teachers were unconvinced about the practicality and relevance of these ideas for the classroom and the school? These questions serve as the focal points of a small study involving 66 primary school teachers. Of the 66 teachers, sixteen had resumed work at school for nine months after they completed their in-service attachment at the Institute of Education (IE). The remaining 50 were in the midst of their in-service training when they participated in the study.  相似文献   

Careers teachers have at no time in their history enjoyed a high status in schools. This is surprising given the current demands for schools to equip youngsters with the social and work skills required for their future lives. The data drawn on derive from an in‐depth study of 43 careers teachers from 12 comprehensive schools in one Midlands local authority. The paper shows that the careers teachers studied are not a homogeneous group; they come from different subject backgrounds and include teachers, both male and female, from predominantly the bottom and middle rungs of the hierarchy. A common characteristic of those studied is that most are non‐graduate and have no significant specialist training in careers education. They became involved in ‘careers’ by chance, as a way of advancing their own career or because they had been delegated the responsibility, rather than for more ‘altruistic’ reasons. Their routes into careers work were largely unplanned. Most careers teachers worked on their own and were not part of a department in the traditional sense. Careers teachers were unable to establish a position of influence and stability in school because of the constant variable recognition and status given to both careers education and careers teachers, resulting in their ‘marginalisation’.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的迅猛发展和普及,运用计算机开展课堂教学已成为必然趋势。课堂计算机在辅助教学活动中,教师的地位和作用以及教师在计算机辅助教学中要注意的问题直接影响着教师的个人形象,这些都有待探讨。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to develop a scale for measuring content knowledge (CK) and pedagogy content knowledge (PCK) of in-service elementary teachers on mathematical fractions. Another aim of this study was to consider whether CK and PCK are separate from each other, or are in a single body. Therefore, a scale containing 22 items about mathematics fractions was designed and administered to 256 elementary teachers. Exploratory factor analysis indicated four factors that three of which are included in PCK, that is, instruction, task, and student, whereas CK had just one factor. Also to evaluate fitness of model, confirmatory factor analysis was used. The results revealed that CK and PCK are separate and correlated, and the scale has suitable validity and reliability to measure CK and PCK of in-service elementary teachers on mathematics fractions.  相似文献   

This study examined the beliefs of in-service teachers working in inclusive classrooms regarding developmentally appropriate practices and how those beliefs affected their attitudes toward, knowledge of, and comfort levels regarding working with children with disabilities. A mixed-method approach was utilized and data were collected through the use of three survey instruments: Teacher Belief Scale and Instructional Activities Scale (Hart et al., 1990 Hart, C., Burts, D., Charlesworth, P., Fleege, P., Ickes, M. and Durland, M. 1990. The teachers Questionnaire: Preschool version, Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, School of Human Ecology.  [Google Scholar]) and the In-service Teacher Self-Report Survey (Mitchell, 2002 Mitchell, L. C. 2002. Blending practices in regular education: A mixed method design study on course practicum and training experiences in relation to preservice teacher attitudes and knowledge about inclusion. Dissertation Abstracts International, 5: A63 (UMI No. 726467131). [Google Scholar]). Data were also collected through open-ended questions to assess Teachers' perceived level of preparation for the inclusive classroom. This study also examined whether education or experience levels had an influence on Teachers' perceptions regarding inclusive practices. Results of the study indicate that there is not a significant relationship between in-service Teachers' beliefs regarding developmentally appropriate practices and their attitudes toward, knowledge of, and comfort levels regarding inclusion. Additionally, results indicate that the Teachers' levels of education or experience do not necessarily indicate that they are prepared to meet the needs of the inclusive classroom environment. Implications regarding the preparation of and ongoing training needs of teachers are discussed.  相似文献   

高校思政理论课是落实立德树人根本任务的关键课程,办好思政理论课,关键在教师。我国高校思政理论课目前存在着课程知识点多而课时相对简缩,内容的学理性强而与实际生活脱节,教师的授课形式单一而学生的学习积极性不高等诸多问题。针对这些问题,高校思政课教师明确自己在教学过程中的身份定位,培养马克思主义的个人修养,提升马克思主义的理论水准,掌握马克思主义的辩证方法,是达到高校思政理论课预期教学效果的关键所在。  相似文献   

校长培训中专业教师的作用至关重要。培训具有培养学习气氛;激发学习愿望;创设多种形式;讲究交流互动;提升实战能力五大特征。专业教师认清自己的教师角色、教练角色、咨询角色、管理角色,才能使校长培训工作卓有成效。必要的行动策略是:分析培训需求、设计培训方案、开发培训课程、梳理办学问题、提炼实践经验、评估培训绩效。  相似文献   

大学语文是有利于大学生素质与能力提升的教育,开设大学语文课有巨大而深远的意义。地方师范院校在开设大学语文课程时必须明确其办学定位,以提高办学质量,为地方的教育文化事业和经济的发展提供强有力的人才和智力支持。  相似文献   

教师作为学习者,是基于教师发展的主体立场提出的新命题,既契合职业本性,也适应时代精神。教师作为学习者,目的维度是"学以成人",内容维度是"学致广大",动机维度是"学起内需",过程维度是"学于互动"。成就教师作为学习者,政府和教育行政部门要以增加教师自由时间为宗旨制定政策,学校要以激发教师真实学习为目标规划发展,教师本人要超越功利化学习重建"自我意识"。  相似文献   

语文新课标规定:要珍视学生独特的体验、感受和理解,鼓励多元解读。为了实现新课标“一切为了每一位学生的发展”的宗旨,语文教学应特别注意教师角色的定位。教师作为文本与学生之间的中介,其主导地位是客观存在,而教学中学生的主体地位也是毋庸置疑,教师的作用就是组织引导学生进行探究和创造活动,即当好“交响乐团的第一小提琴手”———平等中的首席。切忌以主导地位取代主体地位———将“首席”变为“指挥”。  相似文献   

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