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胡适以科学为人生观的基础,以科学的态度、精神和方法来对待自己的文学批评活动,用他自己的话说,就是"大胆的假设,小心的求证"。究其原因,乃是杜威的实验主义对胡适产生了深刻的影响。具体而言,杜威的实验主义对胡适的文学批评所产生的影响主要在两个方面:其一,思想独立,敢于质疑文学批评界的定论,并在大胆假设的基础上提出自己的看法;其二,尊重事实,小心求证,孜孜寻求文学活动中的真理。  相似文献   

鲍照和吴均是南北朝时期的著名诗人、文学家,同是寒门出身,在仕途上不得志,在他们生活的时代与流俗不合,诗文的立意及造境均有独到之处。后世诗评中简单概括为吴均多仿鲍照之作,这在一定意义上影响了对二人的独创性的研究,淡化了个人的创作特色。文章拟从内容和形式入手,结合二人的身世背景及作品、历代诗文论来重新审视二人的创作,以期揭示其中的同与不同。  相似文献   

A bstract .  In an effort to navigate the treacherous path between professionalism and social relevancy, this essay takes up an area of professional philosophy — epistemology — with the intention of reclaiming the integrative role John Dewey held for philosophy and classroom practice. Deron Boyles asserts that epistemology can and should represent an area of inquiry that is relevant and useful for philosophy of education, especially as it develops classroom practices that foster inquiry. He specifically seeks to revive Dewey's conception of warranted assertibility in an effort to show the value of fallibilist epistemology in practical and social teaching and learning contexts. By highlighting the distinctions between traditional epistemology and Dewey's conception of knowing , Boyles demonstrates that epistemology has value insofar as it highlights a more useful, instrumentalist theory of knowing that is applicable to classroom practice.  相似文献   

五四新文学革命的健将基本上都是科学主义的信奉者。作为这次运动的主将之一的胡适,提出了历史的文学进化论,消解了传统文化的合理性存在。同时,他的实验主义文学观,又为新文学的建设找到了科学的方法论。无论是进化论还是实验主义,都打下了自然科学的深刻烙印。科学主义是胡适文学观的本质内涵所在。  相似文献   

This paper argues that autonomy is an educational ideal. Since personal autonomy is essentially a matter of the person governing herself, a plausible account of autonomy presupposes an account of u person's identity. I support a conception of autonomy which presupposes a hierarchical theory of the self, yet allows rationality a significant place in a person's identity. I defend this conception of autonomy as an educational ideal from recent criticisms by Stone (1990) and Cuypers (1992).  相似文献   

张国松 《历史教学问题》2020,(1):27-32,164,165
教科书是形塑和传承历史记忆的重要媒介。作为日本侵华暴行的典型,南京大屠杀发生后不久即被写入中国教科书并延续至今。80年多来,不同时期中国教科书中的南京大屠杀的记述,在抗战动员、审判日本战犯、揭露国民党政权消极抗日、批驳日本右翼势力否认或淡化侵略历史的言行,以及国家公祭等不同语境中,被重新整合与诠释,其书写内容、角度和方式均有所变化。这并非意味着南京大屠杀历史本身发生了改变,而是在不同的语境中人们对南京大屠杀历史认知不断深化。树立人类命运共同体意识,培养正确的历史观和世界观,是新时代中国教科书南京大屠杀历史书写的使命。  相似文献   

A bstract .  R.S. Peters's 1966 book Ethics and Education is one of the most significant works in twentieth-century philosophy of education. At least in the United States, however, it is now rarely read or discussed. In this essay, Bryan Warnick looks at the virtues and vices of Ethics and Education , examining some major criticisms of the book in light of key developments in philosophy and educational theory that have occurred since it was first published. He finds that some of the criticisms seem unjustified and overstated, while others can be met with a reading of the text that places its language analysis within a framework of communitarian ethics, a move made possible by rejecting Peters's fact/value dichotomy. This way of reading Ethics and Education reveals an interesting conception of what philosophy of education can be: namely, a sort of normative analytic anthropology. It also shows the value of engaging more with the recent history of philosophy of education.  相似文献   

语文“活动式”教学实验为“跨世纪园丁工程”,“特级教师计划”专设课题。实验立足于语文素质教育实践,把研究、解决教学现状中的问题作为主攻方向,创造了大语文观和大美学观统一于一体的语文素质教育模式。文章以生态化的美学为理论基础,并对实验的理论进行了初步的概括,发掘实验个案中蕴含的普遍性的语文素质教育问题。并在论述重过程,重关系,重创造的特点中展现师生在活动过程中努力创造自我、提升自我价值和生存境界,创造未来,以现代语文素质适应未来,创造未来的景观。  相似文献   

John Dewey adopted a child-centered point of view to illuminate aspects of education he believed teacher-centered educators were neglecting, but he did so self-consciously and self-critically, because he also believed that ‘a new order of conceptions leading to new modes of practice’ was needed. Dewey introduced his new conceptions in The Child and the Curriculum and later and more fully in Democracy and Education. Teachers at his Laboratory School in Chicago developed the new modes of practice (1896–1903). In this article, I explore Dewey’s new conception of education and compare it with the apparently opposed views of R. S. Peters and Paulo Freire. In doing so, I show that, despite their criticisms of Dewey, whether explicit (Peters) or implicit (Freire), these influential philosophers, representing quite different traditions in philosophy of education were in substantial agreement with him. I also show that, despite our own differences, as important as they are, seeing teachers and learners at work in a rapidly changing society, now on a global scale, in classrooms which are also changing, driven largely by new technologies, the conception of education Dewey, Peters, and Freire developed can provide us with the foundation we need to understand the changing teacher–learner relationship and the purposes their shared activities serve.  相似文献   

真正使培根的经验论哲学成为系统的经验论体系,对18世纪法国启蒙学者、唯物论哲学家、企图走中间路线的体谟、康德及现代西方各个经验哲学流派产生影响的杰出哲学家是洛克。国内外学者对洛克哲学与自然科学之间的关系认识是不够的。人们往往认为,洛克的主要贡献和历史影响是在政治理论、经济学和教育学等社会科学方面,许多有关洛克认识论的文章或者完全忽视了二者的关系,或对此仅予以轻描淡写,这样就可能片面理解他的认识论。或者忽视他的认识论中重视理性一面,得出洛克贬低或忽视理性在认识中的作用;或者把他看成二元论者。洛克的哲学贡献不仅是英国革命的产物也是英国自然科学的产物.他对天赋观念的批判使经验论的基础更加稳固、对新科学运动起了有益的促进作用。  相似文献   

This paper discusses R.S. Peters’ concept of education, particularly his notion of cognitive perspective and its relevance to school science education. In light of the problems inherent in any attempt to define the notion of scientific literacy, it is argued that the development of cognitive perspective can be considered an important, if not the ultimate, goal of school science education. Such a goal not only provides an alternative way to view the development of scientific literacy, but it also points to a conception of scientific literacy that is neither too narrow nor too broad. In view of recent reform efforts that promote a utilitarian and instrumentalist conception of school science education, Peters’ notion of cognitive perspective can provide food for thought for all those interested in a science education that educates students in science by helping them understand the personal and the wider significance of scientific knowledge. Such a conception of school science education is in line with the view that education and learning should make students change their outlook on the world. In addition, such a conception can enrich the ongoing dialogue on scientific literacy as the primary goal of school science education.  相似文献   

中国学界研究杜威教育思想的百年历程可分为四个时期:20世纪头30年为引进期,所做的工作主要是译介杜威著作和评介杜威教育思想,此时期的代表性研究者是胡适;1930年至1949年是深入研究期,此时期的研究颇有"百家争鸣"气象,有吴俊升的自由主义进路的研究、梁漱溟的创造进化论视角的研究,也有林布的以马克思主义为指导的研究等;1950年至1980年,中国的杜威教育思想研究分化为两支,大陆对杜威教育思想进行意识形态化批判,真正的学术研究几乎停滞,香港、台湾的研究则进入繁荣期,吴俊升成为此时期中国杜威教育思想研究的集大成者;1980年后中国大陆对杜威教育思想重新评价,标志着杜威教育思想研究在大陆开始复苏。从研究的思想类型看,百年研究历程是一个从实验主义到绝对主义,再重回实验主义的历程。  相似文献   

A bstract .  Ethics penetrates every aspect of Western education. Many of its dominant narratives — education as salvation, as progress, as panacea, and as liberation, for example — are infused with the ethical. Educators are compelled by ethical callings; in fact, education as the call of the ethical informs the singular and collective identities of educators. In this essay, Aparna Mishra Tarc troubles the role of the ethics in Western education using Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's deconstruction of the ethical in philosophy. Spivak's deconstruction reveals how an ethics based in one's idea of what the Other is and should be violates the uniqueness of Others. Spivak challenges educators to examine vigilantly the ethico-political assumptions and discourses underlying ethical acts in the classroom. Drawing on the writings of Emmanuel Levinas, mediated by the thinking of Jacques Derrida, Spivak re-imagines ethics apart from — and as a part of — its metaphysical heritage. Tarc discusses aspects of Spivak's vision for an education borne out of ethical singularity as hearing and responding to the Other's call. Finally, she explores its implications for how one might begin to respond justly to the conditions of others within and alongside of one's own intellectual and pedagogical engagements.  相似文献   

We distinguish two conceptions of sample and sampling that emerged in the context of a teaching experiment conducted in a high school statistics class. In one conception ‘sample as a quasi-proportional,small-scale version of the population’ is the encompassing image. This conception entails images of repeating the sampling process and an image of variability among its outcomes that supports reasoning about distributions. In contrast, a sample may be viewed simply as ‘a subset of a population’ – an encompassing image devoid of repeated sampling, and of ideas of variability that extend to distribution. We argue that the former conception is a powerful one to target for instruction. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

《Issues in Education》1999,5(1):147-159
In this paper, we reply to Pressley and Allington's (1999) contention that research supported by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) in recent years has been narrowly focussed. We point out that their criticisms of this agency are opaque because they do not take account of the fact that research priorities of virtually all funding agencies are necessarily constrained by their unique missions. We also express our befuddlement over the apparent inconsistency, on the part of at least one of the co-authors, between the point of view expressed in this paper compared with the point of view expressed in a previous paper as to the weight given to phonological skills in early literacy instruction. Finally, we point out that Pressley and Allington's criticisms of recent intervention studies supported by NICHD are fraught with errors and misleading characterizations, and we use their criticism of an intervention study we have recently completed as a prime example.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, John Ambrosio examines the role of ascetic writing practices in Michel Foucault's conception of ethical self-formation. Ambrosio argues for an interpretation of Foucault's later writings as representative of both an extension, and a dramatic break, from his previous writings — from demolishing the subject to embracing the notion of an autonomous and reflexive subject. Ambrosio further contends that Foucault's notion of ethical self-formation cannot be divorced from his genealogical method, and that his primary preoccupation near the end of his life was to counterbalance his strong notion of a disciplinary society with the recognition of a subject able to make ethical choices and thus to transform itself. Finally, Ambrosio examines the implications of this for educators and argues that Foucault's conception of ethical self-formation through ascetic writing practices provides a powerful tool for teachers who seek to improve and transform their pedagogy.  相似文献   

哈耶克通过《自由秩序原理》一书明确提出“自生自发秩序”的概念,以保守的个人经验主义为理论方法,以有限理性的假设为前提,进而阐述社会发展的自生自发的原理,认为这是普遍有效以及最优化选择,并借以批评社会主义。但是,从该书也可以看到哈耶克理论方法的绝对化、理论假设的虚拟性以及理论固有的困境与难题,集中表现在个人经验的方法论具有局限性,而有限理性本身也是有限的,大量的社会发展事实证明理性指导的可能性和必要性,哈耶克在理论与实践两方面都充分展示了他的保守和自相矛盾。  相似文献   

References to environmental literacy in the environmental education literature tend not to pay specific attention to fundamental debates about literacy, for example concerning the limits of textuality. If it can be argued that we 'read' the environment, then the scope of environmental literacy is even larger than that of environmental education. However, it is hard to justify the relevance of 'literacy' in a narrower sense than this as any more than marginal in environmental education. In this article, we define a weak conception as one which is inconsistent or unclear in these respects in the field of environmental education; a strong conception takes a broad view of literacy and acknowledges its full ramifications with respect to environmental education.  相似文献   

胡适对于小说尤其是历史演义小说的研究有力地推动了古典文学研究的现代化进程。根据历史研究中"层累"的概念,可以归纳出胡适在历史演义小说研究中所运用的实验主义方法,并阐述这种方法同中国传统考据学的关系,从而揭示胡适在历史演义小说研究中的着眼点和研究方法。  相似文献   

经济全球化使外贸英语函电课程在高校专业外语教学中重要性日益凸显,然而令人遗憾的是,在众多的教材中,却很难找到真正令人满意的好教材。为了让外贸英语函电教材能够更好地发挥其教材的示范作用,文章从各个不同的角度对标题项下教材进行评价,最后提出了若干改善此类教材编著质量的建议。  相似文献   

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