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小议二语习得中的学习策略与外语教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习策略是近年国外应用语言学家广泛研究的课题之一,特别是在成功语言学习者使用策略研究方面取得了一定的成果。主要从成功者学习策略的分类,使用策略的特点、影响因素、策略培训等方面评析这一领域已取得的成果。为适应我国外语教育的特点,我国教育工作者应在此基础上结合具体实际,开展具有中国特色的学习策略研究,进行外语教学改革。  相似文献   

David Kolb's experiential learning theory involves a framework that can be helpful in designing courses that meet the needs of diverse learners. Kolb described learning as made up of two dimensions, prehending or grasping information, and transforming or processing that information. The prehending dimension ranges from concrete experience to abstract conceptualization. The transforming dimension ranges from reflective observation to active experimentation. Kolb suggested that learning occurs as the individual moves through a cycle of concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. The cycle is then repeated at more complex levels. A course design that provides systematic activities in all four of these modes (concrete experience, reflective observations, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation) will be sensitive to the students' learning styles while at the same time challenging them to develop competence in other ways of learning as well. Students are thus encouraged to master the information with which the course deals and to develop skills in processing and applying that information. They are therefore engaged in learning how to learn, a competence that is critically important for effective adult functioning.  相似文献   

In this article we used an orienting framework of interactional ethnography to make visible classrooms acting as cultures. We examined the interactional patterns from two different classrooms as participants jointly negotiated and constructed meaning. We first demonstrated how participants began to construct a classroom culture in the first weeks of school. Next, we examined how taking up an ethnographic perspective assisted a teacher candidate to successfully enter an ongoing classroom culture. In the last analytic sequence, we followed the discursive practices surrounding a fifth grade student who re-entered an ongoing classroom culture after an absence of four months. The results showed that using ethnographic skills of observation and interpretation assisted both the teacher candidate and the returning student to become communicatively and culturally competent members, by recognising the social and academic patterned practices that were already taking shape through the classroom interactions.  相似文献   

本从传播学角度研究远程教育的教学过程,通过对传统教育教学过程与远程教学过程的比较,阐明两之间有4大差异,并指出远程教学过程更接近大众传播过程,同时远程教学传播也有自身特殊的规律,以便建立远程传播的教育机制。并从远程开放教育传播系统的特性出发,介绍了远程开放教育传播模式,因为远程开放教育教学过程的主体是受,所以对影响受学习的背景因素作了简要分析。  相似文献   

当前教学的伦理缺失现象令人担忧,课堂上师生、生生之间未能形成和谐共振的精神状态,社会本位思想与二元思维方式是形成这种教育伦理危机的深刻思想根源。教师的课堂教学行为不仅要注重知识的传授,同时更要关注学生人的发展、生命发展的需要。因此,注重教学的伦理品性,提升教学的伦理品位,建设教学的伦理精神迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

This paper describes and interprets the process by which two novice mentors of English teachers, who are experienced high school teachers of English, learnt to construe their new role by articulating differences and similarities between their practice as teachers of children and as mentors of teachers. The evolving competencies that the focal mentors attributed to their learning are interpreted through the metaphor of 'learning to mentor as learning a second language of teaching'; an organising framework that emerged from the findings of a qualitative case study that investigated the learning process experienced by two veteran teachers of English in their passage from teaching English to school children to becoming mentors of teachers of English (Orland, 1997). The study suggests that although the passage from being a teacher of children to becoming a teacher of teachers is shaped by strong emotional and motivational dispositions, it is also a highly conscious and gradual process of developing communicative competencies, whereby the mentor learns to redefine his/her context of teaching in order to make sense of his/her new context of mentoring. At an operational level the study indicates that there is a definite need to prepare teachers for this passage by providing opportunities to voice and articulate these connections in teacher education programmes.  相似文献   

本科生导师制是高校近年来普遍实行的由导师对本科生的学业、品德、生活等各方面进行个性化指导的教育制度.同济大学物理科学与工程学院试行本科生导师制已三年时间,尝试以此为基础对本科生导师制进行探索及改进.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore how to teach secondary school students with learning disabilities (LD) to cope effectively, so they may develop self-determination (independence) skills in secondary school and beyond, in college. Teachers need to know about coping and what makes it effective in school as well as in a college context. I describe psychological concerns and methods of teaching that can allow students with LD to cope effectively in secondary school and in college.  相似文献   

Educational researchers are concerned about the ways in which researcher identity can influence practice and findings for better or worse effect. However, writings which offer narratives, intended to instruct others in the ways in which the positioning and reflexivity of the researcher operates for better or worse, often present a view of identity as singular, fixed and stable. In this paper we trouble this view of identity as represented in the notion of inside/outside researchers. We reconsider a project in which we worked with a group of pupil researchers to investigate bullying in their school. We show how our identities multiplied and shifted throughout the project in ways that we can see more clearly in hindsight. We mobilize Zygmunt Bauman’s notion of ‘fluid identities’ and argue that the inside/outside binary may be politically helpful but also limiting of understandings of the real politic and experience of messy research practice in and with schools.  相似文献   

什么是课堂研究?本文通过案例介绍并结合有关文献研究,把课堂研究定义为:为改进教学而进行的关于教学效果——学生学习效果的系统调研,并阐明课堂研究与传统意义上的教育教学研究的区别,以及课堂研究所采用的“课堂调查”等基本方式方法。一、案例我带着初中英语课本、笔记本电脑和3本学生英语作文本走进初一(5)班教室,开始上“五一”节长假后的第一堂课。教案是早上重新设计的。上课时,我先让学生们分组(4人)说一说假期活动,然后通过同学“推荐”,让两名学生上来讲述他/她的故事,学生们反应很积极。接着请值日生来朗读我事先划定的50个单词…  相似文献   

An example of teacher-based research in an ESN(S) school which could encourage other teachers to plan small scale research projects, is given by Dr Ann Hackney, research officer, Department of Educational Studies, Oxford University  相似文献   

The identity-language link has been widely recognised. In Heritage Language research, the complex entanglement between Chinese ethnic identity and Chinese Heritage Language has gained increasing attention in recent decades. Both social psychological and poststructural schools have offered meaningful insights into this field, but have also received criticism from other perspectives. To think through these two camps of scholarship, this paper draws on Bourdieu’s sociological notion of habitus and zooms in on the visible racial identity of Chinese looks. To unveil the dynamics and nature of this particular form of Chinese identity in relation to Chinese Heritage Language learning, the author first surveyed 230 young Chinese Australian adults and then interviewed five of them. The survey result indicated that perceptions of Chinese looks were significantly related to Chinese Heritage Language proficiency. In addition, the theme of looking Chinese repeatedly emerged from the interview data. Participants considered looking Chinese as an integral part of their Chinese identity, reported powerful others’ stereotypical perception that looking Chinese necessarily meant being able to speak Chinese, and indicated that these internal and external understandings of looking Chinese came to shape their Chinese Heritage Language learning.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe an experiment that compared the use of a Tangible User Interface (physical objects augmented with digital information) and a set of Contrasting Cases as a preparation for future learning. We carried out an experiment (N?=?40) with a 2?×?2 design: the first factor compared traditional instruction (“Tell & Practice”) with a constructivist activity designed using the Preparation for Future Learning framework (PFL). The second factor contrasted state-of-the-art PFL learning activity (i.e., students studying Contrasting Cases) with an interactive tabletop featuring digitally enhanced manipulatives. In agreement with prior work, we found that dyads of students who followed the PFL activity achieved significantly higher learning gains compared to their peers who followed a traditional “Tell & Practice” instruction (large effect size). A similar effect was found in favor of the interactive tabletop compared to the Contrasting Cases (small-to-moderate effect size). We discuss implications for designing socio-constructivist activities using new computer interfaces.  相似文献   

江生 《中学生物学》2009,25(10):63-64
让学生学会学习反思,是“以学习者为中心”的教育理念的全新要求,也是新课程所倡导的三维目标的“过程与方法”的一个重要体现。围绕课堂教学,阐述了教师引导学生在常态学习、活动体验、还原思考过程、新知识的生长点等几个方面寻找反思点的具体做法,为帮助学生进行有效反思提供教学依据。  相似文献   

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