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The article attempts to consider sympathetically the value of practice in the acquisition of skills both practical and intellectual, and more particularly its value in learning the art of teaching. In so doing the writer accepts a Polanyian point of view, which affirms the existence of a tacit element in all our acts of knowing and stresses the distinction between knowledge of subsidiary elements and knowledge of the comprehensive entities to which they stand in relation.

Further to this, the rules which guide our teaching are seen, not as explicit directives derived from theory, but as maxims interpreted in the light of practice. The conclusion arrived at is that the art of teaching is at least partially unspecifiable and must therefore be passed on from master to apprentice.  相似文献   

关于启发式教学的再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本对启发式的几个认识误区进行了分析及澄清,提出了启发式应用的基本思路,明确提出启发式既是一种教育思想,又是一种教学方法体系及其相应的哲学解释。  相似文献   

The title of the Hardgrind paper (AMA, 1958) is ‘And the first shall be last… ‘. The ‘revisit’ addresses the potential for error when sets of marks for different assessment components (and examination questions) are combined. If allowance is not made for significant differences in mark distribution then errors will be automatically introduced for grading and ranking purposes. This is distinct from setting an overall pass level which is independent of pass rate. The intentions associated with the weightings assigned to assessment components are discussed with regard to interpretation, and to the need for good quality information to produce good quality judgements related to student performance. Issues of professional development as part of quality assurance for professional judgement are discussed with reference to an in‐service programme comprising 19 modules available on disk.  相似文献   

小说环境是小说世界的艺术时空载体。探究发展中的小说环境,是进一步认识小说发展变化的一个基点和一个广角。因此,本文对小说环境的生成规律、艺术内涵、价值取向作了现时态下的探究。  相似文献   

辛亥革命再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辛亥革命史研究要进一步深入,就必须得对其进行冷思考。循着这一思路,本文拟对辛亥革命与君主专制制度的废除、辛亥革命与后来军阀割据的关系以及辛亥革命结局的表述,提出一些看法和见解。本文认为,辛亥革命在废除封建君主专制政体上所发挥的作用是有限的,且某种程度上加剧了后来的军阀割据;史学界对辛亥革命结局的多歧性表述,是有深刻历史根源和社会根源的,其中让位说有其自身的局限性,其他诸说也大多忽略了袁世凯与清廷的因素,应该对其进行重新审视。当然,之所以作如此思考,并非有意否定辛亥革命的伟大历史意义,而是希望有助于辛亥革命史研究的向前推进。  相似文献   

“Metacognitive theories,” an article Gregg Schraw and I published in Educational Psychology Review in 1995, has been cited in over a thousand scholarly publications. In this follow-up, dedicated to Gregg and written after his recent death, I provide a brief overview of our 1995 article and then reflect on it in four ways. First, I consider the development of the concept of metacognition prior to 1995, including its emergence and use in previous writings by each co-author. Then, I turn to the collaboration itself, including the interplay of complementary conceptions and the construction of new ideas. Third, I consider the article’s citation history and the role it has played in the subsequent literature. Finally, I discuss research on metacognition since 1995, including subsequent work on epistemic cognition by each of the co-authors.  相似文献   

Intransitive dice were discussed in a previous article, following a competition in the journal. A further interesting result is presented here.  相似文献   

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