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Social Pretend Play in Korean- and Anglo-American Preschoolers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ninety-two preschoolers (46 Anglo- and 46 Korean-American) were observed during free play activities and videotaped in an experimental toy play setting. Cultural differences were examined in the frequency of social pretend play, communicative strategies, and pretend play themes. Anglo-American children engaged in more pretend play during free play activities than Korean-American children. In the experimental setting, there were no cultural differences in the frequency of pretend play; however, there were significant differences in children's communicative strategies and in their play themes. Korean-American children's play included everyday activity and family role themes, whereas Anglo-American children enacted danger in the environment and fantastic themes. Anglo-American children described their own actions, rejected their partners' suggestions, and used directives, whereas Korean-American children described their partners' actions and used tag questions, semantic ties, statements of agreement, and polite requests. The findings suggest that play is a common activity for most children. However, the thematic content and the communicative strategies used to structure and maintain pretend play are influenced by culture.  相似文献   

在文学上英国和美国是有着解不开的关系。尽管如此,在文化上两个国家又有着许多差异,那么在文学评论上两个国家也有着许多不同之处,受着这样文化差异的侵染,也就导致两国的人们会从不同角度出发来看待问题,就英国与美国之间存在的文化差异对英美文学评论展开了探索,就其作用进行研究。从而分析出两国因文化差异对文学评论起到了怎样的作用。  相似文献   

游戏情境中幼儿的同伴交往策略系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究以109名3~6岁幼儿为被试,用自然观察法采集幼儿同伴交往事件,提炼幼儿同伴交往策略,建立游戏情境中幼儿同伴交往策略系统。结果表明,游戏情境中幼儿同伴交往策略系统共包含26种策略,根据交往目标可归纳为主动邀请、合作、联合、攻击、应对攻击、助人、物质交换、言语协商、提供物质、拒绝等十大类。该策略系统能够有效地反映幼儿同伴交往策略的发展状况。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of two types of intervention on preschoolers' play patterns and literacy development. Theme-related literacy materials were added to the dramatic play areas used by 32 children in one teacher's morning and afternoon preschool classes. The two classes were randomly assigned to different treatments: (a) Materials Only, in which literacy materials were available in play areas, but no attempt was made by the teacher to encourage children to use the materials in their play; and (b) Materials Plus Adult Involvement, in which the teacher used suggestions and modeling to encourage children to incorporate the literacy materials into their dramatic play. Before and after the 20-week treatment period, assessments were made of the children's free play behavior and literacy development. Six months later, the literacy assessments were administered for a third time. Quantitative and qualitative play observations revealed that the Materials Plus Involvement treatment was more effective in encouraging literacy-related play than the Materials Only intervention. Analysis of the literacy assessments indicated that, while both groups made significant gains over time, there were no significant between-group differences.  相似文献   

本研究对146对北京和甘肃临夏的回族和汉族儿童及其家长在游戏情境下的亲子交往行为进行了研究,结果发现,在亲子游戏中,家长的提问、表扬、交谈、旁观、独自玩等行为存在民族文化差异;家长的直接要求、提问、言语引导、肯定、表扬、委婉否定、交谈、一起游戏、旁观、强迫动作、训斥、消极情绪、不说话、替代、不反应等行为存在地域文化差异.进一步的分析发现,汉族家长在亲子互动过程中更关注儿童的自主性,回族家长更倾向于亲子互动中问题的解决;相比北京家长,甘肃临夏家长在亲子互动过程中更关注游戏任务的解决.  相似文献   

从英汉文化差异看英语教学中的文化互动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语言是文化的载体,语言教学在一定意义上是文化的教学。从英汉文化的异同入手,探讨了如何在英语教学中加强文化互动意识和文化互动,使英语教学和文化输入成为一个有机的整体。  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨“互动式”教学法在英美文学课中的应用。“互动式”教学又称“错位式”教学法,就是在教学中将教师与学生的角色互换,即由“老师讲学生听”的形式,部分地改为学生讲,老师学生共同听,然后再进行评论和补充的方式。这种教学法能加强师生之间的双向沟通,提高学生主动学习,主动思考的能力,培养学生积极发言从而进行有效的英语语言实践,促进文学知识的掌握。  相似文献   

我国传统文化中“公共空间基本礼貌”的缺失、“争抢意识”、“主奴意识”、“小农意识”以及文化交流中的误会等是造成出境旅游中不文明行为的真正根源。预防出境旅游中不文明行为应加强教育和宣传、充分发挥出境领队的作用以及完善法律制度,加强行政监管力度。  相似文献   

跨文化交际中,交际者总是以自己文化的习惯来理解对方的话语,常常导致文化误解,因此外语教学应注意语言与文化相结合,注重比较文化差异进行教学,培养学生的跨文化交际意识。  相似文献   

Funds of knowledge displayed by young children during sociodramatic play in a two-way bilingual preschool classroom are identified. Twelve preschoolers participated in a microethnographic study of children's language and culture in a small rural community of South Texas. The study sought to identify cultural elements or traits of Mexican American children exhibited during sociodramatic play. The cultural traits identified as funds of knowledge include language, values and beliefs, ways of discipline, and the value of education, among others. It is suggested for teachers to use sociodramatic play as a tool to observe children and learn about their funds of knowledge in order to implement a culturally reflective curriculum.  相似文献   

从汉英社交称谓语背后所蕴含的文化差异入手,展示汉英社交称谓语各自的形态,提炼出汉语社交称谓的四个语用原则,以便于人们在跨文化交际过程中达到预期的效果。  相似文献   

从中西方文化中的人性假设出发重新审视中西方文化差异和心理社会行为差异,本研究表明:中国文化中的人性本善假设使得中国人的心理社会行为出现了一种原发性的焦虑,并造成了中国人注重道德评价、关注环境影响以及较多防御反应的特点;而西方文化中的人性本恶假设则使得西方人有一种原发性的随意和放松,并造就了西方人关注行为和事物本身特点、关注目标特点及较少防御反应的特点。前者被称为“性善文化”,而后者则被称作“性恶文化”。通过对个人主义-集体主义概念的重新审视,不仅支持了对中西方“性善-性恶文化”的界定,而且也深化了对上述概念的认识,同时我们还对心理学研究的中国化及全面梳理西方心理学概念的需要进行了讨论。  相似文献   

作为语言交际单位,英汉称谓语有一些共同的特征,但由于语言、文化的差异,他们之间也存在很大的差异.文章从文化的角度对英汉社会称谓语进行对比分析,认为在拟亲属称谓、职衔称谓等方面两者存在着明显的差异.了解这些差异及其文化内涵无疑为跨文化交际奠定了良好的基础,减少由此造成的语用失误.  相似文献   

To examine the relations of preschoolers' social acceptance to peer ratings and self-perceptions, 53 preschoolers were asked to rate how much they liked or disliked their peers and to justify these ratings. Preschoolers also rated their peers' aggressive, prosocial, and sociable behavior. Finally, they completed a pictorial self-perception scale that assessed their views of their physical competence and their relationships with mother and with peers. Children who were better liked by peers were rated as more prosocial, more sociable, and less aggressive than less liked children. Preschoolers often reported liking certain peers because they perceived that those peers liked them; they often reported disliking certain peers because they perceived those peers as aggressive. In contrast to findings with older children, preschoolers' social acceptance was not significantly related to any aspect of their self-perceptions. The results provide evidence for the validity of peer ratings by preschool-age children and bring up issues related to the development and assessment of self-perceptions among preschoolers.  相似文献   

十分钟短剧易编易演,在美国,特别是大学剧院,非常流行,每年都举办各种短剧大赛.本文尝试从功能主义的研究角度,分析短剧翻译中的语言文化问题.戏剧翻译不仅关乎文本,不只是一种语言翻译成另一种语言的简单问题,还要考虑译文是否适合演出.评判戏剧常要虑及观众的反应,戏剧翻译也要充分考虑目标语观众的要求,顺应观众期待,才能保证翻译的成功.本文以<美国当代短剧选>中的短剧及译文为例,以文化翻译和功能主义翻译理论为理论基础,初步探讨短剧翻译的策略.  相似文献   

One hundred and twelve children, 56 toddlers and 56 preschoolers, were observed in their family child care settings to determine whether toddlers cared for in settings that also included preschoolers were, relative to the preschoolers, receiving more or less high-quality care and/or whether their functioning at child care appeared to be more or less dependent on aspects of the care providers’ interactions with the children. Quality of care was analyzed along two dimensions: sensitive/supportive care and structured care. Four indices of child functioning at child care were examined: integration in social activities, attention, positive mood, and angry/aggressive behavior. Results indicate that toddlers received less sensitive, supportive care than preschoolers in these mixed-age settings and toddlers were less socially integrated and less engaged in activities in the child care setting. Preschoolers displayed increased levels of angry/aggressive behavior relative to toddlers. In addition, associations of care provider behaviors and child functioning were larger for toddlers than preschoolers, suggesting that toddlers were more dependent on caregiver support for more successful functioning in these family child care settings. For both toddlers and preschoolers, care provider behavior and child functioning was generally poorer in settings with more children.  相似文献   

The twofold purposes of the investigation were (a) to describe with direct observation data the physical activity behaviors and the accompanying social and environmental events of those behaviors for children in preschools and (b) to determine which contextual conditions were predictors of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and nonsedentary physical activity (i.e., light activity + MVPA) for 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children during their outdoor play. The results indicate that preschoolers' physical activity is characterized as sedentary in nature throughout their preschool day (i.e., 89% sedentary, 8% light activity, and 3% MVPA). During outdoor play periods, when children are most likely to be physically active, some contextual and social circumstances better predict their physical activity. Implications for policy makers, practitioners, and researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

To examine the relations of preschoolers' social acceptance to peer ratings and self-perceptions, 53 preschoolers were asked to rate how much they liked or disliked their peers and to justify these ratings. Preschoolers also rated their peers' aggressive, prosocial, and sociable behavior. Finally, they completed a pictorial self-perception scale that assessed their views of their physical competence and their relationships with mother and with peers. Children who were better liked by peers were rated as more prosocial, more sociable, and less aggressive than less liked children. Preschoolers often reported liking certain peers because they perceived that those peers liked them; they often reported disliking certain peers because they perceived those peers as aggressive. In contrast to findings with older children, preschoolers' social acceptance was not significantly related to any aspect of their self-perceptions. The results provide evidence for the validity of peer ratings by preschool-age children and bring up issues related to the development and assessment of self-perceptions among preschoolers.  相似文献   

游戏作为儿童基本的活动形态,是我国当代教育关注的重要内容.延伸游戏的集体属性将突破个体游戏行为认知的局限,还原游戏生发的社会文化环境,使游戏由个体行为现象转化为集体融合情景,让游戏的核心概念植根于游戏形成和发展的社会交互过程中.进一步建立并强化游戏共建的概念模式,发展持续的可共享的游戏情境,可以使教师积极认识及解读自己...  相似文献   

语言的差异是由文化的差异造成的,不同的文化特征带来不同的语言特征。翻译时应该充分重视语言中的文化因素,注意文化之间的类同和差异。  相似文献   

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