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“给我X”构式中的“给”不同于引出与事成分的“给”,其中,“我”一般不能换成其他人称,也不能换成复数,“我”并不是事件的参与者,而是要求、命令的传达者。“给我”所表达“要求、命令”义是虚灵的,不是本身所固有的概念义而是一种“意义潜力”被激活,是其所在的构式与语境赋予的。  相似文献   

The following text is the result of our ongoing discussions about the notion of intersubjectivity and its significance for an understanding of the process of education.Rather than merging our sometimes diverging ideas into one single line of argument, we decided to try if we could make the movement of divergence and convergence of our thoughts visible in the text itself.
Although we definitely explore different pathways, these pathways lead to a similar insight.This is, that it is not the educator who educates, but that it is the educational 'situation'—a situation constituted though not determined by the interaction between the educator and the student—which educates.This educational situation, which one of us describes as an 'in between space', emerges from the interaction between the educator and the student.In this respect we can say that it results from the difference between the partners in education.The in-between space of education is an emerging reality, which not only comes into existence as a result of the difference between the partners in education but in fact only exists in this difference.
It is precisely in this respect that the form of the following article provides an example of what we want to say about the process of education.The point is, to put it briefly, that this article contains or expresses a meaning that results from the difference between the two texts, but this meaning is neither something that can be attributed to the two texts as such (in this sense this emerging meaning is constituted though not determined by the two texts), nor—and this is crucial—is it something that can be articulated in any positive way in a third text.The interaction between our two texts therefore creates a reality that results from the difference between the texts and only exists in this difference.The order of authorship expresses the fact that the first author wrote the left column and the second author the right column.  相似文献   

In this article, we explore the meaning potentials of teacher education in terms of the significance of a research-based approach and the different pedagogic identities that such an approach implies. The study’s aim is to examine the important factors for education to be considered research-based and to identify and analyse the research base of teacher education in Sweden. The results from the analysis of a large number of course documents and from a survey administered to teachers and students in four teacher education programmes indicate that the emerging potential meaning is that teacher education is generally a strongly framed professional education with a relatively weak and adapted research base. The analysis of the classification and framing of disciplinary content and pedagogy in the Swedish teacher education curriculum points at different pedagogic identities emerging from the different meaning potentials that are made available to the students. We argue that a thorough understanding of research-based teacher education needs to be grounded in both course content and its research base as well as other possible pedagogical aspects of research-based education; the education as a whole must be included in the concept of research-based education.  相似文献   

同形声符表意“代次”混杂问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
每一组同形声符的形声字字群中,其声符表意都面临着三个问题:声符字面相同而实为异族;声符表意的代次混杂;声符表意悖反。尤其应该注意的是第二个问题。具体说来又有“超越声符代次”表意和“颠倒声符代次”表意诸现象。从这个角度来分析形声字的声符表意,更能揭示表意的形声型汉字其形声字声符表意的复杂性。  相似文献   

无电荷分布区域中电矢势的引入及其讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文在无电荷分布的区域里引入了描述电场的新的物理量电矢势,分析了电矢势的物理意义,并给出了电矢势的微分方程,同时证明了电矢势与电位移矢量、磁矢势是自洽的.  相似文献   

This paper explores what some have described as a ‘crisis in meaning’ in religious education (RE). One region, Northern Ireland, is chosen as a focus for exploring the question of meaning-making as it provides an example of ‘agreed ambiguity’ – where a common syllabus for RE is believed to be ascribed different meanings by different schools. The web pages of RE departments were used as a data source, and a critical discourse analysis method was employed to investigate how a sample of departments construct meaning in RE. The findings identify three dominant discourses in relation to RE in the sample: Christian Community, Cultural Hegemony and Personal Quest. It is noted that when giving meaning to RE, schools show commonality and difference across three key areas: ‘stake and interest’; ‘pupil agency’; and ‘dealing with difference’. In conclusion, it is noted that, where freedom is given to schools to construct meaning in RE, it is possible to sustain a common curriculum across schools with very different views of the subject, however, this flexibility has implications for issues of power, identity, autonomy and difference which may require mitigation. It is suggested critical education may be a valuable partner in this work.  相似文献   

转喻是人类主要的认知方式,并在语言中有深刻的体现。对比分析是研究不同语言的常见重要方法。从转喻视角对比分析俄汉语词素义,可以较深刻地揭示俄汉语词素义与词义间的关系,即词的理据性,揭示俄汉两民族对各自词汇所指称的事物在认知上的异同。  相似文献   

《墨经》中‘非’的用法复杂多样,给文本解读带来很大困难,但其大概可分六种:第一种用法是作前置否定词,其辖域是后面的整个语句;第二种用法是作否定联项“,A非B”等价于“A不是B”;第三种用法是作评价词,表示不好的、错误的等含义;第四种用法表示向外、分开、不同、区别等含义;第五种用法表示反对、责难等态度;最后一种用法是作为一个特殊量词,表示排除性选择。对于《墨经》中“非”的固定用法的分析有助于某些疑难文本的解读。  相似文献   

中学物理教学中通常把电压和电势差视为同义词.从电势差和电压的定义出发可以注意到,静电场为势场,静电场中电压和电势差是等效的;全电路中的电压与电势差在冷定路径下是等效的;部分电路中的稳恒电场与静电场性质相同,电压和电势差的等效关系也是相同的;涡旋电场为有旋场(非势场),不存在电势的概念,但电压的定义仍然可以存在.  相似文献   

通过对三类语料的定性定量分析发现:东南亚学生对于"着"所附着的动词具有[-终结]特征、"V+结果补语/数量宾语"和"着"相冲突有清醒的认知。其各类"着"结构的习得存在由静态义向动态义、意义基本句向意义非基本句、结构简单句到结构复杂句的发展趋向。"着"前动词和形容词种类、"V着"所在句的复杂度,从初级到中、高级阶段的进展不明显。准确率在三个阶段呈U状变化,自动生成语料因回避策略"着"的准确度高,在强制性语境中使用"着"的准确率较低。"着"的习得主要受句子结构及意义的复杂度、形式的明晰度等语言的标记性及目的语使用频率的影响。  相似文献   

项目化教学法是一种将理论知识与学生的工作实践相结合的教学方法,它与传统的教学方法有着相当大的不同。随着社会的快速进步,项目化教学法已被众多高职院校在课程教学中所采用,文章主要从实施项目化教学的意义、教学的设计原则、项目化教学的实施和对项目化教学存在问题的思考四个方面进行了讨论。  相似文献   

制度移植作为现代制度构建中的一种重要手段,在教育界被广泛应用。被移植的教育制度是外生的,它会受本土环境和内生制度等因素的影响而失去在原本教育制度中的意义,原本的教育制度在被移植的过程中必然会发生一定的改变或出现一些问题。如果不能有效地解决这些问题,势必会影响教育制度本身的价值,使之无法落实和实施,那么移植来的教育制度就会成为无本之木,不能生存和发展,更无法得到充分应用。在分析教育制度的意义和阐述教育制度移植的概念的基础上,提出了教育制度移植过程中须注意的四个问题,旨在为我国教育制度变迁的实践提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

电势零点的选取有一定的任意性,但不是完全任意的,它受到一定的限制.电势零点的选取受到一定的限制并有其自身规律,电荷分布在有限区域及电荷分布扩展到无限远处时,电势零点的选择及零点选取不同时电势能否叠加、如何叠加等问题都是值得探讨的.  相似文献   

论政治哲学视域中的市民社会概念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,“市民社会”无疑是国内学术界的一个热门话语。但是,由于它是一个源自西方的历史性概念,在历时态上它的内涵和外延一直处于不断演变之中,在共时态上它的概念所指也因学科领域(如法学、哲学、政治学、社会学等)的不同而有着很大差别。因而,某个时期或某个领域的具体规定就很难具有普适性,致使这一概念的使用却随着不同学科和不同观点之间讨论的日渐深入而渐趋模糊。那么,怎样才能祛除繁多的“领域壁垒”和复杂的历史演变对市民社会概念基本内涵的遮蔽,还“市民社会”以普适性的本质而使它成为一个适用于不同学科和理论领域的范畴呢?在我们来看,政治哲学的解读可能是一个理想的维度。从政治哲学视域来看,市民社会是一个具有多重层级的复合性概念:家庭是它的基础性层级,经济交往关系是它的核心性层级,而公共领域则是它的扩展性层级。这一规定对于解决学术界长期存在的对市民社会概念解释的歧义、混乱和矛盾不失为一条崭新的理路,因而具有多方面的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

"文学阐释学"并不是一种成熟的理论或方法,迄今为止它一直处于探索和建构过程之中。无论是从性质的角度还是从功能的角度看,文学阐释学都既不属于以"审美"为核心的那种文学研究范式,也不同于那种传统意义上的文学社会学。文学阐释学充分尊重研究对象的文学性和审美性,以文本分析为出发点,但并不停留于此,而是进而追问文学性、审美性背后发挥决定作用的意义生成模式。文学阐释学把文学的"虚拟空间"、"意义世界"、"关系网络"均视为自己的研究对象,通过不同层次的意义建构将方法论和本体论融为一体,从而成为一种有效的文学研究路向。  相似文献   

对于汉字这样一种表意性很强的书写符号来说,由于其超时空性,其形体变化较音义来说是比较滞后的,这已成共识。因此,这更有利于根据文字的滞后性这一特点来探查字的音形义的发展源流和变化。"异"的文献常用义为"不同",但"异"的词源义是什么,其命名的理据是什么,意义发生了哪些变化,"异"与"異"之间的意义何时转化、怎样转化,与"巳"、"已"、"異"有着什么样的联系?这些问题都没有得到说明和解决。通过对"异"在字典辞书中解释的考查以及对"异"古文献用例的梳理,试图解决以上问题。  相似文献   

Idiom is a phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual words and it must be learnt as a whole unit. The idioms of the different languages reflect the difference in many aspects of the two cultures. No one can acquire a language well if he doesn’t know the model and principle of the culture.  相似文献   

合成空间理论对委婉语的阐释力   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Fauconrier和Tumer等人提出的合成空间理论认为,概念整合是在自然语言的意义建构过程中的一种极为普遍的认知过程。委婉语是语言表达的一种常见形式,但由于它表达的是一种与字面意义完全不同的概念,所以对委婉语的理解同样包含着概念整合过程。本拟从认知语言学理论出发,用合成空间理论来阐释委婉语的意义建构与推理机制。  相似文献   

The principle of virtual displacements (PVDs) extended to elasto-thermo-electric problems includes virtual internal elastic, thermal and electric works. The governing equations have displacement vector, temperature and electric potential as primary variables of the problem, and the elasto-thermal, elasto-electric and pure elastic problems are obtained as particular cases by deleting the appropriate contributions in the general elasto-thermo-electric variational statement. The most sensitive issue is given by thermal coupling because the thermo-elastic and thermo-electric effects change depending on the type of load and analysis considered (mechanical load, temperature or electric potential imposed and free vibration analysis). This feature means that the form of the virtual internal thermal work in such variational statements changes depending on the analysis performed and the load applied. Results about multilayered plates and shells suggest the appropriate extension of the variational statement for each analysis, and they give an exhaustive explanation for several forms of the PVD proposed.  相似文献   

利用狭义相对论方法 ,通过计算不同参照系中两相邻波前到达观测者的时间差 ,导出了多谱勒频移公式。同时说明了洛仑兹变换中的时间间隔与实际测量时间间隔之间的差异 ,从而可以更好地理解洛仑兹变换的物理意义  相似文献   

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