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The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) recently issued rules for standardizing appraisals for government-sponsored S&T projects.MOST spokesman Shi Dinghuan said that the rules were  相似文献   

CAS President Lu Yongxiang and CAS Vice President Chen Yiyu paid a visit to Tibet from July 10 to 17. They exchanged ideas with leaders of the region on S&T cooperation between the two sides and the establishment of a CAS institute of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau research.During their trip, Lu and Chen met with the Institute administrators in Nyingchi, a district in southeast Tibet, and listened to the report by  相似文献   

Under the sponsorship of CAS,a travelling exhibition themed"Innovation Driving Development and S&T Leading the Future—the 2013 Chinese Academy of Sciences Exhibition on Science and Technology Innovation"was inaugurated at the China S&T Museum on July 23.Aiming at promote scientific outreach across China,the exhibition is a demonstration of the Academy’s latest and most remarkable achievements in fundamental research,national scientific missions and technology transfer.It includes the discovery of a third neutrino oscillation mode at Daya Bay,the observation of the quantum anomalous  相似文献   

Editor‘s note: At the 04‘ National Conference for Science and Technology (5&T) Awards held on March 28, 2005 in Beijing, CA5 scientists were honored by 10 prizes of the National Natural Science Awards and 11 prizes of National Awards for 5&T Progress. BCAS is to present in installments a brief introduction to some of the winners.  相似文献   

To upgrade the registrationsystem in the management ofthe findings and results de-rived from national S&T programsand to streamline the public an-nouncement system for S&Tfindings, the Chinese Ministry ofScience and Technology (MOST)recently published the Interim Regu-lations on Strengthening the Man-agement of the Results of NationalS&T Programs.The Regulations clearly definethe responsibilities and obligations ofdifferent parties in managing S&Tresults produced by the nationalS&T p…  相似文献   

On March 20 and 21, the CAS Conference on Hu- man Resources Develop-mentwas held inBeijing. This is thefirst such meeting ever convened inthe 50 year history of CAS. With the major objective ofcomprehensivelyreviewinghistori-cal experienceandarrangingforthefuture in terms of the developmentof talented people, the conferenceis a follow-up to a national confer-ence on human resources develop-ment hosted by the State Council. Itwas preceded by the CAS 2004annualworkconfe…  相似文献   

At the 2004 enlarged sum- mer meeting of theLead- ing GroupoftheCommu-nist Party of China at CAS heldfrom July 26–31, CAS leadersstudied the medium- and long-term development plan of CASand worked out, in a fairly com-prehensive manner, the strategicgoals to be attained by the Acad-emy in the coming five to 15years. In basic research, CAS willmake innovative contributions thatare of major importance and abletowithstand thetestoftime. Inhigh-tech development, it will m…  相似文献   

With the support from theBeijing-based Sino-German Center for Re-search Promotion, a Sino-Germanworkshop entitled Innovation andManagement: S&T Indicators Methods and Practice was held fromOct. 12 to 14 in Beijing.Co-chaired by Prof. MuRongping from the CAS Institute ofPolicy and Management and Prof.Stefan Hornbostel from the Institutefor Sociology of DortmundUniversity, the meeting was attendedby more than 50 scholars from suchinstitutions as the German ResearchFoundation, Germa…  相似文献   

CAS President Lu Yongxiangmet on March 25 in Beijingwith a delegation from theRussian Academy of Sciences(RAS). The delegation, which washeaded by RAS Vice President N.A. Plate, came to participate in theacademic activities dedicated to the10th Anniversary of CAS-RAScooperation. Lu swapped ideas onfurther cooperation and exchangeswith his Russian counterpart.CAS and RAS signed an agree-ment on S&T cooperation on De-cember 18, 1992 in Beijing.Since then encouraging progresshas b…  相似文献   

On May 26 and 27, 2011, the 2^nd Sino-US S&T tStrategic Policies Meeting and Workshop on Managing Intellectual Property (IP) was held inBeijing. Jointly organized by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CA...  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessed the steady and smooth progress in S&T collaboration between CAS and its Nordic partners in the fields of information technology, nano-science and technology, resources and the environment, life sciences and mega-sciences. CAS would like to have substantial cooperation with the partners through bilateral or multi-lateral approaches in a real sense, says CAS Executive Vice President BAI Chunli.  相似文献   

A set of new standards willbe employed for S&T as-sessment in China, accord-ing to a directive jointly issued bythe Ministry of Science and Tech-nology (MOST), Ministry ofEducation, CAS, the Chinese Acad-emy of Engineering, and the NationalNatural Sciences Foundation ofChina.The document stresses thatquality of a research result is the pri-ority consideration in scienceevaluation, and the final goal in theappraisal lies in encouraging andguiding S&T workers in innovativeresearch. S&T…  相似文献   

CAS President Lu Yongxiangand Mayor of Shanghai HanZheng attended the signingceremony for the agreement of S&Tcooperation between CAS andShanghai Municipality and thenameplate-unveiling ceremony ofShanghai Engineering Center forSmall Satellites on Sept. 15 inShanghai. The move marked a fur-ther step forward in collaborationbetween the two sides.The document sets new objec-tives for multi-directional, multi-level CAS-Shanghai cooperation.The two sides agreed to join in pro-moting the…  相似文献   

The opening ceremony of the Nansen-Zhu International Research Centre (NZC) was held on November 4 in Beijing.  相似文献   

A panel of CAS Academic Di-visions (CASAD) held itsfirst conference May 7 todiscuss the overall consultation onthe mid- and long-term national planof S&T development in China.Present at the meeting were adozen of CAS members, includingZhao Zhongxian, chairman of thepanel and director of the CASADWorking Committee on Consultationand Evaluation (WCCE), and SunHonglie, vice chairman of the paneland vice director of WCCE. CASVice Secretary-general Shen Baogenalso attended the meet…  相似文献   

On behalf of the CASleadership, Prof. BAIChunli, executive vicepresident of CAS, recently gave abriefing on the future blueprint of“CAS Innovation Bases,” which areclusters of science and technology.Over the next five years (2006– 2010), says Prof. Bai, CAS willimplement the third phase of theKnowledge Innovation Program(KIP), focusing on the develop-ment of “one plus ten” S&T inno-vation bases.Prof. Bai notes that these basesare an organizational form for imple-menting major …  相似文献   

CAS Vice President Chen Zhu and former foreign secretaryof the French Academy of Sciences Yves Quere were elected co-chairs of the InterAcademy Panel (IAP) from 2004 to 2006 at its General Assembly held from Dec. 1 to Dec. 5 in Mexico City.As an organization of 90 or so science academies around the world, IAP was initiated at the United Nation's Population Summit held in New Delhi, India, in 1993, with a purpose to act as an international  相似文献   

For his pioneering and lasting contributions to explosive mechanics in China, Prof. ZHENG Zhemin from the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences received the State Supreme S&T Award, which is the highest honor for science workers in China, from President HU Jintao on January 18, 2013 at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.  相似文献   

A project has been initiatedat the CAS Institute of Zo-ology (IOZ) to develop bio-transducers by imitation of insectolfactory organs.This is an initial attempt by CASzoologists in animal bionics. Bionicresources are an inexhaustible trea-sure house for knowledge, said CASPresident Lu Yongxiang at a recentvideo conference on the develop-mental strategies of CAS institutesin the life sciences. They havepromising prospects in variousfields.IOZ has a solid foundation inentomology, molecul…  相似文献   

Two Nobel Prize winners,Robert Huber and Hartmut Michel, were invited to sit on a panel to select the director of a newly established CAS institute.The meeting, which was chaired by CAS Vice-President Chen Zhu, was held on Oct. 24, 2003, in Guangzhou, capital of south China‘ s Guangdong Province.  相似文献   

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