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刘娇  常世财 《海外英语》2014,(21):100-101
Interactive teaching mode refers to a dynamic process of teaching in which teachers and students and teaching materials will affect each other. It offers language learners a chance to communicate and exchange information frequently. Group cooperative leaning has long been considered to be one of the most important forms of the interactive teaching mode. English writing,one of the essential English language skills, is an integral part of college English teaching. The high or low level of English writing is a comprehensive reflection of various abilities. This paper aims to explore the application of the interactive teaching model in college English writing class in order to improve students’ motivation and ability of English writing, thus can provide an effective way of learning to the current college English writing class.  相似文献   

随着教育信息技术的迅猛发展,教育观点和教育形式发生了重大的变化。教育技术的进步不能解决外语教学的所有问题。背诵这一传统的教学方法在成人英语学习中有利于提高学生的听说读写能力,帮助学生掌握"地道"的英语。学生通过英语背诵的学习能够达到化整为零、终身受益的学习效果。  相似文献   

English speaking and writing both embody the students’English proficiency and thinking skills.Scaffolding Instruction is a teaching mode which can provide appropriate assistance when the learners are faced difficulties during the learning.In this paper,first the overview of Scaffolding Instruction will be discussed.Then the application of Scaffolding Instruction in classroom teaching will be introduced based on a case analysis of an English speaking and writing lesson.  相似文献   

本文对现代远程开放教育中成人非英语专业学生学习策略进行研究.其目的是归纳整理对成人英语学习行之有效的学习策略,并根据这些策略在教学实践中采用相应的教学手段、教学方法,建立适合成人特点的新的教学模式。  相似文献   

自主学习理论的引入使得外语教学研究者从全新的视角思考课堂教学的组织模式。阅读是英语学习者必须掌握的技能之一。在大学英语阅读教学中培养学习者的自主学习能力、构建自主学习模式是提高学习者阅读能力和效率的有效途径。  相似文献   

论高职高专英语教学中人文教育之渗透与融合   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在高职高专院校的英语教学中,将人教育渗透其中并与之融为一体,建构以提高人素质为主导的教学模式,具有十分重要的意义。英语语言的学习过程,实质上就是英语化的学习过程,教师正是通过这一学习过程来帮助学生提高人素质的。因此,英语教师必须正确认识、把握课程教学与人素质教育的内在关系,帮助学生理解、掌握蕴藏在教材化背景中的人内涵,从而促进学生人素质的不断提高。  相似文献   

2007年教育部发布的《大学英语课程教学要求》突出强调了听说能力的重要性,并要求各高校采用基于计算机和网络的教学模式。在基于网络的大学英语视听说课程的教学模式中,教师的角色与功能更具有时代性与功能性,教师是教学网络的管理者,教学内容的设计者,学生学习的合作者,教学评估的参与者和语言技能的培养者。新的教师角色定位,同时对未来的大学英语教师所应具备的素质也提出了更高的要求。只有正确看待教师在基于网络的大学英语视听说教学中的角色,才能更好地服务于教学,切实提高教学成效。  相似文献   

Learner agency plays a key role in self-regulated learning. Yet, there is a paucity of research into its role in the distance learning context. Using reflective narratives written by a distance learner of English in China, this longitudinal case study aims to investigate the ways in which learner agency mediates the language learning in the distance mode. Findings from the study suggest that agency has a major impact on learners’ self-efficacy, identity, motivation, and metacognition—four constructs which are instrumental in determining language learning success, in particular in the distance learning context. Analysis of the data indicates that positive changes in these four constructs, in turn, lead to further agentic engagement, hence forming a virtuous circle of mutual enhancement. Implications are discussed in relation to fostering distance learners’ goal awareness, enhancing their self-efficacy, maintaining their motivation, and encouraging metacognitive efforts.  相似文献   

新的高职英语教学大纲明确指出“倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式,发展听、说、读、写、译的综合语言技能”。新一轮课程改革要求学生自主探索,主动获取,进行合作学习。鉴于目前高职高专英语教学状况,有必要探求一种有效的教学方法:合作学习是一种最有效、最实用的教学策略之一。这种学习方法是让学生在小组里一起学习以完成共同的学习任务,将合作学习运用于高职高专英语教学,对改变课堂以“教师为中心”为以“学生为中心”,变“填鸭式”的教学为自主学习具有现实意义。  相似文献   

本文从培养学习者自主学习能力的角度出发,针对中国人在英语学习方面所遇到的问题和困难,结合国内外二语习得的最新理论以及外语专家在学习、教授英语的成功方法和经验,联系作者自身学习、教授英语的心得和经验,重点讨论了在目前的条件下,我国英语教学应该坚持以读写为本、兼顾听说的原则,并且从读写听说四个方面讨论了学习者应该怎样培养这四方面的技能,提出了比较具体可行的解决方法和建议。  相似文献   

词汇是语言学习的基础,词汇能力的高低影响学习者各种语言技能的发展。对上下义关系进行研究并加以运用,能激发学习者特别是基础教育阶段的学习者的词汇学习兴趣,培养词汇习得策略和自主学习能力,从而进一步提高语言学习的效率。  相似文献   

以建构主义理论和语言输入、输出假说为指导,充分利用网络的集成功能,创建"听力沉浸+口语模仿+自我纠错"的大学英语听说自主学习模式。该模式把英语视听说练习与自我纠错有机结合起来,有利于学生开展自主学习,以听带说,以说促听,不仅能够帮助学生克服传统课堂教学易于产生的英语听说焦虑,改善心理状态,激发学习兴趣,而且有利于学生形成正确的语感、培养初步的英语交际能力,有效解决我国英语教学中长期存在的"聋子英语"和"哑巴英语"的老大难问题。它为网络环境下提高英语听说能力提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

Structured reflection on practical teaching experiences may help pre‐service teachers to integrate their learning and analyze their actions to become more effective learners and teachers. This study reports on 12 pre‐service English as a second language (ESL) teachers’ individual tutoring of learners of English language writing. The data of the study are the writing journal entries that the pre‐service ESL teachers maintained during their tutoring experience. These journals had common elements: all were used by the pre‐service teachers to consider what funds of knowledge they bring to their teaching of ESL learners, to evaluate their roles as writers, learners and teachers and to reflect on the educational, social and cultural implications of teaching writing in English to speakers of other languages. This article describes ways in which both native and non‐native English speaking pre‐service teachers adapted their instruction to meet the particular needs of individual ESL writers and what they learned in the process. It provides insight regarding the value of using tutoring and reflection generally in teacher education and specifically in the preparation of teachers of ESL.  相似文献   

Oral English is considered as one of the most important language skills for language learners.However,for a long time,English speaking teaching in senior high school has been neglected for a few reasons.The essay will reveal the present situation and its problems of oral English teaching in senior high schools.  相似文献   

语音的准确性和流利性是学好一门语言并以之进行有效交际的重要前提。中国学生在英语语音学习过程中所碰到的困难是多方面、多层次的。这些困难不仅影响了学生的语音水平,也阻碍了听、说等其他语言能力的提高。文章分析并总结了高校英语专业学生语音障碍的成因,提出了强调英汉对比、调整教学重点和因材施教的教学策略。  相似文献   

The modern language teaching theory highly emphasizes the effect of"listening"on the learning and the use of language. The teaching of English listening is not only a teaching of language, but also a kind of training of ability. In the four skills of listening, writing, reading and speaking, listening is considered as the basic, and the most important skill. It isn't only the main way of acquiring language information, but the base of improving other skills. Listening practice is especially important in classrooms where English is taught as a foreign language, that is, in situations where English is not the language of the country and where opportunities for hearing English outside the classroom are few. Students in such environments often learn to read and write English, and even to speak English, but they frequently have great difficulty comprehending English spoken to them.Plenty of Chinese students claim that the listening test is the most difficult part of English test. As a result, teachers should take particular pains to avoid such simplification and to provide opportunities for students to hear the kind of language that will prepare them for situations outside the classroom. Teachers should try to anticipate the kind of English the students will hear when the opportunity arises for them to be in an English-speaking country. In this article, I start with the factors which may exert an influence on listening comprehension, shows ways to improve listening comprehension and design some useful activities in the class. And I also focus on the activities of English listening teaching and insist that the activities should be both emphasized on the process of listening and the result of listening, due to different situations.  相似文献   

“以本为本”战略下,推动课堂教学改革是本科教育从“学科知识”迈向“学科素养”的重要途径。文章引入项目式教学与课堂讲授相融合,围绕认知结构内化、教学互动加强、教学效果评估等关键环节,构建了一种指向学科素养的“项目承载、三图一体”教学模式。教学实践表明,该模式有效促进了学生理论知识和实践技能融合能力、解决问题和团队合作能力、跨学科综合思维能力等素养的形成,对理工交叉类课程教学有普遍借鉴意义。  相似文献   

徐薇 《电大教学》2014,(3):84-90
基于网络环境的英语学习,既是学习者利用网络环境提供的各种形式的学习资源实现的主动性学习,又是教师在把握语言习得和远程教育规律基础上,通过与学生互动共同完成的探索性学习。在教与学的互动过程中,充分发挥资源的重要性和基础性,学生的能动性和创造性,并在主体认知生成过程中融入学习者自己的创造性见解。通过分析学习元和元认知的理论和实践,建立二者沟通融合的学习模型,从而构建网络环境下英语远程智慧学习的新模式。  相似文献   

本课题对现代远程开放教育中成人英语学习策略进行研究,其目的是通过对远程环境下,成人在学习英语能力、需要、动机上的分析,归纳整理对成人英语学习行之有效的学习策略,并在实践中将这些策略加以应用,以期建立适合成人特点的新的教学模式。  相似文献   

英语教育目的一是使学生获得语言知识与技能,二是培育学生的人文素养。要达到这两个目的,必须改革现行的专业课程设置体系和传统的教育模式,重构一个以促进学生的内在成长、培养学生的整体能力为目标,寓人文教育于英语教育之中的立体化课程模式。以英语阅读课程为例,把传统教学模式与网络课程教学相结合,采用两套具有互补功能的教材,让课堂阅读测试训练与课外小说阅读互为补充,使课堂网络讨论与课外小组讨论相映衬的立体化教育模式,教学效果良好。  相似文献   

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