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The purpose of this research was to look for possible benefits and drawbacks of the use of computer‐supported simulation in the teaching and learning of experimental research methodology and statistics. In the study three research methodology groups were compared. The results show that there were significant differences in favour of the computer‐supported simulation group, called the ALEL group. During the course the conversations of two students' in the ALEL group were audiotaped. Although the ALEL students performed better than the other students and showed an improvement during the course, the conversations analysed showed that their learning outcomes should be still better in order to meet the learning goals of the methodology and statistics curriculum. An inadequate knowledge base was shown in the post‐test and also in the discussions of the pair during the course.  相似文献   

This article discusses the impact of computer‐supported co‐operative work tools in the building of educational environments and the facilities such tools bring to educational methodologies. It also demonstrates the relationship between this new technique and the learner‐centred approach in education, a participative style of education in which the learner is actively involved in the learning process. At the same time, the article stresses the importance of collaborative learning. The influence of the new information technologies of intelligent multi‐agent systems is discussed in the context of computer‐supported co‐operative and active learning.  相似文献   


This paper is based upon the reflections of teachers and students as they experience problem‐based learning (PBL) for the first time. A PBL exercise was integrated into a curriculum‐based Biology field course to meet specific learning requirements of students. The exercise created a new learning environment for both students and teachers, and PBL was evaluated as an educative strategy. The exercise could have been improved through more effective student support. Our experiences of PBL have encouraged us to look for other areas of the curriculum where problem‐based approaches could be incorporated to enrich student learning.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The purpose was to investigate cognitive strategies as differential determinants of co‐operative learning in peer‐based interaction environments. Computer‐supported Intentional Learning Environment (CSILE) was used. Participants were 51 students who studied in 3rd Grade classrooms. There were three individual working conditions: optimistic, pessimistic and defensive pessimistic. A total of 52 homogeneously or heterogeneously paired dyads on a measure of cognitive strategies were observed. Results show that individual working conditions are more productive than dyadic conditions. Specifically, optimistic strategy is related to better processing of ideas in databases than the other strategies. Moreover, heterogeneous dyads are not so beneficial configurations. Pessimistic strategy is not so debilitating a strategy as is usually assumed. This study shows that different cognitive strategies, and configurations of them, produce different kinds of results in the processing of ideas with computer‐supported learning environments.  相似文献   


This paper argues that teachers in this technology‐rich era have a new role to play in their classrooms. As a knowledge facilitator, rather than a knowledge presenter, the job of the teacher is to create a computer‐ supported learning environment where learners are encouraged to think critically and creatively and to develop personal ownership and appreciation of the knowledge constructed. Classroom examples are given in this paper to provide evidence that the teacher's role is crucial in a successful computer‐ based learning environment. The implications of computer‐supported learning environments to teacher development and education are also discussed.  相似文献   

Schon (1987) has criticized the normative curriculum of professional schools including technical colleges: at first basic science (mathematics, physics, etc.), then applied science, and finally technical skills of day‐to‐day practice. In Schön's opinion, the tradition of professional education is an obstacle to changing teaching methods from drill and practice to open‐learning environments. Solomon (1986) presents the different approaches which teachers take in computer‐based instruction in stages from drill and practice to open‐learning environments. This paper reports a six‐year case study, inspired by the work of Schön and Solomon, on the impact of, and the teachers’ role in, the use of computers and Mathcad in the mathematics instruction of technical colleges. The teaching experiment was started with 51 first‐year students during the academic year 1988‐1989 at the Technical Institute of Jyvaskyld. The class of mechanical engineering had 162 and the class of electrical engineering 206 lessons of mathematics during the first experimental year. Two senior lecturers of mathematics taught the classes. Before the experiment, computers had never been used in mathematics instruction at the institute. The various ways of using Mathcad were classified on the basis of the forms filled and files saved by the teachers, as well as on the notes made by the researcher. The teachers’ ways of using computers in our experiment during the years 1988‐1995 clearly showed the existence of stages. Some of the stages were the same for both teachers, but there were also some differences. Both teachers started by fitting an open computer‐based environment into the traditional instruction.  相似文献   


There are a number of computer‐based programs to enhance spelling skills. This paper reviews literature on the relationship between spelling, typing, and computer‐based instruction, and demonstrates the plausibility of such programs improving skills in students for whom conventional instruction has failed. The paper reports a small study on the effects of an integrated touch‐typing, spelling and reading program on the reading and spelling skills of a group of students aged between 8 and 16. The results showed improvements in spelling and some aspects of reading, and in touch typing ability. Variation in Individual results seemed likely to be owing to program administration rather than to the program itself. The results support the efficacy of integrating visual, auditory and kinaesthetic inputs in a computer‐based spelling program, and also emphasises the importance of continual positive reinforcement in a program for previously unsuccessful students.  相似文献   

The question that we are trying to answer in this article is how can computer technology and the WWW help us in enabling and motivating students to read in a foreign language? The article starts with some general considerations about the nature of foreign language teaching and the role of technology, as well as the research in the field of reading in general vs. computer assisted reading in particular, and is followed by the discussion of two computer based pedagogical readers. The article concludes with some suggestions for the development and design of new computer and on‐line readers for foreign language teaching. In this article, pedagogical readers are defined as authentic texts in a foreign language that are enhanced with interspersed questions, activities and glosses in multimedia format to assist low level students in learning how to read authentic texts and to understand them. This application is different from another very popular use of the WWW, namely as a source of authentic readings for students at more advanced language proficiency levels.Recueils des textes basés sur ordinateurs par les étudiants en langues vivantes. La question à laquelle nous essayons de répondre dans cet article est de savoir comment la technologie de l'ordinateur et le WWW nous aident à motiver les étudiants à la lecture des textes en langue étrangère. L'article débute par des considérations générales sur la nature de l'enseignement des langues étrangéres et le rôle de la technologie, aussi bien sur la recherche dans le champ de la lecture en général par rapport à la lecture assisté par l'ordinateur en particulier. L'article comporte ensuite une discussion sur deux recueils de textes pédagogiques fondés sur ordinateur. En conclusion on trouve des suggestions pour le développement et la conception de nouveaux recueils de textes online pour ordinateur pour l'enseignement des langues étrangères. Les recueils de textes pédagogiques sont définis comme des textes authentiques en langue étrangère renforcés par intervalles par des questions, des activités et des glosses et commentaires pour aider les étudiants de bas niveau à apprendre comment lire des textes authentiques et à les comprendre. Cette application est différente d'autre usage trés populaire du WWW, source de textes authentiques pour les étudiants à un niveau plus avancé.Computer basierte Leseprogramme für beginnende Fremdsprachenstudenten. Dieser Artikel geht der Frage nach, wie uns Computer und moderne Technologie helfen können, Schüler besser zum Lesen, in unserem Falle dem Lesen in einer Fremdsprache, zu befähigen und zu motivieren? Beginnend mit einigen allgemeinen Bemerkungen zum Fremdsprachenerwerb und zur Rolle von Technologie, zur Forschung auf dem Gebiet des Lesens mit und ohne Computerunterstützung, sowie gestützt auf die Diskussion zweier computergestützter pädagogischer Leseprogramme, soll der Artikel einige Anregungen für die Entwicklung und Gestaltung zukünftiger computergestützter Leseprogramme für den Fremdsprachenunterricht geben. Als pädagogische Leseprogramme bezeichnen wir in diesem Artikel fremdsprachige Orginaltexte, die durch eingeschobene Inhaltsfragen, Aktivitäten, Anmerkungen, Bilder und andere multimediale Hilfsmittel adaptiert wurden, um dem in der Fremdsprache noch relativ unerfahrenen Leser zu zeigen, wie man liesst, und um ihm zu helfen, das Gelesene zu verstehen. Diese Anwendung ist zu unterscheiden von einem anderen, sehr verbreitetem Gebrauch des Internets, nämlich als einer blossen Quelle für Originaltexte für fortgeschrittene Fremdsprachenlerner.  相似文献   

This paper presents and discusses students’ learning process of chemical equilibrium from a modelling‐based approach developed from the use of the ‘Model of Modelling’ diagram. The investigation was conducted in a regular classroom (students 14–15 years old) and aimed at discussing how modelling‐based teaching can contribute to students learning about the main qualitative aspects concerning chemical equilibrium. The data (collected from the written material produced by the students and the video‐recording of the classes) were organised in case studies for each group of students. The discussion supports the conclusion that elements from the ‘Model of Modelling’ diagram, as well as methodological aspects related to the teacher’s action, influenced the students’ learning process.  相似文献   

Using teaching cases in professional education programs has gained increased attention in the past several decades. While the use of teaching cases has been an important part of social work education, the majority of current casebooks focus on micro or direct practice issues and settings. Over the past forty years only four major casebooks have focused exclusively on the macro practice of social work. This analysis of case‐based learning is divided into the following components: 1) the search for practice wisdom emerging from analyzing cases within the context of management knowledge and skills, 2) case discussion in the classroom, including student and instructor preparation, case selection and integration into the course, case debriefing, student‐designed cases, and conceptual frameworks for teaching management, 3) a conclusion that identifies the benefits and limitations of case‐based learning.  相似文献   


The issues surrounding the diffusion of technology within our public schools are wide‐ranging and as diverse as the student populations which we seek to influence. Designing efficient and effective teacher training for classroom technology applications is, consequently, an important consideration for ‘school reformers.’ This paper addresses, in significant detail, the instructional design process which was utilized for the development and delivery of one successful teacher technology training effort for a medium‐sized school district. Special emphasis was placed on the results of extensive learner analyses throughout the design effort.  相似文献   


While people are beginning to know a lot about major ecological effects, little is being done individually to try to counter them. The article looks at various studies and their effects within the European Union.


Internet‐based science learning has been advocated by many science educators for more than a decade. This review examines relevant research on this topic. Sixty‐five papers are included in the review. The review consists of the following two major categories: (1) the role of demographics and learners' characteristics in Internet‐based science learning, such as demographic background, prior knowledge, and self‐efficacy; and (2) the learning outcomes derived from Internet‐based science learning, such as attitude, motivation, conceptual understanding, and conceptual change. Some important conclusions are drawn from the review. For example, Internet‐based science learning is equally favorable, or in some cases more so, to learning for female students compared to male students. The learner's control is essential for enhancing students' attitudes and motivation toward learning in Internet‐based science learning environments. Nevertheless, appropriate guidance from teachers, moderators, or the Internet‐based learning environment itself is still quite crucial in Internet‐based science learning. Recommendations for future research related to the effects of Internet‐based science learning on students' metacognitive reflections, epistemological development, and worldviews are suggested.  相似文献   

Curtin University operates a computer‐managed learning package that gives students the option of undertaking a practice test before the unit assessment. This test is designed predominantly to contribute to student learning and, as such, is considered formative. 417 students took advantage of the optional practice test (PT) and their marks on the unit assessments were compared with those students (N = 197) who opted not to take the practice test (non‐PT). There was a significant improvement in the mean mark of the PT group from the practice test to the first unit test (p < 0.001). The PT group also significantly out performed the non‐PT group. They were significantly better on both unit tests although only the first unit test was preceded by a practice test (p< 0.001). This was despite apparently weaker students opting to sit the practice test. Students who performed the practice test improved their mark on the assessment tests and performed better on these tests than those students who did not do the practice test. Based on these data, practice tests should be offered before all unit assessments despite the implications for departmental resources.  相似文献   

This quasi‐experimental study investigates how the classroom learning environment changed after inquiry‐based activities were introduced and student questioning was encouraged. Three science teachers and three classes of fifth graders (n=92) participated in this study. The analysis of covariance reveals that although the experimental group students perceived that their teacher’s support was significantly lower than that for the comparison group did (p< 0.05), they were significantly more involved in learning (p< 0.05) than their counterparts. Classroom observations of student questioning and inquiry activities revealed that those students with high quality levels in asking or responding to questions outperformed their counterparts in the inquiry ability of designing experimental procedures.  相似文献   

The issue of skills maintenance and continued professional development are compounded in Australia by the distance factor. While choices do exist, some degree of relocation is often necessary for the rural worker.

Specifically, the paper will examine the relevance of Computer Managed Learning (CML) mechanisms to the renewal of registration (re‐registration) of nurses; and costs involved when the focal limitation is distance. The principle points are, however, applicable to other professions.  相似文献   

Educators have identified four categories of ‘productive pedagogies’ that are considered to lead to authentic student engagement and learning in the classroom. This study was designed to explore and extend these pedagogies in the context of learning in natural environments, in particular, through the programmes of Queensland environmental education centres. In‐depth interview and observation data were collected from students, classroom teachers and centre teachers who had participated in 12 environmental education programmes across Queensland, in order to identify the strategies that are most effective in facilitating learning in the natural environment. A fifth productive pedagogy category, ‘experience‐based learning’, is proposed. Experience‐based learning is particularly important in addressing students’ environmental attitudes and actions. The implications for the delivery of environmental education programmes both within and outside the classroom are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the contribution of virtual tools to student learning within full‐time management programmes. More specifically, the paper focuses on asynchronous communication tools, considering the scope they offer for group‐based collaborative learning outside the classroom. We report on the effectiveness of this approach for an economics course on International Money and Finance, which was delivered to two classes, following international MBA and MSc programmes, respectively, at Nyenrode University. Using questionnaire and interview data, we compare the learning experiences of both classes. Our analysis focuses on student reception of the asynchronous communication tools and the learner‐centred approach. Based on these findings, we propose a framework of pedagogical actions that may help to maximize the potential of e‐learning within hybrid course designs, particularly for novice users.

Introduction d'une formation non‐synchronique de groupe à une formation de business. Réflexions sur un projet et une diffusion de cours effectifs. Cet exposé décrit la contribution d'instruments virtuels pour la formation d'étudiants dans un programme business à temps plein. Plus spécialement, cet exposé se réfère aux instruments de communication non‐synchronique considérant le domaine qu'ils offrent pour la formation collaborative en groupe en dehors de la salle de classe. Nous parlons de l'efficacité de cet approche pour un cours d'économie sur les Sciences Monétaires et de Finance Internationales qui a été distribué à deux classes suivant des programmes internationaux de MBA et MSc à l'université de Nyenrode. En utilisant des questionnaires et des dates d'interview, nous avons comparé les expériences de formation dans les deux classes. Notre analyse s'occupe de la réceptivité des étudiants concernant les instruments de communication non‐synchroniques et l'approche basé sur la formation. Basés sur ces résultats, nous proposons une structure d'actions pédagogiques qui peuvent aider à augmenter le potentiel de la formation en ligne dans le cadre de projets de cours hybrides, spécialement pour des utiliseurs novices.

Einführung von gruppenbasiertem, asynchronem Lernen in Business‐Bildung. Reflektionen über effektive Kurskonzepte und –vermittlung. Dieser Bericht untersucht den Beitrag von virtuellen Instrumenten für studentisches Lernen innerhalb von Vollzeit‐Management Programmen. Er untersucht im Speziellen die asynchronen Kommunikationsmittel unter Beachtung der Möglichkeiten, die sie für ein gemeinschaftliches Lernen in Gruppen außerhalb des Klassenzimmers bieten. Wir berichten über die Wirksamkeit dieses Ansatzes, der an zwei Klassen eines Wirtschaftskurses über Internationales Geld- und Finanzwesen, die internationale MBA und MSc Kurse an der Nyenrode Universität belegen, verteilt wurde. Unter Verwendung von Fragebögen und Interviewdaten vergleichen wir die Lernerfahrungen beider Klassen. Unsere Analyse konzentriert sich auf die Aufnahmefähigkeit der Studenten bezüglich der asynchronen Kommunikationsmittel und des lernbasierten Ansatzes. Unter Berücksichtigung dieser Ergebnisse empfehlen wir einen pädagogischen Handlungsrahmen, der vielleicht das Potential des e‐Lernens innerhalb von hybriden Kursentwürfen, insbesondere für neue Nutzer, erhöhen kann.  相似文献   

There are three purposes for evaluation: evaluation for action to aid the decision making process, evaluation for understanding to further enhance enlightenment and evaluation for control to ensure compliance to standards. This article argues that the primary function of evaluation in the ‘Catherine Wheel’ computer‐based assessment (CBA) cyclic model is evaluation for action and secondary functions are evaluation for understanding and control. By studying segment and cyclic dependencies, conducting a risk analysis and identifying key stakeholders it is possible to identify where action evaluation has the most effect, what is required to be evaluated, who will perform the action and how it will be controlled. Each segment and cycle in the CBA model must therefore be monitored and the observations made must have meaning for the elimination or reduction of pedagogic, operational, technical non web‐based, web‐based and financial risks. It is important to consider stakeholders because they have differing views on what is most important in the evaluation process and inevitably will be involved in the evaluation process itself. CBA system stakeholders include management, academic, support and administrative staff together with external verifiers and students. The information gained from these stakeholders provides quality enhancement and assurance and forms the basis for change.  相似文献   

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