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This paper considers the relationship between stress and cognitive functioning and discusses some of the concepts and methods that may be adopted to examine the relationship between stress and sports performance. It considers only that literature that may be relevant to, or furthers, the understanding of sports performance under competitive stress. One of the most popular approaches has been to explain the relationship in terms of the unidimensional inverted-U hypothesis. The validity of this approach to explaining sports performances in specific situations is discussed and it is generally concluded that the inverted-U hypothesis is too vague and simplistic. The discussion considers multidimensional approaches and discusses the suitability and implications of some more recent and more complex models of stress and performance which are now available in the psychological literature. It is concluded that the relationship between stress and sports performance is an extremely complex one and involves the interaction between the nature of the stressor, the cognitive demands of the task being performed and the psychological characteristics of the individuals performing it.  相似文献   

运动焦虑的产生及其与运动成绩的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了焦虑与运动成绩关系的理论假说,分析运动员焦虑产生的原因与特点,从而通过问卷或量表评估、生理变化评估以及行为表现评估对运动员的运动焦虑进行恰当的评价,以此在赛前、赛中及赛后对运动员的焦虑进行调节,使其焦虑水平达到最佳的水平。  相似文献   

体育运动中,不良的应激反应会使运动中或参加体育锻炼的人过多地消耗身体能量,人际关系紧张,并导致运动损伤,最终导致比赛的失利和运动乐趣的丧失。本文主要从认知的角度阐述了克服体育运动中不良应激的几种方法。  相似文献   

This study considered the influence of competitive anxiety and self-confidence state responses upon components of performance. Basketball players (n=12) were trained to self-report their cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self-confidence as a single response on several occasions immediately before going on court to play. Performance was video-recorded and aspects of performance that could be characterized as requiring either largely anaerobic power (height jumped) or working memory (successful passes and assists) were measured. Intra-individual performance scores were computed from these measures and the data from seven matches were subjected to regression analyses and then hierarchical regression analyses. The results indicated that, as anticipated, somatic anxiety positively predicted performance that involved anaerobic demands. Self-confidence, and not cognitive anxiety, was the main predictor of performance scores with working memory demands. It would appear that different competitive state responses exert differential effects upon aspects of actual performance. Identifying these differences will be valuable in recommending intervention strategies designed to facilitate performance.  相似文献   

选择特定的考试应激情境,使用心境状态量表(POMS)和锻炼感觉量表(EFI),通过实验比较的方法,目的为研究体育活动作为应付方法降低考试应激的效果,实验结果表明,参与体育活动能够有效地降低考试后产生的应激反应,改善心境状态;体育活动时心境状态的改善与运动愉快感的产生之间存在显著意义的相关关系。  相似文献   

唤醒与运动操作关系研究的发展动态综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对唤醒与运动活动关系的研究,主要综合叙述了国外专门对这一问题的研究和提出的理论,并且指出了这些理论的不足之处.结果表明,研究唤醒与运动关系不能只从单一角度去探讨,要从运动个体和运动项目本身的特点来全面综合地考虑,只有这样才能真正实现了解唤醒与活动之间的关系.  相似文献   

张雯 《福建体育科技》2010,29(3):28-30,34
研究中,方便抽样抽取63名被试者,随机分配到低压力和高压力情景中的积极暗示组、消极暗示组和控制组。结果发现,对比低压力,高压力下消极暗示提高状态焦虑程度、降低状态自信水平。研究结果提示:较大的比赛压力下,教练员不应对运动员消极暗示,而应是积极暗示,这样可能会有效地降低竞赛状态焦虑、提升状态自信。  相似文献   

Thirty-four youth competitive skiers (mean age = 13.74 years) completed measures of social evaluative concern and competitive anxiety. Consistent with past research, regression analyses showed that cognitive anxiety was related to performance-specific evaluative concerns. However, contrary to current conceptualizations of sport competition anxiety, somatic anxiety was correlated with concerns about evaluation of other non-performance aspects of ski racing. Competitive skiers were most concerned about parents' and friends' evaluations of their performance, and other competitors' and friends' evaluations of their skiing in general. These findings are discussed in relation to the theory and management of sport competition state anxiety.  相似文献   


Sport science is a relatively recent domain of research born from the interactions of different disciplines related to sport. According to the European College of sport science (http://sport-science.org): “scientific excellence in sport science is based on disciplinary competence embedded in the understanding that its essence lies in its multi- and interdisciplinary character”. In this respect, the scientific domain of neuroscience has been developed within such a framework. Influenced by the apparent homogeneity of this scientific domain, the present paper reviews three important research topics in sport from a neuroscientific perspective. These topics concern the relationship between mind and motor action, the effects of cognition on motor performance, and the study of certain mental states (such as the “flow” effect, see below) and motor control issues to understand, for example, the neural substrates of the vertical squat jump. Based on the few extensive examples shown in this review, we argue that by adopting an interdisciplinary paradigm, sport science can emulate neuroscience in becoming a mono-discipline.  相似文献   

手臂动作稳定性与唤醒水平、特质焦虑等关系的再探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王深 《福建体育科技》2003,22(4):8-10,26
本文探讨了唤醒水平、特质焦虑、性别差异、运动项目等对手臂动作稳定性的影响 ,研究结果发现不同运动项目的被试其手臂动作稳定性有明显的差异 ,且特质焦虑与运动项目的交互作用对手臂动作和稳定性变化具有显著效应。  相似文献   

在福建彩票事业不断发展的同时,出现了业内人才短缺的现象。本文在对福建体育彩票人才的需求进行分析的基础上,建构彩票从业人员职业能力标准,探究校企合作培养体育彩票专门人才的合作策略。为福建省培养体育彩票专门人才,提升彩票人员职业素质能力,进一步推动彩票事业健康发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法和数理统计法,调查和分析了黑龙江省9所高等院校体育教师对少数民族传统体育价值和功能的认知状况,了解和掌握了他们少数民族传统体育的参与状况,及其对少数民族传统体育开设方式和内容的认知态度。旨在为黑龙江省高校开设少数民族传统体育提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

This paper examines how films produced in the USA in the past 10 years and featuring the coaching of youth sport, represent the issue of touch during instruction and training. Touch in such films is figured in diverse ways ranging from pats of reassurance and hugs of congratulation to cuffs of disapprobation. Touch is also occasionally depicted differently, dependent upon the ethnicity and gender of the central characters in specific films. These distinctions are evaluated for what they reveal about the nuances of understandings of touch in film portrayals of sport education in American high schools. The difficulty of interpreting physical contact between coaches and athletes in these films, and what this reveals about the problem of policing touch in general in educational settings, is explored. Finally, the paper examines how the films expose the intricacy of tactile encounters in ways that challenge the judiciousness of risk-averse ‘no-touch’ policies and practices in sports coaching.  相似文献   

体育科研中存在大量的认知数据,由于认知数据的特殊性,应用一般统计方法进行分析会出现不适应的问题。本文针对常规主成分因子分析在运用于认知数据时出现的不适用问题进行讨论,指出了主成分因子分析在认知数据中应用的局限性根本原因是认知数据自身的特性与主成分因子分析本质要求不一致。并从数据变换的角度提出了相应的解决方案,即运用非线性变换对认知数据进行预处理,使得数据的特性与主成分因子分析的条件相接近,然后实施常规主成分因子分析。实证研究表明对认知数据进行非线性统计变换,有效地解决了主成分因子分析运用于认知数据所产生的不适应现象,使得研究的结果更加真实可靠。  相似文献   

This study sought to examine how parental sport involvement and attainment were related to the eventual level of competitive sport attained by their children. Athletes (n?=?229) were divided into three skill level groups (elite: n?=?139; pre-elite: n?=?33; non-elite: n?=?57), based on the peak competition level achieved in their career, which were compared using chi-squares tests of independence and analyses of variance according to parents sport characteristics provided through the Developmental History of Athletes Questionnaire. Parental recreational and competitive sport participation was overrepresented among elite athletes, as were parents who reached an elite level of sport themselves. Results were found to differ according to parent sex, with athlete skill level significantly related to the sport participation and skill level of fathers, but not mothers. Results suggest parental sport experiences at different levels of competition influence the development of athletes, although these relationships are subject to many factors.  相似文献   

本研究从社会心理学的角度出发,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法,通过对西安市十所高校638名大学生进行问卷调查,结果表明北京奥运会对大学生的体育认知产生了一定影响,但影响力有限,提出在高校营造宣扬奥林匹克文化的氛围,深化奥林匹克教育的建议。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(4):588-600
The authors of this study examined the impact of sense of presence on affective responses to a virtual reality experience and attitude towards a winter sport—luge. An experiment was implemented to compare virtual reality experience environments where a sense of presence was stimulated to the experimental group. Electroencephalogram was used to measure emotional arousal and self-report measures were used to assess attitudes. The experimental group with higher sense of presence showed higher arousal and attitude towards luge. While most of the literature of virtual reality has focused on creating a high-fidelity virtual environment, results of this study highlight the importance of creating an immersive environment in the physical space where a person experiences virtual reality. The authors further discuss the implications to scholars and managers.  相似文献   


We examined the performance and organizational stressors encountered by elite and non-elite athletes within the competition environment. Twelve sport performers (6 elite, 6 non-elite) were interviewed about both performance and organizational-related demands experienced when preparing for competition. The framework presented identifies five performance (i.e. preparation, injury, expectations, self-presentation, and rivalry) and five organizational (i.e. factors intrinsic to the sport, roles in the sport organization, sport relationships and interpersonal demands, athletic career and performance development issues, and organizational structure and climate of the sport) stress sources. A similar quantity of performance (#PS) and organizational (#OS) stressors were encountered by elite performers (#PS = 127; #OS = 72) as by non-elite athletes (#PS = 123; #OS = 74), with some demands being common and others unique to each group. Although the findings suggest that, prior to competing, sport performers encounter more stressors pertinent to performance than those emanating from the organization, these observations highlight that all the demands faced by athletes should be considered when preparing and implementing interventions to manage competition stress.  相似文献   

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