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Urea production during prolonged swimming   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Male interscholastic swimmers (n = 8) completed a 4572 m training swim in in 62 +/- 1.1 min (means +/- S.E.) with terminal heart rate and blood lactate of 152 +/- 6 beats min-1 and 6.9 +/- 0.89 mM, respectively. Sweat rate (0.48 +/- 0.095 l. h-1) was lower than similar intensity cycling (1.5 +/- 0.13 l. h-1) or running (1.1 +/- 0.14 l. h-1). Post-swim serum urea N (11.6 +/- 0.71 mM) was elevated (P less than 0.05) vs pre-swim (4.6 +/- 0.39 mM). Post-swim urine volume (860 +/- 75 ml 24 h-1) was reduced (P less than 0.07) and resulted in an elevated (P less than 0.05), but delayed (24-84 h), post-exercise urea N excretion. Although the reduced urine and sweat production during the swim undoubtedly contributed to the elevated serum urea, there must be another explanation because together they could only account for 38% of the observed increase. On the basis of the magnitude of serum urea increase, it appears that the swim caused an increase in urea production (amino acid oxidation). The failure to observe larger increases in urinary urea during recovery indicates that either urea excretion following exercise continues for prolonged periods of time (greater than 48 h) or another significant mode of nitrogen excretion exists.  相似文献   


Ingesting carbohydrate plus protein following prolonged exercise may restore exercise capacity more effectively than ingestion of carbohydrate alone. The objective of the present study was to determine whether this potential benefit is a consequence of the protein fraction per se or simply due to the additional energy it provides. Six active males participated in three trials, each involving a 90-min treadmill run at 70% maximal oxygen uptake (run 1) followed by a 4-h recovery. At 30-min intervals during recovery, participants ingested solutions containing: (1) 0.8 g carbohydrate · kg body mass (BM)?1 · h?1 plus 0.3 g · kg?1 · h?1 of whey protein isolate (CHO-PRO); (2) 0.8 g carbohydrate · kg BM?1 · h?1 (CHO); or (3) 1.1 g carbohydrate · kg BM?1 · h?1 (CHO-CHO). The latter two solutions matched the CHO-PRO solution for carbohydrate and for energy, respectively. Following recovery, participants ran to exhaustion at 70% maximal oxygen uptake (run 2). Exercise capacity during run 2 was greater following ingestion of CHO-PRO and CHO-CHO than following ingestion of CHO (P ≤ 0.05) with no significant difference between the CHO-PRO and CHO-CHO treatments. In conclusion, increasing the energy content of these recovery solutions extended run time to exhaustion, irrespective of whether the additional energy originated from sucrose or whey protein isolate.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to determine whether creatine ingested in combination with relatively small quantities of essential amino acids, simple sugars, and protein would stimulate insulin release and augment whole-body creatine retention to the same extent as a large bolus of simple sugars. Seven young, healthy males underwent three randomized, 3-day experimental trials. Each day, 24-h urine collections were made, and on the second day participants received 5 g creatine + water (creatine trial), 5 g creatine + ~95 g dextrose (creatine + carbohydrate) or 5 g creatine + 14 g protein hydrolysate, 7 g leucine, 7 g phenylalanine, and 57 g dextrose (creatine + protein, amino acids, and carbohydrate) via naso-gastric tube at three equally spaced intervals. Blood samples were collected at predetermined intervals after the first and third naso-gastric bolus. After administration of the first and third bolus, serum insulin concentration was increased by 15 min (P < 0.05) in the creatine + carbohydrate and creatine + protein, amino acids, and carbohydrate trials compared with creatine alone, and plasma creatine increased more following creatine alone (15 min, P < 0.05) than in the creatine + carbohydrate and creatine + protein, amino acids, and carbohydrate trials. Urinary creatine excretion was greater with creatine alone (P < 0.05) than with creatine + carbohydrate and creatine + protein, amino acids, and carbohydrate. Administration of creatine + protein, amino acids, and carbohydrate can stimulate insulin release and augment whole-body creatine retention to the same extent as when larger quantities of simple sugars are ingested.  相似文献   

Because body mass change (ΔMb) does not represent all water losses and gains, the present field investigation determined if (a) ΔMb equalled the net effective body water change during ultra-endurance exercise and (b) ground speed and exercise duration influenced these variables. Thirty-two male cyclists (age range, 35–52 years) completed a 164-km event in a hot environment, were retrospectively triplet matched and placed into one of three groups based on exercise duration (4.8, 6.3, 9.6 h). Net effective body water loss was computed from measurements (body mass, total fluid intake and urine excreted) and calculations (water evolved and mass loss due to substrate oxidation, solid food mass and sweat loss), including (ΔEBWgly) and excluding (ΔEBW) water bound to glycogen. With all cyclists combined, the mean ΔMb (i.e. loss) was greater than that of ΔEBWgly by 1200 ± 200 g (P = 1.4 × 10–18), was similar to ΔEBW (difference, 0 ± 200 g; P = .21) and was strongly correlated with both (R2 = .98). Analysis of equivalence indicated that ΔMb was not equivalent to ΔEBWgly, but was equivalent to ΔEBW. Due to measurement complexity, we concluded that (a) athletes will not calculate the effective body water calculations routinely and (b) body mass change remains a useful field-expedient estimate of net effective body water change.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of studies that have evaluated substrate utilisation and protein catabolism during multiday strenuous exercise in athletes. Eleven well-trained male cyclists completed 3 h of race-simulated cycling on 4 consecutive days. Cyclist exercised 2 h postprandially and with carbohydrate supplementation (~50 g · h?1) during exercise. Whole body substrate utilisation was measured by indirect calorimetry, protein catabolism from sweat and urine urea excretion, and blood metabolite concentration was evaluated. Protein catabolism during exercise was significantly greater on days 2–4 (29.9 ± 8.8; 34.0 ± 11.2; 32.0 ± 7.3 g for days 2, 3, and 4, respectively) compared to day 1 (23.3 ± 7.6 g), < 0.05. Fat oxidation was greater at 21 km (~45 min) on days 2–4 (1.06 ± 0.23; 1.08 ± 0.25; 1.12 ± 0.29 g · min?1) compared to day 1 (0.74 ± 0.23 g · min?1, < 0.05), but the rate of carbohydrate and fat oxidation was similar between days at 50 and 80 km. Whole body substrate utilisation is altered on subsequent days of multiday prolonged strenuous cycling that includes a quicker transition to greater fat utilisation from exercise onset and a 28–46% greater reliance on endogenous protein catabolism on all successive days.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the metabolic responses during submaximal swimming with self-selected normal breathing (N) and prolonged expiration along with reduced frequency breathing (RB). Ten male swimmers (age: 23.1 ± 2.2 years; VO2max: 47.3 ± 7.2 ml · kg?1 · min?1) performed 75-, 100-, 175-, 200-, 275-, 300-, 375- and 400-m trials with N and RB at intensity corresponding to 90% of the critical speed. In RB condition, all trials longer than 75 m were interspersed with 25 m of self-selected N in regular intervals. In RB, oxygen saturation during recovery was decreased compared to starting values after 75, 100, 175, 275 and 375 m (78–91%, P < 0.05), while it remained unchanged after all trials in N condition (98 ± 2%, P > 0.05). Lactate concentration was higher in RB than in N after 400 m (4.3 ± 1.5 vs. 3.3 ± 1.7 mmol · l?1, P < 0.05). During recovery after the 375-m trial, partial pressure of carbon dioxide was increased and pH was decreased in RB compared to N condition. Prolonged expiration along with RB provokes severe hypoxemia during the recovery period after swimming, which is restored with self-selected N during submaximal swimming.  相似文献   


Aspects of team players' performance are negatively affected when ~ 2% body mass is lost by perspiration. Although such dehydration is likely reached during summer practice in outdoors sports, it is unclear if such dehydration is achieved during the practice of indoor sports. We assessed the fluid and electrolyte deficits of elite team players during practice for the following indoor sports: indoor soccer (n=9), basketball (n=11), volleyball (n=10), and handball (n=13). Morning hydration status was estimated by measuring urine specific gravity. Sweat rate was calculated from body mass changes and fluid intake. Sweat sodium concentration from the forearm was used to estimate whole-body sodium losses. Over 91% of the players were moderately hypohydrated (urine specific gravity>1.020) at waking 3 h before practice. Indoor soccer players sweated at a higher rate (1.8 litres · h?1) than volleyball and handball players (1.2 and 1.1 litres · h?1, respectively; P<0.05), whereas sweat rate was not different between basketball players (1.5 litres · h?1) and the other team sport players (P>0.05). In average, 62±13% of sweat losses were replaced and teams' body mass loss did not exceed 1.2±0.3%. Sodium losses were similar among teams, averaging 1.2±0.2 g. The exercise fluid replacement habits of professional indoor team players are adequate to prevent 2% dehydration. However, most players could benefit from increasing fluid intake between workouts to offset the high prevalence of morning hypohydration.  相似文献   

The thermoregulatory responses of upper-body trained athletes were examined at rest, during prolonged arm crank exercise and recovery in cool (21.5 ± 0.9°C, 43.9 ± 10.1% relative humidity; mean ± s) and warm (31.5 &± 0.6°C, 48.9 - 8.4% relative humidity) conditions. Aural temperature increased from rest by 0.7 ± 0.7°C (P ? 0.05) during exercise in cool conditions and by 1.6 ± 0.7°C during exercise in warm conditions (P ? 0.05). During exercise in cool conditions, calf skin temperature decreased (1.5 ± 1.3°C), whereas an increase was observed during exercise in warm conditions (3.0 ± 1.7°C). Lower-body skin temperatures tended to increase by greater amounts than upper-body skin temperatures during exercise in warm conditions. No differences were observed in blood lactate, heart rate or respiratory exchange ratio responses between conditions. Perceived exertion at 45 min of exercise was greater than that reported at 5 min of exercise during the cool trial (P ? 0.05), whereas during exercise in the warm trial the rating of perceived exertion increased from initial values by 30 min (P ? 0.05). Heat storage, body mass losses and fluid consumption were greater during exercise in warm conditions (7.06 ± 2.25 J·g-1 ·°C-1, 1.3 ± 0.5 kg and 1038 ± 356 ml, respectively) than in cool conditions (1.35 ± 0.23 J·g-1·°C-1, 0.8 ± 0.2 kg and 530 ± 284 ml, respectively; P ? 0.05). The results of this study indicate that the increasing thermal strain with constant thermal stress in warm conditions is due to heat storage within the lower body. These results may aid in understanding thermoregulatory control mechanisms of populations with a thermoregulatory dysfunction, such as those with spinal cord injuries.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate ingestion before and during endurance exercise delays the onset of fatigue (reduced power output). Therefore, endurance athletes are recommended to ingest diets high in carbohydrate (70% of total energy) during competition and training. However, increasing the availability of plasma free fatty acids has been shown to slow the rate of muscle and liver glycogen depletion by promoting the utilization of fat. Ingested fat, in the form of long-chain (C 16-22 ) triacylglycerols, is largely unavailable during acute exercise, but medium-chain (C 8-10 ) triacylglycerols are rapidly absorbed and oxidized. We have shown that the ingestion of medium-chain triacylglycerols in combination with carbohydrate spares muscle carbohydrate stores during 2 h of submaximal (< 70% VO 2 peak) cycling exercise, and improves 40 km time-trial performance. These data suggest that by combining carbohydrate and medium-chain triacylglycerols as a pre-exercise supplement and as a nutritional supplement during exercise, fat oxidation will be enhanced, and endogenous carbohydrate will be spared. We have also examined the chronic metabolic adaptations and effects on substrate utilization and endurance performance when athletes ingest a diet that is high in fat (> 70% by energy). Dietary fat adaptation for a period of at least 2-4 weeks has resulted in a nearly two-fold increase in resistance to fatigue during prolonged, low- to moderate-intensity cycling (< 70% VO 2 peak). Moreover, preliminary studies suggest that mean cycling 20 km time-trial performance following prolonged submaximal exercise is enhanced by 80 s after dietary fat adaptation and 3 days of carbohydrate loading. Thus the relative contribution of fuel substrate to prolonged endurance activity may be modified by training, pre-exercise feeding, habitual diet, or by artificially altering the hormonal milieu or the availability of circulating fuels. The time course and dose-response of these effects on maximizing the oxidative contribution of fat for exercise metabolism and in exercise performance have not been systematically studied during moderate- to high-intensity exercise in humans.  相似文献   

不同距离游泳对血氨及血乳酸水平的影响及其机制的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以专项游泳运动员作为研究对象,探讨游泳运动与血氨、血乳酸的关系、变化规律及其可能机制。研究发现,短时间剧烈运动中血氨水平的变化反映了无氧供能系统的代谢平衡状况。血氨与运动强度关系密切,相对运动强度越大,血氨峰值越高,血氨的肌血弥散速率越快,恢复亦越快。  相似文献   

目的:观察射箭运动员在不同运动负荷状态时的血液氨基酸的变化。方法:用高效液相法测定射箭运动员冬训期间不同的训练时期血液中四种氨基酸——门冬氨酸(Asp)、谷氨酸(Glu)、甘氨酸((Gly)和r-氨基丁酸(GABA)的含量。结果:在进行中等强度训练期和大强度训练期运动后1h血浆中谷氨酸的血浆浓度明显升高(P〈0.01)。而在大强度训练期后明显下降,甚至低于安静值;门冬氨酸在中等强度训练后血浆浓度也升高(P〈0.05),在疲劳期则呈下降趋势,但仍高于安静值;在进行中等强度训练期和大强度训练期运动1h后血浆中r-氨基丁酸、甘氨酸均上升。大强度训练期明显升高,与训练前期安静值相比有显著意义(P〈0.01)。结论:射箭运动员在长时间大强度大运动量训练后,血液中的氨基酸会发生变化,中枢疲劳可能从血浆氨基酸的变化反映出来。  相似文献   

Many physically active individuals have undertaken intermittent fasting to reduce their daily caloric intake. However, abstaining from meals for a specific length of time may lead to the acute disturbance of highly carbohydrate-dependent exercise performance. The purpose of this study was to observe the effect of 10 days of intermittent fasting on high-intensity type exercises, Wingate anaerobic (WT) and prolonged high-intensity time-to-exhaustion (HIT) cycling test. Twenty participants were randomised into an intermittent fasting (FAS) and a control group (CON). One day after baseline data collection on Day-0 where participants consumed their recommended daily caloric intake (FAS?=?2500?±?143?kcal?day?1; CON?=?2492?±?20?kcal?day?1) served over a course of five meals, the FAS group consumed only four meals where 40% was restricted by the omission of lunch (FAS?=?1500?±?55?kcal?day?1). This diet was then continued for 10 days. Data on exercise performance and other dependent variables were collected on Day-2, -4, -6, -8 and -10. A reduction in WT power in the FAS group was observed on Day-2 (821.74?±?66.07?W) compared to Day-0 (847.63?±?95.94?W) with a moderate effect size (p?p?p?相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the power produced by the flutter-kick action at different swimming velocities. Eighteen high-level male swimmers completed a maximal 15-m flutter-kicking sprint and underwent two tests (one passive and one with maximal flutter-kicking) in which they were towed at six velocities ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 m/s. Power values were computed for each velocity, and selected kinematic indices were evaluated at 1.2 and 2.0 m/s. The highest power (54 ± 8 W) was observed at the velocity at which the drag equaled the propulsive force (1.27 ± 0.08 m/s), which was similar to that recorded in the flutter-kicking sprint (1.26 ± 0.09 m/s). Thereafter, power decreased significantly with increasing velocity, up to 17 ± 10 W (at 2.0 m/s). The angle between the horizontal and the line connecting the highest and lowest points of the malleolus trajectory was significantly wider at 1.2 m/s than at 2.0 m/s (75 ± 4° vs. 63 ± 6°). This could explain the change of power with velocity because all the other kinematic indices considered were similar at the two velocities. These results suggest that the propulsive role of the flutter-kick increases as the swimming velocity decreases.  相似文献   

运动可以使血氨浓度升高。关于运动与氨代谢关系的研究,目前比较一致的观点认为,在长时间高强度运动中血氨浓度显著升高,高浓度血氨对人体具有毒副作用,因而在运动性疲劳的产生中具有不容忽视的作用。血氨对运动强度远较血乳酸更为敏感,可能成为一个重要的生理学评定指标。  相似文献   

朱启娥 《湖北体育科技》2010,29(4):435-436,418
目的:探讨大运动量训练致运动疲劳后,按摩和艾灸穴位对疲劳恢复和相关生化指标的影响。方法:以16名体育学院武术专业学生为试验对象,在不同时间(间隔两周)分别进行两次大运动量训练至中等以上疲劳程度,分别对受试对象进行按摩和艾灸穴位,测试不同时间点的血氨和血尿素值,并对两次实验结果进行自身对照。按摩组为A组,艾灸组为B组。结果:B组的血氨浓度在恢复期的各个时间点上都低于A组,第15min钟和第3min差异非常显著(P〈0.01),第45min和第60min差异显著(P〈0.05);B组血尿素的恢复速度也快于A组,第90min明显低于A组(P〈0.05),次日晨B组较A组恢复更加明显(P〈0.01)。结论:艾灸穴位比按摩能更快清除血氨和血尿素,从而更好地促进运动性疲劳的恢复。  相似文献   

目的:观察射箭运动员在冬训期间不同训练时期的血液内分泌指标和氨基酸的变化。方法:用化学发光法测定运动员血清睾酮(T)和皮质醇(C),用高效液相色谱法测定血液中四种氨基酸天门冬氨酸(Asp)、谷氨酸(Glu)、甘氨酸(Gly)和r-氨基丁酸(GABA)的含量。结果:男运动员训练疲劳后血睾酮明显下降(P<0.01),与进行中等强度训练时比较也降低,具有显著性意义(P<0.05)。运动员在运动疲劳期,皮质醇显著升高(P<0.01),而T/C比值显著下降(P<0.01)。女运动员在大强度大运动量训练后,血睾酮、T/C比值明显下降(P<0.05),皮质醇明显升高。中等强度训练时,男、女皮质醇较训练前期明显升高(P<0.05)。在进行中等强度训练期和大强度训练期运动后1小时血浆中谷氨酸的血浆浓度明显升高(P<0.01),而在大强度训练期后明显下降,低于安静值。门冬氨酸在中等强度训练后血浆浓度也升高(P<0.05),在疲劳期则呈下降趋势,但仍高于安静值。在进行中等强度训练期和大强度训练期运动1小时后血浆中r-氨基丁酸、甘氨酸均上升,大强度训练期明显升高,与训练前期安静值相比有显著意义(P<0.01)。结论:射箭运动员在长时...  相似文献   

通过测定10名长泳运动员以80%强度训练2小时后的血尿素氮和血清氨基酸水平,发现长时间训练使组织蛋白净降解和氨基酸的利用活动加强;有关支链氨基酸—丙氨酸循环活动特征不明显,但显示色氨酸作为合丙氨酸氮源的参与糖异生代谢的可能性;与有氧过程中关键酶生成量有关的丝氨酸和甘氨酸的利用明显加强。上述结果提示,蛋白质代谢对专项游泳训练产生适应性反应。  相似文献   

长时间运动时血清氨基酸动态变化的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对普通人及长泳运动员各12人以50%VOmax强度长时间运动进行动态观察,发现至运动30分钟时,伴随BCAA下降,Ala明显升高;60~90分钟时,Ala和BCAA又分别呈现下降及上升趋势,且两组变化程度无显著性差异。提示在AA代谢过程中,Ala与BCAA的变化是不一致的;运动训练未对葡萄糖-Ala循环产生深刻影响。  相似文献   

In order to measure active drag during front crawl swimming a system has been designed, built and tested. A tube (23 m long) with grips is fixed under the water surface and the swimmer crawls on this. At one end of the tube, a force transducer is attached to the wall of the swimming pool. It measures the momentary effective propulsive forces of the hands. During the measurements the subjects’ legs are fixed together and supported by a buoy. After filtering and digitizing the electrical force signal, the mean propulsive force over one lane at constant speeds (ranging from about 1 to 2 m s‐1) was calculated. The regression equation of the force on the speed turned out to be almost quadratic. At a mean speed of 1.55 m s‐1 the mean force was 66.3 N. The accuracy of this force measured on one subject at different days was 4.1 N. The observed force, which is equal to the mean drag force, fits remarkably well with passive drag force values as well as with values calculated for propulsive forces during actual swimming reported in the literature. The use of the system does not interfere to any large extent with normal front crawl swimming; this conclusion is based on results of observations of film by skilled swim coaches. It was concluded that the system provides a good method of studying active drag and its relation to anthropometric variables and swimming technique.  相似文献   

运用生理学中的能量供应理论,结合国内外抗疲劳训练的有关论述及我国部分优秀运动员的切身体会,试述肌肉疲劳的原因与延缓疲劳(抗疲劳)的方法.  相似文献   

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