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数学语言是表达数学思想的专门语言,使用数学语言是重要的数学素养.掌握数学语言的特点、表达形式、确定语义和语法,在学习数学中有举足轻重的作用.借助数学建模教学可使学生学会使用数学语言,发展学生的数学思维,培养数学学习兴趣,提高数学素养.  相似文献   

数学建模是现实世界的本质反应和科学抽象,它用数学语言描述研究对象的固有特性和有关因素之间的互相关系;而常微分方程是现代数学重要的一个分支,是表达事物发展过程的一种很有用的工具。该文我们主要探讨将二阶常微分方程在数学建模中的应用,针对实际问题将两者结合起来,运用二阶常微分方程进行数学建模,并用模型的结果来解释事物的现象和预测事物发展规律。  相似文献   

数学建模能力是大学生必须要掌握的数学应用能力,高校数学建模教师可以分别从"数学建模方法提高数学应用能力""建模步骤也影响数学应用能力""数学建模思想可提高大学生数学软件应用的能力"这几个方面入手培养学生数学建模思想,从而提高大学生数学应用能力。  相似文献   

张鸿 《绥化学院学报》2014,(12):154-156
探讨在数列极限概念的教学中,通过四个阶段使学生对数列极限的认识从直观到抽象,由自然语言的描述性定义抽象成精确的数学符号语言,帮助学生突破数列极限概念的学习,使学生初步掌握数学符号语言的运用,并培养学生的数学思维能力。  相似文献   

Mathematical models and mathematical modeling play different roles in the different areas and problems in which they are used. The function and status of mathematical modeling and models in the different areas depend on the scientific practice as well as the underlying philosophical and theoretical position held by the modeler(s) and the practitioners in the extra-mathematical domain. For students to experience the significance of different scientific practices and cultures for the function and status of mathematical modeling in other sciences, students need to be placed in didactical situations where such differences are exposed and made into explicit objects of their reflections. It can be difficult to create such situations in the teaching of contemporary science in which modeling is part of the culture. In this paper we show how history can serve as a means for students to be engaged in situations in which they can experience and be challenged to reflect upon and criticize, the use of modeling and the significance of the context for the function and status of modeling and models in scientific practices. We present Nicolas Rashevsky’s model of cell division from the 1930s together with a discussion of disagreement between him and some biologists as one such episode from the past. We illustrate how a group of science students at Roskilde University, through their work with this historical case, experienced that different scientific cultures have different opinions of the value of a model as an instrument for gaining scientific knowledge; that the explanatory power of a model is linked not only to the context of its use, but also to the underlying philosophical and theoretical position held by the modeler(s) and the scientists discussing the model and its use. The episode’s potential to challenge students to reflect upon and criticize the modeling process and the function of models in an extra mathematical domain is discussed with respect to the notions of internal and external reflections.  相似文献   

房忆华  沈菊芳 《海外英语》2012,(7):57-58,74
为了解决目前普通高校大学英语综合课教学存在的主要问题,建议根据任务型教学的理论来设计大学英语综合课的任务。与生活相关的真实的交际任务的设计不仅有助于激发学生的英语学习兴趣,增加学生之间的互动和师生之间的互动,而且有助于提高学生的英语综合应用能力。  相似文献   

在当今信息时代,广告无时不刻地充斥着人们的生活,已发展成一种特殊的交际形式,其语言使用引起了众多语言学家的关注。语用预设是广告语言中运用比较广泛的一种语用手段,语用预设理论为广告用语分析提供了重要依据。高校广告宣传栏,作为特殊的校园交易场所,高校广告语是社会语用的一个组成部分,同时由于其交易的特殊性,它又具有自己独特的语用特征。这些特征从一定层面上反映了当今大学生的言语行为状态和精神风貌。  相似文献   

外语焦虑是二语习得过程中重要的情感变量之一。本研究在梳理国内外相关文献的基础上,采用Horwitz等人设计的《外语课堂焦虑量表》,对青海警官职业学院87名藏族学生的外语课堂焦虑状况进行了调查,通过描述性统计与数据分析之后得出结论,并对今后藏族学生的外语教学及学习提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

本文研究如何利用课堂展示活动中的同伴反馈促进非英语专业研究生的有效学习。课堂观察和问卷调查分析发现,以“提问”作为同伴反馈任务,有利于促进学生听众对展示内容的关注;以“描述性反馈”作为同伴反馈任务,有利于促进听众对展示策略与技巧的关注;而以“找错”作为同伴反馈任务,则有利于促进听众对语言现象的关注。经过培训与引导,研究生能够在实践中明确同伴反馈对内容、策略与语言等不同焦点的关注,逐步提高同伴反馈的质量,有效地促进课堂学习。  相似文献   

在数学建模竞赛中离散型题目占了很大的比例。在数学建模竞赛中,离散型题目能培养学生的模型意识与建模能力,培养学生的发散思维与创新精神,培养学生善于学习新知识及使用计算机的能力。  相似文献   


Learning to name and notice students’ mathematical strengths is a challenging process requiring time and multiple iterations of practice for prospective teachers (PTs) to adopt. Mathematics teacher educators (MTEs) can approximate and decompose the complex practice of naming and noticing students’ mathematical strengths so PTs learn to teach mathematics while emphasizing what students know and can do. This study uses two tools MTEs can use to support PTs as they learn to name and notice students’ mathematical strengths: A LessonSketch experience, a digital platform with comic-based storyboards showing children engaged in a mathematics task, and a strengths-based sentence frame. Our study presents the findings from the 111 noticing statements from 18 PTs as they engaged in the LessonSketch digital experience and practiced making noticing statements about what children know about mathematics. The study found that after a sentence-frame intervention, the PTs are more likely to use strengths-based language and more likely to identify mathematical evidence in their noticing statements. Uncommitted language (statements that do not align with a strength- or deficit-based coding scheme), suggests a fruitful, yet complex space for supporting more PTs as they learn to name and notice students’ mathematical strengths. The paper concludes with implications for future research in teacher education.


大学生利用新媒体开展英语学习已成为常态,但其应用效果不完全一致。国内外关注英语学习者新媒体素养的研究较少,存在理论框架不完善、实证研究缺乏等问题。基于国际新媒体素养研究中最新的理论框架编制的大学生英文新媒体素养评价量表,包括功能性取用(取用技能、理解),功能性创用(创用技能、传播、生产),批判性取用(分析、整合、评价)和批判性创用(参与、反思、创造)4个一级维度和11个二级维度。经对486位大学生开展的实证研究显示:(1)改编后的大学生英文新媒体素养评价指标具有较好的信效度,有助于完善人们对新媒体素养内涵和结构的理解;(2)我国大学生的英文新媒体素养整体处于低阶水平,重功能性取用,轻批判性创用;(3)大学生英文新媒体素养与其英语自我效能感呈现高度相关,功能性媒体素养是英语自我效能感的重要预测因素。大学生在学习正确获取或应用网络资源的同时,应注重加强对新媒体来源信息的辨析采纳,提高批判性参与意识。高校应积极服务大学生多层次英文新媒体素养的提升,培养信息社会所需的高素质人才。  相似文献   

大学数学教学中数学建模思想探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于自身的教学实践,介绍了将数学建模思想融入大学数学教学中的几个案例。事实证明,在大学数学教学中渗透数学建模思想是培养学生创新能力和实践能力的一个有效途径,同时,对激发学生学习的积极性和主动性也有一定作用。  相似文献   

本文根据对浙江理工大学启新学院多年高等数学的教学实践,提出了不仅课程教学内容的程度比一般课程更深、更难、要求更高,而且以培养学生的数学建模能力为主线,一届学生可以带上几年的模式,通过数学、经济学、计算机等学科交叉核心课程的问题教学培养学生多角度、多维度的发现和思考问题,为培养拔尖创新人才作了有益的探索。  相似文献   

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