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“理解”一直以来被认为是教育的重要价值,当前信息技术课程教学中出现的种种问题均是以忽略学生理解而导致的.该文针对课程的核心价值和教学问题,提出了理解取向的教学策略,包括:确定核心问题、制定理解的目标、设计理解性活动、促进理解的表现和持续性的多元评价等五个环节.着重理解的信息技术课程设计,强调围绕衍生性问题,让学生理解信息技术背后所蕴含的科学原理;理解信息技术所涉及的情感态度价值观等社会议题;理解信息技术操作背后的方法、规则和规律.  相似文献   

科学技术对社会和人的生活的贡献和影响是通过产品的设计和产品的形式实现的,在产品物化着不同科学技术的成就。不论是史前时代、古代、还是现代社会和当代的艺术设计,科技都对它产生了或多或少的影响和推动作用。  相似文献   

目前,我国每年毕业的教育技术专、本科学生有几十万人,但随着计算机网络技术的日益发展,教育技术学生在学校接受的多媒体技术教育已与其工作的需要有所脱节。据此,对教育技术的教材体系从技术、教育表现、艺术3个层面提出更新建议。  相似文献   

《模拟电子技术》课程的改革与实践,在理论教学满足“必需、够用”的前提下,减少理论课时,增加实践课时,增设实际操作项目;采用一些现代化的教学手段,多媒体及计算机仿真软件应用到教学中去;改革考试方式,使实践考核更加具体化和标准化。通过对6个平行班新旧教学计划的比较实践,新教学计划使学生的综合能力大为提高,证明这一改革是成功的。  相似文献   

从社会发展现实的表象来看待自然科学及其技术的作用与结果,似乎已经成为一种思维定势和习惯。具体就表现为“科学技术是一把双刃剑”理论的提出。然而,这种简单与片面的认识不仅掩蔽了造成“双刃剑”问题的深层根源,也阻碍了人们对自然科学及其技术活动与作用的正确认识与把握。因此,有必要对“双刃剑”问题进行深入的解析与探讨。  相似文献   

信息技术与学科课程的整合是教育信息化进程中的一个热点和发展趋势,其目标是通过运用信息技术使得教学的效果和效率得到最大化的提升.介绍了信息技术与课程整合的内涵与层次,并从实验研究的角度结合医学统计学教学实际,分别进行了①教学内容的数字化和抽象内容的可视化、②网络课程的构建以及③交互式教学实践系统的设计开发3个层次的探索和应用,取得了较好的教学效果.  相似文献   

本文通过调研总结了国内开设的与“宝石与材料工艺学”专业相同或相近的学校或机构的专业设置情况,提出中国地质大学(北京)“宝石与材料工艺学”专业课程的整合、优化和拓展的方法及思路,探讨了教学方法的改革与实践。  相似文献   


The development of interactive science and technology centres in the UK, catalysed by the example of successful North American science centres, is also a reflection of increasing British concern for public understanding of science.

In 1986, the Committee on the Public Understanding of Science was established jointly by the Royal Society, the Royal Institution and the British Association, as a focus for initiatives to improve public awareness of science and technology. The COPUS ‘Interactive Science and Technology Centres’ working group linked COPUS's own programmes with the co‐ordination and promotion activities developed by the Nuffield Foundation's interactive science and technology project.

Launched in 1987, the Nuffield project served as a resource for the science centres and, building a strong network of contacts stretching from the BBC and British Association to science centres worldwide, itself served as a launchpad for ECSITE‐the European Collaborative for Science, Industry and Technology Exhibitions.  相似文献   

This article bridges the fields of instructional design and teacher education, presenting and modernizing the media influence debate and synthesizing it with the technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) framework. Five modern technologies are presented as media comparison studies, analyzed from both the medium-as-variable and medium-and-method-as-variable perspectives, and highlighted in an example teaching and learning scenario analyzed for TPACK. The media debate is newly synthesized with TPACK, acknowledging the teacher as a critical variable in instructional success, and implications for research and teacher education and professional development are presented.  相似文献   

课程设计实践是计算机类本科生人才培养的必要环节,是提升学生程序设计与软件开发能力的重要手段。如何提高课程设计实践的效率及质量,对于促进计算机类本科生的实践动手能力及人才培养质量尤为关键。以湖南科技大学为例,介绍了计算机科学与技术专业课程设计实践的设置情况,探讨了课程设计实践中存在的问题,重点提出了"课程群知识→设计需求→集中实践→考核评价"的课程设计全过程管理思路及具体实施方案。  相似文献   

In the process of designing teaching materials for learning problem solving in technology education, domain-specific design specifications are considered important elements to raise learning outcomes with these materials. Two domain-specific design specifications were drawn up using a four-step procedure and were applied to improve existing teaching-learning packages. The study focused on a construction problem (open-ended) and an explanation problem (constrained). Construction material (fischertechnik) was used to solve the problems. In two experiments, these newly designed teaching materials were compared with the existing teaching materials. In all, 600 pupils participated in these experiments. In the experiment with the construction problem, no learning gains were made at all: the small gain in quality of the product made by the pupils cost too much time. In the experiment with the explanation problem, the quality of the pupils' product was significantly better in less time. It is argued that strongly structured teaching materials for constrained problems are more suitable for learners with little experience with construction material.  相似文献   

开展活动课程是实施素质教育的一个有效途径,而中学物理科技活动课程在其中占有重要的地位。设计并实施"汽车里的物理"这样一节课,收到良好的效果。通过整理设计思路与教学反思,以期给物理教育工作者提供一定参考。  相似文献   

在养猪技术课程教学设计中,笔者紧扣课程特点,着眼现实需求,突出能力素质培养,系统设计课程教学,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

随着北京奥运会和上海世博会的成功举办,各种各样的新项目如雨后春笋般不断涌现,以项目为中心按照团队进行管理的组织结构更加适合现代竞争的需要,而组织是否拥有大量优秀的项目管理人才已经成为企业生存、发展以及参与国际竞争的关键。但是在高校项目管理教学中还存在很多弊端,针对项目管理课程的特点及教学中存在的问题,我们在该课程的教学过程中进行了教学内容、教学方法和手段的改革和实践。  相似文献   

The implementation of technology as a formal subject – either separate or integrated – in school curricula is a relatively recent phenomenon with most studies confined to Western or developed countries and little known about non-Western contexts. In this study we sought to gain an understanding of primary teachers' and curriculum development officers' perceptions of technology and technology education for a small island nation in the South Pacific. Participants' views were ascertained by means of semi-structured interviews including the use of picture card prompts used by Rennie and Jarvis (1995). The study reveals that the participants hold a rather limited view of technology and technology education. The participants see technology as consisting of a variety of artifacts and skills (including in some cases indigenous artifacts and cultural practices), but the predominant view was technology consists of modern, new, foreign, artifacts especially those associated with information and communication technologies. The participants view technology education as learning about how to use technological artifacts. Personal experiences including pre- and in-service teacher training and encounters with technological artifacts were the main influences on their views of technology and technology education. These findings suggest that primary science teachers will need pre-service training in order to implement a curriculum that provides a comprehensive understanding of technology.  相似文献   

在教育信息化和教学现代化的发展形势下,高校现代教育技术中心的传统职能遭遇分化或削弱的发展挑战。数字化、智慧化校园建设又亟需对教学资源进行全局的统筹与规划。从专业视角和宏观高度,针对高校现代教育技术中心在教学资源建设、提升教学手段与管理方面进行创新性职能定位的研究与探讨,具有积极和重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

This study investigated types of societal agents and the nature of their influence on Science and Technology (S&T) from Arab University professors' standpoint. Thirteen items from VOSTS instrument, developed by Aikenhead, Ryan, and Fleming (1989), were modified and used in this study. Five more items were developed by the researcher to meet the purpose of the study. The instrument was administered to 64 university professors at the Faculties of Science, Engineering, Agriculture, Medicine, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Education. The results showed that out of the four societal agents (government, the private sector, the public at large, and culture) identified by McGinn (1991) the first and the last have the most potent influence on S&T in the Arab world. The study also found that the influences of the Arab culture on S&T have positive and negative nature. Positive influences are cultural, political or economic. Positive cultural influences are: the promising role in reviving ijtihad 3 to encourage researchers to study and understand nature, the placed emphasis by Islam on the importance of pursuing knowledge, and international competition. Political and economic positive influences are the Arab people's intent to be in position equivalent to developed cultures regarding S&T and Arab states efforts in preparing researchers in different areas. Negative influences are also cultural, political, or economic. For example, forcing taqlid 4 in different aspect of life is a damaging cultural influence. Political and economic negative influences include little or no research funding, bureaucracy, heavy dependence on imported scientific and technological products, and brain drain. The study recommended the following: (1) to revive the concept of ijtihad to encourage developments in S&T; (2) to provide children with adequate conditions and resources to acquire good background in S&T in a way that considers students' world view; (3) to ensure enough financial resources for instituting S&T; (4) to empower Arab universities to participate effectively in instituting S&T; and (5) to unify Arab states efforts to establish a strategic plan for instituting S&T.  相似文献   

对现代教育技术促进高职教育教学改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代教育技术不仅是以计算机多媒体技术和网络技术为核心的媒体传播技术,而且包括改变教师的教育观念、教育手段和方法的现代化理念。现代教育技术还将会从根本上改变传统的教育观念和教育模式,促进高职教育教学改革。  相似文献   

注重素质教育,加强大学生科技创新能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中共中央、国务院以及全社会高度重视的背景下,深化教育改革,全面推进素质教育已经成为新时期大学教育的重点工作.其中,培养大学生的创新精神和实践能力,特别是他们的科技创新能力成为全面推进素质教育的重中之重.本文从解析大学生科技创新在素质教育中的地位和作用入手,分析了依靠科技创新活动的大力开展,增强大学科技创新能力,推进大学生素质教育的意义,并在此基础上提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

对电子信息科学与技术专业的现状进行了分析,认为有必耀对此专业的课程体系和实验室建设进行优化。从和谐的专业人才培养体系出发,立足于专业的系统化、模块化、特色化,介绍了电子信息科学与技术专业课程体系与实验室建设优化的思路,构建了一种新颖的专业课程体系框架和实验系统。进而探讨了和谐的专业课程体系与实验室对学生能力培养的作用,旨在使本专业的学生通过努力,能做到厚基础、宽口径、重实践,以适应新时期的要求。  相似文献   

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