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陈晓华 《冰雪运动》2008,30(6):28-30
冰球比赛新规则中对比赛中在队员犯规后的处理上和解除的顺序等方面都有很大的变化,这对冰球运动的技战术发展有着重要的影响,促进着训练方法与手段的改进,并对运动员的技战术的全面性提出更高的要求。通过查阅相关文献,对“自动结束处罚”的概念进行剖析,并采用归纳法将其分成6种类型,并结合实例对每种类型进行深入研究,为教练员、运动员和裁判员能切实把握规则变化的实质,改进训练工作和裁判工作,提供理论依据与参考。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to adapt a performance measurement tool, the Team Sport Assessment Procedure (TSAP), to ice hockey during match-play. In addition to the six categories included in the original observational procedure, the ice hockey TSAP contained four new categories. Twelve Pee-Wee ice hockey matches were video-recorded during a regional championship tournament. The game play of 103 of the 11- to 12-year-old players was then analysed on video by three trained observers, based on all 10 ice hockey TSAP categories. The observational data were thereafter used to compute, for each player, a “volume of play per minute” and an efficiency index. Finally, volume of play per minute and the efficiency index were combined to obtain a composite score, the TSAP performance score. Additional measurements for each player were playing time during the observed matches, coaches’ assessments (dominant, good, less decisive), and player tournament statistics (number of points, based on assists and goals). The mean TSAP performance score was substantially higher for players rated by their coaches as dominant and for players who accumulated more than one tournament point, findings that provide evidence of the validity of the TSAP measure. In inter-observer reliability analyses of TSAP observational data provided by the trained observersfrom video recordings, the level of agreement between each pair of observers was 80–82%. Reliability correlations over a series of three matches (r=0.26, 0.59, and 0.16 respectively) showed that the TSAP performance score was relatively unstable. Ice hockey coaches may use this adapted Team Sport Assessment Procedure to better understand the offensive implication of each player in a given match, since the 10 observational variables provide more extensive information on performance than traditional statistical measures. Due to low performance stability of the TSAP performance score, coaches ought to use the observational assessment data for the formative rather than the summative assessment of their players unless they cumulate information over a series of several matches. Formative assessment can be conducted either during training camps or even during the regular season.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,研究冰球赛事对齐齐哈尔的城市影响,针对冰球赛事在齐齐哈尔的发展形势,提出相应的冰球赛事发展策略,旨在推动齐齐哈尔市冰球体育赛事开展的同时,依托冰球赛事提升齐齐哈尔城市形象,促进城市发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify joint angular kinematics that corresponds to shooting accuracy in the stationary ice hockey wrist shot. Twenty-four subjects participated in this study, each performing 10 successful shots on four shooting targets. An eight-camera infra-red motion capture system (240 Hz), along with passive reflective markers, was used to record motion of the joints, hockey stick, and puck throughout the performance of the wrist shot. A multiple regression analysis was carried out to examine whole-body kinematic variables with accuracy scores as the dependent variable. Significant accuracy predictors were identified in the lower limbs, torso and upper limbs. Interpretation of the kinematics suggests that characteristics such as a better stability of the base of support, momentum cancellation, proper trunk orientation and a more dynamic control of the lead arm throughout the wrist shot movement are presented as predictors for the accuracy outcome. These findings are substantial as they not only provide a framework for further analysis of motor control strategies using tools for accurate projection of objects, but more tangibly they may provide a comprehensive evidence-based guide to coaches and athletes for planned training to improve performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the interaction of players’ skill level, body strength, and sticks of various construction and stiffness on the performance of the slap and wrist shots in ice hockey. Twenty male and twenty female subjects were tested. Ten of each gender group were considered skilled and ten unskilled. In addition to general strength tests, each subject performed the slap and wrist shots with three stick shafts of different construction and stiffness. Shot mechanics were evaluated by simultaneously recording ground reaction forces from a force plate, stick movement and bending from high speed filming and peak puck velocity from a radar gun. Data were analysed with a 4-way repeated measures ANOVA for several dependent variables including peak puck velocity, peak Z (vertical) force, peak bending and stick to ground angles, peak angular deflection of the shaft, and hand placement on the stick. The results indicated that: 1) the slap shot was much faster than the wrist shot corresponding to greater vertical loading force, stick bending, and greater width of the hand placement; 2) the puck velocity was influenced by skill level and body strength but not stick type; and, 3) that skilled players were able to generate more vertical force and bend of the stick, in part, by adjusting their hand positions on the stick. Further studies are needed to address the specific influence of body strength and skill on the techniques of these shots and in relation to stick material and construction properties.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine how Canadian women’s hockey stakeholders view the elite female hockey program and its impact upon the ability of a player to progress along the athlete development pathway. This research applied institutional work through institutional maintenance to address this purpose. A total of 21 semi-structured interviews were conducted with players, parents, coaches and administrators with experience within elite female ice hockey programs. The finding indicated a static approach that mimicked the dominant male elite sport development model that both enabled and constrained the opportunities for female players to advance to high performance levels. The implications for the future success of women’s elite hockey in Canada, and the value of the Canadian model as an exemplar to countries building their female hockey systems are discussed.  相似文献   

More than 1 million Canadian adults play recreational ice hockey. Compared to elite players, very little is known about the physical and health characteristics of people who play the game for fun. Analyzing data from Statistics Canada’s 2011/12 Canadian Community Health Survey, the paper found that there is an association between physically active males age 35 or over who play ice hockey regularly (at least once a week) and enhanced health more so than other physically active males. While these players are larger in body size, they have significantly lower rates of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease and report significantly higher rates of self-assessed health. Given the potential health benefits associated with this high intensity sport, the paper discusses ways in which participation can be promoted among less physically active adults and people who are new to the game or who have historically lower levels of participation including women and recent immigrants. Finally, the paper argues that compared to the very high costs associated with child and youth hockey, participation in adult recreational ice hockey is quite affordable.  相似文献   

Little biomechanical research has been conducted recently on hockey skating despite the sport's worldwide appeal. One reason for this lack of biomechanical knowledge stems from the difficulty of collecting data. The lack of accuracy, the disputable realism of treadmills, and the large field of view required are some of the technical challenges that have to be overcome. The main objective of the current study was to improve our knowledge of the joint kinematics during the skating stroke. A second objective was to improve the data collection system we developed and the third was to establish if a kinematic progression exists in the hockey skating stroke similar to that in speed skating. Relative motions at the knee and ankle joints were computed using a joint coordinate system approach. The differences at the knee joints in push-offs indicated that the skating skill was progressively changing with each push-off. The relative stability of the ankle angles can be attributed to the design of the skate boots, which have recently become very rigid. Further research on ice hockey skating is warranted and should include more skaters and investigate the effect various starting strategies and variations in equipment have on skaters' performance.  相似文献   

体育运动中神经-肌肉疲劳研究的新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要回顾神经-肌肉疲劳的研究历史,并从生理学角度综述近年来国内外有关中枢性疲劳与外周疲劳的理论研究成果以及在实验研究方面取得的新进展.有关中枢性疲劳,着重介绍5-羟色胺、多巴胺、乙酰胆碱等中枢神经递质参与运动性疲劳的形成与恢复的新证据与新理论(可能的机制).有关外周疲劳机制,从神经肌肉接头处的超微结构到骨骼肌细胞的亚细胞结构等可能发生疲劳的部位,将近年来的研究成果作简要概括.这些研究成果表明有关运动性疲劳的生理学研究进入到亚细胞水平与分子水平.  相似文献   

神经-肌肉疲劳的生理学研究进展   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本文简要的回顾了神经肌肉疲劳的研究历史,并从生理学角度综述近年来国内外的研究人员在中枢性疲劳与外周疲劳的理论与实验研究方面取得的新进展。有关中枢性疲劳,本文着重介绍了5-羟色胺、多巴胺、乙酰胆碱等中枢神经递质参与运动性疲劳的形成与恢复的新证据与新理论(可能的机制)。有关外周疲劳机制,本文从神经肌肉接头处的超微结构到骨骼肌细胞的亚细胞结构等可能发生疲劳的部位,将近年来的研究成果作了一个简要的概括。这些研究成果表明:有关运动性疲劳的生理学研究进入到亚细胞水平与分子水平。  相似文献   


Decision tree induction is a novel approach to exploring attacker-defender interactions in many sports. In this study hockey was chosen as an example to illustrate the potential use of decision tree inductions for the purpose of identifying and communicating characteristics that drive the outcome. Elite female players performed one-versus-one contests (n = 75) over two sessions. Each contest outcome was classified as either a win or loss. Position data were acquired using radio-tracking devices, and movement-based derivatives were calculated for two time epochs (5 to 2.5 seconds, and 2.5 to zero seconds before the outcome occurred). A decision tree model was trained using these attributes from the first session data, which predicted that when the attacker was moving at ≥ 0.5 m · s?1 faster than the defender during the early epoch, the probability of an attacker's win was 1.00. Conversely, when the speed difference at that time was below this threshold the probability of a loss was 0.78. Secondary attributes included defender speed in the lateral direction during the early epoch, and angle of attack (i.e., angle between the respective velocity vectors of the attacker and defender) during the late epoch. The model was then used to predict outcomes of one-versus-one contests from the second session (accuracy = 0.643; area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve = 0.712). Moreover, decision trees provide an intuitive framework for relating spatial-temporal concepts to coaches, and the suitability of decision trees for analysing the features of one-versus-one exchanges are discussed.  相似文献   

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