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建立质量标准是保证开放大学教育质量的核心要素。通过问卷调查和访谈研究发现,学生时间投入、知识基础、学习参与、办学组织管理和质量监控是目前影响远程教育质量的主要因素;教师队伍、支持服务、课程资源、质量管理和网络平台是影响开放大学远程教育质量的前五大要素,也是开放大学质量标准的关键要素。开放大学质量评价要突出能力本位,开放大学高等学历教育要采用与普通高校相同的教育质量要求,建构以能力和学习成效为本的开放大学质量标准。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that only 8% of postsecondary students in the United States who have a hearing loss have disclosed that hearing loss to their institutions. Consistent with this suggestion, two anonymous surveys of students enrolled in courses with the Open University in the United Kingdom suggested that there were roughly 9,000 students in the Open University itself and over 42,000 students in higher education across the United Kingdom as a whole who had a hearing loss that they had not disclosed to their institutions. These students tended to be older people with a relatively mild hearing loss that did not disrupt their communication with other students or their active engagement with learning activities. The impact of the students' hearing loss upon their approaches to studying seemed to be relatively slight, but it was associated with an increase in the students' perceived academic workload.  相似文献   

雷彩珠 《成人教育》2019,39(10):24-30
中日韩三国开放大学发展历史各异,但均已成为各国构建终身教育体系的基石。三国开放大学在办学理念、组织架构、人才培养、教育信息化等方面各具特色,符合各自的办学定位。整体看,中国开放大学比较注重服务基层和推进教育公平,日韩开放大学比较注重办学质量、学术水平等的提升。对于中国开放大学发展而言,还要正确认知合法地位、办学质量、学习服务支持体系以及国际交流、资源共享等方面的挑战,明确其未来发展方向。  相似文献   

开放大学是在以现代信息技术为支撑,以实体综合性大学为依托,在开放的公共教育环境下以满足学习者各种类型及层次的教育需求为目标,既坚持高等教育学历提升,又积极推进非学历继续教育及公共教育服务支持的开放性高等教育机构。作为一种新型的高等教育机构,开放大学促进了世界高等教育的民主化和公平化,也将终身教育的理念推行至实处。开放大学的质量保障涉及多个因素,要在学生、教师、课程和良好的师生互动等方面进行严格把关。开放大学不仅仅应该充当一种新型的教育机构,更应该成为一种无形的教育理念贯穿于有形的教育机构中。鼓励开放大学与传统大学走向融合,这将会为高等教育全民化的到来作出更大的贡献。  相似文献   

Previous economic studies of the Open University have concentrated on the cost side; this paper looks at the output of the Open University compared to conventional universities. In 1976 multiple choice questions were included in the two second level economics examination papers (D222 and D282); norming data for these questions had already been generated for thousands of university students from 1970 to 1973 during the course of the Economics Education project. The findings show that OU students score at the same level as first year conventional university students in microeconomics, and score significantly higher than third year CU students in macroeconomics. To check whether the favourable performance of OU students was due to being “test-wise” in multiple choice questions, two essay questions from the 1976 Open University D282 paper were set in a conventional university and a “blind” marking exercise was carried out. The result indicated that OU students performed at least as well as their CU counterparts. Further tests were carried out to check on the effect of students previously having taken OU economics courses and whether OU economics students are representative of all students.  相似文献   

香港公开大学与上海电视大学都是国内远程教育领域里的领头羊,从办学方式、办学理念、教学模式、生源素质、网上教学等角度来看,两校有着诸多相似之处.站在学习者的角度,为他们提供优质的服务莫过于为他们提供功能强大的网络教学平台.为了能更好地践行"两个一切"办学宗旨,本研究采用问卷调查方法,分析两校网络教学平台功能上的差异,从而总结各自的优点和缺点,并分析学习者最常用、最喜欢和最关心的功能,对网络教学平台的改版升级有着非常重要的参考价值.同时,对于其他远程教育单位也有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

国家开放大学中大学生退学的情况时有发生,大学生的退学对于大学生本人、学校以及社会都会产生一定的影响。本文主要剖析了开放大学的大学生退学原因,并针对大学生退学的原因提供了相应的对策,希望能够降低大学生的退学率,使之能够顺利完成学业。  相似文献   

试论开放大学的内涵发展与能力构建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
多年来,各国开放大学的实践活动向我们揭示了这样一个不争的事实:即开放大学正是通过促进内涵发展,提高其社会服务的能力,创造了社会新的资本和财富。在分析研究开放大学实践发展的过程中,笔者认为,促进开放大学继续发展的内在动力不是一味追求学习者数量的增长,也不是一味看重更为时尚的技术设施,发展开放大学只有不断加强内涵建设,提高教育质量,拓展社会服务功能,才会更好地立足社会,服务社会,并不断提高自身发展的能力,迎接新世纪的挑战。  相似文献   

There are many reasons why Indian open universities are adding online learning opportunities to their course offerings. Two universities, the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) and the Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU), have been developing online aspects of their programs for some years. This article documents the experiences at IGNOU and then examines the situation for online development at YCMOU. Lessons can be learned from both experiences. These include being strategic in choosing which courses to offer, and in deciding which services to develop for which clientele. Choosing those that will bring the greatest enhancement in flexibility and efficiency for the least amount of new skill requirement from learners is likely to be of biggest benefit. Keeping cognizant of the computing context of learner sub‐groups and enhancing learning through additional optional online services is most likely to result in effective courses and quality student services while maintaining efficiencies in financial logistics.  相似文献   


In 1988 the Open University is implementing a major new policy on the use of computers in its courses; students taking certain courses will be obliged to have access to a microcomputer. This new policy has many far‐reaching consequences, not least for students who are disabled. In the past most computing in Open University courses has been done by students using terminals in local study centres, linked to the University's mainframe computers. Also, a number of students who are disabled have used computers in their studies, principally for word‐processing written work. By interviewing disabled students who have taken such courses, and surveying other disabled students, it has been possible to anticipate to some extent the likely impact of the home‐computing (HC) policy. Results suggest that for many disabled‐ students the HC policy represents an improvement in their opportunities; now they will be able to study courses involving computers entirely at home. However, a number of problems have also been identified. Hopefully, as many of these have been recognised at an early stage, it will be possible to address them before they affect students directly.  相似文献   

The nature of counselling and advisory services which the Open University offers its students and applicants is dictated by the fact that its students are learning at a distance, are adults, and are not engaged in full-time study. In addition, a policy of open entry means that while some students come from a background of higher education, others have few or no previous qualifications. These factors require the University to try to provide an individual service to its applicants and students whenever possible. In pursuit of this aim students are allocated to Tutor-Counsellors, part-time staff who are locally based and who have a continuing responsibility for the progress of individual students from their initial registration until graduation. These Tutor-Counsellors play a considerable part in determining the extent, nature, and timing of the resources with which the university can support an individual student. Tuition for higher level specialist courses is normally provided by tutors at a greater distance, with the Tutor-Counsellors continuing to provide local generalist support. The Open University has set up a regional infra-structure of full-time academic and administrative staff for the support, briefing, supervision, and organization of this local network of part-time staff.  相似文献   

狄晓暄 《成人教育》2012,32(10):10-11
文章以国家开放大学的建设为背景,从学生工作角度论述了建立学生学校归属感的有效措施.通过文献分析,列举了地方电大开展的有助于建立学生学校归属感的学生工作项目,并且实地调研了解学生对学生工作的需求及建议.在此基础上,对国家开放大学的学生工作提出了几点建议,认为促进学生的学校归属感,对国家开放大学的建设有一定的帮助作用.  相似文献   

Since January 1972, the Open University has been operating a project for the undergraduate education of the growing number of hearing-impaired students. These students face psychological, social and linguistic problems and other difficulties which arise from their isolation in the world, their limited ability to communicate and their educational background.So far, the project has been able to offer support in terms of education (special tutorials, discussions, etc.), communication (special equipment, interpreters, trained personnel) and what may be termed psycho-social therapy (counselling, technical help, general support). In many of the students, this has led to an increase of self-confidence and an improvement in the ability to communicate, as well as in educational achievements. This paper describes the work which has been done, and is being done, by the Open University project, for a very neglected sector of the disabled community.Open University  相似文献   

The Open University has a unique partnership with the BBC. The BBC produces television, radio and audio‐cassette material in conjunction with Open University academic and other course design staff. Producers are full members of course teams. The Government, through its grant to the University, pays the full cost of the BBC's services to the University. The BBC has set up a department (BBC/OUP) specifically to provide services to the Open University. In Autumn, 1981, a brand‐new, £5½ million purpose‐built studio complex became operational on the University campus, and is managed by the BBC on the University's behalf. Currently, over 1,500 Open University television programmes are transmitted each year on the BBC's national television networks.

The University funds a small research group to investigate the use of audio‐visual media in the University. The research group carries out studies of programme utilisation across the 140 different courses, to assist with the planning and allocation of production and transmission resources. It also carries out more detailed research into individual programmes and course strategies for using television. More recently, the research group has been paying particular actention to how students learn from television. This paper explores some recent theory, and research developments on the role and character of television, and its impact on learning in distance education.  相似文献   

英国开放大学是世界上最早成功开展远程教学的大学之一,它的创办旨在为因各种原因无法或者不方便进入传统高校学习的人士提供高质量的高等教育,实现社会正义。它实行的是向所有人开放的开放招生制度。通过对英国开放大学的开放招生制度及其扩大参与的政策的阐述,揭示其在实现社会正义中的重要作用。  相似文献   

网络教学的实践与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合安徽电大开放教育学院网上教学实践,探讨了教师和学生如何利用网络来进行教和学,阐述了通过实践取得的成效。在此基础上,对网络教学中师生思想观念的转变、交互功能的发挥以及支持服务体系的完善三个方面提出一些建议。  相似文献   

The economics of the open university   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  

在远程教育以前所未有的速度发展的时代,关于什么是远程教育,远程教育与教育是怎样的关系,以及怎样管理和发展远程教育等问题仍值得我们在大踏步前进的时候进行深入反思。好在我们身边总是有很多智者,他们以睿智的眼光和丰富的经验审视着整个领域的发展。本次访谈的主角格伦维尔·鲁姆博尔就是其中的一位。鲁姆博尔在上个世纪70年代初就加盟了英国开放大学,这使得他有机会参与到远程教育的各个实践领域,积累了大量丰富的经验。因此他的研究兴趣和成果极其广泛,涉及到远程教育的基本理论体系,系统的组织、管理与评估,及远程教育经济学研究等多个方面。在您阅读鲁姆博尔教授的访谈过程时,相信您会和我们一样徜徉在远程教育的昨天、今天和明天这一历史发展的进程之中,尽情享受着智者的箴言。  相似文献   

英国开放大学作为世界远程教育的成功典范,在教学模式、资源建设等方面有着自己的特色。文章对英国开放大学的总体概况、教学模式、资源建设、支持服务等方面情况作了介绍;从明确定位、扩大开放、树立品牌、加强建设、完善服务等方面对如何建设开放大学等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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