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作为马来西亚第一所开放远程学习机构,马来西亚开放大学的创建旨在通过向不同背景的人士提供高等教育机会,从而帮助政府实现教育民主化的倡议。然而,这里存在两个明显不相容的议题,一是无所不包,另一个就是卓越。为了应对这一挑战,马来西亚开放大学设计并实施了一些策略,以确保获得学习机会的学习者能有成功的机会,这些策略涉及到开放远程学习的很多方面,例如入学要求、提供相关专业和课程、适当的评估和监控。本文还介绍了规模和保持方面的问题,以及未来一些新的确保教育公平、灵活的方法。  相似文献   

英国开放大学的成功经验之一是为学生提供“获得支持的开放学习”。这种支持主要体现在学校为学生提供便于自学的课程材料、灵活的课程设计、个别化的教师指导、多样的学习方式、必要的技术支持、完善的服务系统和周到的特别服务。这些做法对我国远程教育的改革发展有着积极的启发和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为了更好地满足远程开放教育的学习需要,长期以来国内外研究者就学习支持服务这一主题开展了大量的研讨,但至今尚无标准可依。随着我国远程开放教育的不断发展,原有的学习支持服务体系暴露出一些局限性。本文结合上海开放大学的实践与探索,采用问卷调查等方法,分析了远程开放教育教学过程中存在的问题,提出从教师资源支持服务、教学资源支持服务、教学过程支持服务、教育设施支持服务及教育管理支持服务五个维度(五维体系)来设计学习支持服务体系。通过对五维体系在远程开放教育中运作过程的研究,建构“以学习者为中心”的学习支持服务体系的理念,阐述了学习支持服务体系在创新教学模式、整合教育资源、契合学习者个性化需求等方面的运作成效。  相似文献   

学习支持服务系统是远程开放教学系统中一个重要的子系统,是远程开放教育区别于传统教育的关键。随着电大开放教育事业的迅速发展,学习支持服务系统的构建越来越为人们所重视,本文通过对开放教育条件下学习支持服务系统建设的必要性,学习支持服务系统的基本内容及如何优化学习支持服务系统作了相应的阐述。  相似文献   

In the context of internationalisation, the delivery of higher education programmes increasingly combines open learning with collaborations among people of diverse languages and cultures. In this paper we argue that while the literature on international education focuses on mapping modes of delivery in international education, there is also a need to recognise that it is these modes, together with language and culture, which mediate the delivery of programmes. Drawing on data from a case study of collaboration between an Australian university and an educational institution in Malaysia, we argue that international education per force involves collaboration and that this collaboration is mediated.  相似文献   

在二十余年的发展过程中,香港公开大学逐步获得学士、硕士、博士学位以及荣誉博士的授予资格,成为国际公认的远程及成人教育中心之一。内地近十余年间对香港公开大学从教育理念、办学特色、教学质量保证体系、合作办学等方面进行了广泛研究,为国内开放大学的建设和发展提供了可资借鉴的宝贵经验。  相似文献   

我们生活在一个快速变化的世界。我们可以用不断涌现的技术做很多事情,例如,我可以给你拍照并同步上传到互联网上。然而,如果真要挖掘世界的潜力,这些只是表面现象,我们必须改变思维的过程。因此,本文认为,开源软件为开放学习和开放大学提供了一个模式。文章首先介绍了开放的理念,并以此作为软件、学习和大学的基础。  相似文献   

《Distance Education》2012,33(2):221-236
This article focuses on the potential of free tools, particularly inquiry tools for influencing participation in twenty-first-century learning in science, as well as influencing the development of communities around tools. Two examples are presented: one on the development of an open source tool for structured inquiry learning that can bridge the formal/informal spaces for inquiry learning. This is contrasted with an example of the use of free tools and community development for observation of scientific phenomena supported by open educational resources (OER) with a citizen science perspective. The article provides an assessment of how the availability of the resources has a potential for shaping the communities using OER for science learning and a discussion of the means of supporting inquiry.  相似文献   

陈守刚 《宜宾学院学报》2011,(6):117-118,122
以开放教育和云技术为背景,提出了开放学习子云(OLSC).它具有归一化的学习服务能力、高效快捷的资源提供能力、多样化的学习平台、可靠安全的数据存储、配置方便成本低等特点,并给出了其逻辑结构和实体结构设计.  相似文献   

要保证民族地区新型的远程开放大学的教育教学质量,就必须建立健全完善的学习支持服务体系.在解读学习支持服务和学习支持服务系统概念的基础上,对内蒙古电大学习支持服务体系的现状进行实证调查统计,围绕开放大学的建设目标,梳理民族地区开放大学学习支持服务体系建设原则,提出了民族地区建设开放大学学习支持服务体系的基本建设框架思路.  相似文献   

本文从成人学生自主学习心理现状入手,分析了远程开放教育中影响学生自主学习效果的心理因素,并对如何培养学生自主学习心理素质提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

This study surveys 200 Malay students enrolled in three Chinese primary schools in relation to three issues, i.e., parental choice of schooling, learning processes and inter-ethnic friendship patterns. The three issues are explored through a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Parental expectations for their children's learning and academic outcomes emerge as the dominant factor influencing Malay enrollment in Chinese primary schools. Unfortunately, the Malay students are unable to meet these high expectations due to learning difficulties that stem from the lack of proficiency in the Chinese-medium of instruction, despite intervening measures by the school authorities. Their learning difficulties are also compounded by the lack of parental inputs as well as the limited use of code-switching by teachers. Meanwhile, the fostering of inter-ethnic friendships is impeded by ethnic differences, the rise of Islamic awareness and the increased numerical size of Malay students. However, there is a willingness among the Malay students to interact with the Chinese students through task-related activities, indicating that the fostering of inter-ethnic friendships needs to be guided by a convergence of interests.  相似文献   

This paper identifies the key factors that contribute to the Open School in India students' satisfaction, considering student support elements at pre‐entry, start up, learning, evaluation and certification and after certification phases. The study adapted Rekkedal and Eriksen's importance‐satisfaction model to recognise areas that are important to students as well as their degree of satisfaction with each attribute. It is found that the student group considered is generally satisfied with the support elements that they perceive to be important and there is a strong positive linear relationship (r =0.83) between importance and satisfaction. However, according to the group, priority needs to be given to personal contact programmes in the study centres, online tutorials and feedback on assignments, which are three prime support elements in the learning phase.  相似文献   

澳大利亚昆士兰州开放教育网络(QOLN)在运用开放学习的方法来传递教学并支持地区性的,乡村和偏远社区的学习中发挥了得要作用,介绍了这个网络的操作,网络的产品与服务,网络的教学传递和支持系统以及该网络的未来发展计划等。  相似文献   

Enthusiasts and evangelists of open educational resources (OER) see these resources as a panacea for all of the problems of education. However, despite its promises, their adoption in educational institutions is slow. There are many barriers to the adoption of OER, and many are from within the community of OER advocates. This commentary calls for a wider discussion to remove these barriers to mainstreaming OER in teaching and learning and argues for a rethinking of the idea of ‘open’ to make it more inclusive by redefining the concept. It reminds us of the original thinking behind OER – which was to create universally available educational resources that can improve the quality of teaching and learning. This commentary posits arguments against conflating OER and open education, questions the narrow definitions of OER, and raises issues around how to be more flexible and open to mainstreaming OER and removing barriers from within the OER movement.  相似文献   

建设开放大学,既是江苏电大事业发展的必然选择,也是江苏高等教育事业发展的趋势。要保证江苏开放大学的教育质量,就必须健全完善的学习服务体系。在对江苏省成人高等教育学习服务体系的现状进行实证调查与深入分析的基础上,围绕开放大学的人才培养模式要求,从教学支持服务体系(教学管理体系、资源服务体系)建设和学习支持服务体系(学习支持管理体系、数字教育公共服务平台体系、学习管理制度体系)建设两大方面,提出相应的对策及措施。  相似文献   

试析印度高等教育经费筹措模式   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从教育发展、经费来源等方面分析印度高等教育经费筹措模式 ,论述其高等教育投资的各种方法的必要性和可能性 ,希望开展对印度高等教育投资的研究能对我国高等教育的发展有借鉴作用  相似文献   

高等教育质量评价体系主要基于人才培养特点而构建。民办高等教育人才培养具有多样化、特色化特征,无疑增加了质量评价工作的难度,并加剧了质量评价的复杂性,由此带来诸多问题,主要包括:评价主体单一;评价标准粗放统一;后续监督机制缺乏。构建开放、多元、立体的民办高等教育质量评价体系,对于完善高等教育质量评价内容、促进民办高等教育发展具有积极意义。  相似文献   

现代远程开放教育教学系统是以现代远程教育教学理论为指导 ,以信息技术和多媒体技术为支撑 ,融合当代最先进的开放教育理念 ,应用于现代远程开放教育教与学过程的综合服务系统。该系统由教学、教务管理、教学辅助三大功能模块和用户合法性与安全认证模块构成  相似文献   

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