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Mary Thorpe 《Open Learning》2013,28(2):105-119
The use of computer-mediated communication (CMC) as an integral part of the design of distance taught courses raises interesting challenges to our thinking about course design and learner support. These have typically been conceptualised as two complementary but distinct systems in distance education, characterised by different practices often carried out by different groups of staff. Where CMC is designed as an integral part of the course, with collaborative learning as essential to assessment and study, this separation breaks down. The design of online activities is integral to both learner support and the course content, with new possibilities for open and distance learning as a result. Where the learning group itself is a resource for study and personal development, it also becomes feasible to orientate courses and programmes towards local teams and communities. Online tutors play a key role and need to develop 'the technology of conversation' and expertise in the design of activities, as part of their facilitator role.  相似文献   

远程学习者在线学习行为无疑会影响到远程学习效果,研究远程学习者的在线学习行为是远程开放教育重要的课题之一。研究设计了三组实验.以明确远程学习者在线学习行为的特征、影响因素及远程学习者在线学习行为与其课程成绩之间的关系。研究表明:远程学习者的在线学习行为具有习惯性、适应性特征:远程学习者的在线行为会受到学习者有无远程学习经历、所在班级学习共同体及年级学习共同体的影响:远程学习者在线学习行为与其课程成绩之间无直接相关关系。最后,针对研究结论,提出了改进远程学习者在线学习行为的相关建议。  相似文献   

Interaction is a recurrent theme in the literature on distance education. Much of the research along these lines is dedicated to reciprocal interpersonal interaction, that is, learner–learner and learner–instructor interaction. But there is far less research interest in learner–content interaction despite its fundamental and critical role in ensuring the effectiveness of the distance learning experience and education more generally. This article reflects on the interrelationship and interplay between learner–content, learner–instructor and learner–learner interactions by drawing on the three-types-of-interaction framework, equivalency theorem and other interaction research literature. It concludes by calling for more effort to be made to understand how distance learners study course materials or content, arguing that distance learning course materials may not be able to cater for distance learners and achieve their intended learning outcomes unless their design and production are informed by empirical research on learner–content interaction.  相似文献   

新课改实施多年,但实际教学中仍存在不少呆板的应试模式,文章针对语文课堂阅读教学的现状,结合课程改革强调的培养学生学习自主性的精神,从实际的教学经验出发论述了进行语文课堂自主阅读教学的策略,即给学生一个轻松活泼的学习环境,促进学生增强自主意识;让学生掌握一套行之有效的阅读方法,即自学存疑、学会质疑、讨论析疑、总结规律;等等,从而使语文阅读教学灵动有趣。  相似文献   

The ideological moorings of distance education, both as a discipline and as a mode, rest on cognisance of multiple and varying contexts of learners, which it aims to address through responsive course content creation and delivery strategies. One of the frames through which the context needs to be understood is gender. There is research stating that gender both structures and influences the world of the learner and learner experience; therefore, learning needs to be contextualised to women’s personal, social, mental and emotional milieux. Through a qualitative inquiry, undertaken within the constructivist framework, aimed at uncovering the perspectives of learners and counsellors associated with five programmes of Indira Gandhi National Open University, the present paper attempts to revisit gender in open and distance learning (ODL). It seeks to uncover the impact of gender on learning through the distance mode; the need and availability of support structures in ODL to address the specific needs of women; the reflection and transaction of gender perspectives in content and pedagogy and, through this, to identify issues that may be relevant in the present‐day context. The findings of the study are not a function of gender alone. A matrix of variables appears to impact learner experience and response to ODL – the structuring of the programme and its requirements, the role(s) played by the counsellors, the motivations and the learning milieux created by the learners – all independently and collectively influence the learners’ – male and female – experience of ODL. While gender is not the independent variable each time, this does not mean that there are no gender‐specific issues any more – only that they need to be examined and answered in a particular context.  相似文献   

Thai Distance English Learners and Learner Autonomy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The study reported here represents an attempt to explore learner autonomy in a distance education setting in Thailand. Autonomy is a key element in learning a language at a distance and is reflected in the number and quality of learning strategies students employ. Data for this study were collected using a questionnaire sent to students country-wide, ThinkAloud protocols and interviews. Using a number of criteria which emerged from the study, students were grouped into two kinds of language learner: self sufficient language learners, who were able to follow the course but displayed a limited degree of learner autonomy, and dynamic distance language learners, who were more proactive in their approach to learning. The outcomes from this study were used to draw conclusions about recommendations for future distance language course development and to develop theoretical work by the author relating to autonomous learning of languages at a distance  相似文献   


Much attention has been focused on the application of computer technology to the delivery of education, through open and distance learning. Within this framework, however, emphasis appears to have been placed on ideal human characteristics rather than on the reality of adult human nature and experience. Using some examples from higher education and continuing education in Australia, this paper discusses technology in relation to the management of open learning; the characteristics, expertise and experience of the instructional developer and the learner. The authors suggest that the design considerations for technology‐based delivery systems for adults should employ a conceptual organization based upon four types of teaching and learning activities.


体验和感悟是实施道德教育的有效方法。但是人的体验不是自然而然形成的,需要通过体验教育,才能达到优化的体验。教育者必须把体验教育和道德的内化机制结合起来,才能提升学生体验的层次,从而通过体验教育实现道德的内化。  相似文献   

An extensive body of research has indicated the benefits of collaborative, contextualised and enquiry-based learning for teachers’ professional development and school improvement. Yet professional learning is also known to be constrained by a number of factors, including the organisational limitations of schools, conflicting cultural practices and wider political demands. Schools–university partnerships have been developed to overcome some of these difficulties by transcending particular school contexts and offering alternative theoretical and practical perspectives. The complex combination of motivations, backgrounds and working contexts in such partnership work calls for attention to the individual and collective learning experiences of those involved, including the ways in which school and university contexts are, or could be, effectively bridged. This paper focuses on understanding the learning experienced by a cohort of teachers and school leaders involved in a two-year schools–university partnership Master of Education (M.Ed.) course in England. A mixed group of 15 experienced primary and secondary teachers and school leaders reflected on their learning at five points of time during and shortly after completing their M.Ed. course. Qualitative analysis of the group’s interview responses and reflective writing led to the identification of six related aspects of personal and professional learning experience: being a learner; learning as part of professional practice; widening repertoire; changing as a learner; personal growth; and critically adaptive practice. The identification and visual representation of these aspects of experience emerging within the group offers useful insight into teachers’ perspectives on learning in school and university contexts and their experiences of progression over time. We conclude that more explicit and central attention to the professional and personal learning elements of schools–university partnerships can help to resolve some of the binary ‘theory–practice’ tensions that have been extensively discussed in relation to partnership programmes and teacher professional development. There is a need to acknowledge variation in teachers’ learning experiences within schools–university partnerships, bearing in mind the ongoing nature of this reflective process with each new group of school and university colleagues. Analysis of participants’ learning experiences in school and university contexts also draws attention to the wider structures, values and cultures that influence, and are influenced by, schools–university partnership work.  相似文献   

The role of learner autonomy and self‐regulated learning in distance education has received much attention. The application of these concepts impacts course design and, potentially, learner achievement. In the case of distance language learning, course designers must consider not only how to help learners gain communicative competence but also language learner strategies that support success. Although the concepts of autonomy and self‐regulated learning share some similarities, they have been variously defined and applied to distance education. Current research and discussion has not synthesized the ways in which these factors can be more fully utilized to improve distance education. Based on a critical review and synthesis of the literature on autonomy and self‐regulation, this article contributes a new model for distance language learning. The model provides guidance for course designers and assists instructors in supporting their students.  相似文献   

我国网院学习支持服务体系之现状调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对具有一定代表性的17所现代远程教育试点高校的网络教育学院学习支持服务体系进行了现状调研,从组织结构、信息服务、资源服务、人员服务、实践性教学环节、作业和考试等几个方面进行了分析,进而对我国现代远程教育学习支持服务体系的建设提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

This article examines the learning by a dean of education through the process of executive coaching. In adopting a self-study approach to explore the experience of executive coaching, we draw on the notion of critical friendship as a way of interrogating the experience and the response to that experience in terms of leadership development and professional growth. We used data from audio-recordings of individual coaching sessions to construct vignettes designed to capture the essence of particular themes and issues germane to the learning through the coaching experiences. The major findings pertain to the notion of default behaviours and show how recognition of one's own default behaviours is important in shifting personal practice. The study opens up for scrutiny important aspects of the nature of the personal side of leading a faculty of education and offers insights into what it means to be a learner as a leader and how productive self-study can be in facilitating that learning process.  相似文献   

This article is concerned primarily with university‐related work‐based learning in the UK. The authors trace the development of work‐based learning from its early days to the wide variety of styles and scale currently being practised. In the wake of the Dearing Report, they review the experience of work experience and sandwich courses; the move from work experience to work‐based learning; work‐based learning for those in work; and work‐based learning through technological transfer. The authors identify key variables which appear to determine the nature of different styles of work‐based learning including the tension between the twin purposes of international competitiveness and student personal development, and the willingness of the universities to move from their traditional control of the curriculum to allow a greater variety of learning experiences. The authors focus on the emergence of learner‐managed three‐way partnerships between the learner, the university, and the employer based on real‐time, work‐based projects as a way of reconciling economic benefit with personal development as purposes for work‐based learning. The article concludes by identifying some of the key educational issues which such schemes raise and identifies possible future directions in which they might develop.  相似文献   

语学习是学生学习汉语言的具体的实践活动。语学习中的体验性学习是学生在主体接受性参与的基础上迈向主体体验性参与的过程。在这个过程中,学生所学的知识和主体人格得以升华和超越。体验性学习在语学习中的具体体现就是:学生与教师是主客一体,自然融合;学生与学生是交往合作,共同进步;学生与知识是物我交融,息息相通。  相似文献   

当前对远程学习中的个体情志研究多集中于学习动机领域,而忽视了学习意志力的重要性。通过对学习意志力的阐述和其在远程学习中作用的分析,将学习意志力的评价分为自我能效、结果控制、情感控制和元认知四个方面,并通过问卷方式对远程学习者的意志力进行了调查分析,发现当前远程学习者具备基本的意志能力,但在情感控制和结果控制方面存在严重问题,对学习过程缺乏掌控力,有碍学习目标的实现。  相似文献   

论远程学习的理论和模式   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
远程学习是指(教)师(学)生时空分离状态下学生主体的学习行为和思维活动。远程学习的理论和模式是远程教育理论体系中重要的基础理论。本文重点论述了以学生为中心的远程学习圈理论、远程学习的交互理论和远程学习模式。  相似文献   

Motivating learners to continue to study and enjoy learning is one of the critical factors in distance education. Flow theory is a useful framework for studying the individual experience of learning through using computers. In this study, I examine students’ emotional and cognitive responses to distance learning systems by constructing two models to test the students’ flow states. The first model examines the cause and effect of the flow experience when students use distance learning systems. The second model considers the impact of three types of interaction on the flow experience. A questionnaire‐based field survey is used to test the two models. Data from 253 distance learning students are examined under each of the two models. The results from Model 1 indicate that flow theory works well in a distance learning environment. The results from Model 2 point out that learner–instructor and learner–interface have a positive relationship with flow experience, whereas learner–learner interaction has not shown a significant relationship with flow experience.  相似文献   

Supporting Women Distance Learners in Tanzania   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This paper examines the kind of support women need to pursue distance learning successfully in a developing country context such as Tanzania. The paper shows that there are factors that make studying more difficult for women than for men. While the distance teaching institution has an important role to play in promoting learning, both the learner and the immediate social environment have a part to play in the student's success. A holistic approach is therefore necessary if effective support is to be realised. The paper ends with recommendations for improved practice.  相似文献   

This ethnographic study of a management learning experience by distance education analyses participants' changing conceptions and practices of management using the notions of professional empowerment, integration, odysseys and personal transformation. The study reveals the nature, extent and processes of professional empowerment and personal transformation. It also attempts to illuminate the contribution that the MBA program by distance education and ongoing workplace experience made to the processes of empowerment and perspective transformation. MBA participants are seen to be negotiating different stages of the empowerment/ transformation process. Different stages are seen to demand different empowerment/ transformative strategies, and to contain different forms of barriers to professional empowerment. The sobering possibility of participants experiencing professional disempowerment is highlighted in the study.  相似文献   

Within the field of higher education, there are situations where the learner is not well served in a classroom setting. Problematic issues such as scheduling, critical mass, time, pace and location have the potential to be counterbalanced by e-learning. Within this, the asynchronous nature of today's online learning environments and computer conferencing tools have popularly been claimed to offer tremendous benefits for learners who are willing to take responsibility for their own learning, to progress at their own pace, and interact with their online teacher to get immediate feedback on their learning and progress. Indeed, increasingly, educators today are very keen to exploit some of these new technologies for the benefit of their learners. It is argued in this article that there is a need to address the practice and research of asynchronous computer mediated conferencing. As conferencing tools become an increasingly common feature in students' experience, teachers need to have an understanding of how these tools facilitate the formation and maintenance of collaborative learning communities.  相似文献   

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