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Essentially, this is an account of my recent change of post within the world of education, from Head of English in a comprehensive school to Lecturer in English in Education in a university department of education. In reflecting on this change of places, I consider various aspects of both professions, including my own expectations, the nature of the teaching involved, educational research, partnerships in teacher education and differences in management. I attempt to draw tentative conclusions about the relationship between school life and that of teacher education and how each, through the sort of cross‐fertilisation which inevitably occurs when practitioners change places, may draw benefits from the other.  相似文献   

切入以社区教育为主的社会教育是河南开放大学的使命之一,社区教育内容庞杂,河南开放大学要取得河南社区教育的主导地位,必须充分发挥自己在网络教育领域的优势,以社区教育项目为抓手,把握服务社会,建设自己独特社区教育品牌的原则,在河南社区教育公共服务平台和社会教育领域设计与推展优秀的项目,提供适宜的学历教育与非学历教育项目,为河南学习型社会建设做出自己的贡献。  相似文献   


This article reports on the findings of an investigation in which 30 secondary schools rated the priority being given to and the likely impact on teaching and learning of a selection of 23 issues currently on the agenda for school improvement. Results are considered for the whole sample, and according to the role of respondents and school context. Schools are giving high priority to the implementation of national policies and school‐generated initiatives directed at improved classroom practice. However, the perceived impact of externally generated change is less than that of change for which school staff feel a sense of ownership. Policies directed at a consideration of resource issues, professional development and salary changes are accorded low priority and are not considered to have a marked impact on teaching and learning. There is a potential for frustration and loss of morale when policies that are thought to be of limited value within schools require time and sometimes extensive consideration. The article's conclusions for policy‐makers are directed at minimising this risk.  相似文献   

人员编制核定是办好开放大学的重要人才保障措施。开放大学人员编制的制定有办学性质和办学职能两个内在依据及政策法律和电大系统文件等外在依据,其制定需遵循复合性、客观性、效益性及发展性四项原则。开放大学人员编制的制定宜采用固定编制和流动编制(政府购买)相结合的配置标准,同时,通过相关措施使其编制工作实现科学化、制度化和信息化。  相似文献   

Over time my teaching role has evolved into one of facilitating adult learning. Recent studies that I have undertaken in higher education have met a felt need for further critical reflection on this approach. The discovery, through discussion and reading, of a language that enables me to conceptualise and investigate issues in teaching and learning has been a major part of this process, as has peer supervision. Engaging in this process in turn has encouraged continuing reflection in and on my practice.

My teaching area is theology, which involves critical reflection on experience and practice, and this has deeply influenced the way in which my teaching role has developed. Shared reflection in class interrelates with personal reflection, and has the potential to promote ongoing or lifelong learning. The facilitator's role in this setting combines caring and challenge, with the possibility of conflict management as well. It is hoped that aspects of my experience and practice in facilitating reflection in theology will be seen to have relevance to other areas of teaching.  相似文献   

英国开放大学再认识:理念篇   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
大学理念是人们对大学的总体认识,包括大学的本质、大学的目的与特性、大学使命、大学作用、大学制度、大学在社会中的角色。英国开放大学的基本理念来自于英国传统大学,又有着自己的创新发展。传统大学自治的理念明确了开放大学的性质,新兴大学服务地方的观念确定了开放大学的功能,英国成人教育以学生为中心的思路决定了开放大学的教学理念,而高等教育民主化与平等化是开放大学的办学指导思想。本文分析了英国开放大学的理念框架所包含的哲学思想、使命、传统、路径和价值观,剖解了开放大学在这一框架基础上的治校行为、办学价值、教学创新、科学探索和全球互动,总结了40年来开放大学的制度创新实践。英国开放大学引领了国际高等教育改革的潮流,形成了自己独特的文化精神气质。  相似文献   

地方开放大学长期缺失独立设置专业的权利,导致缺乏学科专业建设的经验与能力。在试点建设中,通过推进学科专业建设,从而构架学科专业体系、汇聚教学科研队伍、建设课程和网络学习资源,是试点工作的重中之重和当务之急。以云南开放大学为例,对地方开放大学学科专业建设的目标、原则、任务、内容和措施进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

韩国国立开放大学有过成功的历史,但目前它正处在困境之中。本文通过数据分析,描述了开放大学所存在的主要困难:①报名人数和在学学生的人数急剧减少;②学生注册率呈连续下降趋势;③学生出现女性化和大龄化的趋势;④学生数量少于招生指标的院系数目增多,不同院系学生数量之间的差距增大。根据韩国开放大学的经验,作者提出以下建议:把学生数维持在一个合理的范围内;开放大学要尽力提高教育质量。  相似文献   

创建江苏开放大学,经过了十多年的艰苦努力。对创建江苏开放大学三个方案的比较,可以看出电大人为寻求发展,探索建设江苏开放大学的艰难历程,弘扬电大人自强不息、创业创新的改革精神,并在新的发展环境下,继续寻求新型大学发展之路,为建成和建好江苏开放大学而奋斗。  相似文献   

开放教育理论的探索与实践,确立了秦皇岛电大崭新的开放办学思路,学校构建了开放教育新体系,开拓了开放教育工作新局面.  相似文献   

Cain, M. “Texts and the foreign language teacher: some reflections on aims,” Revue ATEE Journal 1980 (3) 135‐145.

This article, originally presented as a paper at a conference in Denmark on the notion of ‘text’ in language teaching, explores the aims of language teaching. The author relates what he considers to be progressive elements in language teaching pedagogy to the basically conservative tradition which exists in practice. Through an examination of the notion of ‘truth’ in connection with work with texts, he outlines three different traditions within educational theory: the positivist, the humanist and the emancipatory. Taking the last tradition as a factor of renewal, the author outlines a didactic model which would live up to the aims of modern language teaching as he sees them. In conclusion, a number of practical points are made relating to the application of such a model.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2002,15(4):365-370
Academic freedom is considered from the standpoint of Academia, students and higher learning institutions. The article raises some important principles including the notion of Dual Status that relate to academic freedom from the standpoint of Civil Society. Based upon the current situation in Egypt and from the author's experience as University President, the article focuses on academic freedom as a condition for the effective functioning of academic work by staff, students and institutions.  相似文献   

现代大学制度建设:正在进行时抑或还只是梦想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代大学制度因其概念的标准不同而存在着两类不同的观点,一种认为该概念的精神主旨是强调一种"质"的规定,因而现代大学制度的内涵应该是以"学术自由、教授治校、大学自治"为特征的西方大学制度.一种认为该概念的精神主旨是无须讨论的,我国现实的大学制度已经是现代大学制度.这种在基本概念认识方面的差异造成了制度形态和价值取向标准的不同.其分歧可能使现代大学制度建设活动步入歧途,终至于徒劳无功.  相似文献   

以ERP软件应用课程为背景,探讨开放性实验环境下的实验项目管理,包括实验项目体系的构建、实验项目的实施、评价与归集。根据课程知识体系构建的实验项目体系结合了常规性实验模式和开放式实验模式的优势,由"分模块基础实验"、"大模块综合实验"、"课程综合实验"构成一个层次递进的体系结构。在项目实施中,要求学生提交项目设计报告和项目实施报告。老师对整个实施过程进行监督、指导和评价,最后将实验成果和存在的问题进行归集,为以后的教学提供丰富资料。  相似文献   

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