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信息技术流畅性概括地说就是大学生掌握计算机各方面知识与技能的熟练程度。本科生学习IT理论的环境类型与IT流畅性以及课程满意度的提高有关系。在基于建构主义学习策略的学习环境中,学生不但能像那些传统学习环境下的学生一样获得IT流畅性,而且还可以提高对课程的满意度,同时讨论了其它与这一因果分析相关的因素。针对在高等教育事业和信息技术领域结合建构主义学习环境进行教学的教师,给出了一些建议。  相似文献   

根据"模拟电路"课程的特点和我院教育技术学专业的实际,提出"模拟电路"网络课程的设计理念,给出具体的设计和实现过程,对Internet环境下网络课程的实现方式进行了探索。  相似文献   

New technologies afford a range of opportunities that can transform teaching techniques and offer enhanced possibilities for learning. This potential is often not grasped by the technologist or the educationalist when introducing new technologies into the learning situation and a situation arises which can be described as "New technology, no new pedagogy" This paper examines why this situation arises, before progressing to suggest a set of target areas the affordances of new technology ought to transform when introduced into the socio–cultural learning environment (Vygotsky, 1978). This set of target areas is illustrated through the presentation of a technology supported learning environment for introductory undergraduate phonetics. Each course module is discussed in relation to these targets and how the affordances of new technology are used to meet them. The student and lecturer reflections on the course indicate that the use of new technology as applied in this introductory undergraduate phonetics course was appropriate, although not always 100% successful.  相似文献   

本文从导游实务课程作业布置和设计入手,对网络环境下的导游实务课程作业模式进行探讨,提出网络环境下的课程作业的设计和考核要突出个别性、过程性和交互性,并实践验证了实施网络环境下课程作业模式的有效性。  相似文献   

眼下小学普遍开设英语课,但是效果有待于进一步提高。本从双语制和双方言现象分析,认为儿童语言(包括母语和第二语言)的习得和学习都离不开语言环境(家庭、学校和社会)。所以,本认为人为地创造语言环境(家庭和学校)是提高中国儿童学习英语效率的重要措施之一。  相似文献   

"计算机网络"课程实验教学的改进方法与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"计算机网络"课程是高校信息技术相关专业的一门重要课程。本文分析了"计算机网络"课程实验教学的现状,从实验环境、实验内容、实验教学方法等方面提出实验教学改革的措施。  相似文献   

张健  徐明  邹晓 《教育教学论坛》2020,(11):149-150
“环境科学概论”是生态环境类专业的一门基础课,又是环保素质教育的选修课,该课程在拓展学生专业知识、激发学习兴趣及培养环保素质方面具有重要作用。文章从丰富课程教学内容、发挥多种教学方式互补效应、加强课程全过程考核、增加相关实践实验等方面对该课程进行了实践探索。  相似文献   

本文从网络课程目标、流程化与自动化操作、模板化操作与交互式可视化的编辑环境四个维度揭示了现在的网络课程写作工县应该具备的设计思想。基于以上这四个维度,初步搭建了一类网络课程写作工具,并对其结构与功能进行详细的阐述。  相似文献   

《普通生态学》是生物类和环境类等专业的一门重要的专业基础课,具有理论性强、涉及多学科知识交叉等特点。为了激发学生的学习兴趣和主动学习的积极性,我们将课程论文评价纳入生态学理论教学成绩评价体系。文章主要在课程论文内容选择、题目拟定和批改机制等方面做了一些实践探索,实践结果表明,将课程论文写作纳入高校生态学理论教学成绩评价体系,对于提高学生专业理论课程学习的兴趣,促进其主动学习专业知识具有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   

I.Backg round to th e CourseTh is course is d esigned for a group of th e taxi d rivers from Beijing taxicom p anies.Th ey are expected to h ave been engaged in th e taxi service indus-try in Beijing for m ore th an10years.Regard ing to th eir English languagelevel,th is course w ill be aim ed at th e taxi d rivers w h o h ave m astered anEnglish vocabulary betw een500 ̄1,000w ord s and sim ple d eclarative andinterrogative sentences.Th e whole course will last17weeks.II.Th eoretical Backg…  相似文献   

This paper illustrates how an English for Specific Purposes (ESP) course is designed to meet the needs of a certain group of people engaging in a specific job. In accordance with the development of the taxi industry in Beijing, the paper focuses on how the ESP course enables the taxi drivers to acquire the English language for specific functions in their working environment. Besides, considering the approaching Olympic Games, the paper also explores how this course helps the taxi drivers develop the communicative competence for the Olympic Games.  相似文献   

彝族历史悠久,建筑文化丰富,在适应自然的过程中不断形成、吸纳和创造了适合自己生存空间的一整套独特的建筑观念,体现出浓郁的民族文化特征。彝族民居是彝族文化中重要的物质文化符号,沉淀着彝族的精神文化内涵,是彝族精神与物质文化的统一载体。从彝族的历史文化渊源、传统建筑类型、观念以及建筑的传承方向等方面对无量山乡彝族民居的建筑进行考察。  相似文献   

高职精品课程建设的实践与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前各高职院校精品课程建设正在全面展开,高职精品课程开发的定位、课程特色、行动导向教学、学习环境和课程质量控制等,是要认真思考的问题.  相似文献   

远程网络课程质量保证之个案研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本通过描述一个计算机网络课程的案例,分析如何利用一个创新、高质量及学习主导的教学环境来提高学生的参与和投入。该课程由香港一所大学提供,每学期约有180名非计算机系本科生修读。作以各种远程教育的优良实践方法和基准作为基础,对此课程的不同层面进行评价,并针对学生学习情形、行为表现、学习成果及对课程的评价进行了两次追踪调查访问。结果显示,学生在学期中及学期末的行为表现有显的差异。例如,他们使用自评练习的时间由期中考试前的平均每周1.27小时增至期终考试前的2.63小时;考试成绩较好及较差的学生部分别根据其学习成果调节自己的学习态度及方法.本就调查结果,进一步讨论及确定了一些适合本地技术辅助教育的实践方法。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了目前公共选修课教学中普遍存在的问题,然后以公共选修课《趣味英语》网络课程为例,阐述了网络课程如何为公共选修课搭建了建构主义学习环境,并具体说明了建构主义的教学模式在公共选修课《趣味英语》网络课程中的应用,以期对高职院校公共选修课的教学改革提供一定的参考借鉴。  相似文献   

课程思政融入医学生课程体系是新时代高等医学院校坚持办学正确政治方向的必然要求,也是践行教师全要素育人职责的必然要求。通过对病理生理学课程思政的目标定位,思政环境构建,医学专业基础课程的教师资源、教学内容、教学对象、教学模式及授课形式等方面的研究,分析了病理生理学课程思政体系建设的基本路径及效果评估,为病理生理学专业课程教学提供有益参考。  相似文献   

本文将数据库基础与应用课程实践教学内容与需要数据库技能的工作岗位结合,设计基于工作岗位的技能包,主要介绍了数据库相关岗位分析、岗位技能包的设计思想以及实践教学的方法、内容设计、考核。学生在模拟的工作情境中学习,学习目标明确,学习积极性提高,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

Networking provides the means to deliver enhancements to assignment development and feedback which have not previously been possible for ODL courses. This paper describes the experimental introduction and evaluation of network delivered model answers and peer review as additional formative feedback on assessment. The enhancements assisted students in attuning themselves to the writing demands of the course, and there may be particular times in a course when they are most of value. Use of a network allowed for delivery within a controlled time frame, whilst providing an interactive environment for debate on alternative perspectives.  相似文献   

依据“双师型”人才培养目标,按照精品课程建设的要求对该课程的教学定位、课程体系、教学方法、考核方式等进行探索与实践,构建了“知识、技能、能力”三位一体的课程知识结构体系,实施了教学内容模块化与教学形式多元化,探索了平时考查、结业考试与实践能力相结合的分段考核法.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a curriculum project in which principles of instructional design are integrated with real-world experiences in a corporate environment. Working in design teams, graduate students served as instructional developers in a corporate environment. The course instructor acted as project leader. Initially, both the client organization and design teams expressed confusion concerning their roles in relation to the course instructor. Design teams initially used technical language not readily understood by the client. The lack of guidance in instructional models on the development of appropriate instructional strategies was noted by all teams. Design teams concluded that knowledge of instructional design principles is a necessary but not sufficient preparation for professional activity as instructional developers. By the end of the three-month project, both the client organization and the design teams expressed strong satisfaction with the process and the outcome.  相似文献   

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