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构建社会主义和谐社会,是以胡锦涛同志为总书记的新的一代中央领导集体的重要的治国方略,也是推进社会进步的一个发展目标.标志着中国共产党执政理念臻于成熟,已经从抓革命转变到抓发展.  相似文献   

根据对亚太国家和地区的调查数据 ,评价了一些已被广泛认可的假设 ,同时也论述了高等教育与社会发展的关系。认为亚太地区发展中国家的高等教育应有相应的优先发展权。文章还对亚太地区高等教育的发展水平和公共政策 (其中也包括关于高等教育和私立高等教育的筹资政策 )作了评价 ,强调必须增加对高等教育的公共投资 ,反对过分依赖成本回收措施和私立高等教育。  相似文献   

This paper discusses methods for benchmarking vocational education and training colleges and presents results from a number of models. It is conceptually difficult to benchmark vocational colleges. The colleges typically offer a wide range of course programmes, and the students come from different socioeconomic backgrounds. We solve the comparability problem by focusing on effects in terms of retention and employment rates as opposed to the intermediate outcomes like grades. We neutralize cost differences using alternative cost measures. And we use detailed register data to account for student backgrounds. From a methodological point of view, we combine average methods (multilevel analysis) with frontier methods. We thus combine the key methods of school effectiveness research and school efficiency and productivity research. The analyses show that the efficiency of Danish vocational colleges varies considerably. Adopting best practices could lead to cost savings of between 9 and 33%.  相似文献   

Lesley Bartlett 《Compare》2007,37(2):151-166
This article elaborates the concept of educational projects, a term that signifies consistent constellations of institutions, financial resources, social actors, ideologies, theories of knowledge and attendant pedagogies that shape local cultural practices of schooling. The article demonstrates the utility of the concept of educational projects for comparative and international educational studies by examining competing educational projects in Brazilian literacy programmes for youth and adults. In conclusion, the article argues that the concept of educational projects provides a theoretically rich comparative tool for the field of comparative and international education.  相似文献   

This paper surveys both past and present research on education in developing countries that has been undertaken by Dutch researchers. It classifies the research according to whether it has been concerned with formal, non-formal or informal education; examines different sources of funding; and the types of collaborative ventures involved. It also attempts to evaluate different types of programme, including private ventures, and highlights some of the major ‘bottlenecks’ which hamper research.  相似文献   

In a conventional system of planning and implementation of educational reforms, evaluation generally appears only at the end of the process. While such a summative evaluation is necessary, the author argues for a more effective use of evaluation procedures for efficient planning, implementation and assimilation of reform projects. In order to use monitoring and evaluation procedures for contributing substantially towards the optimization of immediate outcomes and long-range effects of any reform project or programme, it is essential to follow a built-in, comprehensive and development-oriented approach. Such an evaluation procedure should take into account both extra-educational factors and intra-educational variables that influence the processes and outcomes of an educational reform. An EIPOL grid which combines five major dimensions of a broad-based evaluation system with different steps of a project cycle provides a basic operational framework for designing and adopting a more functional system of reform evaluation.
Zusammenfassung In herkömmlichen Planungs- und Durchführungssystemen für Bildungsreformen steht Evaluation gewöhnlich am Ende des Prozesses. Obgleich solche summarische Evaluation notwendig ist, plädiert der Verfasser für Evaluationsverfahren, die eine wirksamere Planung, Durchführung und Assimilation von Reformprojekten ermöglichen. Wenn Überwachungs- und Evaluationsverfahren einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Optimatisierung der unmittelbaren Resultate und Langzeit-Wirkungen eines Reformprojekts oder -programms leisten sollen, muß ein in den Reformprozeß eingebauter, umfassender und entwicklungsorientierter Ansatz benutzt werden. Ein solches Evaluationsverfahren sollte sowohl außerhalb des Bildungsbereichs liegende Faktoren als auch bildungsinterne Variablen berücksichtigen, welche die Prozesse und Ergebnisse einer Bildungsreform beeinflussen. Ein EIPOL Raster, in dem fünf wesentliche Dimensionen eines breit angelegten Evaluationssystems mit den verschiedenen Stufen eines Projekts verbunden sind, bietet einen operationeilen Grundrahmen für die Gestaltung und Einführung eines funktionelleren Reform-Evaluationssy stems.

Résumé Dans les systèmes conventionnels de planification et mise en oeuvre de réforme de l'éducation, l'évaluation se trouve généralement à la fin du processus. Bien qu'une telle évaluation sommaire soit nécessaire, l'auteur soutient qu'il faudrait aussi utiliser des procédés plus efficaces pour la planification, la réalisation et l'assimilation de projets de réforme. S'il est souhaitable que les procédés de surveillance et d'évaluation contribuent effectivement à l'optimisation de résultats immédiats et des effets à long terme de tout projet ou programme de réforme, une approche compréhensive, orientée vers le développement et intégrée dans le processus même s'impose. Un tel procédé devrait tenir compte aussi bien des facteurs relevant d'autres domaines que des variables à l'intérieur du domaine de l'éducation qui influent sur les processus et résultats d'une réforme. Le schéma EIPOL présenté combine cinq dimensions essentielles d'un système étendu d'évaluation avec les différentes étapes d'un cycle de projet et offre un cadre de base pour élaborer et adopter un système plus fonctionnel d'évaluation de réformes.

One of the most important issues in vocational education is the interaction between learning at school and at different workplaces. Students need to transfer what they have learned in and between these different learning arenas. However, little agreement exists among researchers on how to conceptualise and empirically study transfer of learning. This article aims to enhance our understanding of this process in technical vocational education by adding a new perspective on transfer: the phenomenological lifeworld approach. Eleven interviews with students enrolled in the Energy and Industry programmes at a Swedish upper-secondary school were conducted. Three transfer themes emerged from the data: learning for new situations, variation and integration of theory and practice. The student perspective, based on the lifeworld approach shows that the different learning arenas – the school and workplaces – can complement each other. The learning arenas offer different opportunities for learning, and learning in both arenas is necessary in order to prepare for an unknown future, according to the students in this study.  相似文献   

合作项目教学法是笔者在中职计算机教学实践中总结出来的,模仿IT企业工作方式的教学方法.该教学法有利于培养学生的团队协作精神,使中职计算机专业的学生在将来的工作中能更快、更好地适应IT企业的工作方式.  相似文献   

2005年以来,学院认真落实高职高专人才培养工作水平评估整改工作,办学思路进一步明确,内部管理体制和教育教学体制改革进一步深化,新校区建设顺利推进,精神文明建设和党建工作进一步加强,各项工作迈上了规范、高效的发展轨道。今后要继续抓师德师风建设,做到热爱我们的学生、热爱我们的工作、热爱我们的学校,完成好立德树人这一根本任务。学院“十一五”发展规划提出了创建示范性高职院校的奋斗目标,我们要实施好“十项工程”,全面推动学院人才培养各项建设。  相似文献   

This paper investigates current research into the role of education in combating social injustice, assembles this research to indicate key features of a teacher education programme that would assist education for social justice, and links these features to one innovative university teacher education programme to ascertain some of the practical difficulties in establishing such a programme. The research indicated key approaches that would enhance the probability that graduates from teacher education programmes will be able to pursue social justice initiatives.  相似文献   

Education and Social Cohesion: Recentering the Debate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Social capital theory has tended to treat social cohesion as a mere aggregation of individual and community-level characteristics, ignoring the long tradition of theory on social solidarity and social cohesion at the societal level. However, the key indicators of social capital-associational membership and social trust-do not covary cross-nationally, and societies rich in community-level social capital are not always cohesive societies. Social capital and societal cohesion are not necessarily the same thing, and education may have different effects on each. This article seeks to put the analysis of education and societal cohesion back in the center of the picture. We do this first through a critical review of some of the existing literature on education and social capital, which points to the limitations of individual-level analysis of what are fundamentally societal issues. Second, we outline some alternative models for understanding how education influences social cohesion in different societies, drawing on an analysis of some of the aggregated cross-national data on skills, income distribution, and various indicators of social cohesion. The argument suggests some causal mechanisms for the social impacts of education that are quite different from those that normally underpin arguments about human and social capital.  相似文献   

会计项目化课程的设计以会计职业行动为导向,通过现场调研掌握会计岗位需求、会计岗位设置、会计岗位行动及会计工作人员知识结构需求,从而分析会计岗位能力需求及职业岗位持续发展能力需求,为学生毕业就能立即就业奠定基础,体现职业教育的实时性及职业教育发展潜力。本文从实际出发,对高职院校会计专业进行的项目化改革相关问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

论高等职业教育的理论与实践   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
大力发展高职教育是我国国情的需要,也是现代化建设的一项基础性工作。本文从发展高职 教育的原则、高职教育特征,高职办学指导思想、特色兴院、教师要求等方面进行详细的探讨。  相似文献   

要使高职院校学生社会实践与专业素质教育更好的结合,需要明确认识社会实践对专业素质教育的重要性.要对学生进行专业素质教育,需要从学生顶岗实习、职业技能培养、职业性较强的社会实践活动和校企合作基地入手.  相似文献   

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