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艾晓丽 《今传媒》2015,(2):10-12
全媒体时代领导形象倍受媒体和公众关注,直接关系到领导的公信力、执行力和影响力,要求领导干部必须正确认识媒体的作用,格外关注媒体,提高与媒体打交道的能力,善于科学管理媒体,有效地引导社会舆论并且成功塑造良好的媒体形象,重塑全媒体时代的领导形象。  相似文献   

全媒体时代的到来,改变了既有的受众、信息传播及媒体生产的概念和含义,整个媒介生态乃至生活方式和社会形态都随之产生了变化.在全媒体时代,传播力不再只是测量传播效果的一项指标而成为衡量整个传播机构整合力、执行力、覆盖力、品牌力等的一个坐标系.媒体竞争的核心正是传播力的竞争.气象信息作为一种特殊的传播内容,在全媒体平台上如何实现传播力的拓展?如何理解以传播力为核心的气象媒体发展战略?本文将围绕这些论题进行论述.  相似文献   

提高核心竞争力,把企业做大做强,是很多企业的战略目标.一个具有核心竞争力的企业必然是具有完美执行力的企业.执行力的强弱,直接关系到企业生产经营等各项目标能否顺利实现.在这里,笔者结合报社实际谈一下自己对执行力的理解.  相似文献   

传播力是媒体执行力、创新力、公信力、影响力所集合、迸发出来的一种传播能量。“四力”整合的成功与否,直接影响到媒体传播力的大小与传播能量的高低。  相似文献   

近年来,在新闻媒体上经常可以看到“新闻活动策划”的字样,在新闻刊物上经常可以看到关于“新闻活动策划”的争论。真可谓是仁者见仁,智者见智,很是热闹。从黑龙江新闻广播近年来的实践中,我们有这样一个体会,新闻媒体进行新闻传播活动的策划,是提高媒体竞争力、扩大媒体影响力、提升媒体品牌认同的重要手段。而在新闻活动策划的过程中,新闻媒体如何在新闻活动中加强策划力,强化执行力,进而提高媒体的影响力,是媒体能否在激烈的市场竞争中取得成功的重要因素。  相似文献   

当今,随着精细化管理理念的深入,随着市场经济激烈竞争的加剧,各行各业、各个领域都在强调执行力,"执行力"成为热门话题;关注执行力、强调执行力、提升执行力、强化执行力,丰富执行力内涵,已经成为人们广泛议论的焦点.执行力决定成败,无论是对个人还是对企业而言,都不是虚言.  相似文献   

新闻执行力这一话题渐受新闻同人关注,原因是近来:同城报道日趋雷同,独家报道难度加大,媒体业竞争目趋激烈。执行力原本是管理学上的一个术语,它的含义是贯彻战略意图.完成预定目标的操作能力。它是企业竞争力的核心.是把企业战略、规划转化成为效益、成果的关键。耍提高企业的执行力,不仅要提高企业从上到下的每一个人的执行力.而且要提高每一个部门的整体执行力,只有这样,才会形成企业的系统执行力。  相似文献   

试论图书馆中层执行力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要论述了执行力、中层执行力和图书馆中层执行力概念,对图书馆中层执行力弱化原因进行了分析,提出了加强与提升图书馆中层执行力的措施.  相似文献   

路茂林 《晋图学刊》2010,(1):43-44,63
以高校图书馆执行力培育和提升为研究对象。执行力是图书馆工作的生命力,是提高图书馆服务效率以及科学管理的重要手段,是提高读者满意度和信任度的关键,同时也是一项值得研究的管理科学。针对现状就如何培育和提升图书馆的执行力,提出了方法和应对措施。  相似文献   

时世平 《出版科学》2013,21(4):9-12
作为文化创新工程的重要一环,出版业要做大做强,提高出版竞争力和编辑执行力就成为当务之急。"没有执行力,就没有达成力",编辑执行力的高低,决定出版企业的竞争实力。就出版执行内容而言,文化创新首在选题策划能力,而策划能力的高下,直接取决于编辑执行力。编辑执行力就是完成预定出版目标的操作能力,要求出版主体具有创新精神。出版业之间的竞争,就赢在执行力,没有执行力,就不会有成功力,也就不可能有竞争力。要提高出版竞争力,必须重视文化创新,而文化创新也必然要求提高编辑执行力。  相似文献   

In 2009, the Obama administration issued the Open Government Initiative that directed Executive agencies to improve transparency, openness in government, and public participation with government. The Obama administration views transparency and openness in government as a cost-effective and efficient process capable of improving public participation with government and public access to government information. To address the initiative in part, many agencies adopt social media as the means to disseminate information out to the public and to increase public participation with agency website content and activities. This exploratory study examines Executive agency use of social media and public participation with the media. Findings indicate that most agencies reviewed do use social media. The public does interact with the media and some agencies experience high overall participation levels; however, there are some issues with agency use of social media and public participation with the media.  相似文献   

This article examines Executive agency fee waiver guidelines for public interest requesters, including scholars, the media, and public interest groups, within the larger context of F.O.I.A.'s costs and benefits to the public. Information transmitted to the public by these requesters enhances citizen oversight of government activities and assists Congress in formulating public policy. However, arbitrary interpretation of the statute's fee waiver provision and the lack of standard and consistent fee waiver guidelines clearly inhibit use of the Act by public interest requesters. Continuing efforts by some Members of Congress and Executive agency personnel to further limit certain types of information available under the F.O.I. A. prompted renewed consideration of the economic aspects of Federal information policy in general and, in particular, the Freedom of Information Act.  相似文献   

Nowadays media companies are closely tying executive and director compensation to firm performance. Through regression analyses of the relation between compensation structure of media firms and their performance, however, this study finds that adopting fixed compensation for Chief Executive Officers as well as directors is associated with superior financial and organizational performance. This study thus offers support for stakeholder theory, which suggests that fixed compensation for executives and directors, essentially stakeholder oriented, can better enhance firm value.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the 110th Congress, increased oversight by congressional committees into activities of the President and Executive Branch has sparked renewed interest in both political and legal questions involving the separation of powers. Congressional subpoenas for general information, documents, and testimony from high-ranking executive officials has not only generated significant inter-branch conflict but has also developed into a controversy that could result in a legal standoff between Congress and the President. Congress's ability to obtain access to information, whether in the form of documents or testimony, from the Executive is primarily enforced through political negotiation and accommodation that generally take place outside of public view. Contempt may be used by Congress to coerce compliance, punish the contemnor, and/or remove the obstruction. This paper focuses on Congress's contempt power and congressional authority to enforce its requests for information, documents, and testimony from both private individuals and the Executive Branch. First, it examines the source of Congress's contempt power. Next, it discusses and analyzes the procedures associated with each of the three different types of contempt proceedings—inherent contempt, statutory criminal contempt, and statutory civil contempt. Finally, this paper concludes by addressing several of the unique constitutional, legal, and political problems that are associated with congressional contempt proceedings against Executive Branch officials.  相似文献   


This thematic analysis of 510 news articles – spanning the leftist-rightist ideological spectrum – examines media rhetoric surrounding President Trump’s 27 January 2017 Executive Order (EO) 13769 barring immigrants and refugees from U.S. resettlement. In this article, I examine how both liberal and conservative news media rhetoric reinforce respectability politics that create a hierarchy of victimhood for those affected by the EO. Interrogating U.S. civil society’s discursive construction of the forced migrant, I expose expectations for appropriate roles for these communities seeking asylum, though these roles are often veiled by normative U.S. mythology. As this analysis illustrates, the news media articles’ discursive erasure of Syrian, Iranian, Sudanese, Iraqi, Libyan, Somali, and Yemeni immigrants and refugees elide forced migrant self-representation and neglect the political/historical reasons for fleeing from their nations of origin.  相似文献   

Public access to the presidential records covered under the Presidential Records Act of 1978 (PRA) has been restricted by the implementation of George W. Bush's Executive Order 13,233. This article examines the original intent and scope of the PRA, how Ronald Reagan's Executive Order 12,667 began the modification of the PRA with regards to claims of executive privilege, and how Bush's Executive Order 13,233, if left unchallenged, will create further significant alterations to the PRA. The article explores the controversies surrounding the signing of Executive Order 13,233, investigates the key issues raised by critics, and analyzes the long-term implications to government accountability and the accessibility of public records covered by the PRA.  相似文献   

Chinese leaders have attempted to alleviate international anxiety about its rise to global prominence describing its development as a ‘peaceful rise’ or ‘peaceful development’. Most recently, Chinese leaders have begun deploying a new term, the ‘New Style of Great Power Relations’ (新型大国关系). The purpose of this study is to examine the treatment of the ‘New Style of Great Power Relations’ as a political slogan within the Chinese media as a means to shape a geopolitical worldview among Chinese citizens and international actors. Researchers identified 541 articles from 25 different Chinese media sources selected to represent varying levels of government influence and editorial perspectives. This study found the concept primarily intended to engage the United States by stressing cooperative aspects of U.S.–China relations, but also challenges specific U.S. actions. Those U.S. policies challenged within the Chinese media are portrayed as inconsistent with the ‘new style’ concept’s principles. This forms a ‘rhetorical trap’, as it were for the United States, in that the framing of the discourse implicates U.S. intentions and policies as disingenuous unless the United States changes its policy stances. The essay examines the implications of the discourse for understanding Chinese political communication.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(44):161-172
Guidelines developed by the American Association of School of Librarians and the Reference and Adult Services Division of the American Library Association can aid school library media specialists in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of reference and information services for the school community. This article discusses the value of such professionally sanctioned guidelines and uses two documents, Information Power and "Information Services for Information Consumers," as the basis for a checklist for assessing building-level school library media reference services. Media specialists can use this checklist in evaluating and upgrading reference services within their schools.  相似文献   

The Iran-Contra affair highlights the ongoing contest between Congress and the President over access to information. To carry out their constitutional functions, each branch needs information and the ability to protect the disclosure of that information. In the case of Iran-Contra, legitimate protection of information was replaced by lies and deception on the part of Executive officials, the pursuit of contradictory policies by the Executive Branch, and the violation of congressional statutes. Congress was denied the information it needed to discharge constitutional responsibilities, requiring it to reassert legislative prerogatives by tightening oversight statutes and scrutinizing presidential nominees who had some involvement in Iran-Contra. As a result of prosecutions by the Independent Counsel, a number of Executive officials and private citizens who participated in Iran-Contra have already pled guilty or been found guilty by Federal juries. Other than some temporary mending of fences and promises of good-faith, it is uncertain whether Iran-Contra will yield more permanent and beneficial lessons.  相似文献   

This investigation proposes and tests a path model of the adaptation process to electronic mail using the Komsky (1991) data. The results demonstrate that the user satisfaction and frequency of use are predicted by features consistent with the “media richness”; theory (Fulk, Steinfeld, Schmitz & Power, 1987). The model demonstrates some useful information on understanding the ability of an organization to smoothly and efficiently adopt an electronic mail system that employees will use frequently and satisfactorily.  相似文献   

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