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We are experiencing a significant shift in management practices—moving from intuition, experience, and gut‐feeling driven decision‐making to one that is driven by data, evidence, and computational sciences. This shift, which is often called the analytics revolution, is not only changing the business landscape from a practical perspective but also redefining the white‐collar job market. The goal of this study is to employ a data‐ and analytics‐driven approach to analyze a large and feature‐rich dataset (which is composed of the recent job postings and the extant published literature) to characterize the state of the current business job market, especially to magnify the analytics related features and expectations including the geographic (i.e., local vs. global) differentiators. Using several graphical and tabular representations, in this paper we report on our thought‐provoking findings that collectively illustrate the changing face of knowledge, skills, and abilities required by the current local and global business job markets.  相似文献   

Design Thinking has been applied successfully in many fields; however, in Information Systems research most early studies focus on applying the specific toolsets to developing product and system designs to solve strategic, managerial, and operational problems. There is little research on how Design Thinking can be embedded in the learning processes in design‐oriented IS research and enabled in the context of business intelligence (BI) and business analytics (BA). How can Design Thinking be embedded in the learning processes and enabled in the context of BI/BA projects in the classroom environment, especially in the proof of concept stage? A practical view on integrating the mindset and toolset of the Design Thinking approach and in the learning process as a case based in‐class experience is presented along with a guideline for coaching the Design Thinking team and the lessons learned from each stage of Design Thinking. The results of this study show that Design Thinking practices can be enlisted to help students frame their creations and that these practices have a valuable contribution as alternatives when designing curricula for teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Industry demand for talented analytics professionals has created a significant increase in degree programs (e.g., MS in Analytics) around the globe. Many of these programs incorporate experiential learning in the curriculum to foster a deeper understanding. This article focuses on the value and challenges in implementing experiential learning in an analytics‐focused degree program by incorporating and scaffolding multiple organizational analytics projects throughout the curriculum. In addition, this article focuses on the manner in which these organizational analytics projects can create value for scholars, beyond student learning. Scholar‐practitioner partnerships have the potential to advance not only the field of academic research but also the rigor of actual practice. We report our experiences and best practices in creating and leveraging scholar‐practitioner partnerships in the context of project‐based experiential learning in a Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) program. We provide motivation for creating such partnerships for teaching analytics, document student and organizational success, offer illustrations of exemplary experiential learning projects, and discuss the challenges that need to be managed.  相似文献   

Fact‐based decision making is changing job functions within organizations more than any other technology. Analytics, once the purview of the data scientist, is now spread throughout organizations. No longer is there a single job title, job function, or set of required skills and credentials for an analytics career. Companies have moved away from seeking applicants with a specific degree to now recruiting analytics talent based on required skill sets. For more than a decade, business schools have been developing new programs in analytics in response to industry's needs. However, in developing meaningful career‐ready professionals, business programs must understand the skills required across different analytics job functions. In this article, the authors present a comprehensive assessment of the skills sought by employers when considering a candidate for an entry‐level analytics position. The authors describe the demand for various types of analytics professionals, identify the job titles and functions with the most significant demand, and then draw a comparison of the job requirements of hard skills, soft skills, software skills, and credentials between three of the most sought‐after analytics areas: data science, data analytics, and business analytics. The authors conclude by providing faculty and administrators with recommendations on how to adapt their courses and programs to provide students with the fundamental preparation necessary for careers in data science, data analytics, and business analytics.  相似文献   

培育促进课程整合的校园文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
校园文化潜意识地影响学校人群的态度、习惯、价值观和行为方式。我们可以培育、建设所需要的促进整合的校园文化,支持和推动信息技术与课程整合的健康发展。  相似文献   

论文本课程与教师对教学过程的控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中学课程的微观层次上 ,文本课程与教师都对教学过程有一定的控制作用。这种控制作用 ,从空间结构的角度分析 ,表现为课程线性结构与非线性结构 ;从教学信息流的角度分析 ,表现为课程信息流的集中控制结构与非集中控制结构。不同的控制形式对课程的影响各有利弊 ,并有各自的形成原因  相似文献   

It is impossible to deny the significant impact from the emergence of big data and business analytics” on the fields of Information Technology, Quantitative Methods, and the Decision Sciences. Both industry and academia seek to hire talent in these areas with the hope of developing organizational competencies. This article describes a multi‐method research agenda that was executed to ascertain insights regarding which knowledge, skills, and abilities, (KSAs) are valued by employers seeking to hire entry‐level analytics professionals from schools of business. Current undergraduate business analytics programs are first examined to define the research scope. A triangulated mixed‐method research approach is then used to determine the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are in demand for entry‐level jobs in this area. Finally, the multi‐method triangulation of data is combined with experiences in building academic programs in business analytics at two nationally‐ranked state universities to offer insights for those seeking to develop academic programs in this area.  相似文献   

通识教育可以创新人才培养模式,推进素质教育,提高育人质量。通识课程是实施通识教育最直接、最有效、最稳定的载体和中介,科学规划和合理设计通识教育课程体系和教学内容,建立行之有效的课程组织和教学方式,是高等院校有效推进通识教育的关键。  相似文献   

本文在概率度量空间(E,F,Δ)中引进了一类新的压缩型映象,研究了这类压缩映射的不动点的存在性和唯一性问题,推广了现有文献的若干结果。  相似文献   

证明了Hausdorff局部凸线性拓扑空间中一类集值映射的不动点存在性.  相似文献   

西方中小学校本发展规划研究及启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文旨在介绍西方教育发达国家最近20年有关校本发展规划的研究状况,主要分析校本发展规划的产生背景、涵义,校本发展规划的主要内容,最后阐述它对我国目前中小学教育管理的启示.  相似文献   

在Banach空间中引入了几种按序压缩的压缩型映射,用半序的方法讨论了一类非线性映射方程组的不动点的存在性,并推广了相应定理.  相似文献   

ICT for and in Internationalization Processes: A Business School Case Study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is assumed that information and communication technologies (ICTs) are pivotal for globalization of higher education and in internationalization processes. Moreover, it is claimed that globalization and new technologies have opened up a global market for education, in which new providers of higher education operate, and that this competition poses significant threats to traditional campus-based universities and colleges. This article we will shed light on these assumptions, by focusing on the following problem statement: To what extent is ICT seen as a means to internationalize higher education and how are ICTs employed in internationalization processes? This study reports findings from a case study of the Norwegian School of Management, a private business school, which in Norway is often seen as a stereotype of a ‘new provider’ operating in a global market, and a theoretically relevant case for, at a micro level, study the intersection between internationalization and ICT. The case study indicates that although information and communication technologies are seen as central in internationalization processes, and for supporting and coordinating international activities, they are not seen as driving forces for internationalization of higher education. The data indicates five main ways through which ICTs are used as support tools in internationalization processes.  相似文献   

中学物理知识建模是指物理知识网络图的绘制,这种知识网络图反映了知识间的隶属关系,对于中学物理教学设计有着重要作用:一方面可以帮助中学物理教师进行意义建构类学习任务设计,另一方面可以为中学物理教师进行问题设计提供依据。  相似文献   

为借鉴国际先进经验,推动我国八年制医学教育课程改革,本文以收集的大量有关资料为依据,首先详细介绍了美国哈佛医学院、约翰·霍普金斯大学医学院的课程计划,然后以国内较早开展八年制医学教育的北京协和医学院课程体系为例同上述两所医学院课程计划进行了比较。在此基础上指出我国八年制医学教育在今后的课程改革中应更加充分地考虑学生毕业后的实际工作需要并针对这种需要遵循学习、认知规律来设计相应教学内容和教学方法。  相似文献   

结合增生算子零点逼近问题,提出Banach空间中伪压缩映射的一个粘滞逼近方法。引入了新的迭代序列,并证明所构造的迭代序列强收敛于伪压缩映射的不动点。  相似文献   

近年来,企业以各种方式逃避农民工养老保险费的问题屡见不鲜。本文从制度环境、执行机构的控制、农民工养老保险参保意愿角度分析其中的深层次原因,并从加快立法、增强制度针对性、改善养老保险接续办法、加强社会监督等方面提出政策建议。  相似文献   

给出2--距离空间中一类新的压缩映射对的公共不动点定理。  相似文献   

解决就业问题是高职院校学生工作的一个重点,而工管类专业学生在就业方面又存在一些特殊的地方,诸如流动性大、就业时只考虑工资收入的影响、工作和专业不对口、职业认可程度低等方面的问题。文章通过问卷调查及分析,对高职院校工管类专业学生的职业生涯规划存在的问题进行研究和探讨,并提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

生产性实训是高职院校工学结合培养高技能人才的重要途径。通过对国外校企合作模式以及广东科学技术职业学院校企双主体合作运行模式的比较与分析,结合商务外语专业群专业的特点,提出了基于校内生产性实训基地的校企双主体合作模式是当前商务外语专业群内专业比较切实可行的运行模式之一,并对校企双主体校内生产性实训基地的运作模式和功能进行了实证性的客观分析。  相似文献   

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