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通过比较马丁·布伯哲学的对话治疗与卡尔·罗杰斯的个人中心疗法的关联,从二者的比较中,可以看出对话心理治疗和个人中心疗法分别代表了他们二者不同理论中的主要思想,他们在理论构建上和治疗实践中有很多相似的地方,但也有不同之处。最后,还将讨论他们两者的思想对于后现代心理思潮的影响。  相似文献   

An intervention package of task clarification, checklists, and posted performance feedback was developed to increase completion of tasks contributing to the appearance of a local grocery store. The intervention package was based on an informal diagnostic assessment that examined antecedents, equipment and processes, knowledge and skills, and consequences in the organizational environment. A multiple baseline design across five departments was utilized to evaluate the effects of the intervention package on employee cleaning behavior related to the appearance of the store. The results suggest overall improvement of task completion across the five departments observed, with substantial increases resulting from application of the intervention. The mean percentage of tasks completed in the deli department increased by 36%; by 93% in the meat department; by 38% in the frozen department; by 25% in the produce department; and by 34% in the front‐end department. The average increase of task completion across departments was more than 45%. The results of this study are consistent with those of Anderson, Crowell, Hantula, and Siroky (1988), as well as with La Fleur and Hyten (1995), demonstrating that task clarification, checklists, and feedback have positive effects on work performance.  相似文献   

Energy is one of the most important unifying themes in science. Yet the way energy is conceptualized varies depending on context. In this paper, the discourse used to explain the role of energy in systems from biology, chemistry, and physics is examined from the perspective of metaphor theory. Six substance metaphors for energy are identified in pedagogical discourse (i.e., textbooks and the science education literature): energy as a substance that can be accounted for, can flow, can be carried, can change forms, can be lost, and can be an ingredient, a product or stored in some way. Each of these conceptual metaphors highlight and obscure various characteristics of energy, and provide a set of frameworks that each afford a different understanding of the energy concept.  相似文献   

浅谈化学入门教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初中化学是化学的入门基础.教师在教学中要做到:1)充分利用化学实验的魅力,激发学生兴趣;2)加强化学与社会、生活的密切联系,做到学以致用;3)培养学生的动手能力和观察能力;4)融德育教育于化学教育之中.要充分利用初中学生对新生事物感兴趣、求知欲高的特点,使学生对化学产生浓厚的兴趣,并做到"看-做-识"的统一,进而学好这门功课.  相似文献   

Performance feedback has been described as a necessary component of consultation. Although feedback has been used to improve academic performance of individual students, less research has examined the effects on classroom academic engagement when implementation of classroom management variables is the source of feedback. Using a multiple-baseline design, the effects of performance feedback with goal setting was examined across three high school biology teachers who were first provided with feedback on the number of seconds devoted to transitions and then successful implementation of classroom time management strategies. Feedback on the number of transition minutes alone led to decreases in transition time and corresponding increases in student academic engagement for all teachers. One teacher benefited from additional feedback on classroom time management strategies. For all teachers, low rates of transition time and high rates of academic engagement were maintained when the intervention was faded and after it was terminated.  相似文献   

普通高等医学院校中的医学英语教学面临着严峻的挑战,不合时宜的医学英语教学模式亟待改变.在总结我院高等医学院校医学英语教学现状的基础上,本文指出医学英语教学从教材、师资、教学内容到教学方法存在的诸多问题,并分析讨论解决这些问题的方法,以实现提高医学英语教学质量与水平的目标.  相似文献   

Peer Networking as a Dynamic Approach to Supporting New Faculty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents a dynamic method of supporting new faculty through a peer support group led by a facilitator. Group members participate in ongoing self-assessment, individualized goal setting, and activities that reflect the changing needs of the group. We explain the history and activities of the group and also the benefits for institutions considering developing a support mechanism for new faculty.  相似文献   

网络的发展,给高校政治理论课的教学带来很大影响,如何适应日新月异的网络环境,已经成为高校政治理论课教学着重研究的重要课题.本文主要探讨了网络环境给大学生的思想状况、学习方式、政治理论课教师的角色定位、政治理论课教改的途径选择带来的影响.  相似文献   

网络的发展,给高校政治理论课的教学带来很大影响,如何适应日新月异的网络环境,已经成为高校政治理论课教学着重研究的重要课题。本文主要探讨了网络环境给大学生的思想状况、学习方式、政治理论课教师的角色定位、政治理论课教改的途径选择带来的影响。  相似文献   

在回顾国内外同伴反馈理论的基础上,对西部地区一所高校的45名同学进行了为期一学期的同伴反馈行动研究。为达到有效反馈,研究期间开展了一系列的活动,如课堂观察、同伴培训、教师跟踪、问卷调查、访谈等。结果显示,此次行动研究不仅得到了学生的普遍认可,同时也提高了课堂活力,使学生收益。  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of newspapers in a philosophy of science course.Using the newspaper as a required text facilitates student exploration of the nature of science by examining current scientific topics. Students in the course read The New York Times on a weekly basis. The articles from the Times support two pedagogical activities: newspaper journals and weekly discussions. The journals consist of free responses to published articles and serve as a means to encourage students to direct their own learning. The weekly discussions permit a free exchange of ideas about controversial topics while facilitating discourse about a multitude of topics concerning the nature of science. This paper describes the course design and provides several examples of how newspaper articles can be used as pedagogical resource.  相似文献   

根据英语同辈反馈理论设计实验,通过制定主谓一致错误项目核查表,建立一个操作性强的研究框架。两个反馈表格的数据分析表明:无论组员的起始水平如何,经过同辈反馈的训练,学生的成绩都能得到提高。同辈反馈对提高句子输出正确性具有有效性和可操作性。  相似文献   

College students participating in career counseling may experience conflict between the values they express and share with their families and their internal values. This article describes a creative approach to explore values in a nonthreatening yet influential way. The author justifies and describes the use of a values collage, offering a composite case to illustrate application of the process. The author also addresses multicultural and developmental factors and considerations for use in different settings.  相似文献   

以任务为基础的教学途径以现代语言学习理论、认知心理学、人本主义心理学理论为基础,摒弃传统的以教师为中心的观念,主张语言学习以学习者为中心。它所关注的是:在语言学习过程中,教师是否是从“学”的角度来设计教学活动,是否为学习者设计了交际任务。它要求学习者主动参与真实的交际活动,运用目的语完成活动任务,通过活动的开展和任务的完成,发展认知能力,形成语言能力。应用以任务为基础的教学途径,对于当前我国外语教学中所存在的重教师的讲授、轻学生的学习;重语言形式、轻语言内容;重语言知识、轻语言能力等弊端,具有较强的反拨作用。  相似文献   

Peer review is a significant component in scientific research. Introducing peer review into inquiry processes may be regarded as an aim to develop student understanding regarding quality in inquiries. This study examines student understanding in inquiry peer reviews among pre-university chemistry students, aged 16–17, when they enact a design of a mimicked scholarly peer review. This design is based on a model of a human activity system. Twenty-five different schools in Brazil, Germany, Poland and The Netherlands participated. The students (n?=?880) conducted in small groups (n?=?428) open inquiries on fermentation. All groups prepared an inquiry report for peer review. These reports were published on a website. Groups were randomly paired in an internet symposium, where they posted review comments to their peers. These responses were qualitatively analyzed on small groups’ level of understanding regarding seven categories: inquiry question, hypothesis, management of control variables, accurate measurement, presenting results, reliability of results, discussion and conclusion. The mimicked scholarly review prompted a collective practice. Student understanding was significantly well on presenting results, discussion and conclusion, and significantly less on inquiry question and reliability of results. An enacted design, based on a model of a human activity system, created student understanding of quality in inquiries as well as an insight in a peer-reviewing practice. To what extent this model can be applied in a broader context of design research in science education needs further study.  相似文献   

Investigative- and cooperative-based learning strategies have been used effectively in a variety of classrooms to enhance student learning and engagement. In the General Microbiology laboratory for juniors and seniors at James Madison University, these strategies were combined to make a semester-long, investigative, cooperative learning experience involving culture and identification of microbial isolates that the students obtained from various environments. To assess whether this strategy was successful, students were asked to complete a survey at the beginning and at the end of the semester regarding their comfort level with a variety of topics. For most of the topics queried, the students reported that their comfort had increased significantly during the semester. Furthermore, this group of students thought that the quality of this investigative lab experience was much better than that of any of their previous lab experiences.  相似文献   

本研究旨在从活动理论和社会性技能的视角,构建有关在线学习中社会交互的最新知识。研究基于活动理论和社会性技能的一个联合框架,对在线学习的参与者进行了一系列的连续性过程性访谈和总结性访谈,并利用内容分析方法对访谈文本进行了分析。研究结果包括四个方面的内容:课程设计和任务要求与学生的个人经历和非课程需求相互作用,形成了课程活动的方式和动机;在线学习的社会本质对于获取帮助、建立动机有着重要意义,并部分程度上是由学生可获得的工具建构的;对社会信息的意识影响了学习行为;任务的可视化促进了社会学习的满意度。  相似文献   

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