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科普作品是传播、普及科学技术知识的信息载体。它主要立足于现实科学技术的水平 ,把科学技术研究的成果通过文学作品的方式推广、普及 ,使科学技术社会化 ,将先进的科学技术转化为现实的生产力 ,为社会创造出更多的物质财富。同时 ,科普作品还可以在普及科学技术的过程中通过提高社会成员的整体科技素质 ,倡导科技意识 ,促进科学技术的更快发展。因此 ,科学普及与科学研究同样是促进科学技术起飞的羽翼 ,对科技发展和社会进步有着巨大的直接或间接的作用。我国著名科普作家高士其同志曾深刻指出 :“……一切创造和发展的目的都在于运用 ,提…  相似文献   

The authors describe the use of therapeutic writing as a technique for managing personal problems. It was hypothesized that having individuals intermittently read inspirational/motivational sayings would further enhance the benefit of therapeutic writing. The results indicate that popular quotations can be used with therapeutic writing to make the process more interesting and enjoyable. Recommendations are provided to counselors who may want to use this technique with clients.  相似文献   

Our objective was to investigate the impact of the Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) on undergraduates’ ability to express logical conclusions and include appropriate evidence in formal writing assignments. Students in three laboratory sections were randomly allocated to the SWH treatment (n?=?51 students) with another three sections serving as a control (n?=?47 students). All sections received an identical formal writing assignment to report results of laboratory activities. Four blinded raters used a 6-point rating scheme to evaluate the quality of students’ writing performance. Raters’ independent scoring agreement was evaluated using Cronbach's α. Paper scores were compared using a t-test, then papers were combined into low-scoring (3.5 of 6 points) or high-scoring (>3.5 of 6 points) sets and SWH and control cohorts were compared using Pearson's chi-square test. Papers from the SWH cohort were significantly (P?=?0.02) more likely to receive a high score than those from the control cohort. Overall scores of SWH cohort papers tended to be higher (P?=?0.07) than those from the control cohort. Gains in student conceptual understanding elicited by the SWH approach improved student ability to express logical conclusions about their data and include appropriate evidence to support those conclusions in formal research reports. Extending the writing tasks of the SWH to formal writing assignments can improve the ability of undergraduates to argue effectively for their research findings.  相似文献   

Understanding the nature of science (NOS) has long been a desired outcome of science education, despite ongoing disagreements about the content, structure, and focus of NOS expectations. Addressing the concern that teachers likely focus only on student learning expectations appearing in standards documents, this study examines the current state of NOS in science education standards documents from nine diverse countries to determine the overt NOS learning expectations that appeared, NOS statements provided near those learning expectations, but not identified as learning outcomes (such as chart column headers or footnotes), and NOS statements found in ancillary text (e.g., introductory material or appendices). Findings indicate that NOS ideas rarely occur as expectations for student learning and are far more commonly found in ancillary material. Moreover, consensus was not apparent in the overt learning outcomes for students. Given the well-documented poor state of NOS instruction and the consistent lack of NOS appearing in published curriculum materials, the NOS standards appearing in nearly all documents analyzed are unlikely to provide sufficient conceptual or pedagogical support for NOS to be accurately interpreted or translated into meaningful experiences for students.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of newspapers in a philosophy of science course.Using the newspaper as a required text facilitates student exploration of the nature of science by examining current scientific topics. Students in the course read The New York Times on a weekly basis. The articles from the Times support two pedagogical activities: newspaper journals and weekly discussions. The journals consist of free responses to published articles and serve as a means to encourage students to direct their own learning. The weekly discussions permit a free exchange of ideas about controversial topics while facilitating discourse about a multitude of topics concerning the nature of science. This paper describes the course design and provides several examples of how newspaper articles can be used as pedagogical resource.  相似文献   

对基于中文的Web文本分类技术进行了研究,介绍了web文本分类的基本过程和Web文本预处理及文本特征选取的方法,重点介绍了一种常用的基于内容的分类算法KNN。最后通过实验测试了使用KNN算法的中文Web文本分类技术的效果。  相似文献   

从解构主义思想出发,站在大众文化立场,对尹丽川身体写作的诗歌文本进行多维意义的文化解读与阐释,指出它作为大众文化里生产者文本丰富而又贫乏的意义,以还原其诗歌本来的面目和创作意图。  相似文献   

对于母语学习而言,阅读和写作是落实语言运用的两条主要途径。目前国内外关于阅读的研究较多,但对于写作的研究相对滞后。写作研究主要有微观和宏观两种写作文本分析范式,微观分析范式侧重通用语言表现,宏观分析范式侧重叙事结构,二者在研究内容、研究手段和研究结果三方面既有突破,又有局限。构建具有教育技术学特征的新型写作文本分析范式是深度分析个体写作内在差异的新视角,是归纳母语学习普遍规律和梳理未来语言学习研究方向的新途径。新型写作文本分析范式应建立微观、宏观和中观分析相结合的内容分析框架;依据言语表达的输出特征,探寻与内容分析框架相对应的、以发展性为指向的研究手段;并以语言运用为中心,发现个体语言运用的特殊规律,为写作教学提供更为深入和透彻的理论解释。  相似文献   

《了不起的盖茨比》是美国作家菲茨杰拉德的代表作。这部小说保持它不朽声誉的原因有很多,其中作者高超的写作技巧起了举足轻重的作用。第一人称叙事者的采用;叙述者兼主人公的双重身份的设置;使用颜色象征的手法来展现人物性格是菲茨杰拉德成功创作的重要因素。  相似文献   

Teaching children in the primary grades the text structures and features used by authors of information text has been shown to improve comprehension of information texts and provide the scaffolding and support these children need in order to write their own information texts. As teachers implement the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards (CCSS), they will need support and training on how to meet these increased curricular demands. In this article, we describe how children’s information books can be used as exemplars of well-structured text models to teach young students how to write selected discourse patterns required in the CCSS. As children in the primary grades learn to recognize and use well-structured example information texts as models for their own writing, they will be better prepared to deal with less well-structured, more complex text examples in their reading and writing in the years to come.  相似文献   

受汉语思维方式和中西方文化差异的影响,中式英文是学生写作中存在的主要问题。针对这一问题,基于英汉思维方式和文化差异对学生英语写作的影响的分析,提出了把语篇分析理论应用于英语写作教学中,以帮助学生写出地道的英语文章。  相似文献   

谈语篇分析对学生英语写作能力的促进作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
英语写作是英语教师一项棘手的问题,由于近年来语言学家及教育工作者只强调语法且很少或根本不注意语言结构是如何在篇中运用的,从而导致英语写作只停留在句子层次上。为了避免这类事情,就要求教者必须从语篇分析的角度科学地、系统地分析语言材料,谋篇布局,培养学生对英语文章的语篇分析能力,了解英语文章的结构,克服语篇教学和写作的障碍,以使学生能写出有特色的文章来。  相似文献   

张心怡  景益轩 《海外英语》2014,(20):265-267
In recent years,the Mars Text,a kind of newly born Internet language,has gained its surprising popularity among the younger generation,which arouses the intense opposition from the adults. With the purpose of having a profound and proper understanding of it,a comparative research of the characteristics of the Mars Text and Chinese has been conducted to identify the nature of the former,followed by discussions of the reasons behind its development and the current attitudes held by different social groups towards it. In summary,the Mars Text,as a creative symbol system,deserves respect from social members,but needs to be utilized in a culturally appropriate way.  相似文献   

This study investigated the complexity of leveled passages used in four classroom reading assessments. A total of 167 passages leveled for Grades 1–6 from these assessments were analyzed using four analytical tools of text complexity. More traditional, two-factor measures of text complexity found a general trend of fairly consistent across-grade progression of average complexity among the four assessments. However, considerable cross-assessment variability was observed in terms of the size of increase in complexity from grade to grade, the overall range of complexity, and the within-grade text complexity. These cross-assessment differences were less pronounced with newer, multi-factor analytical tools. The four assessments also differed in the extent to which their passages met the text complexity guidelines of the Common Core State Standards. The authors discuss implications of the differences found among and within the classroom assessment systems, on one hand, and among the measures of text complexity, on the other.  相似文献   

语言象似观与篇章组织——以大学英语写作教学为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
象似性被视为语言的基本特征之一。象似性理论简要描述了篇章组织的象似性特征。利用这一理论分析非英语专业学生英语篇章组织中的问题,采取相应的写作技巧可以指导和改进当前的写作教学实践。  相似文献   

近年来,随着市场经济的兴起,科学技术特别是传媒信息技术的发展,以及全球化浪潮的冲击.大众文化迅速在中国崛起,已经成为强势和主流文化.受此影响,通俗文学的崛起和大行其道成为中国当代文学发展的主要特征之一.因此,有必要对近年来大众文化笼罩下的中国通俗文学发展之路进行勾勒,并探讨通俗文学的发展趋势.  相似文献   

This article presents and discusses preliminary research on a new heuristic tool for learning from laboratory activities in secondary science. The tool, called the science writing heuristic, can be used by teachers as a framework from which to design classroom activities. Theoretically, the science writing heuristic represents a bridge between traditional laboratory reports and types of writing that promote personal construction of meaning. Two eighth‐grade classes participated in using the science writing heuristic during an 8‐week stream study. The teacher and one of the researchers collaboratively developed activities based on the science writing heuristic that the teacher implemented. Nineteen target students were studied in depth. Characteristics of report writing and students' understanding of the nature of science were investigated, using interpretive techniques. There is evidence that use of the science writing heuristic facilitated students to generate meaning from data, make connections among procedures, data, evidence, and claims, and engage in metacognition. Students' vague understandings of the nature of science at the beginning of the study were modified to more complex, rich, and specific understandings. The implications of the study for writing in science classrooms is discussed. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 36: 1065–1084, 1999  相似文献   

关联规则的数据挖掘系统结构及模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数据挖掘是一种数据分析处理技术,其主要特点是对数据库、数据仓库或其它数据源中的数据进行抽取、转换、分析和其它模型化处理,从中提取辅助企业和科研决策的知识。关联规则挖掘是数据挖掘技术的一个重要研究方向。本文对基于关联规则的数据挖掘技术进行了研究,并提出了一个数据挖掘工具集原型。  相似文献   

Khine  Myint Swe 《Science & Education》2019,28(3-5):599-601
Science & Education -  相似文献   

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