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互文性是文本的一个基本特性,它泛指一个文本对其他文本的指涉现象。本文借用Kristeva的互文性理论为分析框架,以2010年广州亚运会会徽为例,尝试对多模态文本中的互文性进行研究分析,结果表明在文本创作过程中,外在的影响和力量被纳入其中,因此读者可以从更加宽宏的视野来把握和审视多模态文本。  相似文献   

This paper expands the boundaries of video annotation in education by outlining the need for extended interaction in online video use, identifying the challenges faced by existing video annotation tools, and introducing Video-ANT, a tool designed to create text-based annotations integrated within the time line of a video hosted online. Several features will be described regarding the design and development of this solution, and additional uses for which VideoANT has been adapted will be outlined.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, researchers have increasingly drawn attention to the multiplicity of representations used in science. This issue of RISE advances this line of research by placing such representations at the centre of science teaching and learning. The authors show that representations do not simply transmit scientific information; they are integral to reasoning about scientific phenomena. This focus on thinking with representations mediates between well-resolved representations and formal reasoning of disciplinary science, and the capacity-limited, perceptually-driven nature of human cognition. The teaching practices described here build on three key principles: Each representation is interpreted through others; natural language is a sign system that is used to interpret a variety of other kinds of representations; and this chain of signs or representations is ultimately grounded in bodily experiences of perception and action. In these papers, the researchers provide examples and analysis of teachers scaffolding students in using representations to construct new knowledge, and in constructing new representations to express and develop their knowledge. The result is a new delineation of the power and the challenges of teaching science with multiple representations.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - There is growing interest in the construct of “transduction”, first introduced by (Kress, Cope and Kalantzis (eds), Multiliteracies: Literacy learning...  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - Literacy practices in science classrooms have been traditionally limited to the provision of macroscaffolds (writing templates like...  相似文献   

Science and religion are two indisputably profound and durable cultural forces with a complex history of interaction. As ASTE members are aware, these interactions often manifest themselves in classrooms and in the surrounding communities. In this essay, we encourage science teacher educators to broaden their perspectives of science–religion interactions so that they may better assist pre- and in-service science teachers with addressing topics such as the age and origins of the universe and biological evolution in an appropriate manner. We first introduce some foundational scholarship into the historical interactions between science and religion as well as current efforts to maintain healthy dialogue between perspectives that are frequently characterized as innately in conflict with or mutually exclusive of one another. Given that biological evolution is the dominant science–religion issue of our day, in particular in the USA, we next summarize the origins and strategies of anti-evolution movements via the rise and persistence of Christian Fundamentalism. We then summarize survey and qualitative sociological research indicating disparities between academic scientists and the general public with regard to religious beliefs to help us further understand our students’ worldviews and the challenges they often face in campus-to-classroom transitions. We conclude the essay by providing resources and practical suggestions, including legal considerations, to assist science teacher educators with their curriculum and outreach.  相似文献   

语篇理解中的知识利用:阅读教学中的认知科学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识利用的前提是知识的获取和知识的储存,而知识的获取、储存和利用可以概括为“概念-关系结构”这种最基本的形式。学习者只有充分利用这一形式,通过激活扩展、推理和更新三种认知操作,分析文内衔接手段、篇章结构、信息排列特征,对作者写作目的和篇章意义进行深层次的理解,才能获取更多的信息,提高阅读效果。  相似文献   

This study employs the 2004 School Achievement Indicators Program (SAIP) data to examine whether academic effort manifested by greater investments in school and homework does result in higher literacy scores in science for Canadian students. The study compares four gender–immigrant profiles: Canadian-born males, immigrant males, Canadian-born females, and immigrant females on their scores on teacher-assigned grades in science and on the SAIP science literacy test, and across a range of dispositions, beliefs, and behaviors suggested in the literature as predictive of achievement in science. Study findings show that Canadian-born students, particularly boys, have higher performance in the science literacy test despite their lower achievement in the science classroom and the least investments of time in doing science homework. In contrast, immigrant female students demonstrate the highest academic effort and achievement in science courses which are not matched by similar results in the science literacy test. We discuss these results in relation to different socialization experiences with science and technology that limit female and immigrant students’ abilities to transfer knowledge to new situations that have not been learned in the classroom.  相似文献   

微课是一种新生事物,其作为多模态语篇意义的构建方式尚不明晰。文章首先明确了微课的多模态属性,然后尝试以图文关系理论和声画关系理论为研究基础,对多模态微课的符号间关系进行了梳理,并对视觉模态符号间关系、听觉符号和视觉符号间关系分别进行了分析。文章指出,文本、图像和声音同为语篇制造意义的资源,它们各自有着对方所不能代替的功能,它们相辅相成、互补整合,从而达成语篇意义的共建。  相似文献   

This study deals with the problem of how to collect genuine and useful data about science classroom practices, and preserving the complex and holistic nature of teaching and learning. Additionally, we were looking for an instrument that would allow comparability and verifiability for teaching and research purposes. Given the multimodality of teaching and learning processes, we developed the multimodal narrative (MN), which describes what happens during a task and incorporates data such as examples of students’ work, photos, diagrams, etc. Also, it describes teachers’ intentions, preserving the nature of teaching practice in natural settings and it is verifiable and comparable. In this paper, we show how the MN was developed and present the protocol that was used for its construction. We identify the main characteristics of the MN and place it in the context of international research. We explore the potential of the MN for research purposes, illustrating its use in a research study that we carried out. We find that the MN provides a way to gather, organize and transform data, avoiding confusing and time-consuming manipulation of data, while minimizing the natural subjectivity of the narrator. The same MN can be used by the same or by different researchers for different purposes. Furthermore, the same MN can be used with different analysis techniques. It is also possible to study research practices on a large scale using MNs from different teachers and lessons. We propose that MNs can also be useful for teachers’ professional development.  相似文献   

走出中国心理科学的文化困境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文着意指出当前中国心理学界所面临的并不是人们通常认为的,是现代文化与后现代文化的相互冲突,而是在东方文化背景下学习西方科学文明又目睹其局限而产生的文化困境。强调中国心理科学只有坚持实证科学的基本原则,划清科学与非科学的界限,才能确保心理科学健康发展。  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - This paper argues that meaning-making with multimodal representations in science learning is always contextualized within a genre and, conversely, what constitutes...  相似文献   

美国非虚构小说在上世纪中期的繁荣具有深厚的科学技术和思想意识根源。科技创新在提升人类认识水平和改善生存环境的同时,也革新了作家的认知观念和创作思想。认识危机的弥漫,怀疑意识的扩散,使作家放弃了虚构、解释和说教的传统,代之以真实事件来表达主题。而对这一段历史的回顾具有双重意义:不但可加深对美国这一重要的学现象的研究,而且给我们提供了洋为中用,以史为鉴的依据,有助于我们探讨国内目前纪实性学的繁荣。  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, scholars and others have been engaged in a lively debate about the virtues and dangers of mingling commerce with university science. In this paper, we contend that the commercialization of academic science, and higher education more broadly, are best understood as pieces of a larger story. We use two cases of institutional change at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to shed light on the implications of neoliberalism for public research universities in the United States. We conclude that instead of neoliberalization being a timely strategy for the specific fiscal and other problems facing public universities today, it has become an omnibus solution available to be employed when any opportunity arises and, in fact, helps to define the “problems” of the university in the first place.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - This article provides rich insights into the process of data generation for discourse analysis from three separate studies of the video recordings of a single...  相似文献   

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