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我们应该尽自己的力量去帮助别人。有时候,在帮助别人的时候,你会有意想不到的收获,大多数情况下可能不一定是物质上的收获,但是你的收获会比你的付出更多。很多年以前,有一个富人想要为他们村里的人做一些事情。但是,他首先要弄清楚他们是否值得帮助。于是,他在通往村庄的大路中央放了一块巨石。然后,他在附近藏了起来,等着看接下  相似文献   

很多年以前,有一个富人,他想为自己村子的人做点什么。他首先想知道的是他们是否值得他的帮助。  相似文献   

我承认,希腊人的文化很对我的胃口。我喜欢他们这些刻在石头上的历史与艺术。由于石头上的文化保留得最久,所以无论是希腊人,还是埃及人、玛雅人、巴比伦人以及我们中国人,在初始时期,都把文化刻在坚硬的石头上。这些深深  相似文献   

来到石头营,首先映入你眼帘的,就是石头。青的,白的,方形的,卵形的;小的与沙粒为伍,大的二人不能合抱;山上坡下,一堆堆,一片片,挡住了你的视野……房屋是石头垒的,院墙是石块砌的,道路是碎石铺的,村头的漫桥是青石码的。一句话,倘若没有这些美丽的石头,也就没有了石头营! 十五年前,有一位不算年轻而又体弱的女教师冒着漫天风雪自愿上了山,先到川仓峪,又到马家崖,最后辗转到了这里。从此,这里便到处留下了她辛勤的脚印。  相似文献   

设计意图 :成人眼里普通的石头在孩子看来都是难得的宝贝、亲密的玩伴 ,充满了魅力。考虑到大班幼儿具有一定的想像力和创造力 ,我就让幼儿采集了一些自己喜欢的小石头 ,让他们根据石头的形状大胆想像 ,用色彩鲜艳的颜料和各种辅助材料来装饰 ,并用装饰好的石头造型和同伴一起创编故事。这样既让幼儿体验到借助石头大胆造型的快乐 ,又提高了想像力和语言表达能力。目标 :1 运用颜料或辅助材料装饰石头 ,体验在石头上作画的乐趣。2 尝试用装饰好的石头造型来创编故事 ,发展想像力、创造力和语言表达能力。准备 :1 形状各异的洗净晾干的小石头…  相似文献   

1. Still in the Same Cemetery A man asked an acquaintance how his wife was; then, suddenly re- membering that she had been dead, she blurted out, “Does she still live in the same cemetery?” 2. The Juice in the Downpour It had been a long, hot summer, and a Vermonter was mighty glad when the rain came. One day while it was raining, he was out on the pa- tio having breakfast. “It felt so good, ”he told a friend.“I just went ahead and ate in the downpour. The only trouble was that it too…  相似文献   

江淮 《今日中学生》2011,(30):29-30
Different dates A Russian diplomat (外交官 ) and his American were having a date (约会) at a U.S. night club.  相似文献   

A tourist in Africa sent his mother an exotic bird for her birthday.When he got back to the States,he called her."Hi,Mom,"he said."How’d you like the bird I gave you?""It was delicious." "You ate the bird!"the guy shrieked."He was very expensive.He could talk!"  相似文献   

Self-teaching On an airplane trip,I sat next to a woman and her six-year-old grandson. When I said that I was a teacher,she started to ask him to count the numbers backward. He said quickly:"Twenty,nineteen,eighteen,seventeen...""That was wonderful," I s…  相似文献   

(Ⅰ)A.同步阅读远方的Linda给Jane来信了,你能帮Jane看看,并从下面括号中选用适当的词将信中不完整的地方补全吗?(bed,M y,dinner,take,soup,stories,A ll,every,house,gam e,ill,Tell)D ear Jane,H ow are you?I am fine.1fam ily isfine,butm y sister is2.Shes in3now.4her  相似文献   

本文分析了文体学的特点、运用范围、教学对象、教学价值和外语教学的意义。  相似文献   

正ATeacher:(Looking through查看Lee's homework)I wonder how one person could make so many mistakes?Lee:It wasn't one person,teacher.Father helped me.BTeacher:A noun is the name of a thing.Who can give mea noun?First boy:A pig.Teachter:Very good.Give another noun.Second boy:Another pig.  相似文献   

1.There is a bad w olf in the forest.O ne day he is eating a lam b.Suddenly abone(骨头)sticks in his throat(喉咙).2.“O h,a bone is in m y throat,”he goes to see a doctor,“Please helpm e.”The doctor,M r.Panda says,“Sorry,I can’t help you.The bone isinside.”3.“W hat can I do?”thewolf is sad.Then he m eets acrane(鹤).“O h,dear crane.Please help m e.A bone is inm y throat.I will pay for yourhelp.”4.“O K.Let m e have atry,”the crane says.Shepulls out the bone with herbill(脖子).…  相似文献   

下面是 Li Lei一天的时间安排,你能根据这些信息完成对话吗? 6:20a.m getup 6:40a.m ,7:00a.m have breakfast,go to school 12:00 a.m have lunch 4:00 a.m play basketball 5:00 p.m ,6:00p.m go hom e,have supper 6:30p.m w atch TV 7:00 p.m do his hom ework 10:00 p.m go to bedB : 1 A :W hat tim e does he getup? B : 2 A : 3 B :H e goes to schoolat7:00. A :W hat tim e does he have lunch? B : 4 A : 5 at6:00in the evening? B :N o,he watches TV at 6:30in the evening. A :W here does he do his hom ework? B …  相似文献   

To my eyes my parents’vegetable garden was as big as asoccer1 field.I'd always imagined this was done to sat-isfy the perpetual2 appetites of five children.It wasn’tuntil I married and had two children of my own that I  相似文献   

王庚 《海外英语》2013,(21):216-219
在翻译工作中,尤其是英译汉的翻译工作中,译员经常会遇到一些富于不同文化背景的表述。对于初涉翻译工作的译员,往往忽视对这些表达的研究,而现有的工具书中,也鲜有涉及这方面内容的专著。他首先介绍了译员对文化应当持有怎样的理性认识,然后阐明了文化与翻译的相互关系,最后,重点列举了两个典型的例子,提示译员文化差异对翻译实践工作的影响。在文章最后,他总结了对于那些富于文化内涵的表述,译员应当持有怎样的态度和策略。  相似文献   

The North Wind and the Sun each claimed(声称)he was the stronger.At last they agreed to trytheir powers upon a traveler,to see which couldsoonest strip him of his doak(斗篷,宽大外衣).  相似文献   

I dreamed Iwas walking downSeminary Street,thegrainy old tree-lined roadthat led to the college libraryin my home town,at the coyner of which sat my!grandmother’s dark redbrick apartment building.She lived across from the college campus near theconservatory and the practice rooms where I spent  相似文献   

Once upon a time all the Rivers combined to protest(抗议) against the action of the Sea in making their waters salt.“When we come to you,”said they to the Sea, “we are sweet and drinkable: but when once we have mingled with you, our waters  相似文献   

Male or femaleA woman visited the zoo and asked akeeper whether the zebra(斑马)was male ora female.“Madam,”replied the keeper,“that is aquestion that should be of interest to anotherzebra.”SleeplessnessMary went to see a doctor and said,“Doctor,I can!t sleep.”The doctor asked,“Did you try counting?”“Yes,I counted to487465.”answered Mary.Then the doctorasked,“Surely you fell asleep?”“No,then it was morning.”Marywas disappointed(失望)and answered.Ten secondsTom!s grandma care…  相似文献   

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