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儿童铅中毒研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着现代化工业和交通的高速发展,铅环境污染日益严重,铅中毒已经成为影响人类尤其是儿童健康的一个重要社会问题。由于儿童特殊的生理和行为特征,铅污染对儿童的危害最直接、最严重,国内外大量的研究证实,铅对儿童生长、心理、智能、行为发育损伤是不可逆的[1],严重危害儿童的  相似文献   

《铅对儿童生长发育影响及其预防的系列研究》第一完成人是上海第二医科大学附属新华医院主持工作的副院长、上海儿童医学中心院长沈晓明教授。儿童铅中毒防治有利于提高我国未来人口素质,减少因铅中毒所造成的弱智人口,其研究属儿童保健的新课题——儿童环境医学。该研究通过铅对学龄前儿童及胎儿期铅暴露  相似文献   

铅对儿童健康的危害极大,铅中毒已成为影响儿童健康的重要医学问题.急性铅中毒可引起人体的生化和生理功能发生障碍,出现阵发性腹绞痛,并可发生肝大、黄疸、少尿或无尿、循环衰竭.严重者可引起急性铅中毒脑病,出现四肢麻木或肢体瘫痪,甚至呼吸困难,严重时危及生命.慢性铅中毒可引起身体、智力发育障碍或滞后,降低患儿的社会生活能力.因此,早在80年代国外就对儿童铅中毒问题做了大量的研究工作,并投入了大量人力物力以降低儿童血铅值.近年来我国政府、儿童教育专家及社会各界对降低我国儿童血铅水平作出了大量的努力.  相似文献   

铅对儿童的危害钱吉良铅对儿童健康的潜在危害,近年来日益引人关注。早在本世纪初,已有因误食颜料而引起小儿铅中毒的报道,之后关于儿童铅中毒的报道和记载不断增多。如果以40微克/100毫升作为儿童血铅浓度(简称血铅)的临界标准,则欧美一些主要工业国家的城市...  相似文献   

最近,常有家长来医院咨询,说他们的孩子在幼儿园组织的体检中,检测头发发现“铅中毒”,并听说铅中毒会影响孩子的智力,因此家长们非常恐慌。对铅中毒的孩子该怎么办?究竟要不要给孩子买目前市场上常见的“排铅”保健品?在回答这一问题之前,我们首先应搞清楚“铅中毒”的概念。何谓“铅中毒”铅是一种对人体只有害处,毫无益处的重金属元素,它在自然界中普遍存在。理想的状态是儿童体内的铅等于零,而实际上这种“零铅状态”却无法做到。铅对人体最大的危害是对神经系统有潜在的毒性。有研究发现,当儿童血液中铅含量超过100微克/升,就会对儿童…  相似文献   

铅损伤是国际公认的危害儿童智力和神经发育系统的“第一杀手”。中国儿童一半以上处于铅中毒状态,部分城市工业园区的儿童铅中毒流行率高达85%。然而,目前中国还没有把血铅检查列入儿童常规检查。  相似文献   

防儿童铅中毒妙招:勤洗手针对儿童铅中毒时有发生,专家建议坚持勤洗手可除去九成以上的含铅物质。流行病学调查和临床医学实验表明,儿童血铅超标对儿童的智能发育、体格生长、学习能力和听力等均会产生不利影响,而铅在生活环境中几乎无处不在。由于儿童习惯将手和玩具放在口中吸吮,因此比其他人群有更多接触铅的机会。北京儿童铅中毒防治中心主任认为,要培育孩子良好的  相似文献   

2011年2月13日.首都科学讲堂开始新春第一讲。中国政策科学研究会铅防治专家指导委员会副主任委员傅松涛教授.结合2010年众多血铅事件,为公众讲解什么是血铅.铅中毒有哪些危害,如何防治铅中毒。他在现场强调要特别关注儿童铅中毒问题,因为儿童比成年人更容易铅中毒。  相似文献   

铅对儿童健康的危害,近年来日益为人们关注。儿重对铅十分敏感,这是因为铅在小儿肠胃道中较易被吸收,儿重的代谢、解毒和排泄功能成熟较晚,神经系统比较脆弱,铅中毒后的脑病发生率也比成人高。幼儿慢性铅中毒后,往往性情孤僻、忧郁,智力受损,发育迟缓,大多数患儿注意力分散,精神呆滞。铅中毒病儿往往贫血,视觉、听觉、味觉等功能均受到损害。铅侵入幼儿肌体的渠道主要  相似文献   

简单地说,铅中毒就是血液中含过量的铅。世界卫生组织对血铅含量的安全标准是10微克每分升,高于这个标准就属于铅中毒。铅中毒对儿童的智能发展、身体发育均会产生不利影响。儿童摄入的铅主要来自环境。铅多集聚在贴近地面1米左右的大气中,离地面越近,铅的浓度越高,而距地面1米处正好是儿童的呼吸带。因此,儿童从空气中所吸入的铅比成人高数倍。此外,儿童特有的手——口行为也造成儿童较其他人群有更多接触铅的机会。防治儿童铅中毒的重点在于预防。△培养良好的卫生习惯,教育婴幼儿不吸吮手指,不将异物放入口中,进食前必须洗手。家长要经常清洗儿童的玩具和其他一些有可能被孩子放到口中的物品。食品及婴儿的餐具要随时盖好,以免尘土落入。指甲缝是特别容  相似文献   

阿尔茨海默病是一种病因未明确的神经退行性疾病,以老年斑和神经元纤维缠结为主要病理特点。由于目前尚无特效疗法,近年来许多学者和专家都致力于其发病机制和发病原因的研究,认为环境中的某些金属元素如铅、铝、铜等因素与阿尔茨海默病的发生有一定的联系,其中铅中毒成为近期研究热点。同时许多学者也提出了铅与神经毒性、脂质过氧化等都有一定关联。本文就近年来铅中毒与阿尔茨海默病发病机制相关研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

This study explores an area of writing that has been largely neglected – children’s imaginative writing at home. In an educational climate dominated by the standards agenda and top‐down directive discourses, this study draws inspiration from children who are creating opportunities for writing themselves and are developing agency through their writing at home. The positive approach to reading advocated in Margaret Clark’s (1976) seminal work on ‘young fluent readers’ has been very influential. Rather than reporting what children are unable to do, Clark explored the early experiences and home setting of competent pre‐school readers, posing the question: what can they teach us? Taking this lead, one of the premises of this study is that we should similarly seek to understand the experiences of young competent writers so that we can learn more about children who choose to write of their own volition outside of school. This paper presents the findings of the preliminary phase of an ongoing doctoral study. Drawing on questionnaire data, it specifically focuses upon Year 5 and 6 teachers’ views of children’s imaginative home writing, exploring problems of identification and teachers’ perceptions of their pupils as imaginative writers at home.  相似文献   

Bangladesh has experienced the largest mass poisoning of a population in history owing to contamination of groundwater with naturally occurring inorganic arsenic. Prolonged drinking of such water risks development of diseases and therefore has implications for children's cognitive and psychological development. This study examines the effect of arsenic contamination of tubewells, the primary source of drinking water at home, on the learning outcome of school-going children in rural Bangladesh using recent nationally representative data on secondary school children. We unambiguously find a negative and statistically significant correlation between mathematics scores and arsenic-contaminated drinking tubewells at home, net of the child's socio-economic status, parental background and school specific unobserved correlates of learning. Similar correlations are found for an alternative measure of student achievement and subjective well-being (i.e. self-reported measure of life satisfaction), of the student. We conclude by discussing the policy implication of our findings in the context of the current debate over the adverse effect of arsenic poisoning on children.  相似文献   

为了研究急性铅中毒对小鼠睾丸病理变化的影响,通过对小鼠饲喂含有醋酸铅的去离子水建立铅负荷小鼠模型.处理10 d后取材,分析体质量、睾丸指数和睾丸病理剖检变化.结果显示:与对照组相比,铅中毒组小鼠体质量无明显变化,睾丸指数降低,且差异显著(P<0.05);小鼠睾丸中支持细胞、生精细胞和间质细胞数量减少.铅对小鼠睾丸具有显著损害作用,从而影响小鼠的生殖健康.  相似文献   

[目的]了解儿童血铅水平及其影响因素。[方法]采用全血锌原卟啉值测定;问卷调查影响儿童血铅水平的相关因素,并进行多元逐步回归分析。[结果]3621名儿童平均血铅浓度为0.504umol/L。超过0.483umol/L共有1615人,占44.6%,多元逐步回归分析表明饭前不洗手、常玩金属或带油漆的玩具、使用含铅量高的学习和生活用具、常吃含铅量高食品、父母吸烟等因素与儿童血铅水平密切相关。[结论]儿童血铅含量水平与不良的生活习惯及生活环境的铅污染有关,应对影响儿童血铅水平的危险因素进行有效的预防。  相似文献   

This article discusses two investigations which explored the bilingual language development outcomes of comparable groups of low-income, Spanish-speaking, Mexican American children who either did or did not attended a bilingual (Spanish/English) preschool. Study 1 is a replication of a study by Rodríguez, Díaz, Duran, and Espinosa, involving a new sample of 26 children who attended bilingual preschool for one year and 20 control children who remained at home. Study 2 represents a 1-year, longitudinal follow-up of Rodríguez et al.'s, sample of children during and after the children spent another year at home or in the preschool. In both investigations, standardized, objective measures of three components of children's language proficiency (productive language, receptive language, and language complexity) in English and Spanish were obtained at the beginning and end of the academic year. Contrary to fears that have been expressed by some that early exposure to English would lead to children's native language loss, the results of both studies offered no evidence of Spanish proficiency loss for children attending bilingual preschool. Children who attended bilingual preschool, compared to those who remained at home, showed significant and parallel gains in Spanish language development as well as significant and greater increases in English language proficiency over time. Results are discussed in terms of the need for more systematic research to be conducted in this area to inform policy and practice in the early education and development of language-minority children.  相似文献   

Conclusions In education literature, there is often confusion between compulsory provision of education and compulsory schooling, falsely giving the impression that schooling is compulsory. This is not the case. Home education is permitted in some form or other in all the European countries studied except Germany.Where the alternative of home education is denied to children who are in difficulty, such as very young children of itinerant workers, or children who are school phobic, one has to question whether the good of the individual child is being considered, rather than the ideals or convenience of education administrators. Home education is a welcome alternative to those children who need it and benefit from it and there is no evidence in academic literature or general writing on education to suggest that home education does not usually offer a good alternative to the children involved, both academically and socially.Much research has been undertaken into home education in the US, there have been a few studies within the UK and a study in Switzerland of the laws which apply to home educators within each canton and an assessment of the numbers of home educated children in both Austria and Switzerland. In other European countries, there has been little or no research into the numbers of home educated children, the ways in which home educated children learn, efficient methods of monitoring home education, or whether home education is effective. Perhaps it is by looking more closely at these families that the effectiveness of schooling can be better assessed: fundamental questions can be asked about the added value of schooling.My preliminary investigations indicate that, with the exception of Denmark, where it is easy for parents to set up small schools with financial help from government, there are instances of home education in all the countries studied.  相似文献   

留守儿童的概念界定关系着留守儿童问题研究的规范、深入与意义。"留守"即是父母双双外出务工而导致的"亲子分离"的完全留守。"儿童"就是16周岁以下的未成年人。留守儿童就是我国农村地区因父母双双外出务工而守望着家园的16周岁以下的未成年人。可见,留守儿童依存于农民工,所以化解留守儿童现象只能从解决农民工问题入手,即通过解决农民工问题带动留守儿童现象的逐渐消除。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the results of a small‐scale study into the ways in which two bilingual boys attempt to manage the discontinuities between their identities at home and as members of an early years class at a mainly white primary school in the UK. To do this, a number of semi‐structured interviews were undertaken with the boys and their parents. The results reveal that while the children generally attempt to assume the pupil identity options afforded them at school, the differences between these and those they take up in their home environment generally lead them to seek to keep the world of the home and of the school separate in ways that disrupt the school’s attempts to develop home/school partnership initiatives. We argue that a focus on identity management issues for children in the early years allows new and more critical understandings to emerge that can usefully inform the practices that educators can develop to enhance their learning experiences.  相似文献   

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