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"以学生为中心"的外语教学双边活动探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邹晓燕  万敏 《教育与职业》2006,(36):128-129
外语教学必须提倡“以学生为中心”的教学双边活动,而“以学生为主体、以教师为主导”是“以学生为中心”的外语教学原则的两个方面。教师不再牵着学生的鼻子走,而是以学生为中心,发挥学生学习的主观能动性,教会学生学习的方法和本领,让学生在知识的海洋中自由翱翔。  相似文献   

试论外语教学中的"动态中心"模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以教师为中心和以学生为中心的教学法在外语教学中既具有合理性,也有着明显的局限性。在“以学习为中心”的外语教学中,教师、学生和学习之间更为和谐,但实践中的可操作性差。“动态中心”———学习中心的转移模式可以更好地解释师生之间的主客体关系结构的转换,辩证地把握学习的主体性建构,是外语教学改革发展的趋势。  相似文献   

学习自主性和教师的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
促进学习自主性是近20年来外语教学界的热门话题。“以学习为中心”的模式将课堂教学的中心转向学生,这就意味着学生将承担更多的学习责任,但教师的作用是否减弱了呢?本通过介绍近年来外语教学领域对学习自主性的理论认识,以及教师如何培养学生学习自主性等方面,来探索教师在“以学习为中心”教学中的作用。  相似文献   

将企业界的“企业教练”理论引介到外语教学就形成了外语教学的“教练”理念,该理念突出了对学生主体和学习实践的关注,把传统的“教师→外语→学生”型教学观念提升到“教师→学生→外语”型的以人为本、重在实践的教学理念,从而升华了师生关系、优化了课堂教学、提升了教学效果、强化了课外训练、提高了学习效率,是一种符合当代教育价值观念与发展趋势的新型教学理念。  相似文献   

于志强 《教书育人》2001,(18):26-26
随着外语教学在我国的迅猛发展,教学法的研究方兴未艾。中国英语教师已经习惯了传统的外语教学方式,教师是课堂教学的中心,学生只注重语言知识的学习和应付考试,而轻视了语言的基本功能──交际。近几年来,随着外语交际法被广大外语教师所接受,传统的“以教师为中心”的教学法不能满足专科外语教学的需要。“以学生为中心”的外语教学法逐渐得到大学外语教师的喜爱。本文试图对专科外语教学中运用“以学生为中心”的教学法进行论述,为提高专科外语教学进行有益的尝试。 一、传统专科英语教学现状 在专科英语教学中,由于学生已经习惯…  相似文献   

本文结合“反思性实践”理论和外语“反思性”教学研究成果,从外语教育目的、教学理念、教学模式、教学方法和教学环境五个方面反思了外语教学中存在的不足,认为:外语教育目的应细化听说阶段性学习目标;外语教学理念应以“学生为中心,教师为主导”造就高素质创新性人才;外语教学模式要与实际教学相适应,注重课堂教学实效;外语教学方法要博采众家之长,选准最佳汇合点;外语教学环境应注重教学设施运作效益最大化,为“反思性教师”专业化发展营造良好氛围。  相似文献   

外语教学的目的应是让学习掌握所学的外语,让学习具备说、听、读、写、译的能力。然而,“聋子英语”、“哑巴英语”的现象普遍存在,外语教学费时低效。造成这种现象的根本原因有许多。有的是教师对教学目的或目标不明确,有的是由于应试教学。有的是教师自身素质的缺乏。有的是教与学的风格特点的影响而造成的。要解决这个问题,需要教师运用教育心理学和语言学的理论知识。结合学生的学习特点。以学生为中心进行外语教学活动。  相似文献   

长期以来.我国中学外语教学偏重知识传授.忽视技能训练.轻听说、重读写。最终导致学生英语整体素质下降.出现“高分低能”比比皆是的现象。这不能不说是外语教学的悲哀。究其原因.主要是教师急功近利.违背语言教学规律实施教学:在教师的影响和带动下.学生违反语言学习的规律学习.结果导致教学双方受到“惩罚”难以避免。  相似文献   

成人外语教学包括两方面的内涵 ,一是成人教学 ,二是外语教学。因此成人外语教学既要反映成人教学的规律和原则 ,又要遵循外语教学的规律和原则。充分认识成人外语教学的规律及原则对进一步搞好外语教学具有积极的指导意义。为此 ,全国成人高等《英语教学大纲》提出了九条教学原则作为英语教学的指导方向。限于篇幅 ,本文主要探讨“学”与“导”这一原则。一、成人学习外语的特点本文中的“学”指的是学生的自学 ,“导”则是教师的指导。自学是成人学习的主要形式 ,向学员传授学习方法 ,并指导他们高效率地自学 ,便是教师指导的主要内容 (倪…  相似文献   

近年来,语言学家及语言教育家们对外语教学的研究已经从教师“如何教”转向学生“如何学”。课堂教学的中心由教师转向了学生,并提出“以学习者为中心”的课堂教学模式,主张学生应承担更多的学习责任,并提出自主学习的理念。本文着重讨论了大学英语教学中学习者自主性的定义、重要性及学生自主学习能力的提升。  相似文献   

教师与学习在互动性外语课堂中合作构建语篇,互动中写作与会话一样遵循相应的交际原则,如面子观与合作原则,作与读通过语篇相遇和互动,从而传情达意。外语教学或学习中以计算机为媒介的互动作为提高字写作能力的一种方法应受到关注。  相似文献   

语码转换是外语教学中比较普遍且复杂的语言现象,文章以"语言顺应论"为基础,运用于国栋提出的语码转换顺应模式,对我国非英语专业大学英语课堂中的语码转换的顺应性进行分析。这种顺应性主要体现在三个方面:(1)语言现实的顺应;(2)社会规约的顺应;(3)心理动机的顺应。教师语码转换的目的就是为了顺应教学需要,以其实现教学目标,有利于提高教学质量。  相似文献   

Policy-makers, administrators, researchers, and teachers are increasingly vested in ensuring the quality of preschool instruction, particularly in the areas of language and literacy. This research was conducted to characterize the quality of language and literacy instruction in 135 publicly-funded preschool classrooms serving at-risk pupils. As all teachers in these classrooms were implementing the same language and literacy curriculum, we also studied the interrelationships among procedural fidelity to a prescribed curriculum and the quality of language and literacy instruction, determining whether procedural fidelity is associated or disassociated with quality instruction. Results showed that the quality of language and literacy instruction in classrooms was low, with few teachers delivering high quality instruction. Although teachers were able to implement a prescribed language and literacy curriculum with a high degree of procedural fidelity, this was not associated with quality instruction. Few structural characteristics of classrooms of teachers were systematically associated with quality of instruction. Findings have important implications for professional development of teachers by suggesting a need for a sustained and coherent focus on the process of instruction to elevate instructional quality in language and literacy.  相似文献   

This article reports a study of the possibilities of communications networks and electronic mail (e‐mail) in foreign language (FL) teaching. The research model combined FL education and information technologies (communications networks and e‐mail). The study was a multisite ethnographic case study, with elements of exploratory, collaborative, change‐oriented field‐work‐based development research. The Finnish participants included six classes (Form 1 or 2) in three senior secondary schools, with four teachers of English. The foreign participants came mainly from schools in Britain and the USA. Data gathering techniques included a number of various qualitative methods. Introducing a technological innovation into FL classrooms was quite successful. The teachers realized that communications networks would soon be an integrated part of FL teaching, though incorporating them in the FL curriculum called for extra work. There was some change in methods of work, taking the authenticity of e‐mails into account, though the linguistic features of the e‐mails were occasionally over‐emphasized. The lesson format was learner‐centred but somewhat teacher‐monitored. Learners’ autonomous, dyadic and small group work increased, while teachers partly became co‐learners with students.  相似文献   

Foreign language (FL) and English as a Second Language (ESL) teaching present considerable challenges in the rural U.S. South. Local language ideologies, budgetary considerations, and challenges in other curricular areas (e.g., math and science) lead to marginalizing both FL and ESL in schools. This article examines the personal and professional trajectories of in-service language teachers in K–12 settings in the state of Mississippi to better understand how participants conceptualize their practice and their roles in schools. By analyzing the interview discourse of nine teachers, we found that both ESL and FL teachers positioned themselves against dominant ideologies and educational policies and constructed themselves as agents of change in the classroom, school, and community at large. This study contributes to the argument for integrating FL and ESL in rural areas, where both groups need support, and provides suggestions for ESL-FL teacher collaboration in rural schools.  相似文献   

Although the importance of language in science learning has been widely recognized by researchers, there is limited research on how science teachers perceive the roles that language plays in science classrooms. As part of an intervention design project that aimed to enhance teachers’ capacity to address the language demands of science, interview data (N = 9) were collected to understand teachers’ perceptions and experiences with a wide range of issues related to language use in science classrooms. Adopting an interpretive approach to qualitative data, the analysis revealed that the teachers perceive a wide range of student difficulties related to language use in science classrooms, especially to the use of specialized terms and writing. Although the teachers are keenly aware of how language can be a barrier to learning science, they are less certain as to what students need to know about the language of science in order to master it. The findings suggested professional support that highlights the distinctive language demands of science and how these demands differ from other subject areas could be useful to these elementary school teachers.  相似文献   

The development of oral language in classrooms has been an incidental occurrence historically. The amount of oral language that children have is an indicator of their success or struggle in school. To meet the needs of these children, teachers can make oral language development a primary focus for instruction. This article examines ways that teachers can both implicitly and explicitly teach children about language and its functions in primary classrooms through the environment, connections to literature, developmentally appropriate oral language activities, and engaging curricula.  相似文献   

A quasi-experimental, statewide intervention targeting preschool teachers' enhancement of children's language and early literacy was evaluated. Across 2 years and 20 Head Start sites, 750 teachers participated (500 target, 250 control), with 370 classrooms randomly selected to conduct pre- and posttest assessments (10 randomly selected children per class). The inability to randomize children to classrooms was addressed by examining children's performance for teachers who were control teachers in Year 1 and target teachers in Year 2. We also compared teachers with 2 years of training with teachers with 1 year of training and with control teachers. Greater gains were found for children in target classrooms than for those in control classrooms for all skills, but particularly for language skills, in Year 2, and this varied by program site. The presence of a research-based early literacy curriculum, higher levels of teacher education, and full-day versus half-day programs were significant moderators of intervention effectiveness. The challenges of implementing a statewide initiative across programs that varied in their readiness to implement a cognitively rich experience for preschool children are discussed.  相似文献   

本文旨在指出在对外汉语教学的课堂内外,综合运用科技手段开展教学的迫切性和重要性,以及利用科技可以提高对外汉语教学的效率和教学效果。随着电脑和互联网的迅猛发展,尤其是美国苹果公司的iPhone第4代席卷全球,人们的生活、工作和学习,各个方面都进入了一个崭新而又颇有挑战的新时期。如何更好地利用数码电子工具是对外汉语教学成功的关键。本文将举例说明目前在海外,尤其是在美国南卡鲍勃琼斯大学,对外汉语教学中常用的一些教育科技软件及其在教学上的综合应用,包括对外汉语老师如何可以在课堂内外有效利用科技采增强听、说、读和写四项汉语技能。  相似文献   

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