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In this paper, we investigate the effects of using four methods of publication counting (complete, whole, fractional, square root fractional) and limiting the number of publications (at researcher and institution levels) on the results of a national research evaluation exercise across fields using Polish data. We use bibliographic information on 0.58 million publications from the 2013–2016 period. Our analysis reveals that the largest effects are in those fields within which a variety publication and cooperation patterns can be observed (e.g. in Physical sciences or History and archeology). We argue that selecting the publication counting method for national evaluation purposes needs to take into account the current situation in the given country in terms of the excellence of research outcomes, level of internal, external and international collaboration, and publication patterns in the various fields of sciences. Our findings show that the social sciences and humanities are not significantly influenced by the different publication counting methods and limiting the number of publications included in the evaluation, as publication patterns in these fields are quite different from those observed in the so-called hard sciences. When discussing the goals of any national research evaluation system, we should be aware that the ways of achieving these goals are closely related to the publication counting method, which can serve as incentives for certain publication practices.  相似文献   

In Hungary, the highest and most prestigious scientific qualification is considered to be the Doctor of Science (DSc) title being awarded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The academic performance indicators of the DSc title are of high importance in the evaluation of individuals’ research performance not only when a researcher applies for obtaining a DSc title, but also during promotions and appointments at universities, and in the case of the evaluation of applications for scientific titles and degrees, and the assessment of applications for funding. In the Section of Earth Sciences encompassing nine related disciplines, rather than carrying out a straightforward bibliometric analysis, the performance indicators were designed as a result of a consensual agreement between leading academicians, each of whom represented a particular discipline. Therefore, the minimum values of the indicators, required to be fulfilled if one is applying for a DSc title, do not adequately reflect the actual discipline-specific performance of researchers. This problem may generate tension between researchers during the evaluation process. The main goal of this paper is to recalibrate the minimum values of four major performance indicators by taking the actual discipline-specific distance ratios into account. In addition, each minimum value will be defined by employing integer and fractional counting methods as well. The research outcome of this study can provide impetus for the Section of Earth Sciences (and eventually other sections of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) to optimize the minimum values of the DSc title performance indicators by taking the specifics of each discipline into account. Because academic performance indicators are also employed in other Eastern European countries in the evaluation of individuals’ research performance, the methods used in that paper can be placed into a wider geographical context.  相似文献   

科技文献的准备是开展科研工作的必须步骤和重要基础,而当前从电子期刊数据库中检索到的相关文献往往成百上千篇.如何判断一篇文献的阅读价值,并快速准确地获得相关知识,成为科技文献服务方面的一个共性需求.本文针对在科研工作中需要快速对文献按阅读价值进行排序并获得相关知识这一共性需求,以PageRank算法为基础,提出并验证了一种综合考虑文献的内容、期刊、作者、时间等反映文献阅读价值的因素对文献进行排序的PaperRank方法.该方法在得到依据文献阅读价值的排序结果的同时,还可获得在某一问题或领域研究中的重要作者和重要文献等相关知识.  相似文献   

Publications of the faculty of the University of Mississippi's School of Business were examined for a citation analysis. The following data were collected: journals cited, which publishers’ journals were cited, age of the citations, and the Library of Congress classification range cited. The results were analyzed by the business school as a whole and by the four major departments in the college: Finance, Management, Management Information Systems/Production Operations Management, and Marketing. The study was undertaken to gain a better understanding of the local faculty researchers’ needs, to examine how the library supports their needs, and to compare the local results with the metaresearch focused on specific subject or journal.  相似文献   

The time evolution of mean received citations is calculated on a sample of journals from two ISI subject categories (“Chemistry, multidisciplinary”, ISI Science Edition, and “Management”, ISI Social Science edition) with the use of an original methodology. Mean received citations are plotted against the time gap in years existing between publication of the cited article and received citations. For most Chemistry journals in the sample the maximum number of average received citations occurs two years after publication, and then a decrease is experimented. Some peculiar cases present a different trend. Management journals, conversely, do not present in most cases a peak of citations: average received citations instead grow from year of publication to the age of 10 years (maximum time gap studied). A subsample of journals show similar results for longer time series (up to 23 years). Medians of average received citations per year partly show a similar behavior. Results suggest that citedness follows very different trends in very different fields, and partly suggest why differences in Journal Impact Factor exist between different categories. At the end of the work conclusions are drawn, together with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

图书馆的查收查引服务,有助于学者及其单位客观认识自身科研成果产出和学术发展。论文结合查收查引工作实践,从数据、算法、交互3个层面分析构建了他引区分策略,并对其进行系统实现。通过随机抽取样本报告做对比验证,实验得出该策略在时间效率和操作便捷性上更具优势,最后针对影响因素进行探讨,希望为学者唯一身份标识领域的研究提供思路参考。  相似文献   

In 2005, the authors reviewed citation help in databases and found an error rate of 4.4 errors per citation. This article describes a follow-up study that revealed a modest improvement in the error rate to 3.4 errors per citation, still unacceptably high. The most problematic area was retrieval statements. The authors conclude that librarians should include citation features in the evaluation of databases and should open a dialogue with vendors about the importance of providing accurate, reliable information about citations to students.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对科学计量研究中计数方法的相关概念进行界定,构建计数方法分类体系,梳理比较计数方法的特征和差异,分析现存问题并提出未来改进的方向和选择计数方法的建议。[方法/过程] 首先概括计数方法的组成要素和使用流程,从信誉值分配的角度提出计数方法分类的两个要素,将计数方法分为全计数法与分数计数法两大类,并对各方法进行概述;以全计数与分数计数法的等权算法--full counts与fractional counts为例,从论文指标、引文指标、网络指标3个视角,比较计数方法的差异。[结果/结论] 文章对于全计数与分数计数方法的优劣势、计数单元与计数对象的一致性、信誉值分配规则合理性、网络影响力测度4个方面的问题进行了思考,指出在未来上述4个方面进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

互联网对科学研究的影响越来越大,重要体现之一就是学术论文中网络引文的使用增多.但目前网络引文的可获得性处于较低水平,有必要建立一个由直接可追溯性、间接可查证性和长期保存体系组成的三层结构可获得性体系,并从技术、政策、法律等方面对该体系提供保障.图2.参考文献19.  相似文献   

对2003年我国图书情报学部分核心期刊的引文引用文献、引用语种、自引、最佳馆藏期、引用高峰期、老化规律等情况进行了分类统计分析,并提出了对我国图书情报学核心期刊和重要文献界定的基本观点。  相似文献   

EndNote个人参考文献图书馆简介与基本使用方法*   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了EndNo te 个人参考文献图书馆的作用、应用环境和创建方法。举例说明了如何将文献输入到EndNo te 图书馆中的三种方法: 简单的手工输入; 先保存数据库的检索结果, 然后再借助于对应的数据库过滤文件进行输入; 利用不同数据库或O PAC 系统的联机检索文件来直接检索并输入。介绍了如何对EndNo te 图书馆进行检索、分类重排和显示的方法, 以及如何按照常用的引文和参考文献的著录格式, 将参考文献插入或输出到文本文件中。  相似文献   

We develop and propose a new counting method at the aggregate level for contributions to scientific publications called modified fractional counting (MFC). We show that, compared to traditional complete-normalized fractional counting, it eliminates the extreme differences in contributions over time that otherwise occur between scientists that mainly publish alone or in small groups and those that publish with large groups of co-authors. As an extra benefit we find that scientists in different areas of research turn out to have comparable average contributions to scientific articles. We test the method on scientists at Norway’s largest universities and find that, at an aggregate level, it indeed supports comparability across different co-authorship practices as well as between areas of research. MFC is thereby useful whenever the research output from institutions with different research profiles are compared, as e.g., in the Leiden Ranking. Finally, as MFC is actually a family of indicators, depending on a sensitivity parameter, it can be adapted to the circumstances.  相似文献   

图书馆员的个体分析与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对图书馆员的个体心理和个体行为进行了分析,以此为依据探析了个性管理、动力管理及其个体管理的监控和评估。  相似文献   

我国学术期刊上的网络参考文献可追溯性考察   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
吴志强 《情报学报》2006,25(1):80-86
阐述网络参考文献可追溯性的重要性。以两份中文核心期刊1999—2003年所刊登学术论文中的网络参考文献为对象,考察了网络参考文献可追溯性与时间的关系;频繁使用网络参考文献的学术论文;网络参考文献可追溯性与出处网站类型、网络资源类型、语种等的关系;网络参考文献的不可追溯的类型;不可追溯网络参考文献的再检索等问题。  相似文献   

通过计量指标分析发现操纵期刊评价结果的行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马峥 《编辑学报》2016,28(6):608-611
科学计量指标可以客观反映期刊的质量和影响,是期刊评价和科研管理工作的重要工具,其科学性和有效性的前提是学术期刊坚守出版诚信,尊重知识的原始分布状态和传播过程.一些期刊采取人为调整指标的方式,企图操纵期刊的评价结果.这样的行为可以通过对科学计量指标的分析发现.本文通过对“引导作者增加不必要引用”、“互引”、“在影响因子时间窗口内外调节自引”等行为进行剖析发现:结合使用不同指标能更加客观科学地评估学术期刊的全面情况,操纵指标的行为很容易就被识破和曝光,因此学术期刊办刊人要坚守诚信底线,拒绝尝试弄虚作假.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 专利引文分析方法被广泛运用,但专利审查员引文的价值却常常被低估甚至误读,亟待澄清,这关乎专利文献内在机理的理解与专利文献潜在价值的挖掘。[方法/过程] 根据施引主体的不同,专利引文可分为申请人引文和审查员引文两类。比较表明,这两类引文有明显的区别特征。与申请人引文相比,专利审查员引文具有三大区别特征:一是施引专利与被引文献之间具有确定的技术相关性,二是格式规范、高度标准化,三是可获得性与数量优势明显。[结果/结论] 专利审查员引文的区别特征决定了其具有诉讼证据价值、知识交流和专利影响力的测量工具价值以及企业竞争情报价值。大数据技术的应用有助于专利审查员引文的价值实现,但其价值的深度挖掘还有待审查数据的充分公开、标引的规范和工具的优化。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]近年来,围绕着专利引文网络结构特征的研究出现大量的研究成果,这些成果都从某种程度上折射出专利引文关系的形成受到来自属性特征之外关系特征的影响,而现有的以回归方法为基础的统计推断方法难以将这些因素纳入到分析框架中,因此,急需探索新的方法。[方法/过程]从关系形成视角,专利引用关系形成可表示三种广义的关系形成过程:自组织影响过程、自身属性影响过程、网络协变量影响过程,并建立关系形成过程与网络配置间的映射关系,最终,形成一整套可用于理解复杂专利引用关系形成问题的解释框架。[结果/结论]提出一整套可用于理解复杂专利引用关系形成问题的解释框架,该框架是未来进一步构建网络统计模型的理论基础,另外,解释框架包含丰富的网络配置项,预示着未来指数随机图模型在文献计量、科学网络分析上广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

以《图书情报知识》1998-2004年间发表的1087篇论文为研究对象,采用文献计量方法,分别对该刊载文量、引文量、引文语种、引用期刊、论文发表时滞等进行了统计分析,探讨了该刊的特色,同时指出应进一步提高引文数量和高质量基金论文比例,加强学科间的交叉与渗透,不断拓展发展空间.  相似文献   


This session presented several case studies of libraries facing challenges following a decision to move materials to an off-site storage facility. The presenters described the entire process of moving materials to an off-site location: from planning and selecting materials to organizing the collection off-site, with an emphasis on the unique problems created by serials. All three presenters shared strategies and decision-making methods with the audience.  相似文献   

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