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英国高等教育问责制及其启示   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
高耀丽 《高等教育研究》2005,26(11):103-107
问责制是政府部门及社会机构或个人监督公立高校资源使用情况和效果的一项重要手段,它在英国高等教育管理体制中发挥着重要作用。在“以顾客为中心”的时代,高等学校需要回应各种各样的利益相关者的问责要求。然而,由于不同的利益相关者所提出的利益诉求不同,对各种不同的要求作出回应也给高校带来了不必要的负担。为了解决这一难题,英格兰高等教育基金委员会提出了有效问责的四个原则,并在实践中取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

There is considerable confusion over the terms community and community education. This paper explores these concepts, traces the growth of different models of community education in the United Kingdom, and highlights some of the issues, weaknesses and problems arising from its development. Two separate movements, evolutionary and revolutionary, are identified — school-based and community-based respectively — though in recent years the difference in practice has become blurred. Trends discernible in the development of community education include its increasing application to urban and high-density residential areas and the accompanying growth in the size of the institutions — and in the range of facilities offered. There is also the tendency to label a school/college community simply because it provides extra facilities although there is no modification of management structures or of the curriculum. Unresolved as yet is the change in the relationship between school and community effected by community education, one element of which is the reaction on pupils and staff of sharing institutional facilities with the community. Additionally, the larger an institution grows and the more complex the administrative structure it requires, so also the more impersonal does it become and the less able to express or create a real sense of community. What is needed if community education is to fulfil its purpose is community participation in management and decision-making — with adequate structures to facilitate this lay involvement, community control over part at least of the funds, appropriate training of teachers and community workers for their wider roles, and above all, consideration and articulation of the particular needs of each individual community.
Zusammenfassung Über die Begriffe Gemeinwesen und Sozialerziehung herrscht beträchtliche Unklarheit. Dieser Aufsatz untersucht die beiden Begriffe, skizziert das Werden verschiedener Modelle von Sozialerziehung in Großbritannien und hebt einige der aus ihrer Entwicklung sich ergebenden Tatsachen, Schwächen und Probleme hervor. Zwei unterschiedliche Bewegungen, eine evolutionäre und eine revolutionäre, werden festgestellt — jeweils auf der Schule und auf dem Gemeinwesen beruhend — wenn sich auch in den letzten Jahren in der Praxis der Unterschied verwischt hat. Zu den in der Entwicklung der Sozialerziehung erkennbaren Tendenzen gehört ihre zunehmende Verwirklichung in städtischen und sonstigen Ballungsgebieten und die entsprechende Ausweitung der Institutionen — und des Sprektrums ihrer Einrichtungen. Es besteht auch die Neigung, eine Schule oder ein College als Gemeinwesen zu bezeichnen, nur weil sie zusätzliche Möglichkeiten bieten, obwohl in den Strukturen der Verwaltung und im Curriculum nichts geändert wurde. Ungeklärt ist bisher der durch Sozialerziehung bewirkte Wandel in der Beziehung zwischen Schule und Gemeinwesen; dazu gehört die Auswirkung auf Schüler und Lehrer, wenn sie schulische Einrichtungen mit dem Gemeinwesen teilen. Außerdem wird eine solche Schule, je größer sie sich entwickelt und je vielfältiger die erforderliche Verwaltungsstruktur wird, auch immer unpersönlicher und weniger fähig, einen wirklichen Sinn für Gemeinsamkeit zum Ausdruck zu bringen oder zu wecken. Soll Sozialerziehung ihren Zweck erfüllen, ist es notwendig, daß sich das Gemeinwesen an der Leitung und Beschlußfassung beteiligt — mit geeigneten Strukturen zur Erleichterung einer derartigen Einbeziehung von Laien; dazu bedarf es eines wenigstens teilweisen Mitspracherechts des Gemeinwesens bei der Verteilung der finanziellen Mittel, entsprechender Ausbildung der Lehrer und Sozialarbeiter für ihre erweiterten Aufgaben und vor allen Dingen der Äusserung und Berücksichtigung der Sonderbedürfnisse aller Beteiligten.

Résumé Une grande confusion entoure les termes de collectivité et d'éducation communautaire. Cet article explore ces concepts, suit le développement des différents modèles d'éducation communautaire au Royaume-Uni et met en lumière quelques unes des questions, des faiblesses et des difficultés qui en découlent. Deux mouvements distincts peuvent être identifiés: le mouvement révolutionnaire et le mouvement évolutif, respectivement centrés sur l'école et sur la collectivité, bien que ces dernières années la différence se soit estompée dans la pratique. On discerne certaines tendances dans le développement de l'éducation communautaire: son application accrue aux zones urbaines et à forte densité de population, les dimensions croissantes concomitante des institutions et la variété grandissante des facilités offertes, la tendance à désigner une école par le terme de collectivité simplement parce qu'elle offre des possibilités supplémentaires, bien qu'il n'y ait aucune modification des structures de la gestion ou du curriculum. Par ailleurs, une question toujours pendante est celle du changement des relations entre l'école et la collectivité dans l'éducation communautaire, dont un des éléments est la réaction des élèves et du personnel devant le partage des facilités institutionnelles avec la collectivité. En outre, plus une institution se développe et plus sa structure administrative se complique, plus cette institution devient impersonnelle et plus il lui est difficile d'exprimer ou de susciter un sentiment réel de collectivité. Ce qu'il faut, si l'éducation communautaire doit répondre à son but, c'est la participation de la collectivité à la gestion et à la prise de décisions — à l'intérieur de structures adéquates pour faciliter cette participation des profanes; c'est le contrôle exercé par la collectivité sur une partie au moins des fonds; c'est la formation appropriée des enseignants et des assistants sociaux pour leurs rôles élargis; c'est surtout l'examen réfléchi et l'articulation des besoins particuliers de chaque collectivité individuelle.

Three forms of research activity are defined: free, policy-oriented and development. In the United Kingdom, structures for each of these have developed rapidly in the past twenty years; and there is now a variety of research organisations, different in pattern, function and funding. The present need is to sustain a vigorous programme of research and development through these organisations, but their level of funding is relatively low (less than one per cent of all educational expenditure), contrary to an OECD, 1972, forecast of continuing growth.Research-based knowledge has influenced educational policy, but its effect is not fully recognised. Research seldom has direct impact but influences policy indirectly, through interaction and by aggregation, penetrating public consciousness.Present weaknesses are the lack of collaboration between research institutions (though there are advantages in a plurality of organisations), and in the small scale of financial support for research, which reflects a lack of public will or confidence in the use of research in education.
Zusammenfassung Drei Arten von Forschung werden definiert: freie, Bildungspolitik-orientierte und Entwicklung. Im Vereinigten Königreich haben sich Institutionen für jede dieser Arten rapide entwickelt, so daß es jetzt eine Vielfalt von Forschungsorganisationen gibt, die sich in Aufbau, Funktion und Finanzierung unterscheiden. Benötigt wird ein reichhaltiges Programm für Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeit; dennoch erhalten diese Organisationen, im Gegensatz zu dem im Jahre 1972 von der OECD vorausgesagten ständigen Wachstum, nur verhältnismäßig geringe Finanzmittel (unter 1% der Gesamtausgaben für das Bildungswesen).Auf Forschung beruhende Erkenntnisse haben die Bildungspolitik beeinflußt, doch ist ihre Wirkung wenig augenfällig. Nur selten hat die Forschung direkte Auswirkungen; sie beeinflußt die Politik auf indirektem Wege, indem sie durch Wechselwirkung und Summierung ins Bewußtsein der Öffentlichkeit dringt.Schwachstellen sind unzureichende Zusammenarbeit der Forschungsinstitutionen (obwohl eine Pluralität von Organisationen ihre Vorteile hat) und geringe finanzielle Unterstützung der Forschung, eine Reflektion fehlenden öffentlichen Interesses oder Glaubens an den praktischen Wert der pädagogischen Forschung.

Résumé Trois types d'activité de recherche sont définis: la recherche indépendante, la recherche visant à répondre à une politique, et le développement. Au Royaume-Uni, les structures de chacune d'elles se sont rapidement développées au cours de ces vingt dernières années; il existe maintenant toute une variété d'organisations de recherche, différant quant à la forme, la fonction et le financement. Ce qui est nécessaire, désormais, c'est de mener un vigoureux programme de recherche et de développement grâce à ces organisations, mais leur financement est relativement faible (moins de 1% du budget total de l'éducation), bien que les prévisions de l'OCDE en 1972 aient envisagé un développement croissant.La connaissance basée sur la recherche a influencé la politique de l'éducation, mais son effet n'est pas pleinement reconnu. La recherche a rarement un impact direct; son influence sur la politique de l'éducation se fait sentir indirectement, par un phénomène d'interaction et d'agrégation accumulative, en pénétrant progressivement la conscience publique.Les présentes faiblesses sont imputables au manque de collaboration des institutions de recherche (bien qu'une pluralité d'organismes présente des avantages) et aussi à la modicité des moyens financiers mis à la disposition de la recherche, reflet du manque de volonté ou de confiance de la part de la société en ce qui concerne l'utilisation de la recherche dans le domaine de l'éducation.

Dr Rasheed provides an overview of school provision in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and identifies the main problems of teacher provision. These are seen as a continuing shortage of adequately qualified Saudi teachers and a consequent over‐reliance on expatriates. He then goes on to consider the function and role of teacher training in the development of the national system of education.  相似文献   

“Weblogs” or “blogs” are increasingly visible in higher education settings. Some scholars suggest that blogs are useful because of their reflective nature. However, as this review indicates the research regarding blogs is largely self-report data (surveys, interviews) or content analyses. This review summarizes results of this existing research on weblogs in higher education settings. Limitations of existing empirical studies are discussed and some directions for future research related to the use of blogs in higher education settings are suggested.  相似文献   

This paper analyses approaches to global education in the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan. The paper begins by looking at movements that preceded global education, such as education for international understanding, development education, multicultural education, and peace education. The rise and fall of these earlier movements is analysed in terms of the interplay between the international and domestic politics of particular countries. To identify the world views which underpinned these pedagogic forms, the author discusses various discontinuities between the period up to the 1990s and thereafter. It is suggested that fresh forms of global education are emerging in - and because of - the changed world of the late 20th and early 21st century.  相似文献   

This paper analyses approaches to global education in the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan. The paper begins by looking at movements that preceded global education, such as education for international understanding, development education, multicultural education, and peace education. The rise and fall of these earlier movements is analysed in terms of the interplay between the international and domestic politics of particular countries. To identify the world views which underpinned these pedagogic forms, the author discusses various discontinuities between the period up to the 1990s and thereafter. It is suggested that fresh forms of global education are emerging in - and because of - the changed world of the late 20th and early 21st century.  相似文献   

The article is concerned with values education in schools in the light of the requirement for schools to provide for the spiritual, moral, cultural and social development of children and in the light of wider discussions regarding ‘spirituality’ in (post)modern society. The authors focus on Living Values, a programme developed as a way of introducing values‐based education to schools as wellas to the wider community. They examine both the contents of the programme and the way it reaches schools and is utilized. The authors report on their recent field research carried out in schools andevaluate textual sources. Emerging issues and perspectives, among them the provenance and sponsorship of the programme, are raised.  相似文献   

Randomized controlled trials in educational research tend to be small. Small trials can have large, chance, imbalances in important covariates. For studies with sample sizes greater than 50, chance imbalances can be corrected using analysis of covariance; for small trials, however, statistical power is maximized if the trial is balanced and analysis of covariance is used in the analysis. The aim of the present study was to discuss methods of improving covariate balance in trial design and to demonstrate the method of minimization. Using an exemplar of a cluster or class‐randomized trial with 29 classes, we employed minimization to achieve covariate balance. Minimization achieved good balance on four prognostic variables. Many trialists in education use restricted forms of allocation, including pairing or stratified randomization. These approaches have disadvantages. Another approach rarely used in educational research is minimization. Minimization uses a simple arithmetic algorithm to produce balanced groups across a number of important covariates and should be more widely used in educational and psychological research.  相似文献   

近年来,我国通过实施学前教育三年行动计划,取得了显著成效,普惠性学前教育资源快速增加、经费投入大幅增长、办园水平不断提高,但也存在政府统筹力度不够、发展失衡等问题。美国开端计划在学前教育立法、经费投入保障、综合服务项目和家庭社区合作等方面的做法保障了儿童受教育权,促进了教育公平,对促进我国学前教育均衡发展具有启发意义。  相似文献   

The two recent reports, known as the Dainton and Rothschild Reports, on the organisation and control of the scientific research and development financed by the government of the United Kingdom are reviewed. The implications for research in the universities are discussed and some general principles for pure and applied research are suggested.
Résumé L'article analyse le contenu des deux rapports récemment publiés et connus sous le titre de rapports Dainton et Rothschild qui sont consacrés à l'organisation et au contrôle de la recherche scientifique financée par le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni. II soumet à la discussion les conséquences de ces études pour la recherche dans les universités et propose quelques principes généraux en matière de recherche pure et appliquée.

This paper argues, on the basis of comparative research and a study of recent Federal and State statute law and court decisions, that Australian education is becoming legalized. That is, new rights in education are being elaborated. New procedural protections enforced. The rule of law is developing in Australian education, where custom law used to prevail. This, the writers suggest, calls for new items on the educational research agenda.  相似文献   

This paper starts from the assumption of the emergence of an educationalized culture over the last 200 years according to which perceived social problems are translated into educational challenges. As a result, both educational institutions and educational research grew, and educational policy resulted from negotiations between professionals, researchers, and policy makers. The paper argues that specific experiences in the Second World War triggered a fundamental shift in the social and cultural role of academia, leading up to a technocratic culture characterized by confidence in experts rather than in practicing professionals (i.e., teachers and administrators). In this technocratic shift, first a technological system of reasoning emerged, and it was then replaced by a medical “paradigm.” The new paradigm led to a medicalization of social research, in which a particular organistic understanding of the social reality is taken for granted and research is conducted under the mostly undiscussed premises of this particular understanding. The result is that despite the increased importance of research in general, this expertocratic and medical shift of social research led to a massive reduction in reform opportunities by depriving the reform stakeholders of a broad range of education research, professional experience, common sense, and political deliberation.  相似文献   

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