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立足于充分数据和具体分析之上,金西在调查报告《人类女性性行为》中提出了一系列性科学方面的重大发现,如女性性反应速度,质疑“阴道高潮”理论,.两性性衰老比较,女性“性冷淡”问题,女性婚前获得性高潮的意义,性行为中个体变异的重要性,在解剖学、生理学、心理学、神经机能、激素因素等方面两性性反应和性行为方式之异同等,得出了许多重要结论。  相似文献   

《疼痛与抚摸》叙述的是水家三代四位女性在男权社会下的生命抗争与失败。它以独特的视角向人们揭示了女性作为社会中的第二性的弱势局面,以及强权与暴力作用于女性时的残酷场景。论文借助于对"第二性妒忌"的阐释和说明,以男性的视角,立足于男性的立场,剖析男性在男权影响下理解和对待女性品质的心理过程。  相似文献   

具有“慈爱”和“禁止”双重功能的父亲文化形象,使女性在成长过程中常常陷入“恋父”与“审父”的情感纠葛中。这种复杂矛盾的心态显然与成长男性对父亲的超越有着不同的意义。女性成长历程中纠缠着的父亲情结以及这一情结给女性造成的成长创伤,反映了现实历史中女性依然笼罩在父权阴影中,因此,女性要实现主体和自我的确立,就必须用理性力量破解和抗衡被父亲权威及其所代表的父权统治所宰制的命运。  相似文献   

随着国际政治、经济、文化的全球化,男女之间的非语言交际越来越受到人们的重视。论文叙述了男女性之间在空间使用上的具体差异并揭示了形成这些差异的五个原因,即生理差异,男女社会化,性吸引,定势和支配-服从。  相似文献   

The present study contributes to a growing line of research exploring the role of post sex communication in building and sustaining romantic relationships. More specifically, this study explores the use of relational maintenance strategies during the post sex time interval (PSTI). One-hundred and fifty-two individuals completed surveys after sexual activity and indicated the relational maintenance strategies they enacted during the PSTI. Results revealed that individuals enact the strategies of positivity and assurances to the greatest degree during the PSTI. Furthermore, extending the post sex disclosures model, results revealed that orgasm predicted differences in the use of assurances during the PSTI and that the strategy of assurances mediated the association between orgasm and several relationship outcomes (i.e., liking, commitment, control mutuality, and satisfaction). These findings suggest that individuals may use the PSTI as a time to reinforce their commitments to their partners, and that such behavior is associated with characteristics of the sexual episode and relationship outcomes. The implications of these findings for research on relational maintenance and post sex behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

基于女性主义文化理论的视角,解读革命宏大叙事的性别话语中现代花木兰郭俊卿个案的性别生态。郭俊卿在上世纪五六十年代是现代花木兰、杰出的女战斗英雄和媒体人物。女性主义文化理论从生理性别一社会性别的两分思维出发.发展到后来认为话语及其隐含的权力一知识生产机制建构了性别和社会现实。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This article considers the patterns of interaction in small, mixed sex groups of postgraduate students working in computer conference environments. Additionally, the views of participants concerning gender issues in these groups are examined. The research reported here differs from previous work in this area in several ways: the medium of communication is asynchronous computer conferences rather than face-to-face; the study is naturalistic rather than experimental; and it involves the study of groups that met over extended periods of time. The findings suggest that this new medium of group work offers new opportunities for female members of mixed sex groups, especially in terms of their ability to take turns, speak for similar lengths of time to those of male members, and direct the conversations. Generally, females appear to be at less of a disadvantage in this medium than in face-to-face meetings. It would seem that this medium offers the potential for greater equality of participation for females in mixed sex learning groups.  相似文献   

分析了配电系统中无功补偿的作用、配置原则、配置方案、补偿中应注意的问题、补偿装置的发展过程,阐明了采用无功补偿技术提高配电网的输电效率、提高用电设备的功率因数。  相似文献   

《新夏娃的激情》是一部具有反乌托邦情节的女性主义文本,该文本具有强烈的空间意象感。空间不仅仅是一种静态默然的表征,而是被赋予了性别权力关系。当空间的权力与女性的权力发生联系时,女性借助空间权力关系,从而出现性别空间的政治。卡特在文本中精心构筑了三维的立体空间,形成了一张巨大的权力之网,彰显了对两性和谐共处通往融合的遥望,体现了她对人类性别平等的关怀。  相似文献   

In this article, data collected from an ethnographic study of adolescent girls growing up in the city of Las Vegas in the US is used to further our understanding of the role of mediated sex and consumer culture and in relationship to emerging adolescent female identities. Girls in this study articulated a clear sense of their abilities to make choices; however the ubiquitous visual of women as the body subject and object of the male gaze in this landscape, the accepted discourse of liberal feminism and certain acquiescence to the pervasive consumer logic complicate resistance among girls. Resistance, although apparent through forms of post‐punk representation, depicts the futility of challenge. The fluidity of postmodern theories helps explain and respond to the specificity of this context in ways that facilitate greater understanding of gender oppression in many western societies. The author argues for a curriculum that deconstructs cultural practices and illuminates multiple discourses to problematize issues of power and identity in the lives of young people that might provide avenues for emancipatory possibilities.  相似文献   

Previously it has been reported that female performance on the recall of objects and their locations in a spatial array is superior to that of males. This may reflect underlying information-processing biases whereby males organize information in a self-referential manner while females adopt a more comprehensive approach. The known female advantage in verbal memory may, however, account for this sex difference. In an initial experiment we found no overall sex differences in object or object-location memory. The inclusion of a verbal distracter task revealed gender-congruent biases in performance. A final study examined some methodological issues associated with the design of item arrays. After controlling for differences in item distinctiveness, performance on object-location was found to be substantially influenced by the distance that items were displaced in the array. These findings demonstrate that certain methodological factors can significantly affect the attentional and mnemonic processes that operate when performing tasks of this nature and can negate underlying sex differences in performance.  相似文献   

In Ethiopia, as in many other countries, moral discourses about female sexuality in general, and pre- and extramarital sexual experience in particular, create an environment that discourages women from engaging in open dialogue about their sexuality and their past or future sexual experience. In the study of induced abortion among unmarried women in Addis Ababa on which this paper rests, women describe a situation in which they are both surrounded by silence about sexual issues and forced to remain silent themselves. This paper investigates the nature of, and conditions for, this silence and the ways in which it is socially brought about and negotiated. In particular, it explores the ways through which young, unmarried women who have undergone abortion seek to reconcile seemingly contradictory, condemning discourses about premarital sex and more general codes addressing social, as well as moral, propriety and integrity. The discussion highlights that, while issues of sexuality are silenced, neither the silence nor the silencing power of dominant, gendered moral discourses is absolute. Moreover, silence may also be jointly produced and negotiated in social discourse fraught with moral objectives and ends.  相似文献   

This article deals with challenging the gender inequalities that exist in education and working life. It contemplates the kinds of discursive power relations that have led to gender equality work in Finland. In today’s conditions where equality issues are being harnessed more strongly to serve the aims of economic efficiency and productivity, it is even more important to understand how people who actively seek change have succeeded in negotiating equality issues. The article also explores the current situation by conducting an analysis that makes clear not only the discursive power relations that shape gender equality work, but also how it has been possible for the work to continue successfully.  相似文献   

郭彩侠 《太原大学学报》2009,10(2):77-79,87
周作人的女性思想常被很多人神化,其实周作人对待女性问题存在很多自相矛盾的地方,如“女性解放”思想与男权话语、对待女性的爱与性、“哀妇人”思想与实际态度等几个方面都可以看出周作人对待女性问题的悖论。  相似文献   

The gender project I have been involved in was a practical response to theoretical concerns regarding the impact of the hidden curriculum and sex stereotyping in primary schools. The aim of the project was primarily to improve the level of achievement of the girls. Equally important was a desire to broaden curriculum experience into non‐stereotypical areas for both boys and girls. Unlike similar projects, Preston School's single sex groups were monitored throughout their duration. Consequently there are substantially more data on the attitudes of teachers, girls and boys towards gender than are normally available for such projects. This article constitutes an attempt by one of the teachers involved to evaluate the efficacy of Preston School's initiative within a theoretical framework that explores the wider issues of gendered subjectivity, male sexism and female self‐depreciation.  相似文献   


Sex education is a contentious issue. Recently debates in the UK have tended to concentrate on the need to reduce teenage pregnancy rates and on the 'promotion of homosexuality'. This article examines the issues that need to be addressed if boys are to receive the sex education they require. These issues include the characteristics and gender of the teacher needed; methodologies to which boys will respond; the perception of boys as problems in school; the content of sex education programmes, the need for separate classes and the ongoing concern of boys' literacy standards. Added to these are issues such as homosexuality and pornography, areas which are avoided in many schools. The culture related to boys' attitudes to education in general and sex education in particular are examined. The author calls for a change in approach and attitude by government in order to achieve the desired lowering of teenage pregnancy rates and for the adoption of a more positive attitude to sex education by government, parents and teachers.  相似文献   

This article explores the ways in which the teaching of canonical texts such as Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness intersects with discourses of race and identity in multicultural classrooms. Informed by Chinua Achebe’s post-colonial reading of Conrad and the concept of ‘double consciousness’ adopted by W. E. B. Du Bois, I examine my own encounters with the text within the wider context of educational establishments. By positioning myself explicitly as a female teacher of colour, I suggest that classroom explorations of such texts can be shaped and guided by an educator’s own sense of agency in relation to issues of race and power.  相似文献   

中西方女性主义的比较分析及对我国高校性别教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代以来,中国的女性主义理论迅速发展起来。文章试图对中国与西方的女性主义思想进行比较分析,探究中国高校性别教育在丰富和发展中国女性主义、促使女性早日觉醒上的重要性。  相似文献   

This article offers a feminist critique of existing sex education policies and programmes in Canada, as well as examining common right‐wing arguments against more progressive approaches. Two major forces shaping adolescent girls’ developing sexuality—male sexual violence and compulsory heterosexuality—are discussed, and recent initiatives in Ontario to introduce these issues into sex education programmes evaluated. Toronto Board of Education's new policy on sexual orientation and the Ontario Ministry of Education AIDS Education Curriculum are assessed and strategies for anti‐sexist, anti‐heterosexist sex education developed.  相似文献   

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