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The balance of empirical research on college men is a portrait of their maladaptive and antisocial attitudes and behaviors. Studies have demonstrated the correlation between college men's problematic behavior and adherence to gender role traditionalism. Educators have few composites of men's prosocial behavior nor the masculine ideology that accompanies it.

This article is based, in part, on a study where I explored college men's prosocial behaviors through their engagement in an educationally purposeful activity that has been operationally defined in the literature: diversity education (DE). DE was defined as opportunities to engage meaningfully with diversity through coursework or purposeful cross-culture interactions in pursuit of educational outcomes.

Using a basic interpretive qualitative methodology, I addressed the following research question: How do college men who have been engaged in diversity education understand and perform masculinity? Themes derived using the constant comparative method included (a) the persistence of hegemonic masculine ideology and (b) experiences of gender socialization. Findings confirmed other studies that demonstrated the influence of hegemonic masculine ideology on college men (Davis, 2002; Edwards, 2007; Harris, 2006). This study adds to the literature by ascertaining how hegemonic masculine ideology may permeate the diversity classroom or workshop, creating dynamics that social justice educators must consider when designing effective learning environments.  相似文献   

知识经济初见端倪 ,教育改革不断引向纵深 ,高师教学改革必须彻底摒弃传统观念 ,树立创新意识 ,从课堂教学主渠道入手 ,构建课程设置创新体系 ,全面提高教师素质 ,优化课堂教学 ,培养创新教育的合格教师 .  相似文献   

“教师主导下的生态课堂”是江苏省教育新政推行以来,我校着力打造和追求的一种全新课堂,可以说是一种理念的践行,更是一种课堂境界的追求。我们追求一种“自主学习、合作探究、快乐生成”的语文课堂。这样的追求来源于对语文教学现状的一种变革。  相似文献   

能否正确应对课堂突发事件,科学有效地掌控课堂教学进程和学习气氛,关系到师生和谐关系的构建,关系到当事学生的学习和心理问题。本文提供了三例正确应对课堂突发事件的案例,并对此进行分析,为一线教育工作者提供了有益的信息。  相似文献   

课堂教学能力是保障课堂教学质量的核心因素之一。目前在对外语教师的课堂教学能力评价的理论和实践中存在不少问题。运用形成性评价和现代教育理念从六个方面动态构建外语教师课堂教学能力形成性评价体系具有其理论和实践意义。  相似文献   


This theoretical study examines teacher satisfaction, effectiveness, and conformity; it relates these variables to teachers' perceptions of the degree of bureaucratization within secondary schools and teachers' local or cosmopolitan orientation.

Seven hypotheses were formulated, and the data were interpreted on the basis of symmetric correlation, analysis of variance, and t-tests (one-tailed, .01 level).

The results indicated: cosmopolitans scored higher on satisfaction, effectiveness, and conformity variables than locals; locals who perceived low bureaucratization scored lowest on the three variables; the criterion variables were evaluated similarly by subjects within each subgroup; cosmopolitans who perceived high bureaucratization received highest scores; the degree to which bureaucratic elements were perceived varied greatly within each school; teachers tend to be more cosmopolitan than local.  相似文献   

影响幼儿教师配班效果的因素及组织策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
配班是幼儿教师在园合作的一种主要形式,配班成功与否往往关系到幼儿园班级教学工作的成败.影响幼儿教师配班的因素除了幼儿园的相关外部保障机制外,还包括与幼儿教师自身相关的各种内在因素.在本研究中,我们从教师的个性特征、兴趣爱好和特长、人生观和价值取向等三方面入手,归纳和分析了这些因素对幼儿教师配班效果的影响,以期为幼儿园管理者更好地进行教学人事组织和安排,促进教师之间的有效合作提供相关启示.  相似文献   

In this paper I claim that a particular investigative critique of dominant versions of masculinity based on an interpretive analytics of Foucault and Derrida can be elaborated through promoting a particular pedagogy in the English classroom. A particular deconstructive approach to reading pedagogy, therefore, is elaborated and an analysis of the way students responded to a particular text is provided to support claims made about the efficacy of such a pedagogical approach in the English classroom. In the first part of the paper I focus on elaborating a theorisation of gender in terms of multiple positionality within discourse. Such an approach is based on the understanding that subjectivity is socially, culturally and historically constituted within multiple discursive frameworks and that textual practices have a part to play in the structuring and regulation of gendered identity formations. I argue that it is in this way that a move can be initiated beyond what Armstrong terms an oppressive 'gender bind', which means thinking about masculinity and femininity outside of a binary oppositional semantic structure. By drawing on feminist psychoanalytic and post-structuralist understandings of subjectivity, claims are made about the feminist conceptualisation of masculinity as a unitary construct. Psychoanalytic feminists such as Scott and Alcoff, like Henriques et al., have also attempted to theorise gender and subjectivity in terms of positionality within multiple discourses, but have focused exclusively on questions pertaining to the construction of femininity. In their justified and exclusive emphasis on how dominant versions of masculinity as oppressive regimes have operated to constrain and limit women politically from realising their needs, however, I claim that these theorists have conceptualised masculinity as a unitary construct. This notion of the unitary masculine subject is problematised in this paper and an attempt is made to acknowledge alternative masculinities which are undercut by race, class and ethnic factors as well as questions pertaining to sexual orientation. I draw particularly on the work of Felski and her notion of the counter-public space within which multiple subject positions for women can be constituted as a point of departure for a discussion and exploration of how teachers might deal with questions of masculinities and the valorisation of alternative subjectivities in the English classroom. This paper, therefore, attempts to address the problems associated with constructing masculinity as a monolithic category, while elaborating a particular pedagogical approach designed to open up a space for the examination, legitimation and valorisation of alternative subject positions for boys in the English classroom.  相似文献   

中小学教师课堂管理行为的模型建构与调查研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教师的课堂管理行为是影响课堂教学质量与效率的基本要素,也是当前教学研究中的一个相对薄弱的环节。通过模型方法,可以建构起以课堂秩序为核心的课堂管理行为模型,从而勾勒出教师课堂管理的基本行为轮廓。通过问卷调查,能够探寻出当前中小学教师课堂管理行为的现状及特点,并提出建设性意见。  相似文献   

韩黎  牛楠楠 《绵阳师范学院学报》2009,28(12):131-133,154
生态课堂既是理想课堂,又是全新的教育追求。是回归自然、崇尚自主、整体和谐、交往互动、开放生成和可持续发展的课堂,是学生学习、成长和完善生命发展、提升生命质量的场所,同时也是教师专业发展,走向成熟的舞台。因此,走向新课程,构建生态课堂,是我们教育工作者的应然选择。本文拟从生态课堂的本质特征及传统课堂中师生的角色关系入手,探讨生态课堂中师生的角色定位,使生态课堂充满生机、更具生命力。  相似文献   

本文论述了亨利·赖德·哈格德的历险小说《所罗门王的宝藏》中男性气概的建构,文章侧重研究了主人公们在非洲荒野中所体现的男性气概。哈格德试图重新建构一种新型的男性气概,强调在艰难状况下的适应能力,强调英勇、对抗、战斗与杀戮的本能。在小说中,三名白人男性在非洲荒原经历了一系列身体、精神上的考验,证明并建构了自己的男性气概。同时,小说中男性的男子气概建立在与女性的对立以及对女性的征服之上,女性化的地理空间以及两位殖民地女性对于白人男性构成了巨大的威胁,为了维护主人公们的男性气概,具有威胁性的女性力量被征服与杀戮,男性气概得以巩固。  相似文献   

情感教育是现代素质教育的重要内容,情感是激励学生学习的内在动力。历史教学具有丰富的情感内容。在历史教学中教师要关心爱护学生,深挖教学内容中的情感因素,运用丰富多样的教学方法,努力提高自己的语言表达能力,培养学生健康积极的情感,完成智能培养、德育教育的任务。  相似文献   

语文新课标规定:要珍视学生独特的体验、感受和理解,鼓励多元解读。为了实现新课标“一切为了每一位学生的发展”的宗旨,语文教学应特别注意教师角色的定位。教师作为文本与学生之间的中介,其主导地位是客观存在,而教学中学生的主体地位也是毋庸置疑,教师的作用就是组织引导学生进行探究和创造活动,即当好“交响乐团的第一小提琴手”———平等中的首席。切忌以主导地位取代主体地位———将“首席”变为“指挥”。  相似文献   


This is a study of a group of 628 new freshman high aptitude students (308 M, 320 F) who participated in an orientation and testing program in the summer of 1959, and who have since either graduated or withdrawn from The University of Texas. Responses to a questionnaire showed sex differences, and differences between voluntary and enforced withdrawals in reasons given for withdrawal, current status, and future plans. Analyses of variance by sex of psychometric data on graduates and the two withdrawal groups showed significant sex differences in the variables associated with success. These ranged through measures of aptitude, achievement, creativity, personality and interest. The desirability of classifying dropouts by sex and by whether they withdrew of their own accord or were dismissed is emphasized.  相似文献   

This study focussed on the capacities and behaviours of quality teachers. Four key capacities were identified as being characteristic amongst the five quality teachers who were observed in action which were then related to their behaviour. Prominent amongst the findings was the conclusion that these teachers had high cognitive ability which allowed them to develop critical powers of observation, reflection and analysis; they had strong philosophies of education; they had developed a bicultural approach, and possessed a strong sense of humour and a well developed social conscience. Above all else they cared about the learning outcomes of their children. Their approach was child‐centred and they encouraged students to set goals, to review progress, to challenge, and to solve problems. The article concludes with a discussion of its relationship to, and differences with, the parent CERI/OECD study of which it was part.  相似文献   

在新时期的教育背景下,有许多高校推行多元化的教学方式方法,来丰富课堂教学。这些新的教学方式方法包含了案例式教学、情景式教学、讨论式教学等,主要目的就是提高课堂的互动性,以此来提高学生的学习兴趣。在课堂教学中,想要使用好这些教学方法,达到真正的互动效果,需要我们这些高校教师扮演好自身在课堂中的各种角色。本文主要论述了互动课堂中高校教师的几种角色作用,以及每种角色的扮演要点,以供参考。  相似文献   

侯良 《昆明大学学报》2006,17(3):81-83,96
师生互动是课堂互动中的关键形式,作为在课堂互动过程中的主体之一———教师,制约着课堂互动的氛围,不仅影响着师生互动的效果,还影响着学生之间的互动。由于课堂互动的氛围总是受到教师思想意识和行为的影响,因此,教师必须反思传统的教师角色,真正由教育教学过程中的经验者、主导者、控制者、传授者、执行者角色成为教育教学实践与理论的研究者、引导者、促进者、反思者、设计者角色,让课堂互动的氛围激励学生主动地学习,促使师生关系健康地、可持续地发展。  相似文献   

教师的缄默知识与课堂教学   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
蒋茵 《教育探索》2003,(9):90-92
教师的缄默知识对课堂教学的影响是不容置疑的。积极的缄默知识有利于教育教学,而消极的缄默知识在教育价值观、学科教材知识和教学活动中可能带来负面影响。要建构教师正确的缄默知识,需要从教师缄默知识的生成上着手,即帮助师范生建构良好的缄默知识,重视在职教师缄默知识的更新。  相似文献   

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