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Oslo introduced a combination of school choice, per capita funding, balanced management and accountability in their public schools. Recent studies point out that this has increased segregation. In this study, teachers have been interviewed about their experiences. Bernstein´s classification and framing tools have been used to analyse the consequences for schools and relations between schools and parents/students. ´Marginalised´ and ´privileged´ schools find themselves in negative and positive spirals when it comes to popularity. These spirals are classed, raced and, (in upper secondary school), also gendered. Since attracting the ´right´ students and avoiding getting the ´wrong´ ones is essential for both school categories, school choice creates a mutual interest between the school and privileged parents/students in fortifying the latter´s voice. Three findings are especially interesting: 1. Cream skimming occurs in undersubscribed schools in a strictly public-school context. 2. School choice affects internal priorities in marginalised schools so that segregation at the class level increases, thus the educational context may be more segregated than what is indicated by school level information. 3. School choice increases segregation in the local communities, as two schools near each other may have very different student compositions. Segregation is thus not only explained by segregated housing.  相似文献   

University undergraduates (84 women, 80 men: M age=19.1 years old) reported school mission and value perceptions, life and/or school mentor relationships, and social desirability tendencies. No significant social desirability effect was obtained. Prote´ge´s with mentors at school and in life (n=52) reported greater cognitive and informational support but equal rates of emotional and tangible support plus modeling of appropriate behaviors as prote´ge´s with mentors from life alone (n=55). Furthermore, prote´ge´s with a mentor in life and at school stated stronger perceptions of their institution's educational mission, a greater sense of campus altruism, and a commitment to lifelong engagement in education than prote´ge´s with mentors from life alone or students with no mentor (n=48). Implications for developing school‐based mentorship initiatives which augment life‐based mentor programs may enhance student understanding of a university's mission and its values are discussed.  相似文献   

Educational research in Norway has experienced unprecedented structural expansion and cognitive shifts over the last two decades because of greater state investments and the strategic use of extensive and multi-year thematic programmes to fund research projects. Using a neo-institutionalist framework, we examine institutionalisation dynamics in cultural-cognitive, normative and regulative dimensions by means of interviews, research programme calls, policy documents and funding data. In the cultural-cognitive dimension, we find references to the knowledge society, the perceived importance of evidence in policymaking and ideas of quality, excellence and relevance. In the normative dimension, we find the introduction of new professional and methodological standards, reflecting broader global patterns of academic and epistemic drift. In the regulative dimension, the strengthened role of both government and the Research Council of Norway is manifest in substantial growth in both funding and large-scale, long-term planning, including thematic choices—evidence of ‘programmification’. The importance of external models has grown in an era of internationalisation, yet translation occurs at every level of the governance of educational research. This results in a specific Norwegian research model, guided by a mode of governance of programmes that maintains social values that are traditionally strong in Nordic societies.  相似文献   

This essay advances a theory of visceral counterpublicity through two case studies of recent high-profile rape crimes in the United States – the cases of Emily Doe and Emma Sulkowicz. Both cases garnered considerable public attention, yet neither perpetrator was convicted of rape. This essay analyzes how Doe and Sulkowicz performed public responses to these outcomes, using their bodies to argue what happened to them was indeed rape. These embodied forms constitute what I call visceral counterpublicity: modes of public engagement that (1) proceed when discursive frameworks understood through liberal subjectivity fall short; (2) expose the body's threatened boundaries to incite an affective response, or bodily intensity, in audiences; and (3) illuminate a subjugated position within the public sphere. Together, these cases call into question how mainstream publics define and discuss rape and suggest a potential shift in public opinion over rape to include visceral frameworks. This theory provides utility for rhetorical theorists and critics attempting to make sense of a range of embodied protests by drawing attention to how legal structures appear in and create larger public discourse about the body and violence.  相似文献   

This study provides a historical overview of the development of the motion picture as a tool within the context of science education. The technology was traced from its beginning as a silent motion picture through its current manifestation in videotapes and videodiscs. The use of the technology as a teaching tool is examined in terms of the concept of scientific literacy and the means by which the motion picture helped to accomplish the goals of scientific literacy.  相似文献   


Movement is relatively invisible in literacy theory and pedagogy. There has been more recent scholarship on the body and embodiment, but less on connections between movements, body and literacy. In this article, we present the Community Arts Zone movement project and ways that the study opened up spaces for creativity, experimentation, and palpable identity mediation. Embodied space locates human experience within material and spatial forms. Drawing on Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizomal ontology and Lefebvre’s spatial theories, we examine how movement can be utilized to enliven pedagogy and to motivate people. During the research, classrooms, gymnasiums, and studio spaces became spaces that “the imagination seeks to change” by asking students to construct stories with their bodies. In the article, we present vignettes from our research study as telling instances showing the inherent strengths of movement as a form of literacy.  相似文献   

This study explored 2475 Israeli students’ conceptions of good teaching and examined the relationship between these conceptions and students’ background characteristics. Data were collected using an internet survey designed to measure students’ conceptions regarding five teaching dimensions referring to goals to be achieved, long-term student development, teaching methods, relations with students, and assessment. Results indicate that students perceived assessment as the most important of the five teaching dimensions and long-term student development as least important. Only gender and field of study made a salient difference in students’ perceptions of good teaching. Implications for the evaluation of teaching are discussed.  相似文献   

The current push to marry off mathematics with social justice compels one to ask such critical questions as “What is social justice?” and “How does (or can) mathematics look and act when viewed in/through the lenses of social justice?” Taking a critically reflective approach, this article draws the reader into a discussion of what is amiss in the currently promoted picture-perfect marriage of mathematics and social justice, presenting perspectives on both the content and context of mathematics teaching and learning. In this article, the author’s account of her experience in teaching a mathematics curriculum course for prospective middle years' teachers highlights a call to re-imagine the relationship between mathematics and social justice as more than a perfunctory integration of a “statistics and figures” approach. The author’s reflections acknowledge the complexity and potentiality of the relationship while challenging current status quo practices and paradigms in mathematics education.  相似文献   

The impact of Sensory Processing Difficulties across a range of Special Educational Needs is well researched. More recently, the impact on children’s mental health and well-being, linked with anxiety, depression and self-injurious behaviours, have redirected international research to consider the holistic benefits of sensory provision, for those with special educational provision and the wider classroom population. A SMART SURVEY was designed to collate empirical evidence regarding current sensory awareness and provision in mainstream primary schools throughout Northern Ireland, in a time efficient manner. Out of 809 schools, 164 (20.27%) fully completed the online survey. Findings indicate that Special Educational Needs Coordinator confidence in developing practice, supporting staff and children was limited and impaired by insufficient and inconsistent training opportunities. While healthcare research recommends provision by trained professionals, Occupational Therapy input was limited (n = 34; 24.8%), resulting in practice that could be detrimental rather than beneficial to children’s progress. Respondents identified a need for sensory training for teachers (n = 124; 93.94%) to ensure that the impact of Sensory Processing Difficulties on the holistic development of all children is understood. Pupil voice was undervalued (n = 5; 3.6%). Active involvement of children in the process of evaluation and intervention is recommended to enhance pupil autonomy and well-being.  相似文献   

Slice (self-directed learning in an interactive computer environment) is a multimedia learning environment. Slice integrates textual material, animation, simulation, video (from laser disks) and provides, in its extended version, links to a computer algebra system (Maple). Slice operates under Windows using Toolbook. So far one prototype unit ‘oscillatory motion’ has been developed. The topics cover part of the first-year introductory physics course for all engineering disciplines: simple, damped and driven oscillations. Slice is intended to develop and foster self-learning abilities as an essential prerequisite for lifelong learning and continuing education.  相似文献   

Reading and Writing - The present research is a cross-linguistic study indicating that the timing of motor production not only depends on the shape of a letter and the activation of its motor...  相似文献   

Although online education is popularized, it is in a developing stage that continues to struggle with communicating and engaging with students. The question remains on how students can be better engaged in online educational materials that are presented in asynchronous media, especially in lecture videos. Thus, using engagement theory, the present study explored how online lecture videos can be improved by incorporating entertainment education. Using a public lecture video found on YouTube, an online survey (N = 133) was conducted to identify digital storytelling techniques and their effects. Results revealed that these techniques that are often utilized in entertainment became meaningful components to increase student engagement and learning outcomes. However, they can also negatively affect instructor credibility, which could suggest the need to increase instructors’ skills. The implications for the development of lecture videos using entertainment and its potential to positively impact online education are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent gender theorising has been enlivened by post‐structuralist accounts of gender as ‘disembodied’; the reading of gender performances as distinct from sexed bodies. However, there has been little application of such theoretical positions to empirical analysis in gender and education. This article employs two such positions – that of ‘female masculinity and male femininity’, and that of ‘gender monoglossia and heteroglossia’ – to data raised from a research project on high‐achieving pupils. It is argued that although cases of female masculinity and male femininity are identified, such labels can usefully be applied to only a very small number of pupils, and even here there are profound problems in the conceptual application. The concept of gender heteroglossia appeared applicable to a far larger number of pupils. It is argued that this latter concept offers a less rigid application, that can incorporate analysis both of continuing patterns of gender inequality (as reflective of gender monoglossia), and of individual, gender‐transgressive (heteroglossic) performances.  相似文献   

This paper endeavours to make a contribution to the debate concerning early years practitioners' identity as a professional group and does so through the use of data from semi-structured interviews conducted in England and Finland with early years teachers. During these interviews, early years teachers working in Finland expressed different understandings of their professional role than early years teachers working in England. It is suggested that the educators working in Finland had adopted understandings of professionality that were based more closely on notions of complexity and democracy. In contrast, responses made by early years educators working in England indicated a more limited conception of professionality. In the paper the evidence is analysed and suggestions made about why these distinctions have occurred and suggests that extensions to professionality for early years teachers in both countries to include 'criticality' need to occur. Cet article tente d'apporter une contribution au débat concernant l'identité des éducateurs préscolaires en tant que groupe professionnel, par le biais de données recueillies lors d'entretiens semi-structurés avec des enseignants préscolaires en Finlande et en Angleterre. Pendant ces entretiens, les éducateurs préscolaires travaillant en Finlande ont exprimé une compréhension différente de leur rôle professionnel de ceux qui travaillent en Angleterre. Il est suggéré que les éducateurs travaillant en Finlande ont développé une compréhension de la professionnalité basée davantage sur des notions de complexité et de démocratie. Au contraire, les réponses des éducateurs préscolaires travaillant en Angleterre ont dénoté une conception plus limitée de la professionnalité. L'article analyse les résultats et présente des suggestions sur les raisons de ces différences, et suggère qu'il devrait se produire des extensions à la professionnalité des enseignants préscolaires dans les deux pays pour lui faire comprendre la 'criticalité'. Este artículo espera hacer una aportación al debate relacionado con la identidad de los profesionales de edades jóvenes como un grupo profesional y lo hace con el uso de datos obtenidos en entrevistas semiestructuradas realizadas en Inglaterra y en Finlandia con profesores de menores. Durante estas entrevistas, los profesores de menores que trabajan en Finlandia expresaron diferentes interpretaciones de su papel profesional que aquellas expresadas por profesores de menores que trabajan en Inglaterra. Se sugiere que los educadores que trabajan en Finlandia han adoptado interpretaciones de profesionalidad basadas más estrechamente en nociones de complejidad y democracia. Por el contrario, las respuestas aportadas por educadores de menores que trabajan en Inglaterra indican un concepto de profesionalidad más limitado. En el artículo se analiza la evidencia y se presentan sugerencias sobre el por qué han ocurrido estas distinciones y sugiere que deben producirse extensiones a esa profesionalidad para profesores de menores de ambos países a fin de que incluyan 'criticalidad'.  相似文献   

The Chinese language movement was launched by the Chinese educationists to demand the recognition of Chinese as an official language to legitimise the status of Chinese education in the national education system in Malaysia. It began in 1952 as a response to the British attempt to establish national primary schools teaching in English and Malay to replace the vernacular primary schools. It picked up pace when the Chinese educationists managed to garner political support for their demand. But the Chinese educationists decided to halt the movement prior to the election of an interim local government following political promises to safeguard Chinese education. Unfortunately, subsequent developments did not live up to their expectations, leading to the revival of the movement, which reached new heights prior to the enactment of the National Language Act in 1967. But the movement was strongly contested by the Malay nationalists affiliated to a language action front.  相似文献   

The paper explores the value of practitioner enquiry in the development of common language and shared understandings for a group of mid‐career professionals from a variety of public service backgrounds, brought together to formulate responses to the English agenda for integrating services. It draws upon data gathered from multi‐professional action learning and focus groups via a collaboration between an English University and six regional authorities. Theories of ‘third space’ and ‘hybridity’ are engaged in arguing that the achievement of ‘integrated’ or ‘trans‐professional’ knowledge can develop within ‘undecided’ reflective spaces through which new ways of working are discovered. It concludes that collaborative multi‐professional practitioner enquiry offers a realistic means of embedding this challenging aspect of policy.  相似文献   

Two students, meeting together with a teacher, redid historical experiments. Unlike conventional instruction where science topics and practices often fragment, they experienced interrelatedness among phenomena, participants’ actions, and history. This study narrates actions that fostered an interrelated view. One action involved opening up historical telephones to examine interior circuitry. Another made sound visible in a transparent air column filled with Styrofoam bits and through Lissajous figures produced by reflecting light off orthogonal nineteenth century tuning forks crafted by Koenig and Kohl. Another involved orienting magnetic compasses to reveal the magnetism of conducting wires, historically investigated by Oersted and Schweigger. Replicating Homberg’s triboluminescent compound elicited students’ reflective awareness of history. These actions bore pedagogical value in recovering some of the interrelatedness inherent in the history and reintroducing the wonder of science phenomena to students today.  相似文献   

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