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Despite awareness of the growing number of pregnant teens in the US, little information has been published concerning factors that predict early childbirth among individual girls. To begin to address this issue, the influence of specific life and social factors was examined in 50 adolescent girls with documented histories of good and poor contraception use. Patients selected for participation were 50 indigent nulliparous adolescent and young adult females from 14-22 years old receiving health care at the Teen Health Clinic at the Jefferson Davis Hospital in Houston, Texas. 25 adolescents who indicated that they had been able to use oral contraception prescribed by the clinic for at least 6 months without major problems or complaints were classified as good contraceptors. 25 adolescents assigned to the poor contraceptors group were those who missed 2 or more appointments in a 6-month interval, experienced at least one suspected pregnancy during this time, and indicated verbally that they had not been completely compliant. Each subject was assessed with a structured interview consisting of 25 questions on the patient's past history of contraception, school performance, family birth, employment, residence patterns, and accessibility to contraceptive services. Data from each of the 25 questions of the interview were pooled for the good and poor contraceptors. Where applicable, Chi-square frequency tests and t-tests were used to determine whether differences were statistically significant. Some of the results follow. 1) Reasons for occasional nonuse of oral contraception in the 12 months prior to the interview were assessed in both samples; no statistical differences were observed. The majority of nonusers attributed it to a random event, such as a memory lapse. 2) Sources of birth control education were equivalent in the 2 groups. 3) Good contraceptors reported intercourse 2.6 times/month, as compared to 4.7 times/month for poor contraceptors. 4) 3 of 25 good contraceptors had dropped out of school, while 9 out of 25 poor contraceptors had left school. 5) 72% of the good contraceptors intended to complete at least 2 years of college, but only 52% of the poor contraceptors did. 6) Poor contraceptors had a greater frequency of sisters who had become pregnant relative to good contraceptors. 7) Good contraceptors were more likely to be employed either part- or full-time (52%) than were the poor contraceptors (28%). 8) Good contraceptors reported fewer changes in residence relative to the poor contraceptors in the preceding 5 years. 9) Poor contraceptors had significantly longer travel times to the clinic (mean of 54.5 minutes) relative to good contraceptors (mean of 33 minutes).  相似文献   

Psychological symptoms in sexually abused girls   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study examined psychological symptoms exhibited by children who had recently been sexually abused. Twenty-four girls aged 6 to 12 years old were evaluated within six months of being abused using a variety of standardized child psychiatric instruments. Results showed a marked discrepancy between child and parent reports of symptoms. The abused children did not exhibit significant depressive, anxiety, or low self-esteem symptoms by self-report; however, their parents rated them as having significantly more behavioral problems than a normative sample but as somewhat less pathological than a clinical sample. The implications of these findings in relation to our current understanding of the psychological problems manifested by sexually abused children and for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

We cannot live there any more. We are selling our home, pulling our children from their schools and moving, not far, only 20 kilometres, to a new community, to a new beginning. The reason—bullying or ‘what girls do’.  相似文献   

《Child abuse & neglect》2014,38(9):1552-1559
Early marriage and sexual abuse are the two of the most frequent types of childhood abuse. Although early marriage is also a type of sexual abuse, it is associated with different physical, social, and mental outcomes than sexual abuse alone. The purpose of this study was to compare early-married girls and sexually abused girls who were referred for forensic evaluation in Turkey in terms of their sociodemographic characteristics, mental disorder rates, and mental symptom severity. We included 63 adolescent girls for whom a judicial report had been demanded and who were under 15 years old when they were married but were not yet 18 years old during the evaluation (15.51 ± 0.78) and 72 sexually abused adolescent girls between 14 and 18 years old (15.80 ± 1.10) in this study. Following a psychiatric evaluation, the study participants completed the Child Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Reaction Index (CPTS-RI) and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). We used the Windows SPSS 16.0 software program to assess the results. At least one psychiatric disorder was determined in 44.4% of the early-married and 77.8% of the sexually abused cases (p < 0.001). A diagnosis of PTSD or ASD was observed in 11.1% of the early-married cases and in 54.2% of the sexually abused victims (p < 0.001). MDD was determined in 33.3% of the early-married cases and 56.9% of the sexually abused cases (p = 0.006). The CPTS-RI scores of the sexually abused victims were higher than those of the early-married cases (p < 0.001). All of the subscale scores of the BSI were higher in the sexually abused adolescents than in the early-married cases (p < 0.001). Although early marriage has severe physical, social and mental outcomes, it is not as severe as sexual abuse in terms of psychiatric disorder rates and the psychiatric symptom severity it causes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore the relationships between psychological symptoms and thyroid hormone levels in adolescent girls who had experienced the traumatic stress of sexual abuse. METHOD: The study design was cross-sectional/correlational. Subjects (N=22; age range=12-18 years) had their blood drawn, and they completed 2 psychological tests (depression and general distress/posttraumatic stress disorder [PTSD]). A pediatrician completed a sexual abuse questionnaire after reviewing law enforcement and Child Protective Services reports and conducting forensic interviews and medical examinations. RESULTS: Girls' average free T4, total T4, free T3, total T3, and TSH levels were within age-specific laboratory reference range limits, as were most individual concentrations. The strongest correlations (p<.05) were between free T3 and PTSD total score (-.50), PTSD-avoidance/numbing (-.49), and general distress (-.48); and between total T3 and depression (-.46), general distress (-.45), and PTSD-arousal (-.44). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support one of the two contemporary models of the relationships between thyroid hormones (i.e., free and total T3) and psychological symptoms (i.e., depression, general distress, and PTSD)--one of "shutting down" (vs. "activation") in the face of trauma.  相似文献   


In this paper, we draw from elements of a study that sought to examine how teenage South African girls, both white and black African, articulate their relationship with online sexually explicit materials (SEM). The study contributes to the literature by resisting the dominant discursive practices underlined by the construction of sexuality as an exclusive realm of danger for teenage girls. Challenging this static version of femininity, we focus on the ways in which teenage girls, aged between 13 and 18 years old in two elite private schools, use online SEM to expand their sexual knowledge and engage in pleasurable forms of sexuality. By drawing on individual interviews, focus group discussions and open-ended visual elicitation research methods, we show how girls embrace online SEM in ways that expand the definition of femininity beyond fearing sexuality whilst demonstrating the entanglement with gender inequalities. Girls’ relationship with online SEM, whilst tenuous, disrupts normative assumptions around femininity. However, an ambiguous relationship with online SEM is evident as their challenges to dominant femininity are mediated by concerns about respect and innocence, as well as by persistent evidence of male power within online SEM. Implications for school-based sexuality education concludes the paper.  相似文献   

This article presents factors that place girls at risk of delinquency and offending as well as the patterns in juvenile delinquency trends for females in Singapore. The authors also describe Singapore's overall structure of services for young offenders and the current status of alternative education programmes for young women engaged in delinquent behaviours and at‐risk teenage girls. The unique features of a Singapore girls' home are then highlighted. Finally, implications for juvenile educational programming are considered.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the scarce literature on factors affecting EdTech use in households. These factors were considered through exploratory mixed-methods analyses of cross-sectional data on Kenyan girls and caregivers, captured during the COVID-19 pandemic. Quantitative analysis of the child dataset (n = 544) suggested the importance of both structural factors—such as technology hardware availability—and non-structural factors—including caregiver permission. Findings were supported by a thematic analysis of interview data from girls' caregivers (n = 58), which emphasised the role they play in girls' use of EdTech. Interviews also highlighted numerous caregiver concerns with EdTech, related to the relevance and rigour of educational content, the possibility of children accessing age-inappropriate material and child health (especially eyesight). Policy makers could alleviate these concerns by providing guidance on EdTech use and clearly signalling their approval of verified initiatives.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • EdTech can benefit girls' education, yet there are various barriers to it being used.
  • Existing research shows clearly that EdTech use can be impeded by structural factors (eg, hardware ownership).
  • However, we find insufficient empirical evidence on the role of non-structural or behavioural factors.
What this paper adds
  • This paper addresses this gap, using a mixed-methods approach to explore the influence of 33 different measures (including non-structural factors) that could affect the number of hours girls spend using EdTech at home.
  • Findings from a quantitative sample of girls (n = 544) and a qualitative sample of girls' caregivers (n = 58) highlighted the importance of non-structural factors, especially caregiver permission.
  • The variable most strongly associated with girls' EdTech usage in our selected quantitative model concerned whether this was sanctioned by their caregivers.
  • Our qualitative data suggested why caregiver permission to use EdTech might be withheld: caregivers emphasised perceived concerns about the risks and rigour of EdTech.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • Our findings suggest the viability of policy interventions that provide EdTech guidance to caregivers.
  • Caregivers uncertain about EdTech could be reassured of the appropriateness of verified initiatives, while those already convinced might be aided in their attempts to support EdTech learning.
  • Such guidance could provide a low-cost means of further exploiting the benefits that household EdTech learning can provide.

OBJECTIVE: To study the differential effects of sexual abuse on Hispanic (HN) and African-American (AA) girls. METHOD: Sexually abused girls and their caretakers (N = 159), of which 52% (n = 82) were AA (mean age 9.8 years, SD = 3.4, R = 6-17) and 48% (n = 77) were HN (mean age 10.1 years, SD = 3.8, R = 6-18), were included in the study. The mother/caretaker was administered a demographic form, the Achenbach's Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), and the Family Assessment Measure (FAM-P). The child completed the FAM-C and the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children (TSCC). The clinician completed the Parental Reaction to Incest Disclosure Scale (PRIDS). RESULTS: HN girls were found to have a greater number of sexually abusive episodes and waited longer to disclose their abuse while AA girls were more likely to have experienced vaginal penetration. The perpetrators of HN girls were older and more likely to be fathers or stepfathers. The mothers/ caretakers of HN girls perceived their children as having significantly more aggressive behavior, anxiety/depression, somatic complaints, internalizing and externalizing behaviors, and had a higher total score on the CBCL than did AA girls. The HN girls were more likely to see their family as dysfunctional with confusion regarding family values and rules. HN mothers/caretakers perceived their families as more conflicted regarding adaptability and family controls. CONCLUSIONS: HN girls experienced more emotional and behavioral problems, and both HN girls and their mothers/caretakers perceived their families as more disturbed and dysfunctional.  相似文献   

This paper is grounded in a qualitative approach, to call forth the views of Muslim teenage girls on their access and use of learning technologies for inclusive educational practice. The 45 Muslim teenage girls, aged 14–19 years old, from three British Muslim girls schools participated in this empirical study. Semi-structured interviews were used for data collection and the data were analysed using template analysis, matrix analysis, and cross-case analysis. The pupils had strong aspirations that learning technologies and computers should support their learning and attainment, but their access and use to supporting technologies was mixed. It was found through a comparative analysis of the data that all the Muslim teenage girls that entered Muslim schools felt secure and performed competently. Furthermore, the educational success of School A was attributable to educational norms and values relative to the provision of digital resources and skilled teaching staff. The educational experiences of School B and School C were more variable due to access to digital technologies, provision of digital contents and skilled teaching staff. Furthermore, this research study seems to highlight a marked difference between the Muslim School environment and the social context of teenage girls outside the educational setting.  相似文献   

目的:了解昆明地区高校大学生对常用避孕方法的知识掌握程度及使用的相关态度及行为现况,为西部高校开展更有针对性的性健康教育和服务提供参考。方法:采取随机抽样的方法,对昆明3所高校的350名在校本科生进行自填式问卷调查。结果:共收回310份有效问卷,男、女生对常用的避孕方法知晓率排名前三的均为:安全套、短效口服避孕药、安全期避孕。在更愿意选择的避孕方法上男、女生没有差异,均为安全套,其主要影响因素为:容易使用、方便获取、效果好、对身体没有副作用。在有过性行为的学生中(共74人),通常获得避孕用具的来源依次为:药店(51.4%)、商店(32.4%)、校医院或学校相关机构(17.6%)、网购(10.8%)、同学或朋友给予(6.8%)。结论:昆明地区在校大学生对常用避孕方法的知识掌握程度并不高,知识更新水平有限。更偏爱容易使用又方便获取的避孕方法,如安全套。应针对大学生避孕方法的KAP特点,多渠道、多层次地开展有效的避孕相关的宣传教育和服务。  相似文献   

In exchange for a free physical examination, 116 minority group youths from inner-city middle schools in Texas consented to answer open-ended questions about their sexual behavior, contraceptive knowledge, and type and source of knowledge of sexuality. The students ranged in age from 12-15 years (mean age, 13 years); 27% were Hispanic and 73% were black. Sex education was not a part of the curriculum at the 4 schools from which respondents were drawn. When asked what sex meant to them, 37% of female adolescents and 23% of males indicated they did not know or it did not mean anything. Among remaining students, recreation was identified as the central meaning be males (23% of total), while females tended to cite romance (21% of total). Only 47% were able to list at least 1 question they had about sex; most common were questions about the morality of premarital intercourse and the experience of adolescent pregnancy and parenthood. 89% of females and 57% of males were able to name at least 1 contraceptive method, generally condoms (44%), abstinence (36%), and the pill (8%). Hispanic females named the highest number of contraceptive methods on average (2.2), followed by black females (1.9), Hispanic males (1.8), and black males (1.3). Among female adolescents, 53% listed their mother as their primary source of knowledge about sexual matters and 6% listed a friend. Among males, fathers (17%) and friends (17%) were the most frequent knowledge sources. The fact that these young adolescents view their parents as credible and approachable sources of information about sexuality suggests that school counselors should encourage such communication. aT the same time, the expressed need for more information on the moral aspects of sexuality indicates that values should be incorporated into any sex education program developed for this age group.  相似文献   

The cross-sex comparability of child social maladaptation is assessed within populations of elementary school children. The randomly aggregated normative sample for the revised Bristol Social Adjustment Guides (BSAG) was partitioned into subsamples of 1,305 boys and 1,222 girls ranging in age from 5 to 15 years. The children were observed by 900 classroom teachers and rated on the BSAG's six core syndromes and two associated groupings of problem behavior. For each sex, scores on the various behavioral groupings were normalized and submitted to principal components factor analysis with varimax rotation of retained dimensions. A general two-factor model emerged, with one factor resembling a dimension of general overreaction and the other a dimension of general underreaction. Cross-sex equivalence of factor structures was confirmed via Kaiser's analytic factor relations process. The BSAG's core syndromes and nonsyndromic groupings were found to sustain similar functions across the sexes, although differential trends were noted in the prevalence of specific behavioral syndromes.  相似文献   

This commentary reviews seven papers that study motivation with new media, contained in this special issue of Educational Technology Research & Development edited by Ruth Small. For each paper, this commentary summarizes exemplary contributions, offers an assessment of what is exciting, and suggests directions for future research. Some exciting contributions include using new media in an attempt to promote motivation such as game-making, collaborative wiki construction, and interaction with onscreen agents. Some important challenges for future research on motivation with new media are to develop testable theories and to collect evidence based on rigorous methodologies including evidence concerning the relation between motivation and learning outcomes  相似文献   

HIV/AIDS prevalence in South Africa is one of the highest in the world with heterosexual, transmission predominantly promoting the epidemic. The goal of this study is to examine whether, marijuana use and problem drinking mediate the relationship between histories of childhood sexual, abuse (CSA) and HIV risk behaviors among heterosexual men. Participants were 1181 Black men aged, 18–45 from randomly selected neighborhoods in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Audio computer assisted, self-interviewing was used to assess self-reported childhood sexual abuse, problem drinking, and marijuana (dagga) use, and HIV sexual transmission behavior with steady and casual partners. Data were analyzed using multiple meditational modeling. There was more support for problem, drinking than marijuana use as a mediator. Findings suggest that problem drinking and marijuana use, mediate HIV sexual risk behaviors in men with histories of CSA. Focusing on men with histories of CSA, and their use of marijuana and alcohol may be particularly useful for designing strategies to reduce, HIV sexual transmission in South Africa.  相似文献   

BackgroundFatherhood is a complex psychological process, which is shaped at a profound level by reflections on past childhood memories and parenting experienced in childhood. Fathers who were sexually abused in childhood may experience particular challenges for their fathering identity and parenting role.ObjectiveThis qualitative study explored the experiences of fatherhood for men who were sexually abused in childhood and how they perceived themselves in the fathering role.Participants and SettingEleven participants were recruited to the study from three therapy services for adult survivors of abuse in the Republic of Ireland.MethodsData collection comprised face to face semi-structured interviews, which were audio recorded and subsequently transcribed verbatim. Data analysis drew on Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis and two superordinate themes with associated subthemes were identified.ResultsParticipants’ experience of childhood sexual abuse provided a lens through which they experienced fatherhood and themselves in a fathering role. Fatherhood influenced participants to confront unintegrated aspects of the trauma they experienced in childhood, which manifested in hypervigilance with regard to their children’s safety and doubt that they were good enough fathers. However, fatherhood also offered an opportunity to heal. This occurred through striving to provide a better father-child relationship and through connection in restorative relationships, including the therapeutic relationship.ConclusionFatherhood was seen as a potential resource for positive change and can influence long held internal working models of the self and others.  相似文献   

This paper documents the creation, implementation and analysis of a survey instrument designed to reveal patterns of use and attitudes towards the value of social media by UK teachers. The study was motivated to discover which teachers use social media professionally, how they use it (both personally and professionally) and attitudes to social media as a professional tool (for their students' and their own professional use). The instrument was created from verbal data from two focus group discussions regarding the use of social media in education. Attitude statements were included verbatim when practical. This instrument was placed online and practising teachers invited to complete it (n?=?216). Exploratory factor analysis and hierarchical clustering identified 9 factors from 54 attitude statements and 5 distinct teacher groups. The rich data allowed each group to be carefully defined, providing potentially invaluable information to school leaders when developing social media projects to recognize and accommodate the full range of teacher concerns and experience. The paper also addresses methodological concerns regarding instrument creation, dealing with missing data and the impact of missing data on subsequent analysis.  相似文献   

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