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作品蝴蝶效应一条狗落水了。一个人跳水了。狗活了。人死了。于是大家传开了——老王家的黑子追蝴蝶追到塘里了,老李家的小李子看到了就跳下去救狗,然后就没再上来了。  相似文献   

童年的一天,他在屋里玩,父亲沉默地坐在角落里。10分钟内,他做了11件事情:写了一个半字,画了一个没画成的苹果,看了几秒钟书,大叫了几声,踢翻了一个凳子,发呆半分钟,玩了三样玩具而且都扔到了门外,傻乎乎地唱了几句歌,欣赏了一下父亲没画完的画作,画了个女孩并哈哈大笑,最后发疯地叫了几声妈……  相似文献   

近些年来,作文作秀的现象已成了众矢之的。梦境多了,真情少了;忧郁多了,天真少了;深沉多了,清纯少了;抒情多了,记叙少了;概述多了,素描少了;柔情多了,激情少了;历史多了,现实少了;排比多了,平实少了;感悟多了,经历少了;上帝多了,自己少了。学生作文越来越偏离了自己的感情世界和真实的生活。  相似文献   

西方流传着这样一首民谣丢失一个钉子,坏了一只蹄铁;坏了一只蹄铁,折了一匹战马;折了一匹战马,伤了一位骑士;伤了一位骑士,输了一场战斗;输了一场战斗,亡了一个帝国。  相似文献   

《中国青年报》转述了一则报道:一篇600字左右的小学生作文,里面接连出现了"热死了""烦死了""紧张死了""开心死了"等词语,有人统计了一下,总共有72个"死了"。无独有偶,据报道,一位初中语文教  相似文献   

糟了糟了—— 春天被打翻了, 洒出了生机勃勃的笑声, 笑声送给了小草,小草高兴地发芽生长; 笑声送给了花儿,花儿露出了美丽的笑脸; 笑声送给了孩子们,孩子们尽情地欢唱。  相似文献   

春天到了,小草绿了,树叶长出来了。小鸟在树上叽叽喳喳叫个不停,好像在为春天的到来歌唱;溪水哗哗地流着,欢乐地拍打着沿岸的石头。草儿绿了,花儿开了,天蓝了,雪融化了。那樱桃花也盛开了,开得如此的灿烂,如此的美丽。我一看到它,就想起了我曾经听过的一段故事:  相似文献   

自从麦卡卡上小学后,每天的活动就被一只虎头形闹钟控制了。预设时间一到,闹钟就不停地尖叫:“该起床了!该整理书包出门了!该午睡了!该回家了!该做作业了!该活动了!该上补习班了!该练琴了!该画画了!该练字了!该读课外书了……”边叫边发出吓人的老虎咆哮声,驱使麦卡卡做这做那。麦卡卡东奔西忙,疲于奔命,恨死了闹钟,故意弄坏了好几个,可是每弄坏一个,妈妈马上就买个新的,每次都买虎头形闹钟,理由是“霸气”。  相似文献   

我记得,母亲上床休息,总是等孩子们在火炕上睡了,等进了窝的鸡睡了,等挂在屋檐下的镰刀睡了,等炉灶里冒着烟的火睡了,等储藏室里的叉子和盆子睡了,等对着井水照影子的苹果树睡了,等白鹳鸟巢(cháo)上空的云睡了,等被庄稼起伏摇荡的田野里的路睡了。  相似文献   

已经开展了那么多期的辩论、讨论、演讲,是不是觉得有点枯燥了?哈哈,不要紧,我们本期不给同学们安排新的论题了,大家一起来轻松一下吧。那说点什么内容呢?呵呵,反正不讨论了!好了好了,不卖关子了,请同学们一起来——  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, a group of rats were runway trained on each of two reward series for 32 days. The two series consisted of three runs, the first two of which were, respectively, rewarded and nonrewarded; the third run was rewarded in one series but nonrewarded in the other. A 40-min interval separated the two series; the first and second runs within the series were separated by a 10-min interval, whereas the second and third runs were separated by a 30-sec interval. The reward (and nonreward) events and temporal cues of the two series are designated R-NR/R-NN. A second group was similarly trained, with the exception that the 10-min interval separated the second and third runs (RN-R/RN-N). Both groups developed appropriate differential running on the third run of the two series, and the RN-R/RN-N animals ran appropriately (slowly) on the second run of both series. Appropriate Run 2 performance appeared in one half of the R-NR/R-NN animals (depending upon order of series presentation); the remaining half ran faster on Run 2 of the R-NR series than on the same run of the R-NN series, an effect currently termed interevent anticipation. A cue shift phase in which all within-series intervals were 30 sec showed that the temporal intervals were controlling performance before the shift. Experiment 2 showed that interevent anticipation appears when all within-series intervals are either 10 min or 30 sec from the beginning of training, suggesting that the elimination of interevent anticipation in Experiment 1 was due to the differential cuing of runs by the temporal intervals rather than the particular interval duration. The overall findings suggest that the similarity of Run 2 and Run 3 performance termed interevent anticipation may be due to a failure to discriminate the ordinal position of runs within a series.  相似文献   

在建立一个关于Taylor级数引理的基础上,利用有关对称随机数的S-可和性及a.s.收敛关系的成果,得到一维对称随机Taylor级数的收敛边界几乎必然是自然边界.  相似文献   

给出了求数列极限及级数和的几个特殊方法:利用函数极限和定积分求数列极限,利用幂级数和概率求级数和.  相似文献   

We report an investigation of the development of visual expectancies in 3.5-month-old infants. One of the infant's eyes was videorecorded as the infant watched a series of slides that were presented noncontingent on behavior. Babies were presented an alternating and an irregular series of 30 slides with a 700-msec onset duration separated by an interstimulus interval (ISI). The ISI for the alternating series was 1,100 msec, whereas the slides for the irregular series were separated by 900, 1,100, or 1,300 msec, randomly ordered. One-half of the babies saw the irregular series first, and one-half saw the regular series first. Babies in both groups provided evidence that they developed expectations for the visual events in the alternating series. Their reaction times (RTs) declined significantly from 3-5 "baseline" presentations, and their RTs were reliably faster during the alternating than the irregular series. Additionally, babies in the alternating-late group had significantly more stimulus anticipations during the alternating than during the irregular series. These findings indicate that 3.5-month-olds can detect regularity in a spatiotemporal series, will develop expectancies for events in the series, and will act on the basis of those expectancies even when those actions have no effect on the stimulus events. We believe that infants are motivated to develop expectations for noncontrollable spatiotemporal events, because these expectations permit them to bring their visual behavior under partial internal control.  相似文献   

水文序列的时间变异性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用信息论的基本概念 ,构造了分析水文序列信息差异度的诊断方法 ,并用于长江上游某控制站的年最高洪水位序列和陆水流域年降雨序列的时间变异性分析。结果表明 ,此法可有效地诊断水文序列的变异性 ,所得结论符合实际 ,具有较高的理论价值。结合中长期水文气象预报 ,研究和分析区域水文生态序列的时间和空间变异性特征 ,以便了解气候和生物圈状况的区域变化对水文、生态和水资源系统的影响  相似文献   

通过引入辅助级数∑n=1^∞Une-Eλn^n,分别研究了P维向量型随机Dirichlet级数在收敛平面和收敛半平面上的增长性,证明了p维向量型随机Dirichlet级数和辅助级数在一定条件下增长级a.s.相等.  相似文献   

求方程近似解的Newton迭代法构造的序列是单侧逼近精确解的,这给误差分析带来很大的困难.本文提出了构造Newton迭代双侧逼近序列一般方法,精确解介于两个序列之间,这样可通过两个近似解来估计逼近精确解的程度.  相似文献   

基于将正项级数审敛法推广到函数级数一致收敛上去的思想,类比正项级数的Gauss判别法、对数判别法、拟对数判别法以及它们的极限形式,得到了函数级数一致收敛的相应判别法,丰富了函数级数一致收敛审敛法.  相似文献   

给出了幂级数收敛半径的计算公式,它是通常计算公式的推广。  相似文献   

从数列极限概念的定性描述出发,通过对“无限增大”、“无限接近”的精确数学表述,引出了数列极限的定义,并对数列极限的定义作了几何上的分析。  相似文献   

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