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One Piano Only     
Jim was clever, but he never liked to work hard. He often said to his friends, "If you work hard, you will make a lot of money, but it doesn't seem good. I want easy work and a lot of money. That's the most interesting thing in the world(世界上)."So he could only be a thief (贼). But he still thought it was too much work, so he only told his friends what to do and got money from them.  相似文献   

Something Left     
吕浙  碧群 《初中生》2006,(11):88-89,90,91
1. One night, Tom was about to go to bed when he heard the doorbell rang. He opened the door and saw Mike stood there. Tom was frightened because he owed([δu]欠)Mike a lot of money, and he didn't want to return money to Mike.  相似文献   

An old man died and left his son a lot of money.But the son was a foolish youngman,and he quickly spent all the money,so that soon he had nothing left.Of course,when that happened,all his friends left him.When he was quite poor and alone,hewent to see Nas…  相似文献   

Once a farmer was put in prison. Even though(即使)this farmer was in prison,he wasn't a bad man. He hadn't done anything wrong. At this time the king's men were collecting money. The king needed money so that he could fight wars and the people had to pay a lot of taxes(税). Now this farmer didn't have any money. He told this to the king's men. When they came to his house,he said,"I can't give you any money. I am such a poor man that I've hardly got enough to live."The king’s m en laughed. …  相似文献   

Dick and Robert studied in the same class four years ago. Dick liked all kinds of beautiful clothes and spent (花费) a lot of money on them. His father was a worker and he hadn't enough money to give his son. Dick had to borrow some money from his friends. At first they lent(借) some to him, but he never gave any back to them. And later nobody believed(相信) him.  相似文献   

<正>An old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man, and he quickly spent all the money, so that soon he had noth-ing left. Of course, when that happened, all his friends left him. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Nasreddin, who was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles. "My money has finished and my friends have gone,"said the young man. “What will happen to me now?”  相似文献   

0ne Piano Only     
Jim was clever,but henever liked to work hard.Heoften said to his friends,“Ifyou work hard,you will makea lot of money,but it doesn’tseem good.I want easy Workand a lot of money.That's themost interesting thing in theworld(世界上).”So he couldonly be a thief(贼).But he  相似文献   

Go to Hospital     
Mr Black kept doing morning exercises.He alwayswalked to his shop in the morning and ate the simple(普通的)food though he had a lot of money.So he was strongand never went to see a doctor. One evening,on his way home,he was caught inheavy rain.He kept on running home though a bus couldtake there.He didn't feel well that night.The next morn-ing his wife asked him to go to hospital.The old miserly  相似文献   

Mr. King lives in a village. He has a farm and_ 1_ hard on it. And he's very _2_ and has little time to travel(旅行). This autumn he picked a lot of apples in his garden. He sold them in the town and got much money and was going to travel in London.  相似文献   

(A) One day, Mr Black went into a restaurant. He put his coat on achair near the door. There was nothing in the pockets of his coat. Afterhis meal he put on the coat, then he found there was much money in oneof his pockets. He immediately realized that someone else had taken hiscoat away by mistake. “Whose coat is this?”he thought. He saw a waiternear the door, so Mr Black said to him, “Somebody put a lot of money inmy coat. I have no time to wait for him. I have to go. Return it to him,please.”The waiter took the money and went away. A moment later, an-other man came with a coat just like Mr BlackKs. “IKm sorry, ” said theman. “I took your coat and you got mine. Please give me my coat and the  相似文献   

Christmas was coming. Mr Smith had no money to buy any presents for his children. His wife was ill and he spent a lot of money on her medicine. And the harvest was bad and all his family were going to be hungry the next spring. He was quite worried about it."We had only a cock,"said Mrs Smith one day. "You'd better take it to the town. Sell it there and buy some cakes and sweets for our children."  相似文献   

Mr Read lived in a town by the sea.He has a few shops in the centerthere.He managed(管理)them carefully and got a lot of money.He was veryrich but he didn’t think he was the richest in the town.So he tried to get moremoney.Once Mr Read was asked to dinner.He heard there was a circustrope(马戏团)in the town which had nothing strange except a five–legged(五条腿的)cow.But people were interested in it and most of them went to see it.On his way home,Mr Read heard an old woman saying there liv…  相似文献   

If I had a lot of money,I would give the money to the poor children.There are many children out of school in some parts of our country,and their family can't afford to send them to school.At the same time,the children don't have enough money to buy school things and clothes.In my opinion,every child should have the right to go to school,but there are few chances for them.So if I had a lot of money,I would try my best to do something to help them,just like buying them school things,clothes and so on.  相似文献   

£700 was a lot of money for Roger but he knew it would not lastfor ever.He still had to find a job.A week passed and during thattime he heard of two different jobs.There was a very good chance  相似文献   

The whole village soon learned a lot of money hadbeen stolen.Sam had lost his wallet(钱包)while takinghis money to the post office.Sam was sure that the walletmust have been found by one of the villagers,but it wasnot returned to him.Three months passed,and then onemorning,Sam found his wallet outside his front door,in itwas half the Money he had lost,together with a note,which said,"A thief,yes,but only 50% a thief!"Twomonths later,some more money was sent to Sam with an-other note,"Only 25% a thief now."In no time all Sam'smoney was paid back in this way.The last note said,"I'm100% honest(诚实的)now!"  相似文献   

Two Lies     
Once there lived an old man. He liked listening to lies. He said, "Any man who can tell me two lies can marry my only daughter." So a lot of young men in the country came to his house. But he said to all of them, "I'm not pleased with your lies. I wouldn't give my daughter to any of you." One day, a young man said, "It will be hot in the summer, so you should go out now and dig a big hole under the street. When the hot summer weather comes, you Will sell the cool air from the hole and get a lot of money." "Oh, what a wonderful lie!" answered the old man.  相似文献   

Edison had a quick mind about inventions(发明),but not always about other things.Oneday he received a notice(通知).It said that hemust pay some money to the government(政府)by the next day.If he was late,he wouldhave to pay still more money.Edison went to thecity office,many people were waiting there inline to pay.While he waited,his mind was busywith ideas about a new invention.When hearrived at the little window,the man in it said toEdison,“Young man,what’s your name?Edisonlooked at the man,Surprised.  相似文献   

1. The Browns liked to collect stamps. They had a lot of valuable stamps. Recently, they paid a lot of money for six world-class rare stamps.2.They lived in Room902in ahigh building.They would take a walkout after dinner every day.3.One day when they returned from awalk and opened the door,they found astranger in their flat.They locked the doorinside,sothe stranger couldn’t run away.4.Mr.Brown called up the police atonce.The detective Jerry came in a shorttime.The stranger said that he ha…  相似文献   

An English traveller spent a few weeks in Sweden(瑞典). When he was about to return home, he found that he had only enough money left to get a ticket to England. Thinking the matter  相似文献   

(A) In the 13th century(世纪), the famous Italian traveller, Marco Polo, travelled a long way to China.During his stayin China, he saw many wonderful things. One of the things he discovered was that the Chinese used paper money. In western countries,people did not use paper money until the 15th century.However, people in China began to use paper money in the 7th century.  相似文献   

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