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In this study, nine simplified short composite columns consisting of core CFST (concrete filled steel tube) of different diameters and outer reinforced concrete were constructed to study their compressive performance under axial or eccentric compression. The failure mode is characterized by the crush of the outer concrete. The bearing capacity increases at first and then decreases with further increase of the position coefficient. It can be concluded that position coefficient is an important structural parameter that has considerable influences on the ultimate bearing capacity of the composite columns. The outer concrete, steel tubes and longitudinal reinforcement are found to work in a cooperative manner under axial or eccentric compression when the position coefficient is about 0.5. An improved bearing capacity algorithm that takes the position coefficient into account has been proposed based on the experimental and simulation results and current technical specification in China. It has been proven to be precise and safe.  相似文献   

为了提高柱的承载力、抗震性能和性价比,采用工程水泥基复合材料(ECC)材料替代钢筋混凝土(RC)柱柱根区域的混凝土形成 ECC /RC 组合柱.基于已有的材料性能试验数据,采用 ATENA 有限元软件对 ECC 柱、ECC /RC 组合柱及 RC 柱的压弯性能进行数值分析.研究了 ECC 柱和 ECC /RC 组合柱的破坏机理,并与 RC 柱进行对比,进而探究 ECC 高度、轴压比和体积配箍率3个参数对 ECC /RC 组合柱或 ECC 柱压弯性能的影响.结果表明:ECC 柱和 ECC /RC 组合柱较 RC 柱具有更高的承载力、延性和抗裂能力;ECC高度在1.2h(h 为截面高度)左右的组合柱即可达到全 ECC 柱的性能效果;ECC 具有较高的抗剪强度,能显著减小箍筋的配置,便于施工和促进实际工程应用.  相似文献   

Fatigue tests were conducted on tapered plain concrete prism specimens under triaxial constant-amplitude tension-compression cyclic loading. The low stress of the cyclic loading was taken as 0.2fc and the upper stress ranged from 0.20ft to 0.65ft. Three constant lateral pressures were 0.1fc, 0.2fc and 0.3fc respectively. Based on the results, the three-stage evolution nile of the fatigue stiffness, maximttm(minimum) longitudinal strain and damage were analyzed, and a unified S-N curve to calculate fatigue strength factors was worked out. The results show that the fatigue strength and fatigue life under triaxial constant-amplitude tension-compression cyclic loading are smaller than those under uniaxial fatigue condition. Moreover, the secondary strain creep rate is related to the fatigue life, a formula for describing their relation was derived. The investigation of this paper can provide information for the fatigue design of concrete structures.  相似文献   

Brittle cracks were observed in the welded beam-to-column connections of steel frames during an earthquake. The crack propagation and accumulated damage to the connections can lead to fractures at much lower ductility ratios. Understanding the connections’ damage behavior during an earthquake is crucial for the design of steel moment frames in seismic areas. Nine full scale beam-to-column connections were tested under constant amplitude and variable amplitude cyclic loading. The effects of loading amplitude, loading history, and peak load on the connection damage were analyzed. The damage characters were studied and three damage evolution models were calibrated and validated based on test results. The damage mechanism was investigated and an effective plastic strain index was developed to evaluate connection damage based on a ductile fracture mechanism. A fatigue fracture mechanics-based model, for evaluating the damage process of beam-to-column connections under cyclic loading, was proposed.  相似文献   

Prestressed steel ultrahigh-strength reinforced concrete (PSURC) beam is a new type of prestressed concrete beam, which not only has a considerable compressive strength attributed to the ultrahigh strength concrete, but also ensures a certain degree of ductility at failure due to the existence of structural steel. Five of these beams were monotonically tested until shear failure to investigate the static shear performance including the failure pattern, load-deflection behavior, shear capacity, shear crack width and shear ductility. The experimental results show that these beams have superior shear capacity, crack control ability and shear ductility. To study the shear performance under repeated overloading, seven PSURC beams were loaded in cyclic test simultaneously. The overall shear performance of cycled beams is similar to that of uncycled beams at low load level but different at high load level. The shear capacity and crack control ability of cycled beams at high load level are reduced, whereas the shear ductility is improved. In addition, the influences of variables including the degree of prestress, stirrup ratio and load level on the shear performance of both uncycled and cycled beams were also discussed and compared, respectively.  相似文献   

To research the relationship between epoxy and fiber inherent property and mechanical properties of composite,we prepared a series of composites using three kinds of high mechanical performance epoxy resins as matrices and reinforced by the same volume fraction(5%)of short carbon and glass fiber.Their mechanical properties were investigated from the perspective of chemical structure and volume shrinkage ratio of epoxy.We analyzed their tensile strength and modulus based on the mixing rule and Halpin-Tsai eq...  相似文献   

干湿交替与荷载作用下CFRP加固混凝土梁的耐久性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对8根持载与恶劣环境作用后的碳纤维增强聚合物(CFRP)加固混凝土梁进行了试验研究.梁的尺寸为1700 mm×120 mm ×200 mm.首先采用4点分加栽方式对梁进行预裂,卸载后粘贴CFRP片材,然后放入腐蚀环境.影响因素考虑了干湿交替与持载水平(持载水平分别为30%和60%混凝土梁极限荷载).分析了干湿交替单一因素和荷载与干湿交替双重因素对CFRP加固梁的长期性能.试验结果表明:荷载与干湿交替双重因素对CFRP加固梁的承载力和破坏形态影响较大,这主要是由于CFRP与混凝土界面的劣化引起;对CFRP加固梁的刚度几乎没有影响.  相似文献   

制备钢纤维增强粉煤灰基地质聚合物,钢纤维的体积掺量不同,研究钢纤维体积掺量对地质聚合物抗折破坏行为及声发射特性的影响,通过研究声发射信号波形平均频率AF及RA(上升时间与幅值的比值)的变化趋势,得出地质聚合物基体的拉伸破坏及剪切破坏的规律。结果表明:镀铜钢纤维对地质聚合物的增韧效果明显;持续时间在40000μs以上,且所含能量很高的波形为诱发灾变破坏的波形;小RA值、大AF值对应着地质聚合物基体的拉伸破坏,大RA值、小AF值对应着纤维拔出过程中与基体的相对剪切破坏。  相似文献   

为了探究加筋前后饱和砾性土动力特性的变化规律,开展一系列循环荷载下饱和砾性土动三轴试验,分析不同围压下加筋对饱和砾性土轴向累积应变、回弹模量和动孔压等动力特性的影响,并对不同围压下的轴向累积应变与振次关系进行拟合分析。结果表明:随着围压的增大,加筋前后试样轴向累积应变、回弹模量及动孔压均随之增大;与加筋前相比,加筋后的试样轴向累积应变均有减小,而回弹模量和动孔压均有增大;各工况下动孔压与振次关系曲线均呈稳定型增长模式。提出了可以准确描述不同围压下加筋前后砾性土轴向累积应变与振次关系的函数关系式,通过函数关系式和条件参数可为预测加筋砾性土路基在循环荷载作用下的累积沉降提供参考。  相似文献   

玻璃纤维增强聚氨酯基(GFRP)复合材料是一种轻质高强的新型材料,GFRP圆管是输电钢塔筒、通讯钢塔筒和钢制路灯杆的有效替代材料,可承受水平荷载作用下的弯剪作用.组成GFRP圆管的材料是玻璃纤维和聚氨酯,配比为(0.60~0.65):(0.40 ~0.35),通过拉挤缠绕方式成型.对GFRP圆管进行直接弯曲试验,研究其弯曲性能,试验结果表明:GFRP圆管在荷载较小时基本保持整体变形,荷载—位移(应变)曲线保持线性增长;荷载达到45 kN后,GFRP圆管在加载点和支点处发生局部屈服,荷载—位移(应变)曲线增长速度加快;荷载达到50 kN后,GFRP圆管出现强化现象,荷载—位移(应变)曲线增长速度减慢;最终破坏模式为复合材料层间剪切分层的局部屈服褶皱破坏,但卸载后屈服变形可以恢复,表明GFRP圆管具有较强的恢复能力.根据美国ANSI/AISC 360-10和澳大利亚AS4100规范对GFRP圆管的局部屈服抗弯承载力进行计算,发现规范计算值和试验值相差小于10%.  相似文献   

基于纤维加筋土技术,将长度为1cm的短切玻璃纤维丝与废弃橡胶粉混合后产生复合材料,在此基础上进行直接剪切分析。在4种纤维掺入量、3种含水率、4种垂直压力的情况下进行对比分析,探讨加筋废弃橡胶复合材料的剪切特性、黏聚力、内摩擦角的变化规律。得出如下结果:在纤维掺入量增加过程中,黏聚力先减少后增加,橡胶强度与纤维掺入量间不呈现明显的线性关系,内摩擦角与纤维掺入量间未产生显著的变化关系,剪切强度与含水率间表现出负相关关联,增加含水率会减弱复合材料的黏聚力,含水率与内摩擦角间不存在显著关联。结果表明,对废弃橡胶进行玻璃纤维加筋处理,符合工业化生产与新材料应用的技术需求。  相似文献   

To investigate the seismic behavior of connections composed of steel reinforced ultra high strength concrete (SRUHSC) column and reinforced concrete (RC) beam, six interior strong-column-weak-beam connection specimens were tested subjected to reversal cyclic load. Effects of applied axial load ratio and volumetric stirrup ratio on ductility, energy dissipation capacity, strength degradation and rigidity degradation were discussed. It was found that all connection specimens failed in bending in a ductile manner with a beam plastic hinge. The ductility and energy dissipation capacity increased with the decrease of applied axial load ratio or increase of volumetric stirrup ratio. The displacement ductility coefficient and equivalent damping coefficient lay between those of steel reinforced ordinary concrete connection and those of reinforced concrete connection. The applied axial load ratio and volumetric stirrup ratio had less influence on the strength degradation and more influence on the stiffness degradation. The stiffness degraded sharply with the decrease of volumetric stirrup ratio or increase of applied axial load ratio. The experimental results indicate that SRUHSC column and RC beam connection exhibited better seismic performance and can provide reference for engineering application.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Creep is an internal characteristic of concrete under long-term load. A long time has elapsed since the first discovery of concrete creep in 1907 by Hatt. Many researches have been devoted to this complex problem ever since. However, despite major suc-cesses, the creep phenomenon is still far from being fully understood, even though the phenomenon has occupied some of the best minds in the field, such as Glanville, Dischinger, Troxell, Pickett, Neville, etc. Creep phenome…  相似文献   

为改善混凝土的抗拉强度和韧性,设计了不同掺量(0、1.0、1.5、2.0、2.5kg/m3)的玄武岩纤维风积沙混凝土,利用自制落锤装置开展玄武岩纤维风积沙混凝土不同养护龄期(标准养护7d和28d)的抗冲击性能试验研究,并分析纤维阻裂增韧机理。结果表明:玄武岩纤维提高了风积沙混凝土的抗冲击次数、冲击功、抗冲击韧性比和冲击延性指标。标养7d的冲击延性指标值均大于28d,掺量为1.0kg/m3时,7d的延性指标最大,为素混凝土的1.76倍;掺量为1.5kg/m3时,冲击功和抗冲击韧性比最大;玄武岩纤维在风积沙混凝土中的最佳掺量为1.0~1.5kg/m3。纤维增强混凝土抗冲击性能依靠纤维与水泥基体之间的锚固作用实现,破坏主要发生在纤维与水泥界面区的水泥石处。  相似文献   

根据聚合物熔体结晶过程中存在过冷态的原理,在160℃时将1根或者2根全同聚丙烯(iPP)纤维引入到iPP基体中,制得iPP纤维/基体同质复合材料,同时,制备了具有相同热历史但无iPP纤维引入的试样,对3种试样进行拉伸性能测试对比。拉伸试验结果表明:无引入纤维的试样其力学性能较差,引入iPP纤维可使同质复合材料的拉伸强度得到明显的提高;引入单根iPP纤维所制得的试样的拉伸强度提高了21.8%,而引入2根iPP纤维所制得的试样的拉伸强度并没有明显的增加,这是由于纤维本身的性质和界面横晶的作用所致,说明iPP纤维本身及其诱导产生的界面结晶(横晶)对该复合材料的拉伸强度产生较大影响。  相似文献   

钢纤维增强混凝土抗裂性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过试验研究剪切型钢纤维对混凝土的塑性开裂、干燥收缩及混凝土力学性能的影响.试验结果表明,钢纤维对改善混凝土开裂有明显效果,并且还探讨了钢纤维的抗裂、增强机理.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation on the response of pre-damaged reinforced concrete (RC) beam strengthened in shear using applied-epoxy unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheet. The reasearch included four test rectangular simply supported RC beams in shear capacity. One is the control beam, two RC beams are damaged to a predetermined degree from ultimate shear capacity of the control beam, and the last beam is left without pre-damaged and then strengthened with using externally bonded carbon fiber reinforced polymer to upgrade their shear capacity. We focused on the damage degree to beams during strengthening, therefore, only the beams with side- bonded CFRPs strips and horizontal anchored strips were used. The results show the feasibility of using CFRPs to restore or increase the load-carrying capacity in the shear of damaged RC beams. The failure mode of all the CFRP-strengthened beams is debonding of CFRP vertical strips. Two prediction available models in ACI-440 and fib European code were compared with the experimental results.  相似文献   

We proposed a bilinearity constitutive curve model of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) confined concrete which includes a parabola in the first stage and a straight line in the second stage. The FRP-confined concrete has powerful confinement status and weak confinement status leading to different equations of parabola. We analyzed the impacts of factors such as confinement ratio and restrain stiffness on confined concrete compressive strength, ultimate strain and other control parameters through finite element analysis. The results show that the confinement ratio determines the confinement status, and the increase of the confinement ratio has a limited capacity to increase the compressive strength, The deformation of confined concrete is influenced by restrain stiffness. The stronger the restrain stiffness is, the less the lateral deformation is and the greater ultimate axial strain will be. The consideration of equivalent section coefficient kse is needed in the non-circular section confined concrete. We analyzed the results and proposed boundary values of strong and weak confinement styles, a peak/inflection point stress and strain model, and a compressive strength and ultimate strain model.  相似文献   

为了探究粗集料体积分数对混杂纤维混凝土工作性、力学性能的影响,采用2种聚合物纤维制备了不同粗集料体积分数的混杂纤维混凝土,研究了粗集料体积分数对混凝土坍落度、抗压强度、抗弯拉强度以及弯曲韧性的影响,并对其机理进行了分析。结果表明,当粗集料体积分数从30%增大到42%后,坍落度降低了19mm,混凝土工作性显著降低,拌合过程中甚至出现露石和成型困难等情况;当粗集料体积分数控制在34%~38%时,粗细纤维分散性良好,混杂纤维混凝土力学性能达到最佳。  相似文献   

为满足水泥混凝土路面快速修复的材料性能需要,以硫铝酸盐水泥复掺硅酸盐水泥、调节石膏掺量、聚丙烯纤维掺量和纤维长度为技术途径,制备了硅酸盐-硫铝酸盐-石膏(PSAG)三元体系水泥纤维混凝土,并采用正交试验方法研究了各因素对PSAG三元体系水泥纤维混凝土弹性模量的影响。结果表明:纤维掺量、石膏掺量和纤维长度对混凝土弹性模量的影响非常显著,mSA/mPC对混凝土弹性模量的影响显著;纤维掺量和石膏掺量对弹性模量的影响趋势是一致的,弹性模量随着其掺量的增加而减小;纤维长度为9mm时弹性模量最大;混凝土弹性模量与立方体抗压强度和表观密度之间满足幂函数乘积的关系,且在显著水平0.01时其相关性显著。  相似文献   

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